The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 04, 1896, Image 8

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My Dear EleaBor: Well, tbe Curtain
Raiser ha beea played, aitd it w sot as
niBilwg toe Back to conclude it waa
sat as utter failure, aiaee Tee Cocbieb
nnff up the drop.
Now the serious business la about to
begin. I have found oat even at thia
tender, buddiag period of my jonraalis
tie career, that there k nethiaf ao ab
solutely solemn aa trying to be taaay.
Yoa must be something, when corres
ponding with a newspaper, either funny,
or awfully wart, and after reflection,
I hare decided ou the foraier. Mamma
aid, "Why don't you be perfectly nat
ural PeBeloper and Bob, my brother.
"better be flat. Pen, it will be
for you." I suggested that the
jeke smacked a triie ot tbe Middle
Ages and he agreed with me, adding"
that the application of it in thia caae
waa the oaly thing worth mentioning. I
thiak it there ia anything perfectly hate
ful, it ia a emarty Alec boy. lam aorry
Bob haa found out about my literary M
pkatieae, becauae eTery once in a while
ha trighteae ma halt to death. A few
evaaiags ago there werecallera at the
hones, aad Bob, oa oae occaaioo, eeid:
Oh! aay. Mr. Doaae, do you xaow Fen's
get a sew wheel in her head lately?'
Then Will Doaae, who ia aa polite aa he
ia good looking, which ie aaying a great
deal, replied: -What ia that Bob?"
Whea I waa about to awooa away, my
iatereatiBg brother tamed it off, aad
aald: "0!ehe'e got a notion to ride a
hike; won't ahe look a daiay ia bloom
era?" I think Mama ought to keep Bob
eat ot the parlor, but he just runs the
I doa't euppoae theee are the things
yea waut to hear about but the temp
tation to talk about ones eelf ia terrible.
I Botice you suffer from it but why
should we be ceaaared -we hare illus
trious examples. Senator Ihurston haa
been talking about himself for one solid
month, while John L. Webster, John C.
Cowin and John C. Wharton have been
aaapping their fingers at Teacher
wanting a chance to talk about them
el res or go after a bucket of water, or
something for relief, but it didn't come.
The senator shed his life's blood in the
coayeetioo Saturday for the fourth
time ia two weeks by hit personal count.
I thiak it looks well to be interested in
politics, aad iTeally feel that unless he
i paws tickets for the redemption of
of it it won't hold out until after
the Batkmal convention.
Bat you wast to hear some news!
Yoa ought to subscribe for a Council
Bluffs paper but here's a bit: Mr.
E.W. Dixou, of the Orchard Wilhelm
arm, aad a bachelor of the first degree,
sjave a very pretty dinner at McTague's
to a few choice spirits oa Tuesday
evening last Aa some of the girls were
aay friends and I don't waut them to be
excommunicated, I shall refrain from
listing the guests. The table waa
covered with 'feres, and American
Beauties and tbe mena. comprised ail
the delicacies ot the.seaaaeWieaVthat
legitwate description? Mr. Dftcoa ia
abost to leave for New, York' city tie
attend the wedding et hia aiater Mr.
Mean of that metropolis, aad by the
way' while love ia eaid to laugh at
leckesnitha ia thia ease it also aaapa
Ma fiagcrs at gold, for' ia contracting
thia marriage Mrs. Sloan relinquishes
tvehaadred thoasaad dollars, two h aw
aked thoneaad . at which goes
te Yale cnMsaje. aad yet the frreacbeta
aad uritera wouid have as believe that
of modern life haa
Its a -ighty lively
, T thiak, Whea a woman will give
. kaK a milliea for its i ioc. bat
BBtianaa are rare aad eeaw high. This
ia Bet ia tended aa a releetiea eajtke
bridegroom aa I awr know a thing
about him.
Speakiag abeat marriage, John Gar
Beau, who need frequently to visit his
brother, Joseph Garaeau, ot American
Biscuit fame, wnea they lived here, is
about to be married. You aay, "What
ot it?" ao did I bat he is going to marry
Miaa Wilson of Nashville, N. 0. "Well,
suppose he is." you aay ao did I but,
the Chronicler continued, "Miss Wilson
is immensely wealthy.' "Oh! now I per
ceive you weep your eyes protrude
you are rooted to the spot wherever it
may be. We may neither ot us know
John Garaeau; we may simply be fami
liar with Joseph thtoagh his excellent
brand of crackers, but the "Wealthy
Miaa Wilson," that'a where they get us.
You know ita mosey that talks, aad we
can't afford to extend the wooden hand
to Miaa Wilson UBder the circumstances.
The Frawley combination trod the
boarda at the Creighton last week. I
doa't know how successful they were
financially but that one member of the
troupe had a good time socially, the
whole town is convinced. One ot our
gayest society girls saw this member ot
the troupe behind the glare ot the
footlights aad conceived a fancy to meet
him. She aaid to her escort, "I must
aad wiH know that blade or die trying."
She iea't dead ahe tried today she
knows him, although he has gathered
up his grease paints and departed for
freak fields to conquer, but the Bud had
driven him about in her stylish trap,
lunched and dined him at the club,
then as a little parting attention, drove
him to the tra'n. "You must go," she
aadly said and he as sadly replied, "I
have signed to the management I must
A Bud, looking up, saw the sun and
straightway desired it. "Oh! sun," she
called, "how bright you are how good
to look upon." It was midday and the
sun lingered an instant and whispered
weak nothiugs,then moved on. The Bud
threw out her white arms; "Oh! Bun,
aee! am I not fair too, and bright, and
good to look upon?" -Yes, you are all
theee," the er.n replied, "but you are
too real to last. I am makiug a collec
tion ot artificial Buds." Eleanor, you
are positively getting rude, you don't
see the point to that! Well, you don't
have to, I've changed my mind, I don't
intend to try to be funny I shall model
my atyle after the Ancients, and their
trump card waa fables.
Mr. aad Mrs. C. M .Wilhelm have left
the Paxtoa and set up their Lares and
Penates, (Eleanor, you ought to work in
the foreign laaguages occasionally, its
awfully dreny).in Falconer bouse. Did
yon ever meet Mrs. Wilhelm? She is a
charming little woman and a lovely
singer. She ia a great friend of Mrs.
Baum'a, whowas, I believe, a Miss Funke
of laaceia and a dear little woman
ahe i&f i
I felt lawfully 'eorry about Mr. Fal
coner's failure, he was one ot our oldest
srchawts, but I understand he has
to Africa to open up a shop. I
that is. a smooth scheme-it a).
me that the Zulus ought
to' we mere clothes, .those bracelet and
necklace costumes, besides being not
quite the thing, simply give-the jewel
lers a walk over, and freeze the dry
goods aaaa outl-
The Woman's club is contemplating a
change ef venae, in :act I beliere they
have already veaued. They had been
heldiag- their meetings ia a lodge room
ea the eoraerof Fourteenth aad Dodge,
.bat' the multitude ot winding .stairs
lsadiag.ap.te my ladies ceaacil cham
ber, aad the lack ot elevator facilities,
iadeed th e progressive 506 to make an
arraagement to occupy the.Unitarian
chare. ,- , ,
JTWsclub sjavetauaiqueerfoimaHce
a couple ot weeks ago. The youager
members, the daughters, cousiae aad
nieces aad ao on, donned the rai
ments, aad assumed the .manners
aad tricks ot speech ot the older
ladies, the leaders ot the dabt
aad had a parliamentary eittiag . It waa
cleverly doae I am told, bat aee or two
otthe ladies were a little aore over the
extremely realistic preaentatioa ot their
somewhat pronounced peculiarities and
I don't blame them.
Do you know 1 think its nice and
scarey to be sitting up late.and writing
articles, it ia almost midnight and tha
wind is howling "like a Bedlamite in a
fit.." Papa called up a little bit ago and
said it I had to pay the gasbills I would
probably go to bed earlier. Thia lack ot
sympathy hurts meof course, but I shall
go right on.
O! do you know? can you believe it?
Eleanora Duse is to be weet the first of
May. Here is a chance to multiply
ecstacy. Of course we will have to
pay for it, but after all three dollars is
not a great dea' to pay for seeing and
hearing the greatest living actress.
D. H. Wheeler, jr., had a whole week
of opera in Chicago. I think Dan has a
pretty voice don't you? It haa impiovea
lately too. Fritzs Barnard, who used
to be one of the girls here, and at one
time did the society work oo the Ex
celsior, and who is now ia Minneapolis,
is to be married io Jaae, to some musi
cal man from New York. No! I'm per
fectly sure he is not an organ grinder
but I forget bis name, and they go to
Europe on their wedding trip, and tbe
musical man, without a name, ia to study
in Germany, and Fritza will learn to
make rye bread and -study the thrifty
waya of the Deutche Haus F rcu, I sup
pose. Dr. and Mrs. Ned Sumers are to en
tertain the medical fraternity at a re
ception Moaday eveaiag. There will
be bo more dissecting doae than at any
evening function. Haa Christianity al
tered the aaatoaucal tendency in Lin
coln society? Oamua is still in the stone
I hear a fuusy story the other day,
but I gueaa I will have to tell you an
other time. From certain familiar in
dications below. I thiak "Paw" is don
ning his war paint. Although I am not
at all afraid ot him, I really think it
would be better, when he stumbles up
this last Might of stairs, he should sea
nothing, and hear only the regular gen.
tie breathing of your loving
Omaha. Wednesday evening, April I,
In "Garmen"
Cheaper than growing, 3 cans choice
peas, 25c at The Alliance store, 1003 P
Disease commonly comes oa with alight symptoms, which whea sag
leeted iacrease in extent aad gradualy grow dangerous.
It yoa auffer from headache,
If yoa are bilious, constipated Ti-TQ I "O A MO T a toi ti ro
er have a disordered liver 'irAirAllO IADULCO
Ripens Tabalee act gently bat promptly upon the liver, etomach and
intestines; cleanse the system effectually; care dyspepsia, and habitual
conetipatkw, offensive breath and headache. One Tabuleat the first
indication ot indigestion, bilioaaneaa, diaaineaa, distress after eating or
depression ot spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole diffi
ealty. Biaana Tabulae are prepared from a prescription widely approved
by aodera science.
It given a fair trial Ripaae Tabalss are aa Infallible cure; they
eeatsla nothing iaiarioaaand are aa economical remedy.
t aartergrei box will be
eeate by
t, postage paid, on receipt ot 60
twins clyCMi cowpmIn
Local druggists everywhere will supply the
Tabuloe If reauested to do so.
X They are easy to take, qaiek to act aad save many a doctor's MM.
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