THE COURIER. one of Mio smartest and gayest parties that Lincoln society lias knovn for a lotip time. The decorations were ar ranged. I believe, by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Baldwin, und tiie work wan excel, lently done. The hotel never looked more attractive, and (hero wore many beauti'ul gowns on beautiful women, The next Pleasant Hour party will be held lute in November. At the meeting held the other day, John Dixon Hnd Bert Wheeler wero voted into the club. The Patriarchs by their very name imply dignity and distinc tion, and this organization, now next to the oldest duncing club in the city, is this year remaining true to its tradi tions. It is not affected in the slightest degree by what the other clubs may do. It's the Patriarchs, and a law unto itself. So when the other clubs felt the necessity of going in for elaboration, the Patriarchs adhered closely to the ideas upon which the club was founded. The Patriarchs have no desire to give large dances or make any display. They take in new members cautiously and proceed quietly. This season they have, per haps, more members than usual, but there has been no departure in any re spect from Patriarchs principles. With possibly ono or two exceptions, the dances will bo given, as was the one Friday night of last week, in the Lan sing hall, and they will be among the notable entertainments of the winter. It is the intention to hold the dances every three weeks. One cotillon maybe given. The Patriarchs hare a largo waiting list. Whatever may bo its weaknesses so ciety in this city is not dull. Neither is it Hat. Age cannot wither nor custom stale its infinite variety. It is as many hued as a kaleidoscope, as fresh as the breezes thut blow over the Nebraska plains, as interesting as the pictures in the Standard. There is a certain piquant flavor in Lincoln society that is not to bo met with in every place where men and women gather together and wear evening dress and diamonds and boutonierres. It is original, out spoken, aggressive, independent. It is complete in itself, oes what it has a mind to do. and snaps its fingers at the world. Sometimes its enthusiasm leads it into new paths; sometimes it is as frisky and kittenish as a young girl just out of a convent. But in it all and through it all, in season and out of seas on, it is interesting. It allows no in ocuous desuetude to threaten its vital ity. It is made up of nervous activities and it is constantly vibrating. Society ib kind to its devotees. It not only pro vides entertainment, meat and drink, but goes a 6tep a step further in hos pitable intent and supplies some thing to talk about. Seldom, it ever, can the man or woman in Lincon so ciety complain of ennui or cry out that there is nothing to talk about. There always is something to talk about, and usually the thme is very much alive, susceptible of various kinds of treat ment, capable of affording opportunities for argument, sarcasm, ridicule, aye a little spleen. What may be called the society circle is- comparatively small, und ttTe people know each other and their little idiosyscracies so well that there is a strong personal flavor iu its gossip. It is not the less interesting on that account. Three or four weeks ago society was stirred to the foundations by a well, it may be called a sensation It was exciting while it lasted, but it was quickly superceeded. Within the last ten days or two weeks there has been something else to talk about .some thing that has eclipsed all other topics, something that is not only talked about in the sacred precincts of the charmed circle, but down town, in the hotels and shops, by men about town, and the little bojs on the street; something that has been given a place in the daily newspapers of Lincoln and telegraphed broadcast over the country; something that bus advertised Lincoln and people are always wishing for something to ad vertise Lincoln and furnished a fruit ful topic of conversation for the officers of Uncle Sam's standing army wherever they may be. Aye, it has gone forth into all places, and assumed many dif frrent forms. It bus given an oppor tunity for the zealous to become cham pions of this or that side, for the scrap pers to scrap, for the talkers to talk. It has been a sweet morsel and it bns been turned over and over again, twisted about, and bitten into. Shall it be longer discussed? Cut bono? Surely all that tho subject possibly contains has been extracted. There is nothing moro to be said. It is time now to take up something else. Lincoln society is not so lacking in resources that it must keep to one theme for moro than two weeks. To keep on talking on this one topic would argue a dearth of proper material. And tho chamclon has many spots and colors! I would paraphrase the motto of the Glover club and say: "Here's to what's nlremly cone. Hurrah for what's next to como." The Lincoln bicycle clubs have been improving the opportunities offered by this glorious weather and have kept the roads around Lincoln hot. Mr. O. F. O'Realward is wearing a now century pin that makes his first thousand miles on his wheel. He is one of the most enduring riders in tho state and can make a hundred and fifty miles a day on his wheel with all ease. University theatricals have begun again. The members o" the literary so cieties ' opened tho season" with John Kendrick Bang's "A Proposal Under Difficulties" in the chapel last Saturday evening. From all reports the enter tainment was successful, and I know that one of the young men in the cast, Mr. Keene Abbot, is a very clever ama teur, who, if he caied to take to histri onics seriously, might do really good things in that line. I do not remember having seen a more promising amateur. He has a peculiarly fortunate name for the stage, too. I undei stand that the members of the university literary societies are con templating building a society hall on the grounds and will ask tho aid of tho re gents at their next Bitting. 1 am glad to hear of this. I don't know whether new halls are needed, I don't even know whether the societies are needed but this I know, that lots of ambitious and energetic young bipeds must have diversion of some tort and that they should have room and facilities for it. At any rate literary societies are ono de gree better than cane rushes, and they am not so trying on a man's wardrobe. The Sunday afternoon "music service" at the Universalist church was much as usual. The music varied from the grand serenity of Beethoven to little Italian allegros that ended with a giggle. Mr. Smith's singing had Are. It lacked ease and finish. Like many, he overdoes the tremolo, which deprives his work of sustained force. The flute solo was sweet, though, like some "real" maple syrup, its sweetness had rather too much tang of wood. The audience was as sympathetic as any audience well can be under the restrictions of a music service. One cannot well let one's en thusiasm take one too far. If one did, one might applaud, and that would be awful to think of, as bad as applauding a prayer. It Is whispered, however, that some might show more substantial appreciation when the "plate" passes. TheJCourier's Nebraska City corres pondent sends the following. Mrs. Robert Payne left last Saturday for Kearney. Mr. and Mrs. Payne will make that place their home for this winter. Two of Nebreska City's most honored men have been laid to rest in the last few days, Gen. C. H. Van Wyck, who died in Washington, and Mr. Frederick ERPOUSVEVER &C0 Great Bargains in Dress Goods FOR THE WEEK COMMENCING NOV. 4. Dress Goods 40 in. Camel's Hair Serge, worth COc at 39c 41 in. Colored Novelty Mohair, worth 65c at 49c GO in. Waterproof, Black and Colors, worth 81.50 at 81.10 Black Dress Goods .'I pieces all wool French Serge, worth 35c at 25c 5 pieces all wool Novelties, worth C5c at 39c 4G in. French Serge, worth G9c at 42c 50 in. Clay Serge, worth 75c at 52c 52 in. all wool Diagonal, worth 75c at 55c 4G in. silk finish Henrietta, worth 75c at 57c 12 pieces all wool Novelty Brocades, worth 65c at 52c 12 pieces all wool Novelty Goods, worth 85c at G7c 12 pieces all wool Novelty Goods, worth 81.00 at 78c 4G in. extra heavy Fancy Pure Mohair, worth 8150 at 81.10 SOLE AGENTS FOR BTJTTERICK'S PATTERNS Cloak Department 30 in. Coney Capes, worth 88.00 now 84.95 Ladies Cloth capea in Beaver and Boucles, worth 87.50, 88.00, 810.00 and 812.50, now 85 85 Children's Cloaks from I to 5 years, worth 86.00 now 83.50 We have just received an elegant line of Ladies and Misses Jackets, Also a new line of Children's Cloaks from 8 to 14 years. Mrs.J.C. BELL 114 no 14 St LINCOLN IIAIRDRESSING MANICURING FACE MASSAGE FACIAL BLEMISHES REMOVED, etc HAIR GOODS and COSMETICS Sa)S)S(i S SSS!SS&S)(Ss) rur jinv mciviiuui tut oring the very latest thing in goods and style at reasonable prices visit THE BALDWIN COMPANY TAILORS ?SS (5j (S) () () () (5) () () () () () () () () () w () () () () ) () () () () () (5) () w LADIES If you wish the very latest things in fine footwear we are'the people who have them such as SIDE LACE TOKIO, NEEDLE SQUARE WELT, NEEDLE OPERA WELT, NEEDLE OPERA TOKIO. NEEDLE SQUARE TOKIO, TRILBY TOKIO. Iine Frenoh Calf Polish. Wol3Ste:i? & Rogers 1043 O STREET