The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 02, 1895, Image 5

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Beyschlag, whoso funeral was hold
Tuesday from his late home on North
Tenth street.
Tiir. Courikk's Plattsmouth corre
spondent sends the following:
Rev J. T. IJaird went to Uellevue this
morning to visit friends.
Miss Minnio Christie departed Satur
day for her new homo at Syracuse.
Mrs. A. W. White and daughters,
Mrs. John Donelau and Miss Minnie,
were passengers on No. ii for Omaha.
E. F. Crampton, of Republican City,
is in the city.
L. D. Hennett returned yesterday
from Cromwell, la., where he was called
a few days ago by the death of his
Miss Tillie LehnotT wont down to Ne
braska City today to visit Miss Allio
Miss Beardeley of Lincoln is the guest
of Miss Pettce.
A.L. Royce of Omaha is in town.
Miss Amelia Wurl has returned to
Mrs. Herman Smith and family de
parted today for their futuie homo in
Kansas City.
Paul Gering is confined to his homo
by sickness.
Miss Eupheme Robbins is reported
dangerously ill.
J. M. Stone, of Nohawka, is in the
Wm.R. Cross and Miss Emma Franz
have been licensed to wed.
W. C. Showalter, of David City, ex
clerk of the court of Cass county, is in
town visiting his many friends.
Prof. F. W. Card is the father of a
young son.
Mrs. A. B. Clark entertained ono of
the card clubs Friday evening.
The young people of the Presbyterian
church gave a Hollow'een social iu the
church parlors.
Tho races have been popular with so
ciety people this week. In fact tho
races have been about the only diver
sion. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
Trimble celebrated their fiftieth anni
versary Tuesday evening by giving them
a surprise party.
W. F. Kelly had a box party at tho
races Monday consisting of Mrs. Kelley,
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lambeit6on, Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Lew
The best Hollow'een joke was perpe
trated on the Presbyterian church.
Some of the boys decorated tho sedato
exterior with the gayest and giddiest of
tho "Black Crook" posters, and whec
the morning sun rose upon it, it was
airly frescoed with spangled sirens with
extended arms and meaning glances.
Someway it was outrageously funny
Prof. Geo. C. Williams gave a Hol
low'een party at his rooms in the Y. M.
C. A. building Thursday evening
About forty jolly young people were
present, and as on that particular night
restraint is not to be looked for. they
laughed and mado merry. All tho old
Hallow'een tricks and games were in
dulged in. Among other things was a
Hollow'een cake which contained a key
denoting wisdom, silver denoting wealth,
a thimble, prophesying spinsterhood and
a button, bachelorhood. The cake was
cut and the slices of fate were dealt out
to the guests.
Hallow'een, John B. Wright was
called to the police station to bail out a
party of young people whose names fre
quently appear in Thk Courier as
"those presenf at swell parties. Of
course Mr. Wright insist's that he knew
it was a joke all the time; but the gay
celebrants aver that he was completely
fooled, that ho thought they were really
"run in." This merry company cele
brated Hallow'een in good old fashion
ed stylo, making things interesting
wherever they pleased to go. They met
the editor of Thk couKir.ic as he WjB on
his way homo from tho "Black Crook,"
where ho ha 1 just dropped in to see
the jugglers and, to their sham bo it
said, they showed no rospect whatever
for editorial dignity. Thi'ir pranks
would till a column.
The Courier's correspondent In Oma
ha sends the following;
Quite a number of young people were
Invited out to Mr. ami Mrs. Patrick's
Hallowe'en. Games and dancing were
Indulged In ami every one hail a good
time as Is always the case at Happy
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Offutt
gave a child's party, when nil the ba
bies In the neighborhood were Invited
In with their mothers as chnperones.
Miss Dickenson will give a large ball
at the Millard hotel the evening of the
21st, preceded by a dinner given to all
of the debutants of this season.
For Mrs. Dean Lyman. Mrs. Charles
Lyman gave a Kensington on Wednes
day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ly
man will leave for their home In New
Haven next week.
Mrs. Metcalf gave a large reception on
Tuesday afternoon from three till six.
Mr. anil Mrs. Jos. Barton entertained
at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ly
man Thursday evening.
Lieut. H. McL. Powell returned to
Fort Omaha this week after a nine
months' detail at Wlllets Point. New
York harbor.
Last Saturday evening at Hillside
was held the first meeting of the Satur
day night card club. This club differs
from the Thursday afternoon one In
that the men are members as well as
their wives.
The dinner dances have been once
more started and promise to take the
place of the "dancing class" of last
year. On Friday evening Mrs. Offutt,
Mrs. Hull. Mrs. Warren Rogers, Mrs.
Morris, Mrs. Will Poppleton, Mrs.
Smith, all gave dinners, followed by a
dance at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Myron Learned.
Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh returned home
this week.
Miss McCormlck, who has been the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Galllgher, re
turned to her home In Salt Lake this
Mrs. Howard Smith entertained the
ladles' six handed euchre club Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. Schwan gave a very delightful
luncheon on Tuesday for her sister, Mrs.
Slaymaker of St. Paul.
Miss HImebaugh Is In DesMolnes. Be
fore returning home she will visit Chi
cago and the east.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Baker gave a delight
ful dinner Monday evening.
Mrs. E. E. Balch gave a Kensington
Monday afternoon for her guest, Mrs.
Baker of South Bend Ind.,
Miss Hill of Boston, Mrs. Arthur
Smith's sister, arrived In Omaha this
week and will remain for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of St. Joe ar
rived In Omaha last Saturday and were
guests at Hillside. Mr. Smith returned
home Monday, but Mrs. Smith spent
the week with her mother.
Dr. and Mrs. Summers gave a large
reception Thursday evening to the pro
fession. Mr. and Mrs. Offutt return home
from Chicago Sunday.
Miss Curtiss and Miss Dlckenst.
spent the past week In Chicago snap
ping. Nearly all of the gayety this winter
will be In the nature of small Informal
dances. Besides the Cinderella dances,
there is now on foot a movement to
form a club to give four dances during
the season at Morand's hall, the club to
consist mostly of the younger married
couples and a few of the older society
The marriage of Miss Floy Rodman,
daughter of Capt. Rodman, to Lieut.
George C. Barnhardt, will take place
at the chapel on Governor's Island about
the middle of December, to be followed
by a reception at the residence of Capt.
and Mrs. James Cooper Ayres.
"Queen Victoria," Ladies Favorite.
Her Majesty's Perfume, is the latest,
most delicate and refined oiera Per
fume, At Jtiyys' Pharmacy, corner
Ttcelfth and O streets.
The new Garland Round Oak Is the
best Ook stove made. Sold only by
Rudge & Morris Co.
jvurisre ss ia.ijve
We want the trade of Lincoln 'n ready-gtei
to-wear clothing". We ask for it because we J&
think we deserve it. Wo expect to give yoiC g(j
just a little bit better value than jour money ir
uill Let iinv tiluett els in America. TIiiiI'h P-i
r- s --- r ,
the basis on which we iifk for trade.
Needn't take our words tor 5t. Look
i : n'U .... ii..
itruuiiti tuiiimrir CAitmiuu. .1 iiu iiiuruiuiKM yjyi
Know auout ciotning, tnemoro certain wo are -o;-
of their custom. ill be glad to see you any
(1111a f)pt,i in unit fritf (.., If tiivitiwl li'lii.t lilt.
iiiiw. -' ., -. twin,,,,,.-,, i.iau.tiv.. .1.
j mi think of buying or not. Wo want you gtQ
to know all about the storo and all that's in VL
it. The buying will come around all right. &&
1 tint part of it wo leave to our judgment.
Watches Free With Boys' Suits Until baturday W
Night. Bring the boys In.
0? a
KM-100X. Tenth St.
11 and Q Streets.
Offers superior instruction to all in artistic piano
playing, and the correct use of the voico in song.
All principal branches of music taught by special
Pupils of any grade of advancement received at any
Fall Jerm opens September 2.
"Queen Victoria," fjidies' Favorite,
Her Majesty's Perfume, ix the most
lustiny and jterfect I'erfuice. Ask
''Iiiyy.t the Druyyist." for a xample.
New stock of Carpets and Draperies
at Huds & Morris Co.
are bargains that you should take ad-
One thousand odd rockers at Kudge
& Mcrrls Co.
Purple Pansy, Her Majesty's Per
fume, has that delicate, yet refined and
lasting odor, much desired by the con
sumer, liiyys. the bruyyixt. is head
quarters for all the latest Toilet arti
cles, corner Twelfth and O streets.
See the prices on rockers for next
week In our Sunday Journal add, they
Go to Clary s "Apex" Cigar Store for
your cigars and tobacco. 111 No. 11th ts.
DRESS SUITS -Call and examine
our tine dress suits for 8"i and 8-".
Equal to anything you can get from tho
tailor for 8( or 875. Ewino Cloth
ino Company.
You'll never realize wnat "real good
"bread' is until jou have made it or
Shogo" Hour.
DRESS SUITS Call and examin
our tine dress suits for 82:") and iX.
Equal to anything jou can get from the
tailor for 8C" or 87.1. Ewing Cloth -inr