THE COURIER. r Highest of all in Leavening Power- Latest U. S. Gov't Report DVaI Batons sT Powder Absolutely pure Bociation with Mr. Eugene Moore, audi tor of public accounts, and a candidate for the nomination for governor, and 'Jack" McColi, possessor of the beauti ful whiskers and also a candidate for the nomination for governor, it is only natural that the kindly instinct of Mr. Hartley should prompt him to take these two gentlemen into his syndicate, and he is not slow in extending tLe invita tion. Mr. Bartley calls in Mr. McNisb and Mr. McColi, Mr.Moore.and it is quick ly arranged that the four are to stand by each other. Mr. McNish is to be supported overywhere for treasurer; Mr. McColi is to be boomed for governor, and Mr. Moore is also to be boomed for the same office. An innocent observer might imagine that there would be con flict here. But the wily Mr. Bartley only rubs his hands as he thinks how smooth he is. Nobody knows better than Mr. Moore that he can never be nomi" nated. That's all right. Mr. Bartley doesn't intend that he shall be nomi nated. He is pimply to be used to head off another candidate for governor in his own district, and gather all the strength he can, to be turned over to Mr. McColi at the proper time. And what does Mr. Moore get out of it? Mr. Bartley has ar ranged that. Mr. Moore is to play with Governor McColl's whiskers at a salary of $2,000 per year that is the salary re ceived by the governor's private secre tary. And so the syndicate opens its campaign and things go along right mer rily, too. The peoplo generally are taken in, especially by the rival candidacies of McColi and Moore. A very smooth arrangement, isn't it? It is sometimes said that the plan further contemplates the continuance of Mr. Bartley in office as Mr. Median's deputy. The question for the republicans of Nebraska to consider is whether they are willing to be whipped into .line like cattle, in order that the interests of the syndicate may be advanced. Are the republicans of this state willing to hare forced upon them as a candidate for governor a mere "Jack," who not only has no claim on the highest office in the state, but who is notoriously unfit for the place? Are the republicans of Ne braska willing to hare as Holcomb's suc cessor a man who is even less capable than Holcomb, and in almost every re spect infinitely less deserving than Hol comb? And are the republicans of the state willing to have forced upon them as their candidate for treasurer a man whose sole claim, bo far as anybody knows, ib that he is the favorite picked out by Mr. Bartley? A good many republicans, apparently, approve of thw labor saving system of picking out candidates. For they never utter a word of protest. But there are others. There are those who are opposed to any such machination. It remains to be seen which class is most numerous. Every two years, at a certain point prior to the holding of the state conven tion, there is a great deal of talk about the desirability of relegating the politi cal bosses to the rear, and naming as the republican candidates for state offices men of adequate ability and fit ness, who have some claim on party and public recognition other than ihe fact that they are selected to carry water for the political bosses. The press demands as the nominee for governor a man of unquestioned integrity and at least fair ability, and the importance of naming as the party's candidates the strongest men who could be selected, is urged. Then, about a month before the conven tion is held, the subtile influence of the machine enters the editorial office, and states the voice of protest; and the peo ple gradually cease their clamor, and the convention takes the men selected by the self-constituted powers, and puts them on the ticket. Will it be the same this year? Will the dominant party in the state that boasts of a smaller per centage of illiteracy than any other in the union, permit itself to he ridden by dictators and accept as its candidate for governor a man like McColi, a small, in efficient man? Will it see good m en forced to stand aside in, order that the parasites may fasten themselves on the state government? The nomination of Tom Majors, which brought defeat upon tha party, should be a warning to the party now. Will it be heeded? Elsewhere in The Cockier some ex pressions by republican newspapers of the state on the political situation are reproduced. It will be readily seen that The Cockier in declaring against the "Jack" species of politics is backed up by a considerable sentiment, a sentiment that is growing rapidly. "Some of the Omaha people are wise enough to see that they are likely to cet themselves into trouble by keeping up this fight against Lincoln's freight rates. They want everything to be nice and smooth when the Omaha exposition bill comes up next winter in the legislature, and the help of the Lancaster county delegation would be a source of great strength to them. It may be considered settled right now that if Omaha tights our rates we will fight the exposition. If the present attempt to damage Lin coln is dropped we will all be as friendly as cooing doves. What do our very dear friends in Omaha want to do about it? Lincoln is ready for peace or war, and if it is to be war, it will be no summer pic nic for anybody." The foregoing, from the morning pa per, is eminently Dractical, and though love for Omaha finds frequent expres sion in these columns. The Courier is disposed to endorse the proposition. Down here in Lincoln we are very fond of the Omaha people, but if the people that we love don't love us then we can't love them any more. If Omaha continues to incite our whilom friend John Utt to a pernicious activity in the matter of a discrimination against Lincoln in freight rates then Omaha 'will have to take up her things and move on. She can'c play in our yard any more. ' And when it comes to the session of the legislature, and the biennial Doug, las county state treasury grab is made or attempted.Omaha will not only be de sirous of playing in our yard, but this same John Utt and his cheerful co-conspirators will be more then anxious to holler down our rain barrel. But our yard and our rain barrel are reserved for our friends. 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V&&- I1 j. ,' i ' k-g&iitf2 L The Courier is on sale in Omaha at Megeath's stationery store, 1308 Farnam street. 3e J - t: f ' .3