ZZ1 flfl'llll I I II THE COURIER. 8KCC(CK('(CCCC 5 PASSING SHOW Tlii'iu arc plenty r icople of good tusto who do not find De Wolf Hopper oxcruciutingly funny, und it is rather ditllcult to h.i just whHt there ia about him that makes one feel bo cheerful. I am inclined to think (hat it is not so much anything that ho does, as ho him self, his big. spuihl personality. I never can think ho is acting on the stage, but 'just sort of improvising and being jolly. 1 like to watch him when he ia not doing anything in particular, when ho is just riditig his elephant and awaiting the will of providenco to dismount, when ho is wbltzing with the children, or getting married and rocking himself to and fro in helpless decpair. And by the way, that despair has a decidedly comic clement of its own. It is so absolute, so complete, so all embracing, and gener ally so uncalled for. And what is the matter with Mrs. Hopper? It would be treason to say that she was any better than Delia Fox, but Bho cer tainly was quite aB audacious without being so impudent. She uses her smile and her eyo in the approved light opera fashion and manages to do it without being bold or giddy a bit. Like her husband, she seems to play for the fun there is in it and to bo blessed with a good nature that ia boundless and end less. Of all the "attractions' that are run ning in New York just now, it is "The Prisoner of Zenda" that is turning away people every night because the Lyceum theatre cannot hold all the people in New York at once. We seem to be drifting back to the older and more healthful stylo of diama in which men act instead of talking about the futility of action, in which men have hearts and hands instead of nerves and inherited tendencies. Things look a little black for the stage now and then when plays like "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" get tho upper hand. Tho critics get blue and say that all tho strength and sin cerity are ging out of the drama. Just now, when tho 'end of the century" feeling has its undoubted influence, both literature and the drama look discour aging. But thn critics need not lofe sleep over it. Such things have been in the past and will Le in the future, and humanity will always go back to tho best. Even if one has not much faith in men individually one should be lieve in them collectively Truth has such a confirmed habit of prevailing that it is not going to faii us now. Hu manity has always recovered itself, after its maddest debauches, after most austere asceticisms, and whatever a rniu's faith may be ho can not doubt the wisdom of that great hand that shapes the destiny of the nations. We say, "but if these things go on, if all women and all men look at morality as merely a relative thing, and at virtue or a myth and a fable, what will be come of the world?" If, but they will not. Humanity is always rushing to its own destruction, but it never quite accomplishes it. In Rome, at one time, it looKed as though marriage and the family were things of the past. Later, in tho tirst exaggerated zeal of tho church, when St. Ureela alone had forty thousand virgins in her convents, it was Pall Style O I ! 9 OS 9 ft Celebrated Hata Xtow on snle ty -&Jto. J. A. thought that tho raco would die out altogether. In tho days of tho robber barons men said that chaos hadcomo to stay. But none of these things was true. Wo are always taking temporary tendencies of humanity and regarding them as final. But tho final tendencies and destiny are in tho keeping of a greater hand than ours, of that great intelligence, who, when tho Roman world had corrupted tho civilization it had mado, enslaved tho state it had freed, grown monstrous in its pleasures, had the barbarian races ready to destroy and renew, brought down the snows of tho Danube to cool tho heated blood of tho south, and the great hammer of Thor to crush tho delilec utlars of Aphrodite into dust. Humanity cannot utterly blast itself, oven when it tries. Some day, perhaps, when our civiliza tion has grown too utterly complex, when our introspection cuts off all ac tion, whon our forms huvo killed all ambition, when sincerity and simplicity havo utterly gone from us and we are only a bundle of nerves, then tho savage strength of tho Slav or the Bushmen will come upon us an will burn our phsychologies and carry us away into captivity and make us dress tho vines and plow the earth and teach us that after all nature is best. God's scheme is so big, his resources so many. Humanity is always so much of a child, its disgressions and sins aro always more pitiful than terrible, and it always, when its small 'boy pranks are done, someway comes back toits mother, whose forgiveness seems to bo without end. Nature is pretty rough on the in dividual at times, but to the type she is wonderfully kind, and her mercy is from everlasting to everlasting. When she has one nation that is wholly aband oned and given over to its emotions, and another that analyzes more thau it feels, she puts them together and lets them fight it out and they strike an equilibrium somewhere. She is a Spar tan mother, but she has unruly sons to handle. Wo aro growing too analytical ourselves, and we need young men liko Rudyard Kipling and Anthony Hope, not because of tho greatress of their talent, but because of the sincerity of their motive, because the atmosphere of their work is ono in which men may love and work and light and die liko men. Because in their own small way they are carrying out tho task of their great master and chief who died down in tho bluo Pacific last winter when the winds of December were covering us with snow. Weowe him much, that great master of pure romance, even his death blessed us, for it drew tho world's atten tion to his work and tho greatness f it. to his faith and the sublimity of it. showed us how vast was the future for work like his. Living he enriched us by his life; ding, by his death. Ro mance is the highest form of fiction, and it will never desert us. If Stevenson did not accomplish its revival, 6ome other man will. It will come back to us in all its radiance and eternal fresh ness in some one of tho dawning seasons of Time. Ibsens and Zolas are great, but they are temporary. Children, the sea, the sun, God himself are all ro manticists. Clouds cover tho sun some times, and there is darkness upon the face of tho deep, and God hides his face from us. But they come again, and with them Romance, as fair and beau tiful and still as young as when it came with the troubadours to the springlit fields outside Verona where the Dukes SMITH, Sole agt THERE'S NO USE SWELTERING- Over a hot stove cooking picnic lunches. Deviled and other canned ham. Canned almon, German and American cheese, domestic or imported sardines. Bottled pickles, a few lemons, some sugar, two or three loaves of bread, butter, and there you are, all ready to go. We keep them and put them up for partfes better than you can put them up your self. Everything we keep is first class too. No "cheap" stuff and yet we sell it chenp. VEITH & RKSS, Grocers. 909 O STREET. -!b. A Large and Complete a& In all Departments. We invite our friends to call and see our fall display IT. K. :Vieile Ss Co. mm taiyaiy (Ccc.f(.(.((((((. (((((.(.(((;:(((((((( c.t(((((c((((C(((rf.i 9 1014 1 Street 9 !f Wliere You Con Buy m m . 9 Clioloe Sirloin Steulc utlOo - - -w -..-k-.--------... v'V' 9 Bneon Mo per pound WE DOXT CHANGE Give ua X(C((CC((((((C(C(CC fftVlflKS, MfiUSE.S tar .ummi- tnnri.t. .nri Repairing a Specialty. Old Trunks in Exchange for New Ones. lU INK (HOT. 121! 0 STREET. G. I. WW. PROP H WITTMANN & CO. Wholesale manufacturers of Light and heavj harness DRIVING, RIDING AND RAGING OUTFITS 110-142 N Tenth St. Lincoln, Neb HAGNOW'S Will accept engagements forhigh grade music for entertainments and dances. Any number and variety of Instruments furnished. Terms reasonable. Apply to Orders may also be left at Zehrung's drug store. held their Court of Love. As the old old French song says, " Tho swallows that winter scatters. Will come a Rain in tho spring." Speaking of Stevenson, if you want to read some noble and manly literature, just glance over those letters of his in the November JcCrc'. There you will find the modesty, the sad self de preciation which belongs to the truly great, whose minds have so much more power to conceive than their hands ever have strength to execute, whose work is 6o far below the level of their dreams. In one of them he remarks, "I do not think it is possible to have fewer illu sions than I. I sometimes wish I bad more. They are amusing. But I can not take myself seriously as an artist; the limitations are too obvious." No, its the people like Sarah Grand and Bea trice Uarraden, who take themselves m& WF bine of aiy kSS? viu' 3By 'JxBy Rrolllno- ! riM lo'w 12 1&V PRICES lVEHY DAY c& trial 9 ELEGANT LINE OF POCKET BOOKS-CARD CA3E8 -J CATUrD klSMf'''?! TICI nth. f"" "" "fcJH Ifcl BICYCLE 1UDERS SH0UD USE EIGG'S CALENDULA ror sprains, bruises, soro muscles after RIDES, etc. In 25 and 30 cent sizes, Instantatueous in its results. ORCHESTRA AXJO"CJSX HAGBNO'W University Conservatory of Music 11th and R Streets seriously. Men like Stevenson have other standards than themselves where by they measure the world, and they judge themselves impersonally, along with the rest of imperfect humanity, from a perspective above and beyond. A great craftsman's taste is always so much more perfect than hia work. In another letter he says: "I won der exceedingly if I have done any thing at all good; and who can tell me? and why should I wish to know? In so little a while, I, and the English language, and the bones of my descendants, will have ceased to be a memory? And yet and yet one would like to leave an image for a few years upon men's minds for fun." He wondered if he had done anything at all good. Well, as Henry James 6ays, "Our doubt is our passion, and our pas-