The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 02, 1895, Image 3

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Miss Tillio Stein is iu Peoria.
J. L. Brainard is in Springfield, 111.
M. L. Trcuter was in Chicago this
Liiniaster vr.s in town this
the races.
Mrs. II.
this week.
Motcalf of Omaha attended
N. Hijlesa left for England
Mrs. John C. Allen has returned from
Judge Reese and wife have returned
from Denver.
Dr. and Mrs. Dorris are seeing the
Atlantic exposition.
Horace S. Cudder of Beatrice was in
town luring the races.
Dr. A. T. Peters is entertaining his
father, J. Peters of Chicago.
Miss Grace Maddox, of Palls City,
visited in Lincoln this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and
daughter went to Denver Wednesday.
James Roubinik, of Marehalltown. la..
last Sunday.
At Whitney. Ind., Wednesday, 0t.,
:. Harold E. Mitchell, of this city, was
married to MUb Lucy Davidson, in the
Plj mouth Congregational church. Mr.
Mi'chell is managing editor of tho Call,
and is one. of the most competent and
popular newspaper men in the city.
The Ladies Aid socioty of tho Second
Presbyterian church gavo an Autumn
coffee at their church last Friday even
ing. The entertainment consisted of
refreshments and a imiMcuI program.
The basement of the church was taste
fully decorated in autumn'rt Ho.vith and
and foliage.
Mrs. T. II. Marslaud left Wednesday
for Belmont, Cal., to join her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsland returned to'Lin
coln early in the summer to visit their
parents, but Mrs. Marsland was taken
violently ill and her convalescence was
so tedious that her departuro was de
layed until this week.
The Peter Paul Book company, Buf
falo, has issued an attractive little book
entitled "Short Biographies of Living
Writers,'' with portraits. There is a
notice, of Mrs. Isabel Richoy, of Platte
mouth, a contributor to The Coukikk,
as follows: "Mrs. Isabel Grimes
Richey was born in Lancaster, Mo., but
was brought up and educated in Iowa.
is visiting his son in-law, W. T. Carver She is thoroughly
Mrs. Frank Bevans of Laramie. Wvo.. and sympathies.
is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.J. Adam-son.
V . S. Neale of New Haven, Conn.,
visited his cousin, Alonzo Barnes, this
Misses Grace and Stella Nichols. of
western in her ideas
The great prairies
with their boundless distances have had
a noticeable effect upon her verse,
which riots in brilliant coloring. She
began writing about Hvo years a?o, and
her first work was published in Omaha
papers. Her first published volume.
'A Ifai-r rt tho Woat " lina twtnn farnra.
T..-: " s.j -r ti r. .- ...
u,tu, v.Blleu iurs. r,. , mown mis bly rece,ved. Her present home is in
Plattsmouth, Neb., where she is busily
O. J. King is visiting hiB parents in engaged in literary work.,'
Otisco, N. Y. He will be gore several The social season was opened much
.weeks. earlier this year than usual. Very
Miss Ura Kelly, who has been visiting often there has been no considerable
her Lincoln friends, returned to Omaha stir until the middle of November, and
Wednesday. Thanksgiving day has on more than one
Mrs. George Gregory of Council Bluffs
was in town this weeft visiting her son,
mm nir rj " -' ' --- .
iaun i,Dn luu. let ub prepare an
Are you an adver-
Asalrrv-tisi vertiser? If so
-'- ate .i
Leonhardt was in Port Huron
this week helping to revise the ritual of J? you."
ad and submit it
Getting up ads and running
them in the paper is our business; pac
ing for them is yours. You cannot
Mro PDtornffi,innmon,ii, it. auoru lo pay ior somcimg inai wm not
Mrs. Esterof Chicago and Mrs. Howe dotheworVand do it well. We have
or Omaha are visiting their sister, Mrs. the best advertising medium in the city,
A. K. Day, at 1134 C street. tho proper kind of type and material,
OrvilleW. Field, a university student, and wo can good as anybody
died at the home of his aunt, Mrs. E. N
Field, 2410 Q street, Monday.
John C. Higby, of Beatrice, carno up
Wednesday for a short visit with his
son, Ira Higby.of tho Lincoln hotel.
C. P. A. Clough went Wednesday to
Leavenworth, Kas., to be present at tho
bedside of bis father, who is very ill.
William Reed Dunroy has decided to
spend the winter in Lincoln. He will
pursue special studies at the univer
sity. Fred W. Bostrom, Nebraska's dele
occasion marted the beginning of the
season. This year all of the dancing
clubs, and these have ccmo to repre
sent, to a great extent, society, made an
early start. All three have now cele
brated their opening event. This early
E-prightliness was no doubt caused by
the formation of the Lincoln club dur
ing the late summer. The successful
organization of this club was a spur to
the other clubs, and it was but natural
a health signal.
that the Lincoln's receptioi to Chan-
to tho Cotton States exposition, eel lor and Mrs. MacLean should have
left for Atlanta yesterday with his wife been quickly followed by the Patriarchs
and bop. and Pleasant Hour club dances of last
Friday evening. Tho reception to the
chancellor and his wife was quite be
yond anything of this kind hitherto at
tempted in Lincoln. It was far and
away the most elaborate affair to which
Prof. Conway G. MacMillan has ac
cepted the invitation extended by tho
botanical seminar to deliver their an
nual address next May.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Plank will enter
tain tho Matinee musicale and the Cen
tury club at the Lincoln nest Wednes
day evening. Mrs. Plank will give a
piano recital.
Luther J. Thomas died Tuesday at
his home, 329 South Eleventh street,
from an operation for appendicitis. His
remains were sent to Louisville, Neb.,
where he lived until recently.
President W. E. Chancellor, of the
Polytechnic, returned Wednesday from
a ten days trio throutrh the state. He
society has given its sanction. Although
it was largo it was in all respects a bril
liant event. This club is arranging lo
give a second dance, which will be con
fined to members, in the Thanksgiving
season. The Pleasant Hour club has
this year a large and enthusiastic mem
bership. It will give a larger number
of parties than it gave last season, and
if those to come will be anything like
tho reception given Friday night of last
week, they will be wholly delightful.
This reception to Mr. and Mrs Dorgan,
lectured on educational subjects atMin- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs.
den, Gothenberg and Bradahaw, and Woods called out a select company of
filled the Methodist pulpit at Lexington congenial people, and it was altogether
The baby's mission, its
work in life, is growth. To
that little bundle of love,
half trick, half dream, every
added ounce of flesh means
added happiness and com
fort. Fat is the sitrnal of
perfect health, comfort, good-nature, baby-beauty.
Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby can have, in
ilie easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his
ordinary food, and helps h in over the weak places to perfect
growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full
grown, new life.
Bt turijtu ttt Scttt't Emutiif uAtm ytm UfiHt it .to. nit a (Ata lubititutt.
Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Druggists. 50c and $1.
Excellent cuisine. Tne
best equipped restau
rant in one city. Tickets
$3.50; by the week $3.
129 8. Twelfth street
Ladies and Qentlemen's
Grill and Oyster Parlors -
Regular dinner, 25 cts.
Short orders a Specialty.
All the delicaciesof the season.
Te Great Ten Gent ReMtnurant.
113. Iviiaoolia Cafe.
Hot IVIeals At All Hours.
Satisfaction Guranteed.
231 Nortb lOtlx St. "W. AT. Stewart, Prog
1 Vl 111 oleffif If f
5ffig Tm te BEST. f$p
I $2.50 PER Uft
Delivered free to any part of the city.
9 1 5 O STREET.
ej5gPHONE452 915 O STREET, j&
Ob Mail onlerj promptly attrndnl to kH!k