THE COURIER. THE BOYS MO LIKE GOOD EATING ALL GO TO 0 Tl? & something To eat Fop tljeir $one?. oocococcoocccccococccoooo OPEN ALL NIGHT. EADQDJIRTERS FOR WHEEL1EM. Hunter Printing COMPANY . . GENERAL PRINTERS South ba'f .... CALL BUILulNJ Having secured from the Courier Publishing Co. all copper plates here tofore controlled by them, we shall be pleased to fill orders for Engraved Cards and Wedding Stationery on short notice and in a satisfactory man ner. too Cards and pla i e - $2.50 too cards without plate 1.50 Litest Styles Elegant Work HUNTER PRINTING CO., 223 No. nth Street. $5 TO CALIFOENIA boor Sleeping Car Bats on thePhlllipa-Bock luand Tourist Excursions from Council Bluffs Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angeles or Han Frsa chcoTia the Scenic Route and Offden. Car tarns Det Moines erery Friday, and sleepla tar rate from there is $5.50. .... . You hate through sleeper, and the FhUUpr Bangement has a special agent accompaay excursion each week, and jou will aara money and hare excellent accomodation, as the ears haTe upholstered spring seats, an Pttllsaaa build, and appointments perfect. Address for full particulars, JMO. SEBASTIAN. G. P. A. Chicap. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Pass. A. O. A. RUTHERFORD. 0. P. 4 T. A. 1045 O St Cor. 11th. Lincoln, Neb When wanting a clean. eas shave or an artistic hair-cut, try IX HESTERFiELD THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST. who has an elegant barber shop with oak chairs, etc., called "The Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth street, south of Lansing theatre. W MAS ALSO VERY MEAT BATH ROOM 5 NOTES AND QUERIES Mrrawns. - 6""!l like to ask Tin: Cor.-n-.. just how forge a ,.,rtc.',i If the gentleman's taste is particu larly good he certainly has no need to ask such a question. He will do the right without a rule. There is a rule however, as inllexilile as the laws of Medes and the Persians. It is this the size of the chrysanthemum should increase in exict ratioas the size of the individual decreases. Is there any truth in the report that Omaha will have a week of German opera this winter, and will Tannhauser be among the opera's ? Cotterdamarung I have heard on very good authority that Mr. Damiofth and the German opera company will tarry in Omaha at least three nights and there present three Wagnerian operas. I Tear the valiant knight of Venus will not appear on that occasion however, as I believe the three operas will be selected from the suite of the Niebelurg ring. All the newspapers have been speaking of Eugene Field's translations from Horace. What are they and by what house are they published"? A. W. A few years ego A. C. McClurg& Co., of Chicago published a volume of Horatian translations entitled "Echoes From the Sabine Farm,"' by Eugene m Bosewell Martin Field. The edition was a handsome and rather costly one and was limited to tive hundred copies. The library of the state university owns copy Vi)S. The work has recently been reprinted in cheaper form. I should not exactly call them translations, they are rather modi rai; a'ions. They are certainly free from the lumbering, literal, pedantic air which has so long imbued translations from Horace. Perhaps they are a little too free, but they certainly have more of the spirit of that ancient and jovial Raman than the labored rendering, of the Doctors 01 philology. The amusing thing about them is that they usually lack the classical elegance and poesy of Horace while they retain and exaggerate all his rakish humor. Mr. Field translates that famous closing ode of the first book thus: "Boy, 1 detest the Persian pomp; I hate those linden bark devices; And as for roses. Holy Moses! They can't be got at living prices. Myrtle is good enough us, For yon, as bearer of my 1'a jon; For me, supino benia'h this vine. Doing my best to get a jag on." The following is Mr. Field's translation of an ode Horace wrote to get even with one of his old sweethearts whose charms had commenced to fade. Mr. Field calls it "The Roasting of Lydia," and it is a roast indeed. No more vour needed rest at night Hi- ribald vouth is troubleii; No moie your windows, fastened tight Yield to their knocks redoubled. No lonuer vou may hear them cry, -Why art thou, Ldia. lying In heavy sleep till morn is nigh While I, yourlove, am dying. Grown old and faded ou bewail The rakes insulting sally. While round jeur home the Thracian gale Storms through the lonely alley. What furious thoughts will fill jour heart, What passions herce and tmglisn (Can not be properly expressed In calm rejwseful hnghsh. The exceseively modern tone of these translations rather shocked students of the classics when the book first appeared But Field got down through the form to the fact and he thought that a good fellow in a toga who walked the Appian way in da bU. C. was very much the same man as a goo,', follow of to day in creased trowsrs and a high silk hat". One who has read Horace can not admiro Field's translations, but ho mav be amused by them. Here is Fields' etimate of Horace. Tiik Tkith A holt IIokack. It is very aggravating To hear the solemn pratiug Of tho fossils who are statirg That old Horace was u prude. When we know that with the ladies He was always raisirg Hades. And with many an escapade ins oem productions are imbued. There is really not much harm in a Large number of his carmina. But people find alarm in a Few records of his acts; So they'd squelch tho music caloric .inn 10 siuuents so.noaionc They'd present as metaphoric What old Horace meant for facts. He was a very owl. Fir, When he started out to prowl, sir. Vou bet he made Rome howl, sir. Until he filled his dite. With a massic laden ditty, And a classic maiden pretty. He painted up the city, And Maecenas paid the freight. Rudy's Pile Suppository is guaranteed to cure Piles and Con stipation, or money refunded. 50 cents per lox. Send two stamps for circular and Free Sample to Martin Rudy, Registered Pharmacist. Lancaster, Pa. No postals answered. For Bale by all first class druggist everywhere. II T. Clarke Co.. wholesale agents ants be required to pay tho Mime, or that mid premiucs may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. Vou are n quired to answer said peti tion on or ln-rore Monday, tho lUh day of December. lSlKi. C. C. Fla.nhiiuimi, Attorney for Plaiutitf. Du'ftl, N ivember 2, 18!."i Nov 2 1. ( , There is a large ) ARE YOU ( s ) with family of us, and US ( ( '5s?i tne number is being increased rapidly. The people of Nebraska -ire divided into two classes, those who take THE ttTOMEIt and those who do not. The former constitute the family. You can get in SSJ by ( paying two- ) ( dollars per year. J Purple Pansy, Her Majesty' Per fume, lias that delicate, yet refined and lastiuij odor, much desired by the con sumer, liiijys, the Druyijist. is head quarters for all the latest Toilet arti cles, corner Twelfth and O streets. Canon City coal at the Wh'tehreast Coal and Lime Co. First publication Nov. 16. Notice Is hereby given that a. cor IMjration known as the Lincoln Drug Company has been organized for the puriHst of doing business as a cor Ioration with the principal place of transacting its business in Lincoln, Nebraska. The nature anil charac ter of the business to be transacted is the wholesale drug business, sell ing and disposing of all kinds of drugs at wholesale, and of all kinds of goods, wares and merchandise that usually accompany the running of a wholesale drug house, such as paints, oils, liquors, wines, cigars and other similar and kindred articles of merch andise. The amount of capital stock, which is all paid up in shares of $10 each is SUC.OOO. The said corporation commenced doing business on the 11th day of October, 1S93. and is to con tinue for the period of ten years un less the affairs of said corporation are sooner wound up and terminated. The business of the corporation is to be conducted by a board of directors to be elected by the stockholders, such election to take place at such time and manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of said corporation LINCOLN DKL'G CO. rgSffig: - . .. - - . 1 . 1 I LINCOLN II UNI SULPH0-SAL1NE BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM COR 14 AND M. All forms of baths, Turkish, Russian Roman and Electric. WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION To the application of natural and salt water baths for the cure Rlieu mntlMin and Silt Irs, Blood and NervoiiB diseases. A special department for surgical cases and diseases peculiar to women. DRS. M. H. AND d O. EVERETT Managing Physicians. First Publication November 2. NOTICE. James Doak, Mary J. Doak Joseph Sparks. Bertha Rodabaugh, Mr. l-oda-bauuh, her husband, (first i,ame un known) defendants, will take notice that on the 4th day of September 1SD5, Esther E. Lewis, the plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the District court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prajer of which are to forclose a certain mort gage executed by James Doak and Mary J. Doak to Esther H. Lewis, plaintiff, up on lot 0 in block IDin Pitcher and Baldwin's 2nd addition to University Place, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note, with interest coupons attached, 6aid note dated January 17th. IS91. for the sum of 55C0, due and paya ble tive years from date thereof; said mortgageprovided that in case any of said notes or coupons are not paid when due. the whole sum secured thereby may be declared to be due and payable; there is now dueon said notes, coupons" and mortgage the sum of $572.00, for which sum. with interest from this date plaintiff prajs for a decree that defend- BLS'sBBBBSYaBffsf'WSBK IS THE OffLT DIRECT ROUTE TO THE SOOTl? Come and See Us EL C. Towxsexd, F. D. Cornell, G. P. 4 T. Agt. C. P. & T. Agt. St Louis. Mo. 1201 O St NOTICE. Semi-annual rents are due and paya ble November 13. If not paid on time 10 per cent of the bill will be added and the water may be shut off and $1 additional fine cahrged for turning same on. J. W. PERCIVAL, "Water Commissioner. I M j 1 1 t rl : 1