The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 02, 1895, Image 8

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I consider "The Globe Trotter" a
rather decent farce. Its chief virtue
was that the characters were funnier
than the situations. Situations are gen
erally forced and they are all old, but
people like Ada Alexander and Mrs.
Houclcault and Hoey and Louis de
I-angeare In themselves Interesting and
funny. The play was nothing, absolute
ly froth, but It Rave the people an oppor
tunity to be funny. That's all the Rood
farce Is anyway, an excuse for clever
people to l clever I was rather sur
prised to lind Mrs. Houclcault In the
company She used to play In very
much nobbier ones, and she cannot be
much more than thirty. She is still
Iteautlful In a peculiar lengthy sort of
way. The lines In her figure are long,
her face Is long and oval, her eyes are
long and languid and her lashes are
long and dark. She Is Just as graceful
as she was when she made such an aw
ful fool of Houclcault when he was six
ty and more. Kverybody knows the
story. Houclcault married Madge Rob
inson when he was a young man. When
he was old enough to know letter and
had a family of grown up sons and
daughters he conceived a frantic infatu
ation for Louise Thorndyke and her
long lashes. Her languid eyes fairly
made a fool of the old man, and got
clear away with all his sense of honor.
To marry her he declared that his con
nection with Madge Robinson had nev
er been legitimate and placed all his
children under the lwr sinister. It's
downright tough on a man when the
little fat god smites him in his old age.
He makes such an everlasting fool of
himself. It's more dignified to meet
one's doom early and get over It.
"The Hlaek Crook" played two nights
to fair business. It was not at all a
bad performance, in fact it was so
much better than that disreputable
herd that was here last year that it
was really a pleasure to see. It was
pretty to look at. and not unpleasant
to hear. The dancing was fairly well
Of "Walker Whiteside, who Is soon to
appear in this city, Nym Crinkle says:
"So I have welcomed everybody who
laid hold of Hamlet. Young Salvini,
that Lombardy poplar, with a graft of
the American live oak In him; Willord,
the conscientious English actor, who
neei acted a lie and lastly Mr. White
side, who comes back here somewhat
demurely after on rebuff, very much
like the schoolboy, who having been
knocked down by the ruflian of the
school, insists upon getting on his feet
again and Maying.
"I have expressed my opinion of young
Salvini not presumptuously or finally
I hope. It seemed to me that his Shakes
perlan stream took more heed of the
stones (enamelled stones. I grant you)
that broke his current than of the flow
ers on the bank.
"But, dear me. nobody ever took Ham
let with a header. It has to be waded
into slowly. Can any of you recall
Booth In the part at the Winter Gar
den? How clearly undecided it was!
To say that that was new which wa
vered between Kemble and Kean with
out being either would be untrue, al
though it was said with excellent unc
tion. Booth grew Into Hamlet by pound
ing at it and the public at the same
time. It became In time the popular
ballad of the' nation because he sang it
with most mellifluous decorum.
Young Whiteside, just out of the
egg. is everywhere compared with the
bird that was soaring on matured pin
ions. Nothing can be so mean as a
"One thing that was perfectly plain
he didn't try to imitate Edwin Booth.
His apparent effort was to play Hamlet
his own way, and that. I take it. is the
way we want Hamlet played by any
body if Hamlet is to spring up freshly
from perennial roots and not lie dead
in a herbarium as a dried precedent.
"There are no auroral blazes or war
rockets or coronation marches in his
Hamlet As Mr. Alfred Ayres will tell
you, lightning does not strike on our
stage nowadays, because we have elocu
tionary conductors that distribute the
current without danger.
"But there Is this in Mr. Whiteside's
Hamlet a marvellous sensibility, an
acute Intelligence and an uncertain voli
tion. It appeared to me that, far from
being destitute of feeling, he had a su
perabundance of It. but was undecided
what to do with it, just as the philol
ogist will stumble at a prayer-meeting
where his valet will be eloquent with
poetic phrases.
"In some respects this Hamlet is a
new pattern. It is too early to say it
Is a Merrimac print or a Meshlln web. It
Isn't off the loom.
"When I iecall all the actors with less
strength of mind and more Impediments
who climbed slowly into acceptance as
did John McCullough and Lawrence
Barrett I simply wonder if somebody
In the coming generation will pick up
this article of mine and, after reading
It, say: 'Why, he was a critic at the
close of the nineteenth century who
didn't know whether one Shakesperlan
actor could play Shakespeare or not.
He must have been an Englishman' "
Gustavo Frohman's company will pre
sent one of the newest, funniest and
most successful comedies. "The Colonel's
Wives" nt the Lansing theater Thurs
day evening. November 5. This great
comedy will be presented by one of Mr.
Frohman's strongest companies, includ
ing Anna Parker and other well-known
Lincoln fuvorltes, and will be marked
by a careful attention to detail and ar
tistic finish. "The Colonel's Wives" is a
wonderfully interesting and funny sto
ry, being comparable to "Too Much
Johnson" and "Charley's Aunt." It Is
thoroughly original and sparkles with
bright things. Wherever it has been
seen this season It has made an Instan
taneous hit. and is now one of the big
gest money makers In the Frohman
list of big successes. "The Colonel's
Wives" Is a iopular play by a particu
larly capable company a better Is sel
tlom seen In Lincoln, and will be a draw
ing card next week at the Lansing the
atre, Tuesday. November 5.
Herrmann, the magician, will come to
the Funke opera house Thursday, Nov.
. This popular entertainer is pleasant
ly remembered In this city not only for
wonderful feats, but for his generosi
ty as well. Something like a year ago,
when the Nebraska relief commission
was soliciting subscriptions for the
drouth sufferers, Herrmann played an
engagement at the Funke and donated
$100 to the relief fund. It wasn't a fake
donation. The money, all of it, was ac
tuals handed over to the commission.
Hermann has always been exceedingly
popular In this city, and the knowledge
of his feeling toward the state aug
ments that popularity. This season the
magician has an entirely new program.
Seme of the new illusions and features
being an advance on anything he has
previously done. Herman is accompa
nied by Mme. Herman, who will ap
pear In new dances and illusions. The
annual appearance of Hernnan Is an
eent and next week he will undoubt
edly receive his accustomed ovation at
the Funke. one night only. Thursday,
No 7.
Wo have in a few weeks since our dubut in
the business, establisbedourselves as the Leaders
in Fine Dkess Goods and Silks and we mean to
keep up our reputation by Bellini; the. Latest in
Style, the hest in Quality and' the Pkices ux
ai'PKoachaiile. To mako it interesting for the
next week we shall offer special bargains in all
departments, prices never beforo quoted on such
exquisite fabrics. Mile. Marconnot out
modiste bas with her own exclusive styles, es
tablished herself as unequaled, and her prices are
See Sunday Journal For Prices
(First publication Oct. 2G.)
In County Court, within and for Lan
caster eounty, Nebraska, October 1805,
in the matter of the estatoof H. P. Law
ton, deceased.
to the ckeditoks of said estate:
You are hereby notified, That I will
wherein National Life Insurance com
pany is plaintiir and Theodore Kaar is
defendant, and one in an action wherein
Western Glass & Paint company is
plaintiff and Theodore Karr and Mrs,
Sarah Karr are defendants I will, at 2
o'clock p. m., on the 12th day of No
vember, A. D. 1895, at the east door of
the court house, in the city of Lin-
Buy a large size Turkey Boaster for
$1.00 at Budge & Mrorls Co.
sit at the County Court room in Lin- coin, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer
coin, in said county, on the 31st day of ror sale at public auction the fol-
We notice the run still continues a
the Alliance Store, 1003 P street
Starlight Hour, 50c per sack.
White Lily Patent, 75c per 6ack.
Cream Fancy Patent, S5c per sack.
January, 1S9G, and again on the 30th lowing described real estate to wit:
day of April, 189G, to examine all claims The north half of the southeast quar-
against said estate, with a view to their ter of section thirty-three 331 township
adjustment and allowance. The time nine 19 north, range six G "east of the
limited for the presentation of claims Gth P. M., in Lancaster county, Ne-
against said estate is 6ix months, from braska.
the 29th day of October, A. D. 1895, and Given under rav hand this 11th day of
mo time :inmeu ior payment oi ueuis is October A. D. lKUo.
These are the lowest prices ever made 8X.
one year from 6aid 29th day of October
on this quality of Flour. Give them a
Twenty. live pounds Brown Sugar at
Twenty-four pounds Yellow C sugar.
Twenty pounds Extra C sugar, 81.00.
Two pounds broken Java for 25c.
One pound Java and Rio for 25c.
One pound Malay and Mocha for 30c.
German and Arbuckles, 20c
Ptirjtle Pansy, Her Majesty's Per
fume, is the gentlemen's favorite
amongst the lutcst odors. At liiggs'
Pharmacy, corner Ticelfth and O
Gvns to rent at Budge & Morris Co.
Notice of this proceeding fa ordered
published four consecutive weeks in
The Couriek, a weekly newspaper pub
lished in this state.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County Court this 24th day of October,
seal Joseimi Wcrzbuko,
Nov 1G." County Tudge.
First publication Oct. 26.
caster county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the assignment of A.
M. Smith for the benefit of creditors.
Notice is hereby given that Monday,
November 4, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. has
been fixed as the time for tho meeting
of the creditors of said assignor for the
purpose of choosing an assignee lo suc
ceed the sheriff in the trust under said
assignment, said meeting to be held at
the office of the county judge of said
Nov. 12
Frei A. Miller,
Genuine Coal Creek Cam on Citv Hot ... r t .
S prings coal at the Whitebreast Coal Co witness my hand and the seal of said
Miss Anna K. Dick, modiste, has re- court OctobeY 22. 1895.
i. ,Mn . , . Seal. Joseph urzbuko,
moved to 1203 O street, over Baldwins xov.o County Judge,
ardware store.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
Inc ountyc ourt, within and for Lancas
ter county, Nebraska. October 31,
1S95, In the matter of the estate of
John O. Lowry, deceased.
First Publication Nov. 2.
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit
at the county court room in Lincoln,
in said county, on the 2nd day of March
lS9G,and again on the 1st day of June,
1896, to examine all claims against said
estate, with avlew to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against said
estate is six months from the 1st day
of December. A. D. 1S93. and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 1st day of December,
Notice of this proceeding is ordered
published four consecutive weeks In
The Courier, a weekly newspaper pub
lished in this state.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County Court, this 31st'day of October,
No. 23. County Judge.
Go to Woempner's for drugs, 139 S. 10
Canon City coal at the Whitebreast of two executions issued by the clerk
Coal and Lime Co. ! h? distr" v ?urf f th?ihird iu?icjal
district of Nebraska, within and for
Woempner tells window glass, 139S.10 Lancaster county, one in an action
with every purchase of
Munyon's Remedies
at RJGGS pharmacy,