pA viwv, .; iiiPit"" wji-suvsBiMWjST?: ;.-. --;5 gr5grr?P?'W'y?yT7 HSRSF? 2i ' - j - " iT v. -?- l - . - -. i r . 1 . . vs. Jr.. .v j-jIj w e-S m r -jiti" ' -? . ! c-y sft - k ." Lr'5 ". m . S. .?" WR,iW"24 ELEANOR'S LETTER J ED.A.uiicHita.- 9 ' ' A I& 2k.J My Dear 8: Your motherly letter re previag me for what you are pleased to call ay "wildae" has Tery suck. Do you kaow that you are very fuaaywhea you are serious? The idea of S'a veaturiag to teach' decorum! It ia eaoaghto malie eae choke. You re fer to tkat cocktail tkat I was fooliak eaeugh to tell you about, and intimate that ia doiag,experimefltally,what moat people do, habitually. I committed a car diaal aia. Siace when, my dear 8, have you grown ao etrait laced? But seriously, I think it ia shocking the way people are getting to drink io aoclety, aad tho the cocktail had to me aa eatirely unobjectionable taste, I do sot meaa to get in the babit of drink ing. I intend to continue to draw the liae at the decorous aherbet. So you caa put your miad at net ao far aa I am concerned, and dismiss any visions you may have had of Eleanor gettiag gay. Jaek says nobody seed fear that I will ever be aaythiag but atupidly coaveo tieaa). Be aays I am as uaaefhiaticated aa a cow aa elegant aimile by the way aad that my morale woald make a paritan tired. You know Jack k neither un. sophisticated aor a Puritan. Thia week there ia a little business for daactag feet the Patriarchs Wednesday sight aad the Lincoln club tonight. I understand these dances close the regu lar season for both clubs. Saturday Miss Carson went to Oes Meiaes where she is the guest of Miss Quick, a charming young lady who has visited in Lincoln a couple of times. Miss Carsea iateads to return soon and briag Miss Quick with her. They may hare reached 'Lincoln by this. Miss Rase Caraoa is ia Omha staying with theSheanws. Some of the Pleaa&ai Hour youag meawereta favor of having another party even it they had to impose an as eessmeat So they called a meeting for last Saturday. But nobody, or scarcely aaybedy, came, aad I understand the idea ia about givea up. Miss Agaeas Bewell returned last week from Columbus, Ohio, where she has beea visiting Captain and Mrs. Dud ley. By the aumber of brass buttons miaiature swords, and pins that re turned with her I think Columbus must be a sociable place. Missei Jennie Underwood and Ura Kalley visited in Columbus at the same time. Miss Kelley has gone to New York with her father to hear grand opera. The Pershing Rifles are arranging a party at The Liacoia. Mrs. C. S. Lippincott and Miss Julia Lippincott were in Norfolk this week. Mrs. Lippincott took part In a coacert given by Omaha musicians. She has beea ia excellent voice this winter, aad has assisted in a great many con certs here. Mrs. Lippincott on her last visit in Ciacianati was under the in etraetiea of the best vocal teachers of that musical city, and always one of the most delightful singers, she is bow greatly improved. Her waging at the 'charity coacert and at the music ser vices is the Uaiversaliet church was much enjoyed. The early part of the season Mrs. Lippincott suffered from aa injury of the ankle. And not loag ago she had a narrow escape from buraiag aome kind of an accident in her heme. The BBiversity students whose feet toueh the earth iastead etalippiag aloag ia the deads are cwcalatiag a petiMoa to the heard of rsgeata askiBg that i be permitted ia the armory. The its meet aezt wekad theetadsata amaxkja te carry their point. One of them who cornea to aee meaays almost" everybody is signing. He says most of the state oAeers did not sign. Jack says the average state oflcer spends two-' thirds of his time thinking what the graagers think about him, and that they are afraid to endorse this movement for fear their graager constituents might think they were getting too "flossy" v that's Jact's word. lam sure I would do as I pleased. If I believed it was a good thing7 to allow the students to" dance in the armory I would say so. I' wouldn't be a clam just because I hap- pened to be a state officer. Jack says I will sever be either a clam or a state officer. He says it would be better if I did emulate the clam in some respects. There have been dances in the armory, and I can't see, for the life of me, why they should not be held there. The university authorities might order out all the wives of the faculty and arrange a circle of chaperons around the dancers. WiBg Allen of Omaha was a visitor in .Liacoia on Thursday of this week. I J saw Osear Funke here also this week. Miss Sherwood has returned from her visit to Omaha and is again the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lambertson. The Patriarch party on Wednesday night the last of the season was very pleasant. Those present were: Dr. and MnhLadd, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funke, I. M. Raymond, Taylor, Lambertson, Beeson Barbour, Yates and Willard Yates ;Mrs. A. S. Raymond, Arthur Raymond, Mr. Harwood, Mian Richardson, Clark and Bertie Clark, Sherwood, Mr. Banna. ' McCloud, White, . Owens, Lyoa. Jack says the banquet at the Lincoln given by Brigadier General Bilk to the officers of the Nebraska National guard on Wednesday evening at the Lindel hotel was the jolliest spread he ever at tended. Captain Guilfoyle was an ideal toastmaster. He started the guests to singing every once in a while. Every one was in such a good humor from the glorious sew commander to the second lieutenants. The guards have had WEDNESDAY APR. 15 The Charming Comedienne IA IN Aided by a model company In an elaborate scenic production of the romnatic comedy drama by C. T. Dazey author of "In Old Kentucky, THE KWiH vutce ?vntyM Singe many new songs. Including M LUGiUDA M and "IP' IN DE SKY" THURSDAY APRIL 16 Have you heard the story of knife? STOMA In his great New York Success MRS. PAST Under direction of Wm. R. Hayden IR. ROtSONJIS UnKIPMBtW Whose pet name is of year perience since Dr. Giffen's banquet to the officers on the Governor's staff sev eral years ago. Dr. and Mrs. Ladd came home from Whitehall, III., a wee' or so ago. They were at Dr. Ladd's home. The doctor's father who was ill is reported to be much better. S. E. Moore has returned from New ark, O., as has also Mrs. W. B. Ogden- I can't tell you how surprised I was to hear of two of Lincoln's society men whom you know well being but of course it will not do to say anything about it. There has been a good deal of curiosity about it. and most every body has learned the particulars. Dr. John White was master of cere monies at the Patriarchs' dance. You know the habit be has of. doing every thing well. He was quitejrip to the mark as master of ceremonies. Tonight the Lincoln club will give an Easter party at the Lincoln hotel. The attendance will be limited to members, and there will not be Jhat ciush that marked some of the earlier parties the one given New YearV eve for instance. I.bear that a number of the women will wear handsome new spring gowns, made for this occasion. Jack left today on his trip; but I am going to tho Lincoln club dance anyway. He sometimes takes other girls and I think I am entitled to equal privilege. He demurred a little when I told him. He wanted to know if there would be screens, following the example of the last leap j ear party given by the eirls of the Pleasant Hour circle I said, "certainly not.'" Then he seemed relieved -as if screens had any attraction for me. Thi dance for me at least will probably be the last of the season, and I wouldn't miss it for worlds. The last party! Tomorrow I will add my dance program to my boudoir collection, no such ex- and in so doing dismiss all thought of the ball rocm for months to come. With my back to a past season of un usual gayety in which men and women have danced unceasingly, I will face the era of -picnics and summeroutings. For one I am sorry the robins have come. There are so many nasty little bugs in the summer, and then the beat is so hot. And men are gallant and romantic in the winter. In the summer they adopt pic-nicky manners that are not nearly so becoming. But "after the ball is over' I will go in for the potato salads and fried chickeu of summer unconven tionally and make the most of it. Next week I will buy a sew hammock and W.D fixed. Frank Cook is doing nicely after his late accident, lie is at the Wilson's at 17th and M streets, lie will probably be out in another week; The Pi Beta Phi's ive a reception to all the fraternities this evening at Mr. Lahr's, corner 17th and L. The patron esses are Mrs. A. S. Raymond, Mrs. W. J. Bryan and Mrs. C. H. Morrill. They say that Mr. Gerwig came back ograph. to his college home to study still further erature as wll as to revive some special memories connected with the theory and practice of society. He has large inter ests in the present term of court. The Fortnightly club will meet with Mrs. L. C. Richards, corner 14th and R, this afternoon. The Tavary Opera company ought to have played to a crowded house. Nether sole cannot present Carmen with any more diablerie, grace and fire than Mme Theo. Dorre did. She met her match in Max Eugene, the toreador. Jack says if she had lived to try the same tricks on him that she tortured Jose with, the bull tighter would have retal iated by beating her; then he would have disposed her and she would have been the suppliant. I told Jack it was all very well for him to prophesy in cold blood. If he had had Jose's Spanish blood and heard that Toreador cong while his Carmencita taunted him and showed her love for the six-foot bull fighter he would have acted as Jose did. It is very often the fact of a rival's su perior strength and size that decides a lover to kill the girl. Not because he is afraid to die because most always he kills himself but he does not wish that man to kill him and live in happiness with his sweet heart. But Jack says I do not understand about these matters Howells latest, and then I will be that men are brave and no woman's coward heart can understand them. Lieutenant Perry, of FL Robinson, is in the city the guest of Prof. Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kimball will give a reception for Miss Clara Richard son at the University School of Music Monday evening. Mrs. W. C, Wilson invited some neigh bors and a few other friends in last Sat urday night to hear music from a phon- Good bye. Eleanor. into Professor Sherman's system of lit- Friday, April 10. -r i -e- :- - - af -vi . .' fcr. : y t-a "Oa -m p -- z& -f. "ap "xTvl " J!3r .4 - V . - s? o jjb, a .5fc . s -,