The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 02, 1896, Image 8

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If eo this will interest you. Every Rambler rider
who goes the mile in less than
1Sro mlrmtes
paced orunpaced, at any panctioned I.A.W. race
rill receive an
Emfcellin3cl souvenir
with name and details of performance engrave!
upon it. Riders of
Any ottiei? -wrlieel
fitted with J. & G, tires will receive a little less
valuable souvenir for like performance. The
holder of the greatest number of "two min
ute" souvenirs by Jan 1, 1897 will receivo a
crronrl nnnvpnir
E. R. GtuafiLRJTC9 1550 o
When Daughter Goes A-wheelig
When daughter goes a wheeling, I lay
my book aside
And watch her graceful figure with
fond paternal pride,
And I scan the curving outlines of the
merry, laughing elf,
And with swelling pride remember,
she's the image of myself.
When daughter goes a-wheeling, she
nestles to my side,
And softly pleads "Dear paDa, when
will you learn to ride?'
But I laugh away the pleading from
her eyes eo deeply blue,
Tho' I long to please my darling, for
there's only just "we too.'
When daughter goes a-wheeling, I
always say to her
"Now be decorous and careful, chile,"
and back she laughs "i'es, Sir,"
And then I pinch her dimpled cheek
and pat hei rounded arm,
And gaze with pride on curly head,
and healthy, girlish charm.
When daughter goes a-wheeling, I lay
my book aside.
And watch her lissom figure till from
my sight it glides,
And a strange unrest comes o'er me,
and I wish that I could feel
That I'd sacrifice no dignity "a-rid-ing
on a wheel,"
Ida Trafford Bell, In Imperial Mag-vane.
brings out the muscles of the arms to
an extent that will surprise the novice.
There is a constant play of the muscles
even when riding on level ground, shift
ing the bands here and there, chang
ing the position of the body according
to the smoothness or roughness of road,
he is apt to be tired in many other
places beside his legs. This alone
should convince him that he is exer
cising all hiB muscles. If he is still
sceptical, he should take measurements
'before and after using," and then hiB
doubts will vanish. The Wheelmen's
The Wheel, the American Gyclist and
the Wheelmen's Gazette, three of the
ablest and best wheel papers in the
country, are agreed upon the questions
of Bitting the wheel upright, on the use
of the brake and the use of the lantern.
It seems incredible that any sensible
person should think otherwise. People
that have bought a second-hand wheel
and ridden one season, and knew it all,
would do well to spend a few cents in
getting information from those who
have been in wheeling from the begin-ing.
Pilfered Paragraphs
Bicycling is likely to do more in the
way of inducing women to leave their
waists as nature made them than all
that doctors have said or written on the
subject. For some time past the num
ber of women with sensible waists has
been steadily increasing, and I hope,
eventually, we shall be able to say that
hour-glass waists belong to the past.
Why it should ever have been consid
ereda beauty is a puzzle to many people.
The marvelous improvement in phy
sique caused by the altered conditions
of feminine life will gradually introduce
a new standard of beauty, and the cycle
will have had its full share in bring
about this change. The Cycle
The new cycler is always surer of his
.knowledge of cycling at first than after
a few weeks' experience. The Cycle.
A Gommon Mistake
All people who don't know how to
ride, and some who do, think that .bi
cycling develops the' legs only. That is
a mistake. Putting aside the fact that
the amount of fresh air a wheelman is
obliged to inhale, is sure to develop his
chest, there is exercise for nearly every
muscle in his body. In going up a hill,
it is absolutely necessary to grip the
handle-bar with great force, and this
Local Wheel Notes
O. S. Ward made a good run this week
covering 12 miles of country road in 33
minutes. Mr. Ward is one of our Lin
coln boys, and will without a doubt make
a good mark this season.
Several of the Lincoln boys will visit
Omaha Saturdaj, May 2, to attend the
bicycle races on that date.
John S. Johnson, one of the best
cyclists in the world today, is making a
tour abroad in the company of Tom Eck.
They are at present in Italy where they
have gone into training. Johnson, prob
ably, holds more world's records than
any rider in the country and has for sev
eral years stood next to Zimmerman in
the estimation of the people. His thou
sands of friends in this country are look
ing forward to see him win fresh honors
across the water.
The Capital City Cycling clubof Lin
coln are now getting ready for the state
meet, which will be held at M street
park, July 3 and 4. Work was begun
this week on the new track which is to
be completed and ready for training in
two weeks.
The 4 C's took their club run as usual
last Sunday, with Bennett as their des
tination. There was quite an accident
on the way. Joe L. Sullivan while des
cending a hill at a high rate of speed lost
control of his wheel and fell to the
ground on his face. He was unconscious
when picked up and was suffering badly
when conveyed home. Mr. Sullivan is
one of Lincoln's oldest riders and we
hope be was not seriously hurt.
Insure your wheel in the American Wheelman's Protective
association. New wheel if your's is stolen.
vl.s. cVcuomtras
Model 1896. These
much desired arti
cles can now be had of
O. A WIRICK, 1217 O St
T. J Thorpe dto Co.,
In a branches. -
Bpairing done as Neat and Complete aa from the Factories at hard time prio
All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST
liacninist and. General Repair Work. LINCOLN.
kSv "" " - - -
of one
kind or another, and there are many
kinds of wheels, including those in the
head wheels good, bad and indifferent.
" ai lucre arc txjmo wueei uu uiuuu ueuer luuu
a WSlVY other wheels that they really belong in a class
u apart. They are a class all by themselves.
They are good wheels the best
has them nobody else tn Lincoln
has. if you are thinking of pur
chasing anything in ihe bicycle
line you cannot afford to neglect calliD" on him.
- v-
207 SO I1TH
Spalding and Columbus Special bi
cycles at BillmeyerJc Sadler, 1133-35 M.
-j p