THK COURIER. biod is our task. The rest is the mad ness of art." But tho greatest thing that Stevenson says in those letters is not about himself or his work, but about things in genoral. "Tho inherent tragedy of things works itself out from white to black and blacker, and tho poor things of a day look ruefully on. Does it shako my cast iron faith? I can not say that it does. I believe in the ultimato decency of things; ay, and if 1 woke in Hell, should still beliere it!" Stevenson never wrote a greater sen tence. He was a desperately sick man, and one who had suffered enough to turn most men bitter. But his sutTer ing could not convince him; Hell itself could not convinco him. There's opti mism for you, the kind of optimism that produces and creates and brings into being, that is tho source of all lifo in art and all art in life, of character as well as of craft. So New York has discovered that Nat Goodwin cannot play David Garrick. New York that idolizes tho sidewalks canonized by Goodwin's patent leathers and that wears "Little Nat" written where Mary of Scotland wore Cdlaiu. When Mr. Goodwin made his hit as Garrick in discriminating and discern ing Chicago last winter, the few scat tered western critics who said that from tho very nature of things he could never play that part, were pretty severely rid iculed. Criticism in New York is not faultless, nor even very good, but its the best we have and it has turned down Goodwin's Garrick. Now how could tho jovial and frivolous Mr. Good win play a part requiring such carefrl ctudy and line character work? Study of any sort is not a weakness of his. He has tho artistic makeup and he picks up readily and easily, but there are some things in the world that refuse to bo picked up, that cannot be learned from a cigar, or a glass of brandy, or even out of a pretty face. Not even out of Miss Mable Amber's face. Where has Mr. Goodwin ever had time or inclination to even pre pare to play Gairick? What docs he know of that time, those conditions, or how it feels to be in earn est even? David Garrick was a pecu liarly complex man and lived in a pecu liarly complex time, a time that was still full of the influence of Fielding and Goldsmith and Johnson. One would have to simply be permeated by tho lit erature and atmosphere of that time to play tho part, as Thackary was in Hen ry Esmond, as Mansfield is in Beau lirummel. They say that Mr. Goodwin does the drunken scene better than any of the others. That's just it, ho can play Garrick's weakness, but not Gar rick's strength. He can bo Garrick tho rake and Garrick tho drunkard, but not Garrick tho ariist and lover. ForEeveral reasonbjit is perhaps a good thing that Mr. Goodwin did not suc ceed so brilliantly as Garrick. Mr. Goodwin's laxness in his living is his own business, but his carelessness in his work ip the public's affair. The young actors of Amo-iea need an exam ple. They need to learn that there is a great difference in degree as well as in kind between a character actor and even the best of tho low comedians. That there are reasons why a man who speaks Henry Guy Carleton's lines perfectly may not read Shakespeare's passably. 'Ihat after all one may not serve God and tho Other Fellow, even though he 6erve the Other Fellow passing well. The truth is. that if Goodwin were not so delightful he would be a great pity. For under all his vagabond ways nature really gave him some of the stuff of which the great are made. But the world has given him too much else, too much flattery and pleasure and encour agement of his weakness. And then tho man never had any conscience or sense of responsibility. Now ho must be content to lie on tho sunny side of the applo tree and take it easy. Ho is tho prince of good fellows and must let it go at that. It is a good thing to bo a graceful vagabond, and ho is that. Wo are always glad to laugh with him, but we must weep with other men. Good win has no sincerity. That says all there is to bo said. A man may have everything on earth but that and still have nothing. Sometimes, indeed, sin cerity makes fools or shallow men, but without it they are always fools, "gilded fools." Kathryn Kidder announces that she intends playing Rosalind in "fi s You Like It' as a mental rest after her ex hausting labors in Madame Sans-Gene. I have no remarks to make, but remem bering that Rosaliml is one of the most delicate, difficult and complex Shake spearian roles, I should think that Mies Kidder must be very much exhausted indeed. The winter sensation in Loudon will bo the visit of tho Emperor of Japan. The last lion was an African king, who came with a retinuo of six wives, forty servants and twenty overcoats, having no faith in English weather or women. Now if London could only have a Can nibal chief with a war club and a cos tume consisting of a shell bracelet around his waist, its dreams of distinc tion would bo realized. - So the Lily Maid of Jersey is going to try it again, and with no less a peison than the Earl of Shrewsberry. Now why in the name of tho sacred Jo-Jo the last of the line of the Talbots, who fought at Orleans, wants to bestow his titles upon a woman who will value them no moro than she did poor Geb hard's horses or Baird's diamonds, no one knows. Langtry's popularity with the gentlemen of tho nobility has al ways been a mystery anyway. She is essentially common, incapable of caring for any oni and by temperament.totally uutitted for the atTectionatu professions. Her only virtues are dressing well and spending money, and whenever a young man's fortune so accumulates on his hands that he doesn't know what to do with it at all, he goes to the Lily, and confides in her, and she knows what to do. In return for his services she lets him hold her opera cloak or lead her black terrier with the diamond collar. It don't all go for champagne and choc olate drops either, but is put into bonds that pay dividends and is stored away in big. solid, sunny acres out in California. For the Lily is a prudent woman and wise in her generation. w I see that Lillian Lewis has made a communication to '"the press of the United States" which is thoroughly characteristic of her. Miss Lewis sajs there is a Btory afloat which "affects her character as a woman and a wife." Now this "story" was known to the public of one town and to a few newspaper men through the country. Probably there were not half a dozen people in Lincoln who knew it. But Mihs Lewis has flaunted the 6candal from one coast of the continent to the other. Miss Lewis is very fond of little sensations of this sort. She thinks them quite dignified and "professional." She to'd me this and many other stories of a similar nature, but in spite of the fact that I knew she wanted them repeated, I had too much respect for her profession and sex in general to do so. I loitbc printed interviews, I never can think they are quite fair and square and in good form. But Miss Lewis, if other people have soma regard for her, has none for her self, and she has placed her name in useless odium. Miss Lewis states that Mr. Marston struck Collier without rhyme or reason What does she mean? What has rhyme to do with a fight? Is the lyric Marston in the habit of club bing people with hexameters and pound ing them with sappbics? LINCOLN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE EHI in tin' hiainspriny Dothe lest, if not the lt, then the. tVf possible -ABRAHAM UXCOLX for IXDIVIDAI-Si anil slates OCiCftCC l-urnlslws the mind; II I Forges it." Mft Dr. John lln Mathematics Diciiiliuen the mind; Letters Deliijht t S nd for catalogue Wm. E. CHANCELLOR, A M. 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