"" ' , a- 3" - . ".: sal ty.. THE COURIER. . x - '? , U.S. Govt fcajoct High we of d k LMiMkcPMntUMt 4i tHTEPf "POPE Mrs. Dimmick Iw provoked eommeat prejudicial to himself ami the high oee which he bat recently keW, aad it is a.asticabl if a proper regard for the proprieties of hie poaitioo would Bot hava'prevented thie second Marriage. Benjamin 'Harrieoti hat beea prssideat of the United States, the highest boner AGE AND DEATH WBITTBN FOB THK COUBIEB.. area. They have givea the city admta istratiea oae whole year to work out the ayatea at "regulation, aad at last real iae that they have been mercilessly dapc. Instead of wise regulation of these eviia we have bo regulation at all. The gamMets have been given their own way ao long that they are even as piriag to regulate the affairs of the city themselves. They are active in politics. They not only keep their placea open at au'tiaaea. but they parade IhenMelvea aad their business on the sidewalks, ia aha vary teeth of the police, aad talk lottUy of the "protection" they enjoy. Thie people are aick. Taey have had aeagh. Ia another year they hope to - chaage the ak nation through the en-, laafed appertaaitiea givaa the individual voters by the new Lincoln system of akiag aoasiaatioaa In the meantime they will take the matter in their own hands ao far as they can by bringing ac aetieaa against the gamblers, the keep sea of gumbHag houses and the men who rent rooms for unlawful purposes. If the mayor will join in the movement the law-breakers will surrender without striking a blow. If the city authorities remaia friendly to the gambling inter ests it will take a stubborn light and the expeaditure of some money to break up. the business by needing the leaders to During the coming week we shall see whether the people want the present policy continued or prefer to keep house next year with less vermin around the the premises. There may be need of eeastderahJe help at this house-cleaning, and the wishes of every citiaen can be fairly measured by the seal with which he takes hold of a broom. t- Thia ia a plain, reasonable statement, bat ia matters of this kind the Journal has net been ia the habit of making plaia. reasonable statements. Hereto fore it has excused or palliated or ig nored. The Journal's righteous seal cemea a little late; but it is welcome even at this late day. Wonder if it wil i continue? It has beta remarked that it is cruel in the Journal to berate its friends in this wise. It must sot be forgotten that the venerable gentleman who was for maay years the editor of that paper sad who still maintains 'a connection with it, was unceremoniously turned down by the late republican county con veatiea. The lame, that now rises in the Journal emce may have beea kiadled by rage at the treatment given Mr.Gere. Ever siace the municipal authorities commenced blowing the curfew The Corona has beea diligent ia pc in ting out the necessity for extending reform all along the line. It has been main tained ia theae columns that it is ab surd to sound the curfew nightly while the worst forms of crime and vice are allowed to exist with practically ao in terference. Chasing boys off the streets into gambling hells aad other dens of at amy, it was contended, was hardly ia the natare of genuine reform, aad I be lieve, The Cocbtek predicted that it was only a question of time when the gamb lers would be made to feel the hand of the law. It is oaly a year bow until the aext general city election. Mayor Graham is deairoas of being re-elected. Prophets ' exaectod this desire to prompt a spas awdie attempt to enforce the law. There ' is little deabt but that Mayer Graham weald, ia the course of a few months, have. volaatarUy closed the 'gambling planes tar the purpose of working up asatimat lavarable'to his reelection la fast it was generally understood that to which any citiaen of. this, esuntry may aspire. When a nun has held this oHce he is invested with a pecuniar dig nity, and it behooves him is: iivaup to. that dignity! Mr. Harrison ia seeking the altar so soon after Mrs. Harrison's .Seath aad within three years of his de parture from the White House, being withal, a man of advanced ago, has de scended from the high and dignified place he ao lately held, and he has lost much of that respect which for seven years was his. Unfortunately there was. much gossip of an unpleasant nature attendant upon the Harrison-Dimmick marriage, aad the ex-president is today the butt of badinage throughout the country. He has estranged his family and suffered himself, to be pulled down to the common level. Mr. Harrison's marriage ia his own business; but it must detract from his dignity and char acter. THE EDITOR. the gamblers aad ether associated law breakers . would be quietly given the tip to leave the city for a few .months, until Ma. Graham could be re-elected, but Mr. HatMeld and bis co:laborers have not waited for the mayor. TLey have decided to move on their own account and see that the law is enforced. This endeavor is eminently proper and should be liberally eacouraged by all respect able citizens. Monday ex-President Harrison made his second entry iatojjmatrimony. Un der the law in this .country any man, unless specially prohibited in some de cree of divorce, may marry a second time. Indeed he can go on marrying indefinitely and keep within the law so long as he is careful hot to re-marry with a wife living and uadivorced. Ex-Presi dent Harrison violated no law. He only aid what any man baa a right to do. ' Trilby's "Truthful pills"- ia a specific ' in all raaes of kidney and liver toublea. Just one pellet at night does the work But at the eame time in marry ingAt Riggs' pharmacy cor 12 and O. Th:re is a thief whose silent feet Slip ia at srery door. He steak the things that make lire sweet And brings them back no more. He mutters of a fair exchange, And aU ver gives for gold, Hs graspc all bright things in the range Of his keen eye and cold. He cornea today, weaee him not, Tomorrow he returns. For something yesterday forgot. His avarice bow yearns. A diamond maybe, from the glance .' Of some fair woman's eyes. A pearl from 'twcealwr lips perchance, May be .the wished for prise. She misses them aad knows the thief. Bat who may apprehend The keen aad cautious robber-chief? Or who the mischief mend? Ah, bold age, but bolder yet His elder brother, death. Who comes at last with snowy net, And steals the victim's breath!. " Isabel Richey You'll never realize what "real good "bread" ia until you have made it of 8hogo" flour. Mi Vlfl?Ktyiii'D OrTW FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY . By special arrangement v-ith the various publis hers THE COUBIEB is able to make an extraordioary clubbing offer. cesee(DOO(i)(jxi)g a Here is a list of the leading papers which we club with. Publubera Price Frank Leslie s ill. Weekly. . W.00 Harpers Magazine 4.00 Harpers Weekly 4.00 Arena 00 Art Amateur, with plates .. 4.00 Atlantic Monthly '. 4.00 . Century Magazine 4.00 Chautauquan LOO Cosmopolitan L50 Current Literature 3.00 Forum 4.00 Godey's Magazin o :.. 1.00 Harpers Bazar 4.00 111. London News ... 6.00 Ladies Home Journal LOO Lippincott s Magazine 2.50 McClure's Msgazine LOO McMillan's Magazine aOO Munsey's Magazine LOO Musical .Courier 4.00 New England Magazine 3.00 North American Review.... 5.00 Outing 3.00 Public Opinion i50 Romance LOO St Nicholas &00 Scribners Magazine 3.00 Short Stories 250 Table Talk LOO Town Topics 4.00 Women's Tribune LOO Youths Companion 1.75 Review of Reviews.... 3.00 Your order for any pub lication in the world at a greatly re duced rate. t eee9, Read it over aad select the publi cations you desire and . drop us a postal card. B y return mail we will submit an estimate to youhowing our net rate and y.o u r actual 'gain by sending subscripii'ns to as.... In many cases the combined price of the two publications is the same as the price of one alone. For instance the price of Harper's Magazine is $4.00; The Courier is $2.00. You can have them both $4.00 (S) () w (5) $) (S) I These club-rate sub- I scriptrns are cash I in advance Our Price With ThxCousikz $4.00 , 4.00 4.25 4.00 A35 415 i35 2.00 2.00 3.40 410 2.00 4.25 6.00 200 3.15 2.00 035 2.00 4.00 3.35 5iS 3.40 315 2.00 3.G5 3.00 350 2.00 425 2.00 2.K 4.00 BBv W mi,- " You can get McClure's Magazine, Munsey's Cosmopolitan, I-adles Home Journal, Godey's, Table Talk, Wtmen's Tribune, etc. ABSOLUTELY FREE by paying the regular subscription price to the Courier. Any publication In the world clubbed with The Courier at a great saving to sub scribers. Terms cash, invariably. -aTSe -ourierfr Call baildiag. .217 N. 11th Street Lincoln at P xm - "!?-:. - Jtoa -.'3a m : : rM vi . &BS ".3MG3 ISj '&M - i-4 'f.'s. TSsJ .4 ;: .x -v ,- JvS " -- HA '!? -l : . A :J' .- T f . t '-iti- rAi 'A- :-u.. rVfti .n.i. :-: