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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1896)
' a ''jsr-'- VOL 11 .NO. 9 ESTABLISHED IN 138S PRICE BVS CENTS - Z-tZCfc fUlza-UsxJl foa-yc 2 rf-. T -. & ,flR:3itJ X i LINCOLN NEB SATURDAY. FEBRUARYS) IS95. ESTEXKD IS THS TOST OTTCCE XT tlXCOUf AS SBOOXB-CLASS MATTES PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY bi II CHItlfR KIIIIK MO MSillG 01 OSc 217 North Eleventh St. Telephone 384 W. HORTOX SMITH SARAH B. HARRIS Editor and Manager Associate Editor Subscription Bates In Advance Per annum 82.00 Six months 1-5 Three months 50 One month 20 Singlecopies s that the explosion of virtue bad plenty bitiocs and is in the McKinley more- happens that the league is largdy coa- of witnesses. It all came about through rot-nt for purely selfish reasons; that ia posd of men who are not at the beck somebody's agitating the adoption of returc for the support ot the Nebraska and call of the railroads and the ma- the Crawford county system of voting, delegation he will receive the promise chine, and undoubtedly the great ma- This system, with modifications seemed of material recognition when the can Jority of league members are for MeKia- to be a good thing, and the republican didate shall have become president. It ley. But officers are not using thir of - party adopted it. for municipal purposes is questionable if Thurston would ex- fices in McKinley's interest. Surely only. change the senatorship for a cabinet Mr. Collins and others should not be office, as h story shows that in most in- restrained from taking part. "unoffici- The one feature of the meeting, the stances the men who have left the sea- ally, in the McKinley movement because one phenomenal paradox, was the spec- ate for a place in the cabinet have never they happen to hold league offices. tacle of the editor emeritus of the State risen any higher than the cabinet, and it JournaLand the present commander-in- is oo secret that Thurston's ambition chief of the Sunday Bicycle Journal, the reaches higher than a secretaryship. But kindly-eyed and beautifully whiskered Thurston his been for McKInley for Mr. Gere, lifting up his soft and me- president for the last three years, in fact Iodious voice in praise of the goddess, ever since the Minneapolis convention. Tom Piatt's song was naugnt beside His advocacy of the Ohio candidate is Mr. Gere's chant of praise. It was as- no new thing, and it can hardly be tonlshing, inspiring. It was great. For charged that there is any bargain be- Gere has paid tween himself and McKinley. He is at the goddess of tacked because his advocacy of McKIn- He has sought ley is in opposition to a favorite son, eazed rapturouslv that he is duty bound to support Man has many years Mr. secret court to the starry eyes. her in private and into her eyes He 1 OBSERVATIONS I Those persons who did not attend the meeting held in the Funke opera house last Saturday night missed the edifica tion of witnessing a spectacle so rare that it assumed the form of a phenome non or a paradox. If the truth were told, the like of it was never seen before. It was no wonder that the advertise ment of it filled the opera house with curious people. It was the evening of George Washington's birthday, and the Father's portraitdraped in glory.beamed benignaatly from the stage. The god dess of reform, star-eyed and radiant as the morn, held sxay. Virtue lifted up its voice, and purity clapped its feet together. Righteous indignation rolled iu thunderous tones, and the very air was clarified. It was a great night. The star-eyed goddess had her apotheosis. Many a time and oft in this town has she risen as if to 2y aloft: but ever and always her wings were clipped, ard the flowing white robe has trailed in the dust, and her feet have stuck in the mud. But the goddess had her day at last. And it was a triumph, full and beautiful. This time there was no drop ping to earth. The wiLgs did their duty, and the goddess sailed to a dizzy height, while the multitude gazed as if spell-bound, and then, breaking the spell, burst into rapturous applause. To repeat, it was a great night. And the apotheosis of reform' wa achieved by republicans! Some im pertinent persons have said that repub licans are bad. It is neresy, rank heresy. This irruption of virtue proved that re publicans are good. It was a fine thing that the scoffing Billy Bryan was there to witness the aerial gymnastics of the goddess. It was a good thing Governor Holcomb has appointed Vic tor Rosewater regent of the state uni versity, to succeed Henry D. Estabrook, resigned . The governor owes much to Mr. Rosewater. the elder, and it is natural that he should requite the obli gation, and visit his favor on the son. The appointment will not be approved by everybody. No appointment ever is. Some of the anti-Rosdwater republicans are disposed to object to this recognr tion of the arch enemy. But the gov- walked " with derson. It must be remembered that it ernor unquestionably has the power. her in the white walled chambers of has been known for several years that and the executive and appointee can re-- purity Aye, and he has stroked her Thurston was for McKinley. and that a gard the situation with complaisance and hand. Cominc ont into the grim, black strong effort would be made to throw smile and say: -Well, what are you world again, his face shone with re- this state to this candidate. In all this going'to do about itT" fleeted gloT, and his eyes have gleamed time and up to two or three weeks ago softly and benevolently. People have there was no mention of the possibility In reality it is a good appointment, marked the benignacy of Mr. Gere's of there beicg a candidate from Ne- Whatever may the prejudice -gainst the countenance throuch all the years, braska for the presidency. Neither Mr. father, no one can deny the son's fitness for the place. Victor Rosewater has had special educational advantages, and withal, he is of a practical turuof mind. He will undoubtedly reader satisfactory servite on the board of regents, and it is possible that through the son's connec tion the father may come to a better realization of the merit of the Univer the adorable goddess. Mr. Gere has always worshipped the goddess and believed in reform But he has care fully abstained from giving any evi dence of his infatuation in the columns of the Journal. So successful has he been in concealing his secret affection that some people have even imagined But they have not known that all this Manderson or anybody else knew that time he has been under the influence of Manderson would" be a candidate, and the ex senator did not know it himself until he went to Washington and got afoul of the influence of Matt Quay No friend of Manderson can charge bad faith. As has been repeatedly said in these columns the republicans of Ne braska would be glad to honor Mr. sity of Nebraska. If Governor Holcomb Manderson. They would be pleased to had not made any worse appointments that ho was riven over to the worship have Mr. Manderson made the candi- than this one, his administration could of the gr;ss and ugly baubles of the date for the presidency, but they know not be severely criticized, svstem of spoils. The Journal that under existing circumstances such " persistently attacked the goddess, and a hope is futile. They know that the. Councilman Lawlor is pushing his on more than one occasion blacked her republican party will not come to Ne- cigarette ordinance along, and the cur starrv ejes. While the editor flirted braska for its presidential candidate this few sends out the warning note nightly, with" the goddess the paper trailed time. The Manderson men claim that but Mayor Graham has as yet taken no along after the freckled and muddy- in the event of a deadlock the ex-sena- step to prevent the real lawlessness that skirted bowery girl. So, when Mr. Gere tor would in ail probability be chosec. infests the city, ir the city is to be re took his place on the stage of the opera It is the Judgment of the leaders of the formed there must be no half way meas house last Saturday night, with one party throughout the country that ures. It will not do to stop with the band resting on the snowy head of either Harrison or Allison would be the curfew and cigarette ordinance. Of George Washington and the other near choice in that tvent. It is impossible course the mayor intends todo the right his (Gere's) hearthis eyes uplifted to the to consider the Mand rson candidacy as thing, and go after the gamblers. There beautiful, calsomined ceiling, his feet being conducted with any serious in- is no doubt as to his ultimate intention, hidden in a vast roll of red, white and tention of pushing the ex-senator as a The trouble is. he is too s'ow. blue bunting, the footluhts covering candidate in his own right, and there . him with clittering refulgence, and. in are many republicans in this state who No system of voting can make politics crooning notes of melouv, made public can see no good reason why they should entirely pure. The Crawford county rnnfession of his amour with the god desert McKinley. their natural choice, sjstem and the Australian ballot not for a candidate who is being run in the withstanding, tnere will be base men interest of the Quay -Platte midline. and base methods in politics But it is possible to improve that which cannot Again it is urged that the officers o' be made perfect The Crawford or Lin the republican state league are using coin sjstem is a move in the proper di their positions to further the interests rection. and its general effect will prob of McKinley. and Mr. Collins, as one of ably be good- It contains good and bad the aggressive young men in the Mc- points. There is no reason why it should Kinley movement is coming in for his not be tried. It will not be a difficult share of attention. There has been no matter to amend it. As was anticipated the contest for the metting of the league Tor two years, and ,?oiTotinn to th national republican the executive committee has not been convention has developed into a trial of together in six months. The league is ganization that meets every Sunday strength between Senator Thurston and taking no part whatsoever in the evening to discuss subjects connected ex-Senator Manderson. It has been struggle for the control of the delega- with sociology. It is called the Social, charged that Thurston is himself am- tion to the national convention. It so Science club. In it are men of radical dess, and led in the praise of reform, a wave of surprise and incredulity swept over the audience- It was a sight never to be forgotten. D. G Court ney was stricken as with palsy, aud his hair is now white. Mayor Graham dis located his left hip, and L. W. Billings ley had to be removed rrom the audi ence. It was a great time. Thtre is in this city an informal or- n 5M ii