". - THI COURIER. rk MMWMMMMMBpJBl"JJJJJJJJ!"- I-. j i B t, r te. ?. I- S5 s WE AND OUR NEIGHBORS jcf4f4f4f4fxj "Tke Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane is a story of a farm boy's experience aa a private in the civil war. The book of 231 pages tells of a few month's experience of camp and drill and of one battle Thirty-six pages of camp life and one hundred and ninety five that describe the battle, and its im pression on a green soldier. Mr. Crane's description of the battle-field bears the same relation to the battle-field of ro mance and imagination that the instan taneous photograph of the horse in mo tion" do to his representation on canvas and in bronze. It is difficult -to believe thisk not an old soldier's yarn, yet Stephen Crane web only a small boy when the civil war was over. The story is a restoration from hints received from real old soldiers. Max Nordau says that the signs of degeneration are abnormal acuteness of the senses. Mr. Crane shows a morbid tenderness for color. The Union army is a "blue demonstra tion' when the blood begins to flow, the private sees blue and red every where. He sees men and considers them only aa bits of color. He might be an artist in the meadow with a bull try ing to get the foreshortening right as he charges him, so far as his sense of the situation is concerned. The most of the book is a description of the impressions that the different stages of the battle made upon a .private, a limited field and not worth 195 pages of paper and the time to read them. Mr. Crane k diffuse after the manner of Howells. It takes the genius of Goethe to make 195 pages of self-examination interesting. It these drawers of fine points and .hewers of character wkh an audience made up of more than reviewers and literary hacks they will learn to con dense. It would be well to study com poaitioQ of an artkt.- to learn how he groups people in a landscape securing variety as well as unity. A man must prove hisaeelf interesting before he can fiada paying number of people who will listen to bow he felt when the guns were turned towards him. But a few .will listen through egotkm. They might act so. feel so, think so on a battlefield themselves. So they will read this book. Subjectivity k a quality of the feminine miad. An ideal soldier k D'Artagaaa, solviBg all puzzles and differences with hk sword. The tighter who stops to consider the economic unwisdom of war k in danger of having hk skull cut open by a sword and his phil osophy laid bare to an unreflecting charge of soldiery, beside being of not much use to hk country aa a warrior. Those who like the windings of a psych ological maze will like "The Bed Badge of Courage." (H. W. Brown A Co). "Napoleon, lover and husband," by Frederic Masson, a translation from the FreLch k a collection of testimony in regard to Napoleon's family relations. Anybody might collect the testimony, no one but a man and a Frenchman could conclude from it that Josephine's reproaches were undeserved, that Na pekoa loved only ber. The book shows him not worse than those who sur rounded bim. As emperor he might have set an example)" but he was not setting examples. Mr. Maason k an unprejudiced critic, apparently hk standards are not rocked by Napoleon's code; be k all the more likely to tell the truth of the man who k not a hero to hka. Hk evidence shows theCoraican f aithf nines to family, early benefactors mad f needs that Napoleon kept through out life. Hk remotest and poorest re lation wen gives princely revenues, so companion of hk childhood, however uawerthy ever appealed to him in vain. He had a kingdom at hand or in his uad far every one of hk sisters and brothers. Hk belief in the unity of family was hk undoing. He never bus pected hk Austrian father in law of treason. When he married Marie Louise he looked upon her father as indissolu bly connected with him. His Corsican heart would not allow him to believe that a father would sacrifice his daugh ter and hk grandson for hatred of some one dse. There is something too much of gallantry in the book but then that is the name of it. There k work enough for a minister ial association in this place the devil knowB. His horns were almost covered when be suggested to the once united association that the rain should' no longer be allowed to fall on the Univer salis minister's garden plot. When Mr. Chapin was expelled froir the as sociation Mr. Gregory and Mr. Hewitt withdrew also not from pique but be cause they could not belong to a body which disobeyed so flagrantly one of Christ's reiterated injunctic .s. The real evils the association might fight, if it were able to withdraw its at tention from doctrinal nuestions and the children who take the sugar from the pantry shelves, are growing like weeds under a tropical sun. When I was a child I used to inquire of the grown-up wisdom about me what thn Scribes and Pharisees had done to make Christ cry "Woe" unto them. I could not find out that they had killed any one or stolen or used bad language. They were only hypocrites and made long prayers with a professional quaver and advocated the death penalty for those who kept not the Mosaic law. They were good citizens so far as looks went and exhorting their neighbors to break away from sin. It k absolutely cer tain if any such people were alive today their names would appear on the remon strance to Chancellor MacLcan against he use of the armory by the students for any purpose but drill and athletics. Not that it would be any of their busi ness. The Pharisee's strong hold was other people's business. Not that there m no impending danger but this one. There are municipal burdens that might be lightened by a long and a strong pull and a pull all together by the ministers and those they influence. The forces of evil things that every sane mind admits to be evil are united. They are almost as strong as the united forces that ought to work against them. Since the schism the old gentleman has an easy time. Since the scrap began hk parish has flourished and doubled on hk hands and now that the remnant k diverting itself with students hope, he can lean back and rock. His parish will grow without bis care. To be exact though.it is not that the ministerial asso ciation cares whether the students dance or not.lt insists that it is wicked for them to dance in the armory. The dis tinction is unintelligible to one who has not had a full theological course. A "play agent in New York city has re ceived the following letter: "Aa I saw your advertisement that you have plays to sell please let me no what kind of plays you have and the price of them, andwould you sent them to a fellow and let him read them. I will tell you what kind of plays I would like to have, something that is very deap that some one k dying it. the play, and the other that k something rough that lota of shooting and killing and saveisg of lifrs k going on let me no at once.' "8i Flunkard" that played here two weeka ago k "the other kind of play" the man wants. a runaway train Sometimes, through accident or neglect, control of a train is lost and it speeds down the grade. It is so easy to go down hill ; but the journey back is slow and hard. Have you been climbing.np in strength, accumulating force? Or have you been going the other way, losing ground? of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphites, checks the downward course. 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