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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1896)
THE COURIER. Men's Fashions for May written fob the courier. 1'he work of the artist who designs patterns for suitings is not easy. A good pattern must not bo obtrusive. It must be agreeable when seen, but above all it must not be pretty. That is an abomination to the critic of men's wear. The choice of patterns has much to do with the appearance of the wearer. A proper selection corrects the lankinees of the tall man and the tubbiness of a short one- Never before in the history of tailoring has there been so large a variety of weaves and colors. The most popular effects are in rough Scotch cheviots in fine pinchecks, stripe effects and plaids. The latter of many colors. These cloths made in the loose easy three button sack with patch pockets buttoned, a fly front vest and trousers bordering on the pegtop style, make a very neat suit. Handkerchief pockets are not put on the outside any more with frocks, cuta ways and most sacks, but there are two inside breast pockets wherein nothing of much weight or bulk must be carried or the coat will sag and bulge out of shape. The banishment of the breast pocket makes it a grave question where to carry one handkerchiefs which are now largely made in pure white, of course hem-stitched. In neckwear, collars, etc., the season is bringing many novelties. The latest fad which threatens us is the use of gold and enameled bands which loose four-in-hands and De Joinevilles. This stylo was in vogue 6omo twelve or fifteen years ago but apparently did not expire, but slumbered. The high band turn-over collar has lost ground in popular favor. There is 'talk of a collar that is to fasten alto gether at the back, like a clergyman's. Colored shirts seem to be the only proper thing for business and negligee wear. That is, the shirt with white body and patch bosoms and cuffs to match. Quiet patterns are preferred, for anything in clined to be "loud," carries date with it. The latest novelties in shoes is brown patent leather with cloth tops buttoned. L. A. B. For cl.aning the scalp, removing dand ruff, preventing the huirfrom falling out or turning gray, and promoting a luxu riant growth, no finer thing can be used than the electric treatment, given by MissDemarest at Herpolsheimer's store. Rector's, 1211 0 street, is the place to go warm evenings for coolings drinks or ices. C. V. llollowbush, formerly of Sutton it Hollow-bush, may be found at Rectors. Frame and Art Elite Studio, T. W. Towsend, proprie tor, is enlarging its present quarters 22G So. 11th, and is prepared to show its patrons the finest line of frames, mould ings, etc., in the city. Fine photographs, We make all our candy, bon bons, etc. Frank M. Rector, 1211 O street. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. Notioe is hereby given that the total indebtedness of the Sulpho-Saline Bath company, a corporation, on this 1st day of May, 1896, is as follows: Bills payable not due, secured by mortgage $20,000 Miscellaneous indebtedness 350 Sulpho-Saline Bath company by M. II. Everett, President. J. O. Everett, Sec'y and Treat. M. H. Everett, J. O. Everett, T. E. Calvert, Directors. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Great May Sale. All of our many Departments Will Contribute Bargains to this Sale. DRESS GOODS. COLORED. 36 in. all wool Novelty suitings.. 19c yd Wool Novelty Dress Goods, worth from 44 to 60 cts at 29c yd Silk and Wool Novelty Dress Goods worth from 65c to $1.25 at 39c yd BLACK. All Wool Black Surges 18c yd Line of all wool Surges worth 35 at 21c 46 in. Black Henrietta worth 85c at 57c Lot of fine Black Machine Crepon Dress Patterns, full size worth from 812.50 to $15. Pattern 86.50 Oar Entire Stock of New Dress Goods Rennanfs At One-Half Price. WASH DRESS GOODS. Figured Dimities worth 10c to 12c at 5c yd Satines in checks, stripes and fig ures worth 8fc and lCc at. 5c yd Black Satines 5c yd 48 in. Irish Lawn in Stripes and Figures, worth 12Kc at Tcyd SHIRT WAISTS. Big line of Precale Shirt Waists at 47c A large assortment of fine Precalo and Lawn Shirt Waists at 75 and 85c Beautiful assortment of fine English Precale and French Lawn Shirt waists, flitted body, large Bishop sleeves at ." 97c Better grades at $1.25 and up. WRAPPERS. Big line of Simpson's Print Wrap pers, worth 75c at 49c Best quality Print Wrappers, ruf fled and handsomely braided at 95c Superior quality Precale Wrappers at 31.23 lEMttlG wfvras Our Entire Stock of Ladies' Capes at One-Half Off. CARPETS AND DRAPERIES We are making and laying Carpets FREE OF CHARGE for a short time only. All Wool Ingrain Carpet 3"ic j"d. Many other Bargains which Space will not per mit us to quote are to be found in our many De partments. Come and see for yourself. Designers and Introducers Only Practical Hatters In Ioincoln 19G NOVELTY Making hats a specialty. We always carry in stock as fast as they are designed the very latet novelties. Latest novelties in GOLF and BICYCLE caps. Largest line of straw hats in the city. Fancy College colors And other combinations In our furnishing goods department you will tiind tho latest and most exclusive novelties. A full line of bi cyclo hose, belts and sweaters at prices that are right. I I . Ladies Ladies Jersey vests, low Jersey pants, neck sleeveless. knee length, Low neck, short and ankle sleeves, and high length, neck, long sleeves. Ladies Union suits low neck sleeveless, low neck, short sleeves and high neck. We have tho most complete line of ladies Underwear we have ever shown some exceptional bargains which will interest you. Fine Confectionary ! Pure candies made by us, and always Fresh. Ices, all flavors, nut ice cream, etc. Orders for dainty use a" specialty. Soda water and cooling drinks. ',. Irttnlt X Rector "j:e:h::e:m:a:r" 1211 O Street Ufi 1 :