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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1896)
W'--SS' y-" f1 "f THE COURIER. -f .-?i afnags-w, LI ! f ft. f k IS. f r w t I f I a. FRANK H. WOODS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, In an action wherein Frank H. Woods, as ad ministrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of Arthur B. Gilman, de ceased, is plaintiff, and Zacharlah Hammel, et at, are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 7th day of January. A. D., 1896, at the east door of the court house, In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: Lots numbered five (5) and six (6) In block numbered three (3) of Lincoln Heights, an addition to the city of Lincoln, according to the recorded plat thereof, situated In Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 4th day of December, A. D., 1895. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. First pub Nov 3 NOTICE The Davis and Rankin Building and Manufacturing Go, defendant will take notice that on the 26th day ot Nov 1895, Uria Gault plaintiff herein filed bis pe tition in the county court of Lancas ter county Nebraska, the object and prayer of which was to recover judg ment against said defendant for the sum of $411.88, and interest thereon at seven per cent per annum from the let of September 1895. That an order of attachment baa been issued in said action and the following property has been attached thereunder as the pro perty of said defendant to wit. Three promissory notes payable to said de fendant or order as follows. One for f 1GO.O0 Bigned by Davis Bros. One for $100 00 signed by H. C. Blanchard. One for $50.00 signed by James Douglas. Also one hand cream separator received from the custody of I. W. Chappell, garnishee in said action. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday January 6th 1895. Dated November 26th 1895. Stewart and Munger Attorneys for plaintiff dec 20 Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTOK, HUXJCTT DATXHPOM, Proprietor. .UmMmi m fat ImA. -1 1Pw ! wit paaa the door to and from aU parts MM PANTS eOMPHNY NEW LOCATION Full stock woolens. Latest styles GENERAL TAILORING Nothing but first class workmen employed. We can therefore guarantee perfect satisfaction 120 SOOTH ST. - C. M. CARPENTER Mgr. COOPER'S ICE WAGONS are the only ice wagons handHiy GEieilE BLUE RIVER WE. Telepho 683) CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS H nil 8 H 1 r$ An $ FOR A SHORT !& 8 m " $ TIME ONLY m i 5 m ATTK. "U"" u$9n?ij k VlWMtMiutWO OfFW By special arrangement Tith the various publis hers THE COURIER is able to make an extraordioary clubbing offer. The Photographer. 129 South Eleventh Street oooooo ooooooooooo w Here is a list of the leading papers which we club with. Bead it over and select the publi cations you desire and drop us a postal 2 ard. B y return mail we will submit an estimate to you,showing our net rate and your actual gain by sending subscripti'ns to us. ... . Publishers Price Frank Leslie's 111. Weekly. .14.00 Harpers Magazine 4.00 Harpers Weekly 4.00 Arena 3.00 Art Amateur, with plates .. 4.00 Atlantic Monthly 4.00 Century Magazine 4.00 Chautauquan 1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.50 Current Literature 3.00 Forum 4.00 Godey's Magazino 1.00 Harpers Bazar 4.00 III. London News 6.00 Ladies Home Journal LOO Lippincott's Magazine 2.50 McClure's Magazine 1.00 McMillan's Magazine 3.00 Munsey's Magazine 1.00 Musical Courier 4.00 New Engiand Magazine 300 North American Review .... 5.00 Outing 3.00 Public Opinion JL50 Romance 1.00 St Nicholas 3.00 Scribners Magazine 3.00 Short Stories 250 Table Talk LOO Town Topics 4.00 Women's Tribune 1.00 Youths Companion LS5 Review of Reviews 3.00 1 In many ases the combined price of the two publications is the same a the price of one alone. For instance the price of Harper's Magazine is $4.00; The Courier is $2.00. You can have them both $4.00 S0 we !! Our Price With 7It &B The Coukiks Elr3 84 00 & QSr 400 our oner &b 425 for any pub- r 8 the world at H 415 9 a greatly re 3X1 I iS25 I ducedrate. 2.00 & X vL 2-00 fig p. H v 2.00 f W' J T 4.25 S 3& SI 6.00 ZE& - 200 I Is) 3-lj (SXs)aXa) JU 3-35 $ 1 fti 2.00 S yE? Vr 400 3 eH tvt 5ss S These gg IV f? 1 club-rate W - 2.00 $ sub- P 360 S scnptins g 3o are cash 4iJ5 S? S? 2.00 s advance 4.00 g CO KgkJ V V S sSsISSS! J. E. FERRIS GENERAL STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBL1G Legal work solicited. Depositions a specialty. All kinds of type writing done. ROOM 104, BURR BLOCK, Lincoln, Neb. Every purchaser of $1 worth of goods will receive a cou pon worth 10 cts, to apply on future purchase. 5c cou pon with 50c Riggs Pharmacv 12&0 You can get McClure's Magazine, Munsey's Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home Journal, Godey's, Table Talk. Women's Tribune, etc. ABSOLUTELY FREE by paying the regular subscription price to the Courier. Any publication in the world clubbed with The Courier at a great saving to sub scribers. Terms cash, invariably. -?;Tle (ouriepJf- Call building 217 N. 11th Street Lincoln CLARKS0N LAUNDRY 330-332-334-330-33tf South Eleventh Street. -Telephone 270. McINTOSH should be your PRINTER HP s CCeCCCCCCCCCCCe : OOOCOOOOOOO : QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 1 , M I I M I UN F0B GOOD HL goto ! ! H-w- B0WN ! OPffll - HflilSE -IfFET. UUOillUI ULlIllll I i Druggist and 5 115 So. Twelfth St. 1 f. -w-WTfS ffr'lg'V O BOOkSeller. j j! XJnderFnnke Opera House. j PRPP 5 Pine Stationery j 8 Only the finest liquid refresh- ( OFFICE 1100 0 Street 8 and Jij ments served. jjj S 7 , 1 O Calling Cards Q jl !i S Basement Richard Slock J O O I ?! 127 S. Eleventh Street. ! !! BM5W -. KIBKMDI S YARDS 14th and Y S PHONE 68. " i! ProprietorB. Cj f PHONES 343 and 488 YARDS 14th and Y To every person who sub scribes for The Courier, price 92.00, and pays a year in advance, we will give a year's subscription to the COSMOPOLITAN i i I; $ :l h U OOOOOOOOOOO : ooooooooooooooooooooooooo