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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1896)
. , s -t rsc-. L- . tti E ' j- B&f-' - A. VH- - '!. J- V F f. &? 1 " THECOUKIKIt since be left Lincoln. Hw specialties day. both because of Miss Wallace. aregas and politics. I should think gas The people who went say that the and politics would mix well. Mr. Dawes whist club was entertained by Mr. and Vaf tttttft tt TsUSc Ws1sl is staying with his brother, B. G.Dawes. Mrs. J. H. Harley on Wednesday night llUlllllll 111 1 Hid TT Ul Id He has been entertained considerably, royally. More of those abominable stag parties. The number of "visiting girls" re- (s so cneaD as a newSDaBPr whPT-r it h Tuesday Beman Dawes had around his ceived an addition Wednesday in Miss "'7., nemPaPer3 WMl r t Ou board I M Raymond, Judge Holmes, Anderson, of Taylorville, Mo., I think. mPaSUred OIJ the COSl Of its production Or by ttC Geo. A Crancer, Charley and W R She is a guest of Mae Burr. Miss And- VOlUe to the Consumer. We are t'llkina OOOllt Dawes, Morton Smith, 0 A Hanna, D G ersonwasat Miss Oakley's party, as Amnt,:nr. t n 7 -r i. Wing and J W McDonald. were also Miss Bennett, of Ora.ha. Miss AmP metropolitan, daily paper Of the Mr. Dawes speaks with enthusiasm of Sherwood, of Connecticut, and Miss Urst ClttSS like THE CHICAGO RECORD. Il'SSO his new home in Evanston. He can not Mount, of Omaha, and of course Miss chpan and ?n tinod unit rnn t nffnrrl in thio Am, say he is sorry he went though he misses Spalding. The last named will visit in , P m0 ? 9?U ??" J ? Td tfllS W old friends. But you know he is a ver- Omaha over Sunday and return to Lin- OJ progress 10 be Without it. There are other satile chap and he makes friends where coin before going back to Sioux City. papers possibly as QOOd, bllt JlOtie better and other men make enemies. He seems to Mr. Avery left for Sioux City the first nnno itiot liha it It .., . ' ' have hold of the steering-pole on the of the week. n0Tie JUSt llke lt' Jt Prints fl th rea.neiVS Of McKinley boom. They do Bay if pro Dick Berlin and Rob Patrick were in U-" WOt'ld -the neiUS 1J0U Care forevery dC'tf, tection is made president "Charlie" can town on legal business but managed to Cnd prints it in the Shortest HOSSWle SDOCe. YOV have anything he likes fancy being see a few people. 1 TUV rum Ann nrvinn jj j . personally acquainted with the minister Mrs. Kelley will give a reception for Cafl re(l(l J "& nlLAbO REIORD and do 0 day's to England. I have always been told Miss McClure next week. WOrk too. It is an independent paper and gives that it was possible for the humblest to I have met Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. " nil nnlifirnl iipmq froo frnm thn tnint nf ,.,. know really distinguished people, but I Smith, of Alliance, two or three times. ?. PU"Cal newS J JrOUl the taint Of party never believed it before. . They are now visiting in Omaha. ''las- n a WOrdlVs fl Complete, Condensed, Mr. Buckstaff will give a dinner for There! 1 think I have told you all dean, honest family newspaper, and it has the Mr. Dawes tonight (Friday). the gossip you would care to know, ex- '.....i ,--,. . . 1 t- m - ,, , T.rTV !:. o cepfhomd. tor, .web the jou,Mi ar9est "ommg circulation in Chicago or the I heard the other day that Mr. Bora. printed aM oM o( . .rftf 140,000 to 150,000 0 dau. SZKKiSKSS t&-rJ? Z J- HaM f the Northwestern . ,o, ,h. Round Tab,.. TZTiZ TImL'.: Shfww., says: "THE CHICAGO RECORD Miss Mae Mount, of Omaha, who is whohad spilled a cup of the dark brown COmeS as near beitlic th ideal Cailv lOUr- visiting Miss Alice Slaughter, is making Hquid on her drees, which was - -c w -- - , ;, ft, i r- a great many friends. Miss Slaughter a lovely one, by the way. n OS We are for Sometime likely to f.nd gave a car ride in the red car on Thurs- The story gives a false impression OH these mortal shores.'' day afternoon to her young lady friends. of the gir, and it was 8hock;ngIy Sq fi newsfcalpr eBPruitther nvrJ :rr- Theyrode out to Union college and improper of the Journal to print it I e,;Jr U r"?' everyWIltr OPCl SU about town. win wait until i see you before giving 8cnptwns received by all postmasters. Address Mrs. Geo. Woods expects Miss Rhine- voll tho particulars. Write soon or you WE CHICAGO RECORD. 181 Madison-St. heart Trom Indiana, to visit her next wjh near no more froni week. . ELEANOR. Miss Sue Spalding and Miss Maud mmmm. . ;. . . Oakley will go to Omaha this morning SATURDAY NIGHT RECEPTION . to visit Miss Ura Kelly. . PIRATES OF PENZANCE edian of the opera and there are great Mrs. F. W. Kelley s sister, Miss Mc- The charter day progranif u wou,d be opportunities in tho role, as those know Clure, is visiting her. more correct to say charter week pro- who have seen the play given by pro- J.E.Baum.ot Omaha, has been vis- gram for it waB a matter of d wa8 The Pirates of Penzance and the fessionals, even by that bright little iting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Chas. L. concuded by the Somen's federation P0PuIarity ot Mr. Seamark's amateur company that played at Lincoln Park. Burr meeting in the art hall of the library company drew a very fair audience. It Mr. Keene's made the same mistake as The Lansing boxes were filled on building at the university The room was an enthusiastic audience, prof use of Mr. Ketiering he took his major gen Tuesday night. The first two boxes on wa8 run of men and women. Chancel- lowers. There were bououets every- eral too seriously. The old fellow should the left were occupied by Mr. and Mrs. or jjacLean welcomed the clubs to the where and all the time, in the most be gloriously and gravely ridiculous. Greene-thc hosts and their guest, Miss uniTer8itv with bis characteristic bounteous inopportunity. In fact, they But Mr. Keens made him merely an Wal'aco, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, warmth 0f expression. Mrs.H.H. Wil- made up a good part of the fun. The estimable gentleman who had strayed Mr. and Mrs. Beeson and Dr. Spahr. presided gracefully The sensation performance was very creditable as an into a band of lunatics and felt rather Mrs Leonard gave a dinner to the of the evening was Mr.' Bixby's poem, amateur performance. Judged by a pro- uneasy. party before the theatre. First box on Mr. Bixby-8 rubicund face wa8 melan. fessional standard, however, it would The rtal actor, the only actor of the the right contained Miss Spalding, Miss choiy and humble. He said 'this is the have many defec's. Tho singing of the company, was Miss Hoffman. She didn't Lucy Griffith, Miss Mae Burr, Mr. Mcr- prouaMt moment of my Hfe M the out- eoloists. while it showed careful prepar- look quite thu necessary forty-seven.but rison. Mr. Fred White and Mr. Malla- eaw when he was aboutto be hung, ation, had little volume. The enunci- that did no harm, in comic opera. She he,u- , . . . . D because at last justice was about to be ation, both of soloists and chorus, was was the only one who ventured much Mrs. Frank Brown s sister, Miss Ben- done Hia remarkg were li8tened to verj-indistinct. I knew the words of original business and she did it well. nett.of Omaha, is viBiting her. w'ith delight by the ladies. Everything most of the songs.otherwise I should, in Her singing was weak, but her acting Mrs. Greenes guest, Miss Wallace, that Mr Bixby ever said about them m08t cases' havo ha(J but litl'e idea more than made up for it. Amateur left yesterday morning for her home in and he has intimated some pretty severe what it was all about. Mr. Seamark companies Bhould be sure to get her in Laf lyette, Ind. things, was forgiven and forgotten be- and Mr- Kettering sang very distinctly, their cast. Miss Simons made a very Miss Maud Oakley gave a card party cause of the 8weetce88 ot hia disposi- " did ili8S Hoffman. In others, the fascinating Mabel. What she sang was on Thursday evening, for Miss Sue t-on e jadjeg felt th looked at indistinctness may have been owing not always clear, but she sang with Spalding. There were eight tables and him that he was c good man, and that largely to lack or volume. Mr. Keens' sweetness, and with expression. Her i t was a lovely party. whatever his views might be they were words seemed mumbled, however, and first appearance was particularly tell- I expect to have a lovely time tonight .hout malice. It may be news to him, all the humor ot the Major General's ing. at the Pleasant Hour party. You know but the ladies have VHde him their eong was lost. In many case, too, the The chorus, the great reliance of who I am going with. He is just as Jaureate Af ter the pr0ffram wap ,. air was hardly to be distinguished. It amateur opera, did weil, in places. Jn nice to me as ever. I am so sorry Mr. du(ed tne audFencef ;n connection with took no little strain of attention to tell other places they did rather ragged Howell will not be there. He is ill with Funke and Ogden's punch bowl, had an that anyone was singing. Perhapt the work. They seemed to have some dis acold. May Moore is also ill as I wrote inportant part to play The f0iiowing orchestra could have made this a little agreement with the orchestra anent th jou. Well, I am sorry she will not be i8tne program: better by allowing for the weakness of tempo, and each stuck to its own opinion there, but as my program will be better Welcome " .Chancellor MacLean the soloists and playing pianissimo, even nobly. But. on the whole, they sang tilled in consequence it does not matter, string trio".! '.'.'.'.'.'. . if the score did demand forte. In some with dash and spirit, and brought out Idonotcaremuchforgirls at a party Mrs. Hagenow. Misses Ensign operas this indistinctness would the good old catchy airs in a way that anyway. Too many of them "spiles the and H agenow. do no great harm. I should be willing made one's ears echo. The hopping ball." Quartet ".".".."." "."..".".!."." .. to miss words or music,or both. In Gil- chorus during the Major General's song Did 1 tell you that Mae Burr is wear- Mr8' cVmpheli," Misdes Worley, bert and Sullivan's work,however, I want was very funny, ing a lovely diamond pendant? She says. Oakley, Becker. both and I want them strong. For amateur work the concert had in reference to it, "papa gave it to me." Cub8 a8 a factor j Mr. H.H. Wilson Mr geamarkt except for a certain two defects, "it lacked comedy busi- Mrs. Wright, Mr. Rudy and Mrs. Quartet Lullaby from Erminie managerial coldness, acted and sang his ness,"in which an amateur company Yates left on Wednesday for Kansas How Women's "clubs affect the part very well. His Frederic hit about can do finely -and lacked distinct enun- City where they will stay till tho first press.- ..Col. Bixby the right Gilbertian mean between the ciation. These two things should have part of next week. How the prees affects us.. ..Miss Elliott romantic and the ridiculoU8. Mr. been worked for with more diligence. A young lady is fortunate to visit You'll never realize what "real good Manley's Pirate King was very effective The choruses, too, could have been Mrs. Green or her sister or Mrs. Leon- "bread" is until you have made it of in dialogue. His singing, however, was trained to greater precision. The other aid. You know these people frolic a Shogo" flour. not what one would expect of a pirate, defects were to be expected. On the good deal anyway and when they have It seemed timidly evasive, and he re whole, the evening was amusing, the a visitor she does . not spend her time joiced mildly in his "glorious" vocation, audience satisfied, and I should judge reading. Mrs. Beeson gave a chafing- "Queen Victoria;' Ladies Favorite Mr. Kettering's policeman was amusing the receipts fairly large. Mr. Sea dish party on Monday night for Miss Her. majesty 8 Perfuvie, is the latest get.up But M Ketterinc should "k and his company deserve con-- .i x. r moit tehcate and refined opera Per ' v' , "l mr.rvei.Msr.Dt, buouiu gratuiat;on. But a critic can safely leave Wallace and Mrs. Greene gave a swim Mme At Riggs pharmacy" corner have gone further and put in more "busi- that to others. c"c"n8aie'Jr'ea jning party at the sanitarium on Tues- Twelfth and O streets. nesa." The policeman is the low com- H. B. JtfcfeS'wKfeaSS'igfta.- t-t;; - .v