THE COURIER. ing newspaper in this city, superseding a gentleman whose roasting oven has,b constant use, been rendered ineffective, it is my great pleasure to welcome, on behalf of the press of the city and state, the gentleman of the auburn hair, and assure him that we are glad to have him with us. Mr. Courtney was intended for a journalist, and as he is just in bis prime, his friends can look forward to his rising as high as Charles A. Dana or C. II. Gere if the flying machine is perfected in time. Mr. Courtney's liter ary style is very much like Macaulej'a, only Courtney's is a great deal better. The rest of us are sure to be more or less obscured by the new journalist, but we will take our share of reflected glory and let it go at that. Hero's to Col. Court ney! May he never lose his color. THE EDITOR. & Agents for the BllTLm&yrei? I HOW THEY LIKE THE SLATE : mmimmimmimmimmmimmimimim5 There should be, under the call, 1.067 gjDeering the movement. -Seward Re delegates in the republican state con- porter, vention which will be held in this city June 1. It is respectfully submitted that, as a few men have assumed the work of the convention and parcelled out the offices in advance, it will be a waste of time for all these delegates to come to Lincoln. The diffeient coun. ties might make up little boxes of wooden chips in lieu of delegates, and express them to this city, directed to "J. S. Bartfov. ntntn trpflBiirer." It would be singularly appropriate to use will not et many votes from this sec chips in nominating a "Jack" for gov- .t,on "' 1D a barter- Chief ernor. Some of the republican news- "Merest centers of course in the gub papers of the state, for some reason, frnatonal fight, and the weakness of Mr. seem 'to think that it would be asking McColl, who is regarded as too much toomuchofMr.Bartley to insist on his of Lorenzo Crounse sort of a man making up the whole ticket himself, will be made more apparent as thecam They think the delegates, men instead Pa,8n Progresses. It has become evi of chips, should do the nominating. So Jeut that the man whom the repub they do not hesitate to express their dis- hc?08 muflt nominate shall be a strong, approval of the Bartley, McColl, "Joe Ie man, one with experience in pub- and Jack," deal. A few opinions of the press are given below. The Courier has not been admitted to the confidence of Mr. McGlay, and we do not know his plans; but it is only just to that gentle man to sav that he denies that he has entered any combination. Here is what the McCook Tribune says: "The 'Three Mac' slate seems so far to be having tolerably smooth sailirg un der the captaincy of that clever and en ergetic political manipulator, State Treasurer Battley, who Eeems to be ab normally active in bossing the whole job f waaw twk VAnit rlivni nAtninAita fi date for governor must be given the nomination or there will be war in the camp. It is better to have a war and the man the people want for governor, than it is to be driven about like cattle by the bosses and then be defeated. A little of such medicine goes a long way these times." It is rumored around Lincoln and Omaha, and the places where politicians most do congregate, that the work of the state convention will be pretty well cut out in advance, and there will be noth ing to do more than to ratify the slate made out by the politicians. The 'three Macs" are said to be slated for the principal offices Jack McColl for gov- ernor, C. C. McNish for treasurer, J. H. McClay for auditor. This is a very nice arrangement for the parties interested, and will save lots of trouble and expense to other candidates. State Treasurer Bartley. who is one of the shrewdest politicians in the state, is said to be en- "' "77 """-"'"-" 'rr "" say terribly shocked. A local contem ner fall s election Slates-if they are the Courier( Qut m & good slates-are not the worst things in diBBerttaion on Btatp u amJ think he world of politics; but the people of 0f it, roasts Jack McColl! It says that the republican party of the state of Ne- he wouW flot a ornanieut for he braska may take a notion about July 1st gubernatorial chairt and ask8 if one to do a little slate making of their own can give a BingIe good reason why he that may not be in keeping with that BhouId be nominated for governor of Ne set up by Treasurer Bartley. Or they braBka. Why ? certa-D, caD. A may take another notion of smashing a dozen redSOn8 BUggeflt them8elre8 to slate or two. the cIoBe observen Doesn't he come from the western part of the state? Is "The indications are that the rank he not the possessor of a winsome and file of the republican party in Ne- smile of affiecting sweetness? Has he not braska have another fight on their the kindliest eye now doing business in hands," says the Fairbury Enterprise. Nebraska politics? Has he not a hand kSome of the politicians have already shake that warms the cockles intimated that such and such a candi- of the heart of tin shaked? The railroads have enlisted under the McColl banner, and this is a powerful factor. McNish ie also working in the combination with McColl, and they think they have a combination that will win. Mr. McClay has wrongfully been included in this combination. He is not in it, strong though it is. McNish is hardly known down this way, and iiv nuaiio, nua auio 10 reneci nonor and credit on the state when called to represent it on state occassions. No crossroads politician whose chief claim to the honor rests on some pecularity of dress, affiliation with some order, or on hia ranntarinn aa '.:.' .Ah3 ....I.. this year. The republican party should put its best men forward, and cease to try the impossible task of ele vating mediocrity. Lincoln News. From a column of humorous current of the expense of "Jack" McColl, in the News, of this city, we take the fol lowing: "The News is shocked. In may . . Hasn't he a pair of the finest and most expressive whiskers that can be found west of the south line of Sarpy county?. No good reasons, forsooth. What better reasons can the Courier desire than these? But no, it even makes sport of those hallowed hirsute adornments, it jeers at that beaming eye, it laughs to scorn that hankshake, it even ridicules the idea that because Mr. McColl cpmes from the western part of the state that that is a sufficient guarantee of bis fit ness.' The Grand Island Independent says: "Some of the newspapers over the state are seriously intimating that a combine has been fonaed by McColl for gover- nor, McNish for treasurer and McClay for auditor the ostensible object of which seems to be to carry out the wishes of a well known state official now in office, whose sole object is to turn over as a legacy what collaterals he has left. There certainly are indications of Price Ijflloo Columbus 3j3eoici.l Bloyole Don't fail to see it. The wonder of the world ut65. We also carry the genuine Columbus Buggy Go's fine Traps, Carriages. Phaetons, Surry's and Buggies etc. Don't fail to call ami see our line before purchasing. Repository the existence of such a combine, and the republicans should express their disapproval hen the time comes, as they no doubt will. The experience of a few men getting together and endeav oring to control the last convention was a very unsatisfactory one, and if there is any foundation in this new scheme, the rank and file might just as well send in their preferences on a postal card and have the same O. K.'d by the combine. We can hardly believe that McColl has been entangled in this combine." MRS. PYLE'S RESTAURANT. Mrs. Pyle, having purchased the Model restaurant in the Salisbury block. Twelfth and M streets, hereto fore conducted by Mr. Scott, is giving her undivided attention to the work of making this the most popular restau rant in the city. Mrs. Pyle has a most desirable class of customers, and the patronage is steadily increasing.ri It easy of access from the business ponots of the city anu the appointments and service are all that could be desired. Table board by the week, $3; ti ket good for 21 meals, L50. For the best soda, water, ices and candy, bon bone, etc., The Courier recommends Frank M. Rector, 1211 O street. The very best of everything in tbb drug, stationery and notion line, (owes prices, at Roy's. Do you eat candy? Do you ever make a present of a fine box of candy? Ex amine the fresh stock at Frank M. Hec tor's, 1211 O street. Ice cream parlors cream and ices in all flavors. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action where n Charles M. Hauthaway is plaintiff, and Erastus M.Wheeler, et al are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p.m. on the 2nd day of June A. D.. 1896. at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln. Lancaster County. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: Lots sixteen (16), seventeen (17, and eighteen (18). in block two (2). in Houtz and Baldwin's sub division of the west half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section nineteen (19). township ten (10). north range seven (7), east of the 6th P. M. in Lan caster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 23d aav of April, A. L., 1896. John J.Trompen, Sheriff. May Its name is its guarantee. This 180G model has more improvements than all the other makes of bicycleo put together. For mechanical con struction, simplicity, style, finish, durability, and riding qualities. It has no equal. 1138-38 M. St GO TO California In u Tourlat aleeper It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are extravagant. Pay less and you are uncomfort able. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest riding Tourist sleepers are used for our Personally conducted excursions to California which leave Lincoln every Thursday at 10:30 a. m., reaching San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los An geles Monday noon. Ask G.W.Bonnell city ticket agent, cor 10th and O Sts., Lincoln Neb for full information or write to A. Omaha, Neb. POINTS OF C0NTEAST. The morning and evening paper nad by purchaser alone, in part, because hastily, forgotten in the rush of business, or thrown away a'soon as glanced at. THE WEEKLY PAPER, read throughout in he seclusion of the home after business hours, in the leisure of the reader, at the club by family and friends. THAT IS WHY THE COURIER rill pay you as an advertising tunJuiia Wanted-An Idea WkocataJak of tomastap ttbfftopalcaU t tom Idaaa: thtrr nar brter too wealth. wr Abw wwnfftvmnvm, rt 'Kii ays. Waahfattoa. D. Cfor taatr aun prtaa oatr adtlM of two aaadrad laraauoaa ihhI S J. Frajccis, G. P