The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 22, 1896, Image 1

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VOL 11. NO. 8
Offico 217 North Eleventh St.
Jelephore 384
up of Mr. Annin's somewhat transparent
correspondence. It has been demon
strated that a boom for president must
have other and a more solid foundation
than distorted dispatches sent out by
enthusiastic writers for the press.
The Manderson "boom" hardly
reached the proportions of a boom. The
work of other hands than Manderson's
was so plainly seen in the sudden dem
onstration that the people refused to
take the candidacy of the ex-tenator
seriously, and the effect has been a con
centration of McKinley sentimnt. Mc
Kinley is stronger in Nebraska today
than before Mandersons name was
mentioned. "
V. MORTON SMITH Editor and Manager
SARAH B. HARRIS Associate Editor
. Republican politics has its share or
trickery, and trickery is exerting itself
Subscription Rates In Advance. jUBt DQV.f and ch;efly for the purpose of
Per annum 92M defeating McKinley. Pretty soon hon-
Six monhs 1-00 est men will be saying of the Ohio can-
OneS 'Y.Y.Y.Y.'.'.Y.'.'". 20 didate: "We love him for the enemies
Singlecopies.".".".".'."."."..".".".".. s be has made." MattQuaya candidate
for president! This is a sart of vicious
buffoonery that is disgraceful to the re-
Eijtj(giii!)S! publican party. Quay is one of the
S roost accomplished boodlers and skillful
5ERVATIONS 1 "workers" in this country. He repre
ss sents everything that is base in politics.
ioM)Sa)iMi&S e B a Jobber and a corruptionist of
.,.,. j the most advanced sort. Quay has
Kr. W.E. Annin, the industrious and Deve? been .q anvthingf and he
discursive Washington correspondent of mt 8incere .q fai , nre6ent cand;dacy
the Journal, is following the straight He ja dea,. Tom The
line of duty when he discusses national Manter8on movement came 8traiKht
politics from the view point of the na- from Quay and pIatte. and it to not sur-
tion's capital for the benefit of pro- ;ai that it waa diBcredited in this
vincial Nebraskans. He is not depart- The wonder is that Mr. Mand.
ingfrom his proper work when he en- erBon allovred himself to be tricked by
tertains us with accounts of the mov- theBe p5rateg Tfae ei.Benator
ings and mouthings of the senators and unwittipg,y pernjitted himself to be
representatives from this state, tho he placed in a rkuculous pos;tion by the
sometimes surfeits us with enthusiastic chief lrickBter8 of tho partv
praise of trivial performances. But .
when Mr. Annin telegraphs from Wash-
ington the particulars of the political Last week I predicted that gander
situation in Nebraska he is exceeding son would decline to be a candidate be
his authority, and sending coals to New- fore the delegates are selected in this
., ... , ..n, ..n.i:. state. If the ex-senator values his rep
castle that are conspicuously undesir- .
ti ir !,-.. n,;fAr cn,i utation and cares to retain the respect
able. Mr. Annin is a clever writer end .
one of the best correspondents in of the people of Nebraska, he will
Washington. He may know all about dra at once, while l,e can do so with
r 1.- l i-.- -a !.-. rn honor. Should he permit hi8 name to
Washington politics and have an open v
7 u . r i?.nnx, or,,i be used ind to go before the state con-
sesame to the nursery of Frances and B
.,.... . ,: i,. vention Manderson stock would fall to
Ruth, but there are a few things here .
. '. , .. . . , f !, a very low hgure in ebraska. The re
in Nebraska that he does not know. "
.. . . . . f t pub icans of this state would fand it
The Roentgen system has not as yet v
. , .. . . , , imf uora difficult to respect a man who acted as
reachwl the state of development where . n j t a -a
... . ,. . f nur.,n a cats paw for Quay and Reed and
it is possible to obtain a correct photo- . .. . , '. . . ,.
r.... .. -aa j; stood in the way of the honest senti-
graph of things a thousand mires dis- J ,.-.- .
r f , t . a ; nient of the party. But it is certain
tant. Mr. Annin.-clover and interest- J
... . .f ,j u- ,, that Manderson will stop the farce be
ing aB he is. is not omniscent, and he is f ....
... j . M u. !,-, fore it goes too far. Tho vote at the
not gifted in prescience. It is, there- r u .i,
. i,o,i, G. A. R. reunion in Omaha and the in
fore, presumptuous in nun to telegraph ...... , . ,. . ..
tit u- i u ifi. o.-, f cidents of last weeks meeting or the
from Washington the latest news or
, . republican state central committee in
'. this city should make it clear to the ex-
senator that he cannot stem the cur
rent of McKinley enthusiasm.
Mr. Annin has been sending to the
Journal some peculiar information con
cerning the Manderson movement in
this state. His contribution to the po
litical excitement here is entirely gratu
itous, and boldly inaccurate. The
.Manderson boom has been largely made
The whole truth about that meeting
of the state central committee will prob
ably never be told. It a certain plan of
Congressman Hainer's had been carried
out there would have been an uproar in
this slate that would have culmiuuted
in the repudiation of the committee at
the state convention. Congressman
Hainer ha9 made a fairly good record in
Washington and he was in a fair way to
get a permanent hold on the republicans
oC the Fourth district, when, in an un
guarded moment. Lo cucccir.bcd to the
blandishments of tho Reed machine,
and for a paltry committee appointment
bargained to attempt to defeat the
wishes of an overwhelming majority of
the republican voters of Nebraska.
There was a feeling that it was inadvis
able to appoint a congressman to the
post of chairman of the state central
committee. When that congressman
inspired by motives clearl unpatriotic
sought to use his position as chairman
in the furtherance of a scheme of the
Reed-Quay-Platte combination, and
against the expressed will of his party
in his own state, it became apparent to
many republicans that the selection of
Mr. Hainer was a serious mistake. The
meeting of the committee brought out
a lobby that reminded the onlookers of
the palmy days of the legislature,
Workers were whisked in from all parts
of the state, and the word was passed
around that the McKinley talk rauBt be
stopped, that the party should rally to
the support of Manderson. Chairman
Hainer was foolish enough to imagine
that he could force the committee to go
on record as pledging the party to
Manderson's caadidacy. Senator Thurs
ton and other leaoing republicans were
on hand, and Mr. Hainer very promptly
altered his program. Manderson was
not trotted out. Mr. Hainer and his
co-workers left the city much dis
gruntled. It was a palpable defeat for
Manderson, and a victory for the Mc
Kinley advocates on the opposition's
Mr. Hainer advocated the favorite
son idea while in this city. It was not
surprising, therefore, that some repub
licans were disposed to advance the
same idea with reference to Mr. Hain
er's district and bring out favorite sons
from the various counties to contest
with him for the nomination for con
gress this year. The congressman's
stand in opposition to the prevailing
sentiment of the state and the district,
dictated as it was by no lofty idea, was
a grave mistake, and it may cause his
defeat for renomination. Already there
are numerous candidates in the Fourth
district, among whom is Senator Pope,
of Saline count, who may develop into
a formidable opponent.
Mayor Graham, for some reason, does
not follow up the curfew ordinance with
an order to close the gambling houses.
The curfew sounds nightly and the little
boys are chased off the streets; but the
real vice anu depravity that infest the
town are unchecked. The curfew
sounds, but the rattle of the chips is
still heard in the licensed gambling
hells. The curfew sounds, but the un
mentionable dens of infamy send out
their garish light undtmned, and the
worst form of vice is practiced under
the protection of the police. Mr. Law
lor every evening beam's ecstatically as
the curfew sounds, but all over the city
the law is being openly violated and
wickedness stalks with presumptuous
gait. Tho curfew sounds, but the town
is still wide open, and Lincoln still de
serves its reputation bb one of the
toughest towns in the west. Why is
the mayor inactivor Surely after the
curfew he cannot stand still. He is in
duty bound to prosecuto tho good work.
Let the mayor ring all the bells of the
city some fine morning as a notice to
the people that from that hour the law
will be enforced, that the gates that
opened wide to admit vice and lawless
ness and crime will close to protect the
moral health of the city. When will
the mayor act?
There is one feature of this wide open
regime in Lincoln that is not generally
thought of. Twice, within a week, it
has been called to my attention. The
word has gone out all over this part of
the country that Lincoln is the loosest
town, morally, west of the Mississippi
river. I am not in a position to debate
this question, but it is probable that
there are other places equally as loose.
Be that as it may, this city has secured a
notoriety that is most unenviable, that
may work serious injury to its welfare.
Traveling men and others spread tho
information that in Lincoln no attempt
is made to enforce the laws against
gambling, and the allied vices, and the
daily newspapers contain ample corrob
orative particulars. Twice in seven
days I have heard of instances where
parents in tho stato refused to send
their children to this city and to the
state university because of the immor
ality that is not only allowed to go un
checked here, but is protected by the
very authority that is lawfully bound
to stamp it out. It may readily be seen
that this state of things is a standing
menace to the university and the city.
When the town has reached the point
in viciousness and outlawry that par
ents are afraid to trust their children to
its temptations, te idea may occur to
many people that it is time to make a
radical change in the policy of tho city
government. Perhaps the mayor will
think this over and hasten to sound the
warning note.
Now that candidates for governor in
this state are soon to be nominated, and
candidates for the nomination are
springing up in half the counties, it is
in order to discuss tho qualifications
that a man should have to properly fit
him for the gubernatorial office. In
this state the office of governor has been
too lightly regarded. Politicians have
been disposed to look upon the gover
norship as a mere political snap, to be
scrambled for the same as any other
office. Xo distinction has been made
between candidates for governor and
candidates for oil inspector or sanitary
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