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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1895)
THE COURIER. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Thanksgiving day afternoon and evening, at the Lansing theatre, the attraction will be David Henderson's American Extravaganza company in "Sinbad; or the Maid of Baisora," a musical burlesque, which has had a tremendous success In the great cities of the north and west, having been played over 500 nights at 'the Chicago opera house, where it was first pro duced. The3tory is the familiar one of the voyage of Sinbad to the Pigmy is- KOBEKT G. INGEKSOLL. land, as told in the "Arabian Nights." It is done, however, in a burlesque fashion, retaining merely enough of the original tale to give it continuity. It is right up to date, and aside from the plot it contains many bright, new and interesting specialties. Nearly every one of the principals in the cast con tribute to the program a "special turn" which Is entirely original and quite out of the common. The music has much that is original about it, and there are moments when it borders upon the standard of comic opera. The scenery, costumes and properties are gorgeous. A panorama representing the caravels, the white squadron and the ocean grey hounds, opening the second act, is an artistic piece of marine painting, and the transformation, "the origin of the harp," one of the handsomest scenes ever put before a Lincoln audience. The choruses and ballets are well trained and are features of the performance. There could have been no stronger attraction provided for the patrons of the Lansing theatre than that of Rob ert Downing, who will be seen this. Saturday evening, in his new play, "Helena," by the great French writer VIctorion Sardou. This play is the au thor's masterpiece and the very best play of the American tragedian's rep ertoire. It is a romantic tragedy, that ranks with the celebrated "Glsmonda," in which Fannie Davenport made her great success, and from a scenic and spectacular point of view is said to be much above it. Mr. Downing procured the American rights to the play and has played the piece only this season and it has met with the greatest suc cess and won high honor for its author and for Mr. Downing. The play has to do with the atonement for and the forgiveness of a most brutal crime, and in its sublime passages one is almost carried away with enthusiasm. Eu genie Blair, the handsome leading wo man who has so long been identified with Mr. Downing's successes will be seen in the title role which presents a most powerful dramatic figure. Miss Blair rises far above the pathetic char acters of Virginia and Neodamia in this play and shows a wonderful strength. Thecompany supporting Mr. Downing is one of the best that he has ever identified himself with. It Includes such actors as Edwin Ferry. Charles Collins, Mrs. F. N. Bates. J. H. Kolker. Alex. MacKenzie, "Walter Barton and J. R. Emery. Bunco, the word applied to all the dif ferent modes of swindling Indulged in by a class of people who exist on the credulous, forms the main motive for the fun which sparkles and scintillates, through a profusion of songs, dances, pretty women, handsome costumes, and the ever changing brightness and color incident to these ingredients in farce comedy or comedy opera, in which class a "Green Goods Man." which ap pears at the Lansing theatre. Tuesday. November 26. belongs. "A Green Goods Man's" experiences are aptly summed up in his reply to his friends on his re turn to Jayvllle. when in answer to a question, If he was acquainted in New York, and if he had enjoyed himself he made this remark: "Well, I don't know whether I am acquainted or not; I was buncoed twice and arrested once, so suppose I must have had a good time." The leading character of the Down East Yankee will be portrayed by Mr. Frank Jackson, the famous sheriff In "Old Jed Prouty," a comedian of a high order of merit. Barry Maxwell will appear as the "Green Goods Man" and Billy Link will exploit the Dusty Rhodes and wea ry walkers, "A Tramp" now so common with the comic papers throughout the country; "Edvlna,"a phenomenally suc cessful dancer, appears In a startling dance, and Georgia Chartress in a whistling solo. The company, which numbers 17 people, contains splendid voices, graceful dancers and a number of novel specialties, including Chas. Eastwood, in his famous Imitations of J. K. Emmet. The beautiful comedienne. Emily Bancker. and company of distinguished players, will present the comedy. "Our Flat," at the Lansing theatre Monday evening, November 25. One of New York's most accomplished critics wrote the following of this attraction: " 'Our Flat Is a farce pure and simple, but It Is far above that form of amusement generally designated farce-comedy. The stereotyped characters of knock-about farce are refreshingly absent and the old case of mistaken identity Is barely made use of. The Idea of the farce Is particularly new, the situations are new, and the treatment they received from the company Is new. The clever lines and the clever acting obviate the necessity of a string of unimpressive specialties. The run of the thing is fast, but it is always legitimately con ned to the llces of pure farce." There Is a scene in "Our Flat" which shows re markable ingenuity and originality. Emmissaries of an Installment house enter the fiat and strip it of its furnish ings to satisfy an unpaid claim. The young wife is left alone in her best room with nothing but a few pillows, scarfs and curtains. With the assist- f Hagenow's (IjFdjestFa Will accept engnuoiuents for high crude music for concerts, receptions anil parties. Any number ami variety of instruments furnished. Terms redsonut le. Apply to ance of a comical maid she undertakes to reproduce the former effects of the interior with boxes, tubs and baskets draped with the curtains and scarfs. In five minutes the work is complete and the audience is left to admire the result and moralize on the many pretty devices to which woman, lovely woman will resort In order to preserve appear ance. Col. Robert G. Ingersoll will deliver his celebrated lecture, "The Bible," at the Lansing theatre Friday evening, November 29. Keep one eye open for Fannie Rice in her new operatic comedy, "Nancy," at the Funke December 2nd. Arenow on sale by the Missouri Paci fic to Jacksonville, Fla., Houston. Gal veston, San Antonia, Tex., New Or leans, Charleston, S. C. and a large number of other southern points at very cheap rates. Tickets good until May 31, 1896. For further information call at City Ticket Office, 1201 O street. F. D. CORNELL, C. P. and T. A. VUST tyfiEllOti Orders may be left at residence 525 so or at Dunn's drug store. 9th University Conservatory of 11th and R Streets DLLn xasx DICK BROTHER'S QUINGY EXPORT Ia the BEST. Wl $2 PER GUISE. - EMI 2.50 PER l 3PHONE452 Delivered xree to any part of the city. JOHN BAUER. 015 O STREET. Hall onlert promptly attended to, SAY!! Do you know that you can go from Lincoln to Los Angeles and San Diego. Cal.. via the Missouri Pacific in less than three days? Only 2 days and 20 hours! Well, It's a fact, and we would like to prove It to you. Only one change of cars, dining care and every mod ern convenience. Call at City Office, 1201 O street and be convinced. Tlie Great Ton. Cent Restaurant Tlxo Xvlraoolia Cafe. Hot Ad eals A All Hours. (Satiafaotion. Guranteed. 881 North lOth St. W. AJT. Stewart, Prop ooooooooooooooooooooo Slsler's Ice Cream hai for yean been noted for ita parity and amoothneu. Weddings and entertainments a SPECIALTY. -S3 ICES, SHERBETS MUS JIT SHORT NOTICE. 5 PICNICS SUPPLIED. 1S&T So. Tliirte.en.tli. Plione 630. ooooooooooooooo FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER Windsor Hotel Menu Blue Points, raw Celery Oyster Soup Bordelaise Red Snapper Baked Sauco Potatoes., Maitre d'Hotel Queen Olives Peach Pickles Raddisbes Dressed Lettnco Boiled Cahan Egg Sauco Turkey Stuffed With Oysters Saddle Venison Grape Jelly Opossom With Browned Sweet Potatoes Sweet Cider Prairie Chicken Pie, Hunter's Style Broiled Quail on Toast Boston Cream Puffs Shrimp Salad Escol loped Potatoes Green Peas Asparagus Sugar Corn English Plum Pudding Hard or Brandy Sauce Orange Ice Charlotte Rouse FruitCake Angel Food Chocolate Cake Cheese Mixed Nuts Layer Raisins Figs Apples Oranges Bananas California Grapes Tea Coffee Milk Chocolate We advise all interested to try ;he Fine flour sold by the Alliancestore, 1C0SP street. White Lilly Patent 75c. Cream Fancy Patent 85c, You will tind the best flour ever sold in Lincoln for 90c. Lexington Best Patent. Good Rio coffee 20 cents a package, Rio and Java 25c, Rio and Peaberry 25c, and Java and Mocha 20c. Good potatoes, 30c per bushel. Best white corn meal, 10c a 6ack. Beet Graham, 20c a sack. 20 lbs best Gran, sugar 81. 28 lbs brown sugar 81. Good tea sittings, 10c lb. Fine uucolored Japan tea, 25c lb. All groceries sold cheap at 1C08 P at. Trilby's "Truthfull Pills" are the pink of perfection. They are Fmall, do not gripe. One is the doss. At Rigg's pharmacy cor 12 and O. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein Louisa A. Hunt is plaintiff, and James A. Davidson, et al.. are defendants. I 2 o'clock p.m.onthe 24 day of of December. A. D., 1895, at the east door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: Lot "E" of J. A. Davidson's sub-division of lots Nos. fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) in block No. two (2) of Orchard sub division of lot No. twenty-one (21) of sub-division of lot No. four (4) of ir regular tracts of the northwest quarter (i) of section No. nineteen (19). town ship No. ten (10), north range No. sev en (7) east of the sixth principal merid ian in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 31st day of October, A. D. 1895 FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. (First published Nov. 2.) SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein Francis C. Faulkner, as assignee of the Connecticut River Sav ings bank of Charlestown, New Hamp shire, a New Hampshire corporation, is plaintiff, and Thomas Hanlon, et al.. are defendants; I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 21 day of December A. D. 1895 at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc tion the following described real estate, to-wit: AH of block number four (4) In Lincoln View in Lancaster county, Ne braska, as surveyed, platted and re corded. Give ucrhr my hand this 21st day of November, A. D. 1895. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. G NOV. 30.