fc i -T.VJ .r , i "VOL-UPNOip ' -a! " - &STABL ISHEDIN 18S6 '"jButL-" rpRir.FFTvE'KNT! p- j , f gHJggiBMJllHr--- " ,.3ij3itt. -Bfef t ATI v . .a' tr- vh&k 4a v. tr t f.ai-i r 1- - 1 1 -i - b m.BtH jk w jiJMJtut: , ... -- "x.-- -.- x ir J if.. -rfAVaJy v - "s , -?5JU iU . mmmmmmmm-r- WCsJatfaK lly - A "-LBiP" cH0M:Ii7WSHPi-HrBk .V- i -S- '" i t VJPl rlA .. t '- . b a w a m m m it - l i; " " - I wm M M I -J8 ' 2N' ir9 t .' -rf-. 'bB ! v'BkxflrvCI J-J...-? iil7 .a (ffiar iaBSKC3 M iW-afeL . - B- )iw' - ikL - r -m - -- 3Bfcy7rTAvc i '?r?'w - - - cjHf.i.v - - .p- ,' tr - '.?BU'!-n it .. - - .y J)T , . " v' jt-"1 -Ci'-' LINCOLN NBB., SATURDAY. MAV9 189G f jK, .5 , ..JAJ1-V.' t. ,... ... y - T" vfv- " -" " iny'the caueejtif free silver, d1 he will system. Now I hare received another 6,000 grammar, and wo Rot it laBt week, -" ? 'oMKhi- e' Pf0''?! a" e votes of the sup- request to be one of 300, and this time 1 when Governor Holcomb made a public QsJftlSMflflESKflRs'' P'er8 ' 8'ver, regardleaa of party. On have embraced the opportunity to get statement exonerating Dr. Mackay of t- C ''EI!FP'. - ne otoer hand the :old bugs will divide in the class with Edgar Fawcett and the Norfolk Insane asylum, One por .,i .BrrSw--- ' - their strength between the republican William Dean Howells. An acceptance tion of the governor's statement reads j, t j " 3 -' -jii Li iii candfdate and the cold bug democratic of the request was duly forwarded, and as follows: nBVtEEaDiN"TflfiTR55irorFicE"ATXTScoLS calfdidato; JSIcKTnley will get 6ome 1 await official notice that 300 signers I am of the opinion that neither are at k . democratic votes, but most of these will have been secured, to begin iu The a'' supported by the evidence, nor w , " v "POBLISHEDEVEHY SATDBDa'v" be cait in the eastern states which will Courier the use of this new system, J, "unpejudiceTmimTin adff- "H T RO-x republican anyway. If by any which, at first glance, may appear to be ferent conclusion. " rbt fwuwirn MiMTiafi im iui iium a cha5c tho condtons atChicago should a bit startling. It is the purpose to go Here is another specimen: '"Ifl IK COONlCH PRIIIIIG ND rHHoHllc ft) bo Reversed, the result would be the about this matter of spelling reform de- It is also quite apparent to mo that in- j I- Offlce2l7 North Eferentti St same, one silver candidate ard two gold liberately and advisedly. At first the fluences have been put in motion in or- S . ; : ' ""bug candidates. The platrorm on which .100 eminent persons will follow only rule derto Iend co,0,r, to the charges whose , Telephone 384 McKinIey or the repuWican caDdidate, 1 which h a8 folloW8: promote rsou Id not hereto destroy I . atttT.a 77Z YZ whoever he may be. will run will, I Change ed to t when so pronounced ,-c institution in the state if it were S- f '"sarahb HARRIS Aetata Editor think, be a stronger gold declaration as in abashed (abasht), wished (wisht). thought that partisan advantage could fW V " than was generally expected a couple of frJ5? i? f ouble con ant,as in be gained thereby I' TE 2SlcriptionRatee-In Advance. months ago, anu we will get a consid- go.itaTffSiSES A year's subscription to The Cour.kr ' ' 'wSm 12.00 erable number of republican votes. It effects a preceding sound. (1) When willbegiven to any one who will send j iSm-aaofl'hs 1.00 will be pretty hard for democrats to vote the preceding vowel sound is long and to this office a key to the meaning of . - cSth1::.::::::::::::::::::: S ." - of his ..t jsis1' lhe abo- t, ., , Sfeigle copies 5 tariff views. draped, not drapt. N. B The e does j jr- ' not effect the preceding vowel sound It certainly ien't English or grammar t Mr. Bryan", as was stated in these when exprejsed by two or more letters, that we are paing 200 ajear for. f IT f columns two weeks ago. demonstrated SW. ,5n(.SS3: MatUre thUght ",UBt' l b"g VlRQFRVATinlSIQ 8 his political sagacity at the silver demo- ing c has the sound or s as in chanced the conclusion that the equivalent for '- a "vDOBItVAIIUnO - cratic state convention. He handled (not chanct), forced (not forct). faced our $5,000 is size, and it must be ad- ! J that body with consummate skill, keep- (not 'act) etc- mitted that Silas Adipose is all that w8SXs ing himself well in the background. anyone could desire in this respect. "Are you a candidate for president?" The result is that he is himself a dele- The rule is not very simple, but it can ihree hundred pounds ought to be . I asked William Jingling Bryan the gate to the national convention, and the be learned in a week or two. Here is a worth r2,500 a year. ' Mrt other day. Mr. Bryan smiled pleasantly Nebraska silver delegation is absolutely specimen of a paragraph the words of ) pV and replied: "I have kept myself out uuderhis control. Messrs. Boies and which are spelt in accoraance with rule It Beflm8 that 8miling jack-McCoIU f ; of the contest for the democratic-nomi- Bland and other candidates will, in all 1 of the new system: candidate for the republican nomina- fX&4 nation for president, and have no plans probability, be compelled to do their A man approacht and admonisht his tlonfo ove who;8maki hi8can. j except to go to Chicago as a delegate fighting by proxy, but Mr. Bryan will be '"end who attackt him in return and vaM a IatfomrOC whijiker8 d and fight for the-rights of thefree an in a position to personally lead the silver chncht clutcht ,an?fc,,p af "rak' affability, has behind him a powerful .. unlimited coinage'of sllv'er at the ratio forces. He will undoubtedly be a mem "d blockt and blackt and bilkt and HUcal' diclt the members of V k" of 16 to 1." Mr. Bryan is confident that ber of the committee on resolutions in bot and buckt and clasht and crackt the utmost confidence in . .. . m i a i onH namnt anH nifr onrf iopItt anil am. the silver men will control the national me regular convenxion u me snvei men --- ".- . " TV T 1 their ability to manipulate the state con- democratic convention." We will have ,coniroi u, or m me ooiung convenuon, 7- - " "" .7. ":. . w . vention in any manner, they see fit. mioritv of not less than 50 votes, if tbestraiehts win at Chicaeo. and Mr. Hjalmar Hjorth look,hasnt it? But . ,: probably a good many-more-than that'-BryanJs prettyure to make a sensation Wiliram Dean Howells has approved it. tuaI jntereflt8 agreed upQn 8,at0r l -;& he said. "We will carry lowa, Illinois mai win oe 01 great aavaniage 10 mm -. . T. . . . and the pombination is betnir nushed . . - - . i 1 hniif th a nan enhamA OAama a Ifttl a harrl c' and Indiana in addition to the west and wnen ir comes 10 naming a candidate """ '" """ .-- .--.....-- .. ,. . th which its Dro- 1 t south generally, and-we may getthe for presid.ut. It is certain? not im- and harsh Tor Mr. Howells sort and njoter8 can comInand J.I.H.i:Anfl tmwn OK.a nwA ITAnfunlv nrAhnhln that Tia nrtlt Ha ttiA nnminAA nf tender USe. w We are bound to have a majority and to some party for president in this year's organize the convention and nominate a campaign. The people of Nebraska pay $2,500 to Mr Bartley, the retiring state treas- 1 j:j- .-.:.!.. .j :,wv -.: the. man nhn anta n fmvArnnr nf th urer, may properly oe rregrueu as WB muuuwio iui junmcut ouu ivd-ijicdi - - - o dent on a silver platform. It is true Russell, of Massachusetts, a leading state. They do not expect much in re- controlling power or the syndicate, w mav not harnoh mAna. candidate for the ffold buff nomination, turn for this comfortable salary-ami it Without going mtodetails it is sufficient yBrice and Gorman, but the great leaders is 39 years of age, and while he is well is not often that the get more than they toBy that Mr- Bartley is chiefiy con- of the democracy are with us, and we known, it is pointed out by a friend of expect. But there should be some cerned in the question as to who will be will win. " Bryan, that he is not prominently asso- equivalent. Now in the case of Silas his own successor. He is particularly I aL ' "Incase the silver men control the ciated with any great national issue. Adipose Holcomb the expenditure of the desirous that the man who succeeds him -& ' convention who will be nominated?" Mr. Bryan is 36, and it is certainly true 3200 salary ha not brought a freedom B"a be a friendly Indian. He does not j "-" " "Bland and Boies are both good men." that he owes his prominence almost en- from scandal in the administration of want a successor a man who might I - "What would the administration dem- tirely to his course with reference to na- the state's affairs. It has not brought be disagreeably inquisitive. Accord- I -. , ocratsdo?" " tional questions. any measure of reform or economy in ingly Mr. Bartley has studied the situa- 'E They will withdraw and put up some the state's business. Ithasnotbroughttiocandaftermaturedeliberation.se. TT " such man as Carlisle or Pattison or Some months ago the editors of the $2,500 worth of statesmanship. The lected as the man to step into his shoes, I " Russell. I think in any event there will Standard dictionary sent me a list of question is, What is it that we are got- C. C. McNish. of Wisner. Mr. McNish j . be two democratic tickets in the field." simplified spellings, selected from a large ting in return for this salary, amount- may be and doubtless is a good man. I '-"' In answer to a question as to his list recommended by Philological socie- ng to 83,000. exclusive of trimmings, for But beyond the fact that he is "one of i V opinion of the outcome in November ties of America and England. The list the term of two j ears? It was thought the bois" there does not seem to be any- l' -' 'Mr. Bryan said: "No power on earth was sent to 49!) eminent persons, besides for awhile that the governor was a good thing to especially commend him. How- I s''r rVcan prevent the election of the freesil- myself, with the request that each one public speaker; but when Silas Adipose ever, he is slated, and so he must be ' "'" ver democratic candidate, particularly receiving it agree to adopt the simpler mounted the platform the first time we swallowed. - if the republicans nominate McKinIey, spellings, "provided 300 authors, editors, all knew that it speaking was his one ? as they are pretty sure to. If Mr. Bland prominent teachers, or prominent busi- accomplishment then we were not get- Mr. Bartley having taken Mr. McNish I or Mr. Boies or some other eood man is ness men should do the same. I did ting anywhere near our money s worth, to his bosom, with tne cordial acquies- f -A . ... .. .. . it? 1 . t.i iinA s t: 11.. 1 1.. :-j tL.. i:t u .- .r xrr-u , AZ-A u. nominated in L-nicago on a silver piai- un dicu myseu, anno sou pereone, in- x-juanj buuieuuuj saxu iuai wuuo iuc ceutrc ui jh.hu, wu uibjmku ui iuo form I am confident that the populists eluding Edgar Fawcett, William Dean govc-rnor couldn't talk he was a beauti- office of state treasurer to his own satis- will endorse him in St. Louis. So, of Howells, Thomas W. Knox, Pror. Max tul writer. It was said that be could faction and McNisbs now turns to ";" course, will the silver party. There Muller of Oxford university, and Presi- handle English as gracefully as a the other offices to be filled this fall. A will be ouly one candidate "Before the dent Andrews of Brown university, sig- butcher handles Hamburger steak, mutual interest, something apart from people of the United States represent- nified their willingness to adoot the new WM we waited for a specimen of our politics, having drawn him into close as 4$mr