The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 07, 1895, Image 11

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The Oriental, the big square wooden
house on the corner of Thirteenth anil
K streets. Is an Interesting survival
of Lincoln's early days. It was built
by a man named Tichenor and he called
It th e "Tichenor house." When Mr.
Townley bought It. It was called the
Townley house. After some other
changes It was rechrlstened "The Ori
ental" and the gilt letters of the name
reached across the whole eastern
front. Why It was called the Oriental
is as mysterious as the reason for nam
ing the little millinery shop where
brave Mrs. Blair did business for so long
"The Palace of Fashion." It may have
been because the big gilt letters three
feet high composing the words Tich
enor House can be made into Oriental
with only an A and an L. lacking. They
took the big II and leaned the two up
rights together at the top and made
the arm a little shorter for an A. and
the carpenter made them an L.
The man Tichenor only stayed in Lin
coln a few years. He had left before
1870. The place he occupied though In
Lincoln economics has been filled by
a number of prominent citizens since.
Probably no smoother rascal ever lived
than this early financier. Everybody
knows there Is some gold In sea water.
Tichenor asserted there was gold In
paying quantities and that he had per
fected a process to extract It. Lew Crop
sey was sent after Tichenor to the Pa
cific coast where he was conducting dal
ly experiments before California mine
owners. Tichenor offered Mr. Cropsey
and his company the right for Nebras
ka and Colorado for twenty thousand
dollars. Mr. Cropsey decided to talk
It over with a scientific assayer, a Mr.
Househeimer. He said to him, "Lew,
this man is a fraud. Tell him if he
will come here and conduct his experi
ments In my laboratory successfully I
will give you $50,000 for the right to use
his process In my mine. In my one mine
in Colorado." Mr. Cropsey made the
proposition toTlchenor who replied that
he was not seeking to enrich Househei
mer and he declined the trial. He knew
Househeimer. Mr. Cropsey brought
brought the $20,000 back to the Nebras
ka company. Tichenor had managed to
fool the other people by Introducing
some liquid gold Into the retort which
was precipitated In the last vessel in
the form of a gold button.
After the Californlans found out his
scheme Tichenor left the Pacific coast.
He came to Kansas, bought an old worn
out mine and a thousand dollars worth
of gold. He melted the gold into fine
shot and spent his days down In the
mine shooting oft a shot gun loaded
with gold Into various parts of the
rock In his mine. He finally sold this
mine to some men for two-hundred and
fifty thousand dollars. And he never
came back.
The social season has opened with a
number of ladles afternoon card par
ties. It Is often said that men left to
themselves get lower and lower.Wheth
er this Is true or not women certainly
need men's society to prevent them
from getting smaller and smaller. When
the herd chases a prize they horn each
other and do not attempt to disguise
their eagerness. The presence of man,
their desire for his admiration, exercis
es a restraining and elevating Influence
upon women. Therefore at all parties
he should be present.
Frequently the hostess Is tempted to
invite just one representative of & "fam
ily because her space Is more limited
than her list of acquaintances. Parties
where men and women are both Invited
evangelise both sexes. They are on
their best behavior. It Is good to act
your prettiest If only for two hours at
a time once or twice a week. It Is Just
as vulgar to show any eagerness to
secure a prize as It Is to eat hungrily
and there Is less excuse for the former.
They say that Omaha is to have two
nights of German opera. Madame
Klafsky is the principal soprano. Her
voice can easily rise above an orches
tra of sixty pieces and stay up there
for 15 minutes, or longer for that mat
ter. Frau Klafsky Is a robust Teuton.
After three hours' tussle with Wagner's
score she is breathing easily as a sleep
ing baby. Her voice has resonance,
power. It can carry a long way. Except
in the lower register it has little sweet
ness, however.
Walter Damrosch's lectures on the
Wagner operas are absolutely neces
sary as a preparation to an enjoyment
of them. In Tristan and Isolde In the
garden scene the lovers sing to each
other and are together for three quar
ters of an hour. They sink upon a bench
and begin a rapturous song dia
logue, which at first is thrilling. Af
ter a half hour of It admiration of tone
subsides Into wonder at their endur
ance. We are apt to despise what we
do not understand. Three hours of
Wagner's opera will weed out the mu
sicians from the pretenders. The lat
ter will be heard saying there is no
music in all that noise, the former will
be seen, not heard, sitting with rapt
faces, unconscious of their cramped
limbs, enjoying the music. A week or
two ago the Auditorium in Chicago
was packed full of people on the
opening night. The boxes were
full of beautiful shoulders, gowns
and diamonds. The pit and the
galleries contained plain bodies who
went to hear the music Many were Ger
mans. Their garments showed that
they did not go because It Is stylish to
go to the opera. But their rapt atten
tion showed what part of the auditor
ium the opera was written for. Oh.
those German people! I think they un
derstand how to live better than we do.
In the summer time the mann takes
Frau and the kinder and goes into the
parks. They laugh and chatter and
scold. Winter and summer they take
the flower of the season and enjoy It,
When there is good music to be heard
they listen to it with a cultivation part
ly inherited. We are a long time
learning contentment and the art of be
Ig happy from them. To return to Ger
man opera. Those who go from Lincoln
should manage to be In Omaha long
enough to hear Mr. Damrosch's lecture
on the special operas he will present.
Do you know that you can go from
Lincoln to Los Angeles and San Diego,
Cal.. via the Missouri Pacific In less
than three days? Only 2 days and 20
hours! Well. It's a fact, and we would
like to prove it to you. Only one change
of cars, dining care and every mod
ern convenience. Call at City Office, 1201
O street and be convinced.
Go to Wbempner'e for drug, 139S. 10
Miss Ferguson's dancing classes at the
Lansing ball. Classes both afternoon
and evening. The Lansing hall for rent
for parties. Residence 16l0 G street.
Semi-annual rents are due and paya
ble November 15. If not paid on tine
10 per cent of the bill will be added
and the water may be shut off and $1
additional fine cahrged for turning
same on. J. w. PERCrVAL,
Water Commlsekmer.
toast bread
and keep it dry. There'll be no danger of its molding.
But moisten the bread with water, and see the result,
in a short time it. is covered with mold. It is just so
with consumption. Its germs will not grow in the
lungs unless everything is suitable to them. Weak
ness, poor blood, loss of appetite, coughs and colds
often prepare the ground for the development of the
germs of consumption. To destroy germ-life the sys
tem must be kept in a ," '' nourished condition. Do
not lose flesh Take Qotts EmulS.011,
with hypophosphites, as
a preventive. It furnishes the reinforcements neces
sary for the body to conquer in the easiest possible
form. The oil is in a state quiVkly taken up and rap
idly transformed into the organs and tissues.
When you ask for 5co't' Emutal .n .- iJ your druzzlst gives
von a salmon-colored packucu vnh th? p.cturc 1 1 a man and
fish on It you can trust that man with your proscriptions!
5ocMtssad$i.oo SCOTT & BOYVNE, Chemists. New York
989Si9 3'3"3'SJS'S'3"9 'S'S'V8"S"8' ''S S't'S'S'a'a'S S'S'S'l'S'S'a'S'S'Stl
Disease commonly cornea on with slight symptoms, which when neg
lected increase in extent and gradualy grow dangerouB.
If you are biliouB, constipated - DIDAMCTADII1 EC
or have a disordered liver TKE Il T AINO I ADULCO
if your completion is sallow Tu- D1DAMC TADITI CC
or you suffer distress in eating. KE Il r A IN O 1 A D U LCO
RipanB Tabules i-ict gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and
intestines; cleanse the Bystem effectually; cure dyspepsia, and habitual
constipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabulc at the first
indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or
depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove tbo whole diffi
culty. Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely approved
by modern science.
If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they
contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of CEO
cents by
Local druggists everywhere will supply the
Tabules if requested to do so.
They are easy to take, quick to act and save many a doctor's bill.
- ----- - -
11 and Q Streets.
Offers superior instruction to all in artistic piano
playing, and the correct use of the voice in song.
All principal branches of raoaic taught by special
Pupil" of any grade of advancement received at any
Fall Term opens September 2.
You want the best
The best is always tfcs ehssp
rs always th best