The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 04, 1896, Image 4
"'"-..JirtJDQtJJWRWp & - "" '""ri " '--XiJ' PS jT ATT" " " - THB COURIER. -(., K i h t k k The Haydon Art Club Exhibit. Tho exhibit in the art room of tho li brary building, though not at first im pression, grows, on examination, into a very good show. The four landscapes by Leonard Ochtman have distance, at mosphere and clean color. It shows how much wo need this kind of picture here when people can be heard to say "I do not like thoso pictures, they do not look like anything I ever Baw. Very likely not, but do you not wish you could see like that madamo?" Miss Parker's contributions to this year's Lincoln salon show a marked im provement in her work. The small head in a bright light, with a purple quiver ing shadow on tho hair is an exquisite thing. It is small but it easily carries the width of the room. She knew what she was about when she painted that head piece. The work is done with assurance, boldness. It is unified, the completed work of a singl" inspiration. Miss Parker's autumnal color in agroup of trees a little Bouth of Lincoln is a charming bit of color and shows the influence of Ochtman, so also does "The grey day in tho Shinnecock hills." Miss Margaret Clark has loaned three pic tures, one a tree-embowered pond by MH'e. Julien, a aopy of one of Chap lin's heads by the same artist and a dis tant view of Venice by Walter Brown. MH'e. Julien was a favorite pupil of the great Chaplin whose works are very rare. Meissoner's and J.rome's are cheap compared to thiB master's many, of whose works have been destroyed by fire. The French people think so much of the treasures he has left they would not allow any of them to be brought to this country even to the world's fair. Miss Clark herself is unrepresented in the collection. This is unfortunate. I happen to know she has some evidences of last summer's work in the Shinne cock hiilc, sketches full of delicate feel ing and the shimmering elusive color of summer days on the sea. It is remark able that such a flat unaspiring peace as Lincoln should have produced three energetic, ambitious, already on the heights, women such as Alice Righter, Margaret Clar'j and Elizabeth Tuttle. Mr. Laurie Wallace, the director of the Omaha Art school Bent a head and two landscapes. Tho head show the in fluence of Bougereau. The brook flows through a low bit of ground and sedgy grasses overhang it. I wonder where he sat when he painted it. It is so 6oft and wet all around you could not set up an easel within two-hundred feet of the spot. Perhaps there was a little bridge near. Moran, "Evening," by R. S. Gifford. A vision of the clique by Frederick Walker, whom many suppose to have been Du. Maurier's model for little Billee. A street in London by Whistler the most exquisite etching possible, and "Summer," by Gaugengigl. Mrs. R. O. Phillips lends two pictures very pleasing bur painted according to the instruction of the old 6chobl, which after all some people prefer. Onoan old harp leaning on his harp while his daughter looks on, and Esther robing herself to appear before tho king. Mrs. John B. Wright haB a picture of a ship sailing oves a path made by the moon, Mrs. Yates a beautiful bronze Moor, Presi dent Uarwood a marine by Bricher, and a Woodro ad by G. Owln. Miss Righter shows a carefully selected collection of photographs. Tho university has some photographs mainly (.taken from the Palace de Luxembourg of which I will speak in next issue. Mrs. Bessey Bends some very fresh and pleasing water colors. .S. B. H. t cannot take it Cod-liver oil helps and cures. Many believe they could be benefited if they could take It, but, after trying, acknowledge they cannot do it. They might as well say they cannot eat bread, after having taken of a few pieces which were heavy and sour. Physiologists tell us that cod-liver oil Is more easily digested than cream, butter or other fats. The difficulty is with the preparation which has been used. t Scotts Emulsion of cod-liver oil with hypophosphltes is borne by the most delicate invalid because it is not disagreeable in taste ; contains the purest oil; the oil is emulsified (or digested), avoiding the rising of gas from the stomach ; and the oil is combined with the hypophosphltes which are known for their power to strengthen digestion and give tone and vigor to the whole system. 50c ud $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York 1 The Return of the Magdalene. Miss Righter has, besides 6ome excel lent pencil sketches, two copies, one of Murillo's Cherubs in the Ijnmaculato Conception and L'lndifferent, by Wat teau, both charming and both having the marks of a faithful likeness. Mrs. Bessey shows two portraits by Mrs. Can field, very good likenesses. And a pleas ant reminder of one who did much work for the Haydon Art club and for art in genera when she was with us. Miss Isabella Rogers shows a water color of an oriel window very well worked out. In the gray old church where the marble shrine Of the Virgin Mary stands, A penitent woman in agony kneels And prays with outstretched hands; "Ave Maria spotle;s one. Hear my prayer, I have no hope to save thou alone, In my despair." Her voice is choked with broken sighs. She wrings her hands in grief, Her body is shaken by Btoriny sobs, As the wind shakes a trembling leaf; "Ave Maria see my shame My agony, I who am lost, undone, Ah pity me." Then prone on her face the woman falls Hei bosom bared to stony floor, Her voice is stiffied, half mixed with dsath As she gasps and prays once more: "Ave Maria -my bleeding heart I bring to thee, Cleanse thou its lust away Oh pardon me. But the image of Mary nor smiles, nor frowns, Nor stoops with a listening ear, Her placid face in the old church shines Nor the prayer does Bho seem to hear; "Ave Maria the flames of hell Are in my heart, The fire consumes my helpless soul Bid it depart." And there on the floor of the gray old church When the nuns come in for prayer, Theyiind the sinni r in a scarlet gown. Her red dishevelled hair, Like a pool of clotted blood spread out On the pavement cold and bare, Her lips move not. nor her rigid hands let there seems to float through the air; "Ave Maria spotless one Hear my prayer, I have no hope save thou alone In my despair." William Reed Dunroy, T. T Tlxoiroo dte GENERAL BICYCLE BEPATJRER3 in a branches. - 9 Repairing done as Neat and Complete as from the Factories at hard time prioM All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST. Machinist and. General Repair Work. LINCOLN. ELEGANT LINE OF POCKET BOOKS-CARD CASE8 Md LEATHER NOVELTIES. TRAVIS, VfdiSES, ... for lummer tourist and others. Repairing a Specialty. Old Trunks in Exchange for New Ones. IMMH6IHT. I2IHSM. CI. IH. m Our great January discount sale commenced Thursday morning, January 2nd and will close Jan uary 1 1th. We expect it to he the largest sale we have ever had. We remind you that it is a good time to buy blankets, comforters, bed spreads, fur capes, jackets, underwear, gloves, table linens and sheetings, dress goods, silks, etc. You are invited Mi;MER & PAINE Maricurirg ard Hair dressing uu unci wiuuuv cj ncu numcu uui. , . Miss Anna Rogers a Moor, with a green f ArJOrS and red turban, color clear and fresh. J Miss Rogers also shows a handsome carved chair. Miss Blossom Williamson shows a tabouret and a cedar table elaborately carved. Mr. Hall also shows walnut chair. Here is Dr. Giffen's pic ture by Laurens, the director of the Milwaukee Art school, of the cowboy stooping to get a drink of water. It al ways pleases. The color is honest and the man and horse and dog are entire ly free from theatrical treatment. Dr. Giffen also sends an etching in fire colore and several lithographs. Mr. C. PALACE BEAUTIFUL A. Hanna has sent a small but unusu- 101 XT ., 10,, 0. . . e Ul North 13th Street ally choice collection of etchings. Such Xext to Lansing Theatre as "Twilight in Arizona," by Thomas Lincoln Neb. This Fanoni Rrmwly cures qtiitViy, permanently all Deiruus uiseuKs. v cuk iticujuzr, im. 3 ui uruin rower, lleadacbc. Wakefulness, Lost Vl.allty. KighUy Emit. sioin. evil a reams, impotency ana wasting aiseases caused by yamthfulerrvrt or exctstrt. Contaiusnooplatcs. Is a nerve ton la and blood builder. Mafcesthepaleandpunystmnirandpliimp. Easily carried In vet pocket. 81 per box; O for 85. Bymalljpre pnlrt. vith a irrilltn ni-irantre ormonrvrtfundctl. Write nv, free aedlenl book. eenld plnln wrapper, with testimonials and financial Manrltne. KothnroefnrrnruntUatlnnt. Bewartof imitn- WI. mus. tlons. SMbi rttiit,eJJfs5t.gTK8U)cat MmallTtsKCskm. ForaalelnUncoln,Neb.,byU.W.ilUOWN.OrnsxiBU The largest stock of real shell pins in the city. We have lately enlarged our rooms and customers will no longer have to wait. Hair goods, toilet articles and pure cosmetics. De veloping the form, beautifying the face, superflous hair removed. 1PEH HI IG. CO. THIL0RIH6 DEMI. 131 III ' Full line of fine suitings and pant goods. Also a special line of overcoatings. We can save you money on any thing in our line. We manufacture our own goods, and have our own tailoring department. I BUZ 1 11 0 i "' e-.