The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 02, 1895, Image 9

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Of the many entertaining things
which have recently appeared In the
Lincoln press I think the most diverting
la the letter of explanation signed by
Lillian Lewis. It seems that somebody
accused Miss Lewis of undue Intimacy
with her leading man. Edmund Collier,
one paper going so far as to say that
these two persons were found in a room
together. Miss Lewis feels that her rep
utation in Lincoln may have suffered,
so she sends a letter of explanation or
denial to the papers. Miss Lewis' ex
planation Is Interesting because It ad
mits, practically, what was charged.
She also furnishes the information that
her husband. Mr. Marston has a bad
temper. She neglected to state what
gave him the bad temper. This should
have been explained. There may or may
not have been a call for the particular
explanation Miss Lewis vouchsafed, but
there Is one point on which the people
of this city would like to be enlighten
ed. They would like It explained to them
why Miss Lewis tries to act. Her rela
tions with her husband and Edmund
Collier are, after all, a private matter;
but her efforts to act are a public af
fliction, and It would be In terestlng to
know why a woman who might be a suc
cess in some line I am not able to state
just what should continue In the cost
ly endeavor to act.
Viaducts are all right when somebody
else pays for them. So far as the city
is concerned they are too rich for Its
In spite of the adverse weather of
Wednesday and the comparatively light
attendance throughout the week, the
Lincoln races made a good beginning.
Considering that these were the first
good races run in Lincoln for years,
things went better than was anticipat
ed. Racing Interest has to be wakened
In a town, and Its name must be known
and advertised among the patrons of
the track before the real returns of
this new racing venture will begin to
come in. If ever a town needed local ex
citement of some sort this one does, if
for nothing else to help the tongue of
gossip quiet. Nothing brings the gen
eral exhileration to a community that
good racing does, and we will have good
racing. The fact that "V. W. P." broke
the world's record In a two mile pace
demonstrates that we have one the best
tracks in the country. And we will
have honest racing. The management
has lived up to the letter of their prom
ises. Everything has been conducted
with promptness, exactness and strictly
on the square. There was no snide
about it anywhere. Under such efficient
direction the races will become one of
Lincoln's "long suits" in the future.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disea
Be, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list or Testi
monals. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo
OIi to. Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
DRESS SUITS-Call and examine
our fine dress suits for 825 and 835.
Equal to anything you cau get from the
tailor for 8G5 or 875. Ewing Clothino
per box. Send two stamps for circular
and Free Sample to Martin Rudy,
Registered Pharmacist. Luncaster, Pa.
No postals answered. For sale by all
first class druggist everywhere. II
T. Clarko Co., wholesale agents
The new Garland six hole steel range
only $30.00 at Rudge & Morris Co.
All the new novelties In furniture at
Uudge & Morris Co.
Miss Ferguson's duncing classes at tho
Lansing hall. Classes both afternoon
and evening. The Lansing hall for rent
for parlies. Residence, 1G10 O street.
New stock of table carvers nt Itudge
& Morris Co.
DRESS SUlTS-Call and examine
our line dress suits for 825 and 8.'15.
Equal to anything you can get from tho
tailor for 8G5 or 875. Ewino Cloth
ing Company.
Table and chairs to rent for card par
ties at Rudge & Morris Co.
The Art Garland Hard Coal Base
burner has no equal; most economical
in fuel, strongest heater made. Sold
only by Rudge & Moiris Co.
Rudy's Pile Suppository
is guaranteed to cure Piles and Con
stipation, or money refunded. 50 cents
We are at all times pleased to show
you the new styles and designs In fur
niture even If you do not wish to buy.
Rudge & Morris Co.
The supervisors of registration will
meet for the purpose of a general regis
tration of the voters in their respective
wards in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska,
on Thursday, October 17th, Friday,
October 23th and Saturday, November
2d. 1895, and shall remain in session on
each of the said days from the hours of 8
o'clock a. m. until 9 o'clock p. m., at the
following places:
First ward, precinct 1 or A, City
building. Tenth and Q streets.
First ward, precinct 2 or B, No. 623
North Tenth street.
Second ward, precinct 1 or A, court
Second ward, precinct 2 or B, drug
store, 727 South Eleventh street.
Third ward, precinct 1 or A, Grand
hotel. Twelfth and Q streets.
Third ward, precinct 2 or B, Gaddts
shop. Thirteenth and R street.
Third ward, precinct 3 or C, Brown
block, 152S O street.
Third ward, precinct 4 or D, J. An
tell, 2035 O street.
Fourth ward, precinct 1 or A, Lin
dell hotel. Thirteenth and M streets.
Fourth ward, precinct 2 or B, Ori
ental building. 503 South Thirteenth
Fourth ward, precinct 3 or C, Hut
ton's, 1813 O street.
Fourth ward, precinct 4 or D, Desch
er's, 1943 J street.
Fifth ward, precinct 1 or A, F street
engine house.
Fifth ward, precinct 2 or B, Bing's
shop. Seventeenth and Washington.
Fifth ward, precinct 3 or C, Aren
sen's. Fourteenth and South.
Fifth ward, precinct 4 or D, Rippee's,
745 C street.
Sixth ward, precinct 1 or A, Forbes'
store. Twenty-seventh and Q streets.
Sixth ward, precinct 2 or B, bakery,
2385 O street.
Seventh ward, precinct 1 or A, Burns"
store. Twenty-seventh and Holdrege.
Seventh ward, precinct 2 or B, Tom
Beach house. Fourteenth and Court.
First ward, precinct 1 or A, includes
all that part of the ward lying between
the center of N street on the south.
Eleventh street on the east, R street
on the north and the city limits on the
Precinct 2 or B Includes all of the
First ward north of R street.
Second ward, precinct 1 or A, Includes
the territory between N street on the
north. Eleventh street on the east, J
street on the south and the city limits
on the west.
Precinct 2 or B, all of the -ward south
of J street.
Third ward, precinct 1 or A, includes
the territory bounded by a line com
mencing at Eleventh and O streets,
running thence east to Thirteenth,
thence north to V street, thence west
to a point opposite the center of Uni
versity avenue, thence north to the
north line of the ward, thence west to
Twelfth street, south to R street, west
to Eleventh street and south to the
center of O street.
Precinct 2 or B, is bounded by a line
commencing at Fifteenth and O streets,
north to the north line of P street,
thence north on the line between lots
53 and 60 and lots 39 and 40, In S. W.
Little's subdivision, to the center of
Q street, thence north on the west line
of lot 33 to the north line of R street,
thence north on the west line of lot
27 to the north line of S street, thence
north on the east line of Fifteenth
lit tlu only manufacturer of furs iu
Lincoln, niul hi store isthuonly place
where ynu can n tlrst cla niul
complete slock of
Thorn is a skilled furrier alwnjs in ait
tendance, hxaminc ItH coats, ciipr.
ii in tl.-i. neck scarfs, etc. Tlic brat ma
terial anil lluest workmanship. Fur
trimniiiiKM, ni)d all kinds of repairing.
street, north on the line between lots
15 and 16, and north on east line of lot
12, nil In the same subdivision, to the
center of Vine street, thence enst to
the center line of Fifteenth north of
Vine, thence north to north side of
W, thence north on line between lots
14 and 15 In second northslde addition,
to the north line of the ward, thence
west to a point opposite the center of
University avenue, thence south to the
center of V street, thence to a point
opposite the center of Thirteenth, thence
south to O and east to point of begin
ning. Precinct 3 or C, all between the cast
line of precinct B on the west, O street
between Fifteenth and Eighteenth on
the south, X street from Seventeenth
to the northeast corner of said precinct
on the north, and on the west a line
running from Eighteenth and O to R,
thence west to the east line of Seven
teenth, if extended, thence north to the
center of Vine, thence north on cen
ter of Seventeenth street to the north
limit of the ward.
Precinct 4 or D comprises all of the
ward east of the east line of precinct C.
Fourth ward, precinct 1 or A, all ly
ing between O street on the north. Fif
teenth on the east, L on the south and
Eleventh on the west.
Precinct 2 or B, all between L on the
north. Sixteenth on the east. F on the
south nnd Eleventh on the west.
Precinct 3 or C, all between O on the
north. Twenty-second on the east. L
on the south and Fifteenth on the
Precinct 4 or D, all between L on
the north, the east boundary of the
ward on the east. F street on the south
and Sixteenth on the west.
Fifth ward, precinct 1 or A, all be
tween F street on the north, the east
boundary of the ward on the east, C
street on the south and Tenth on the
Precinct 2 or B, all between C street
on the north. Twenty-second on the
east, the city limits on the south and
what would be the continuation of
Fifteenth on the west.
Precinct 3 or C, all between C street
on the north, the west boundary of
precinct B on the east, the city limits
on the south and the west line of said
precinct shall be the center line of
Tenth from C south to South street,
thence west to the city limits, and
thence south on the city limits.
Precinct 4 or D. all between F street
on the north, the west line of precincts
A and C on the east, the city limits on
the west. South street from Tenth to
Seventh and the city limits on the
Sixth ward, precinct 1 or A, all be
tween Twenty-second on the west.
Vine on the north, the city limits on
the east and the south line Is the cen
ter of P street from Twenty-second to
Thirtieth, thence south to O. thence
east to the city limits.
Precinct 2 or B includes all of said
ward not Included in the above.
Seventh ward, precinct 1 or A, all be
tween Vine street on the south, the city
limits on the east, and the west and
north line Is Twenty-second street from
Vine street north to the Rock Island
right of way and northeast along tha4.
right of way to the city limits.
Prceinct 2 or B, all of the ward not
Included In the above.
J W ROWEN. C!tv C!'-v
Semi-annual rents are due and paya
ble November 13. If not paid on time
10 per cent of the bill will be added
and the water may be shut off and $1
additional fine cahrged for turning
same on. J. V. PERCIVAL.
Water Commissioner.
(First published Nov. 2.)
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within ami for Ijineaster county. In an
action wherein Francis C. Faulkner, an
assignee of the Connecticut Itlvcr Sav
ings bank of Chiirlcstou'n, New Hamp
shire, a New Hampshire corporation. Is
plalutllT, and Thomas llanlon. vt ill.,
are defendants; 1 will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
on the 3rd day of December, A. D., 1S93,
at the east door of the court house. In
the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc
tion the following dcscrllM'd real estate,
to-wlt: All of block number four (I) In
Lincoln View In Umcaster county, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and re
corded. Given under my hand this 31st day of
October. A. D.. 1S95.
G NOV. 30.
(First published Nov. 2.)
by virtue of nn order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Ijinoaxter county. In
an action wherein Louisa A. Hunt Is
plaintiff, and James A. Davidson, et
ill., are defendants.
I will, nt 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 3rd day
of December. A. D., 1S93. at the east
door of the court house. In the city of
Lincoln. Iancnster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt:
Lot "E" of J. A. Davidson's sub-dlvls-ion
of lots Nos. fifteen (13) and sixteen
(16) In block No. two (2) of Orchard sul
divlsion of lot No. twenty-one (21) of
sub-division of lot No. four (4) of Ir
regular tracts of the northwest quarter
(Vi) of section No. nineteen (19). town
ship No. ten (10). north range No. sev
en (7) east of the sixth principal merid
ian In Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 31st day of
October. A. D., 1893.
G. Nov. 30.
First Publication November 2.
James Doak, Mary J. Dok Joseph
Sparks, Bertha Rodabaugh, Mr. Hoda
baugh, her husband, (first name un
known) defendants, will take notice
that on tho 1th day of September 1S95,
Esther E. Lewis, the plaintitT herein,
filed her petition in the District court
of Lancaster county, Nebraska, against
said defendants, tho object and prajer
of which are to forelose a certain mort
gage executed by James Doak and Mary
J. Doak to Esther K. Lewis, plain till,
upon lot 0 in block 19 in Pitoher and
Baldwin's 2nd addition to University
Place, in Lancaster county, Nebraska,
to secure the payment of one certain
promissory note, with interest coupons
attached, said note dated Januarv 17th.
1801, for the sum of 8500, due ancf paya
ble five years from date thereof; Baid
mortgage provided that in case any of
said notes or coupons are not paid when
due, tho whole sum secured thereby
may be declared to be due and payable;
there is now due on said notes, coupons
and mortgage the sum of 8572.00, for
which sum, with interest from this date,
plaintiff pra b for a decree that defend
ants be required to pay tho same, or
that eaid premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 0th day
of December, 1805.
C. C. Flanhhukg,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated, November 2. 1895
Nov 23.
'ii? Shoe Store.
1120 O St.
Every purchaser of
81 vorth of goods
will receive a cou
pon worth 10 cts.
to apply on future
purchase. 5c cou
pon with 50c
Rir.ns Pharmacy
12 &Q