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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1895)
THE COURIER. l A GLANCE BACKWARD ? ? 'OIOOVrKKlOO The year that Is just now sliding into marked in Omaha that it was the cheap history will disappear without any est body that has assembled in our noisy demonstration of regret. It was prisoner-built state house for many not welcomed with particular acclaim, years. Corruption overflowed from the and the indifference as to Its coming Is capltol during January. February and succeeded by an equal, if not greater, March. It has been oozing out In this indifference as to its going. city ever since. In the spring the peo- Elghteen hundred and ninety-five! pie voted for a wide-open town and You brought some things that were Frank Graham and business revival and .good; some scattered spots and splashes prosperity. They got Frank Graham of brightness; but as you turned down and a wide-open town. Every night the quarter stretch the end gate fell now, In nearly a dozen places, faro out, and the spilled debris obscured the fares and roulette rules, and the Lln few bright things that were lying about, coin millionaires sit and lmperturbably So, having at first raised hope and stake nickels and dimes on the fall of then dashed It to the ground, having a single card or the turn of the wheel, given us nothing to make you memora- The republican party, surprised Itself ble, and much to make you contemned along In the summer by nominating a here's to your swift transit, and may we county ticket so much better than it Is never see your like again! In the habit of naming that every man Once upon a time, in the good old on it was elected. Among the best days, Lincoln possessed a genuine, dls- things that Ninety-five will take with tinctive society. One day R. C. Outcalt It are Fred Miller and E. Baker, shut one eye and one C. W. Mosher The crop of politicians, fertilized by looted a bank. About the same time business inactivity, has this year been the birds that used to sing in the Ne- larger than ever before in the history braska fields folded up their music and of tne city. In these last days of Nine winged away. Hard times came on ty-five the people are divided Into two apace, and Society went about with Its classes, those who have some business arm In a sling. Then the hard times to attend to and those who have not. got harder and Society received more All oC tne latter are politicians. A list knocks, and both arms were tied up. ot those who have applied for positions Finally things were not only hard, but under Sam Low and John Trompen compressed, and Society, floundering would bear a close resemblance to the around, hurt Its feet. This year It has cit directory. occupied a hospital couch with arms Ifc has been a trying time, commer and feet bandaged. It has lived and clally. But there has been manifested had Its being, but it has not moved. a determination to keep up courage. Society has winked its eye once or and considering all the circumstances f twice, and It has mannered tn kppn thr -Liincoin nas reason to be nroud of hr fingers free from the bandages, the Lin- record. coin club, the Patriarchs and the Pleas- During the present year culture has ant Hour club. One finger that used to held lts wn. Indeed it has made bar move about freely is stiff and inactive barism take a few steps backward, the Empire club. But the three fingers Tnere Is a gradual but steady progress the three clubs have played their little Intellectually. A high-five prize no play and danced their little dance and longer represents the acme of ambition sung their little song, and lo! there has and effort as it once did. The playing been almost as much turmoil and rush- cani and the tinkling cymbals of con ing of blood and watchfulness as when comltant frivolity have been In a meas the whole body of Society was in mo- ure displaced. People have gone in for tion. A prominent gentleman attached art and all that sort of thing, and the to two of the three fingers, and who may women have stopped pouring five o'clock therefore be called a Society Man, was tea t0 read four hour papers on Ibsen engaged to write the Inner secrets of and Theosophy in the Moon. Culture the three clubs for this review In much nas been stuck up on a high peak, and the same manner that Imbert de Saint devotees have worn smooth paths to Amand has written of the secrets of the tne shrine. French court. It would have been a During the year a new race track was highly diverting history judging from opened and some world's records were the few advance sheets that we were broken; Dean Howell gathered up all permitted to see but the Society Man ot tne musical Interest and apprecla- after he had completed the undertaking t,on In the tow" and settled In Denver, and embellished the work with delicate making that city the musical hub that bits of Imagery and Illustrated it with Lincoln once was; "Dear Mr. Croan" full-toned engravings, was stricken fastened up the front door of "Western with cowardice, and absolutely refused formal college, and slid out of a back to give us his MSS. No amount of per- basement window, first securing a suasion succeeded in altering his de- beautifully written endorsement from termination. the appreciative titwillow editor of the The population of Lincoln has been dl- state Journal; the board of education minished the present year. The house- omitted to place a flag on every school hold gods that were accustomed to the house and an editor was attacked with homage of the Canfields in this city are cramp in the brain; 1,600,000 divorces now set up in Columbus, Ohio, where were granted by the judges of the dis- Rev. Hewitt Is about to go. And Dr. trlct court; a colored man went out for Curtis, of the First Presbyterian church, a waIk and a railroad company had him also followed the course of empire as It convicted of murder; Frank C. Zehrung has taken its way eastward. But H. dropped a bag of gold eagles and mash- H. Blodgett, et al., remain and we are ed nis foot- duly grateful. SAMUEL PEPYS. JR. The space left vacant by the depart ure of Dr. Curtis Is still unfilled. Into the aperture caused by the removal of Our third semi-annual 25 per cent Chancellor Canfleld has come a new per- discount sale of winter suits and over- sonallty that seems destined to fill It coats is now in progress. Everything m,.i,. rh in oar stock of clothing either ready completely and most effectively. Chan- made or made to order is iscluded. We cellor MacLean Is one of the bright reserve nothing. VKE WOOL 16. CO. TAILORING 111 131 III T Full lino of tine suitings and punt goodtt. Also n special lino of overcoatings. We can savo you money on any thing in our line. Wo manufacture our own goodtt, nnd havo our own tailoring depurtmont. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((tt Go CAPITAL, rMTY -mWlSA.!. rOMPANYi! 1014 T Street 1c ? ) 5 9 Wlere You Can Hvy - - - Choice Sirloin Htetilc ntlOo Very Good Stetilc e So isrouuiK ueei cam iov caaa am v Baoon So es iora A WE DONT CHANGE pRlCBM EJVISR'V' J3A.Y Give tin it trltil A KCCC(CCK () () () (5) () () PHJkHARMONIG ORCHESTRA ( Will accept engagements for concerts, receptions. and parties. Any number and variety of instruments fur nished. Terms reasonable. W . i mm This ?amn Remedy euros qui t.lj, permanently all twrvuus atwti-s. Weuic Memory. ls of Hraln tuer, llendacbc. Wakefulness. s-t Vl.ullty. KlKbllr Knil- sloiis, erll dreams, luipotencr and waMlmr dlieasea caused br youUtfulrrrw or cxcriMJ. Contain no opiates. Isa nerve lonlu ndbloa4 builder. Jlakfs the pale and punrstninffandplanip. KasllrcarrledlnTestporkFt.lllpprboz;afnrS5. paid, vHthaicTittrnnnirantteormontiiTtJumltd. Write sedlel book, sen led Dlnln wraotmr. with testimonials and stunrttnir- .Vnrkirm nr rmt nil f af tons - Rrwanof imltn Forsalo la Llncoln,Neb.,by II. W.UUOWN. Druggist. iiniinr iiiiriinui Office with N. P. . HU6UST IKHn t&ss&Sila HI Hunter Printing: COMPANY . . GENERAL PRINTERS South half .... CALL BUILUINO Having secured from the Courier Publishing Co. all copper plates here tofore controlled by them, we shall be pleased to fill orders for Engraved Cards and Wedding Stationery on short notice and in a satisfactory man ner. too CARDS AND PLATE - $1.30 too CARDS WITHOUT PLATE 1.50 Latest Styles Elegant Work HUNTER PRINTINO CO., 333 No. nth StTMt. spots. The year had a bad beginning politic ally In the legislature. Omaha asked a good deal of this legislature, and it got what it wanted, and now it Is re- Paine Warfel& Bumstead. Albert F. Oeder & Co., undertakers. VOELKER a tlm nnlv lnnnufaeturer of furs in Lincoln, and hU store is t lie only place where you can see a firtt clas and complete stock of FURS There is a skilled furrier always in at tendance. Examine his coats, capes, muffs, neck scarfs, etc. Tha best ma terial and finest workmanship. Far trimmings, and all kinds of repairing. 140 S. 12TH Notice IN THE DISTRICT COURT of Lancaster County, Nebraska, American Exchange National bank, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Joseph W. Winger, Angle E. Winger, W. Rush Glllan. James W. Winger and M. C. Buckingham, whose first name Is un known, defendants. W. Rush Glllan, James W. Winger and M. C. Buckingham, whose first name is unknown, will take notice that on the 5th day of December, 1835. the American Exchange National bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, a corporation, the plaintiff herein, filed its petition In the district court of Lancaster county, Ne braska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to can cel and set aside a conveynce made by the defendants, Joseph W. Winger and Angle E. Winger, his wife, to the de fendant, W. Rush Glllan, on or about the 4th day of September, 1894. a con veyance from the defendant W. Rush Glllan and wife to the defendant, James W. Winger, on or about the 24th day of May, 1893, and a mortgage from one Joseph C. Seacrest to the defendant, W. Rush Glllan, on or about the 5th day of January. 1891, all covering lot number ten (10) in block number fifty-six (56) In the city of Lincoln, in Lancaster coun ty, and state of Nebraska, on the ground that they were each and all made for the purpose of hindering, delaying and defrauding the creditors of the said de fendant. Joseph W. Winger, and that said lot number ten (10), free and clear from said incumbrances, may be declar ed to be the property of the defendant, Joseph W. Winger, and that the same may be sold and the proceeds thereof applied in satisfaction of plaintiff's claim, to-wlt: A Judgment against the said Joseph W. Winger for $5,167.90, and Interest and costs, which Judgment was rendered In the district court of Lan caster county, Nebraska, on the 20th day of November, 1895, and for such oth er relief as justice may require. Includ ing the costs of this action. You. and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of January. 1896. American Exchange National Bank. Plaintiff. Dec. 2S.