m pr .pp77 i'j miT (-rittXT'gyTiii THE COURIER. There is a large 5 ARE YOU C ) 5 WITH family of us, and I US )S'S'Ss' tle number is being increased rapidly. The people of Nebraska -ire divided into two classes, those who take THE C0URft and those who do not. The former constitute the family. You can get in a by paying two g sJT ) ( dollars per year. g Watch for the name LINCOLN ICE CO. They have no pond ice. 1010 O street HHff Delivered AT $1 00 ER DOZEN """ ijj ;ny part of the Guy, H. W(DICE1SAE PHONE 1ST. I 1 7 N . 9TH STREET. $5 TO CALIFORNIA It mr Sleeping Car Rata on thePhlllipaBoek Island Tourist Excursions from Council Blafls Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angeles or Saa Vna cisco Tiatbn Scenic Route and Ocden. Car leares Dei Moines eyery Friday, and slsepiac car rate from there is $3.50. Ton hare through sleeper, and the PMJUmt manjement has a special agent accompany tM excursion each week, and yon will sare Bin y Kd hare excellent accomodation, aa the eaia re upholstered spring seats, are lillaw build, and appointments perfect. Address for full particulars, JH0. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A. Chimp. OHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Fanu A. O. A. RUTHERFORD. O. P.4T.A. 1045 O St, Cor. 11th, Lincola, Nek When wanting a clean, easj share or an artistic hair-cut, try S. F. Westerfield THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST, who has an elegant barber shop with oak chairs, etc., called "Th Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth afreet, south of Lansing theatre). IE HAS ALSO VERY HEAT BATH ROOMS, 1 PREMIUM IE (((((((((((c:cc00' I POINTS IN POLITICS OCCC(CCiCCCCCCCOi REPUBLICAN TICKET, For Juiiuo Supremo Court T. L. NOVAL. Seward Co. For Regents University C. H. MOKKILL. Lancaster Co. II. L. GOOLD, Keith Co. For District Judge. 0. L. HALL. For District Judge E. P. Holmes. For District Judgo A. J. CORNISH. For Treasurer M. Al. COBB. For Commissioner FRED IIECKMAN. For Clerk District Court SAM E. LOW. For Countv Clerk A.M.TRIMBLE. For Sheriir JOHN J. TROMPEN. For Countv Judgo S. P. COCHRAN. For Superintendent Public Instruction J. S. BAER. For Surveyor W. S. SCOTT. For Coroner K. A. IIOLYOKE. For Justices of tho Peace WALTER LEESE, L. A . M'CANDLESS. E, E. SPENCER. For Constables JACK M'CLELLAN, R. D. SPELTS, A. M. BARTRAM. For Sanitary Trustee P. W. HOWE. Within the past few dajs the man agers of the republican campaign have been closing up the lines and making the laet preparations for the battle of next Tuesday, and from the information obtained from reliable sources now in the possession of tho committee there is every reason to believe that th entire republican ticket will be elected. Of course, no one questions the elec tion of all of the republican candidates save Low and Trompen. The populists and democrats at first tried to make it appear that Judge Tibbetts had a show of re-election, but this talk has of late been abandoned, and it is now conceded that he cannot possibly be elected. Lately many populists have admitted that Mr. Baker's prospects are not flattering, and there is, undeniably, a feeling that his cause is hopeless not withstanding the almost superhuman efforts that have been made in his be half. It has Beemed to an unprejudiced onlooker that in the last week or two there has been a concentration of ef fort on Miller to the manifest disad vantage of the populist candidate for clerk of the district court. Never before in tho history of Lan caster county has there bfen such a desperate effort to elect a candidate. Mr- Miller, as a campaigner, has ex hibited a zeal born of desperation. He has done such things and said such things that the people have wondered greatly at his versatility. Like many another smooth man he has over-reached himself, and it is probable that in try ing to do too much he has weakened in stead of strengthened his cause. Mr. Miller, by some means, has secured the mare or less active co-operation of prom nent republican B. & M. officials, and this has not helped him with the rank and file of the people who are disposed to look with suspicion upon a coalition between a demo-pop office holder and republican railroad managers. It is also no secret that a certain bank in this city is taking a considerable inter est in Mr. Miller's candidacy, and this fact, while it may help him with some people prejudices him with others. It is pointed out that Mr. Miller has rapid ly evolved himself from a plain citizen, with a decided leaning towards what is known as tho common people, into a scheming politician with strings that lead directly into the bnck rooms of banks and the private oflice of railroad managers. Mr. Miller was elected in tho first placo by men whose chief ob ject was to rebuke this sort of manipu lation which tho demo pop candidate is now engaged in. Both Mr. Miller and Mr. Baker have shown an agility in straddling pint forms and parties; in being all things to all men, in being farmers to farmers, and .workers to workers; in wearing tho badge of prohibition in ono camp and tho insignia of personal liberty in another; in carrying a pitcher of cold water on one shoulder and a mug of beer on tho other; in appealing for votes on every conceivable plea known to tho fecund mind of the most crafty of practical politicians; in subordinat ing every consideration of political con sistency to privato and personal desiro for gain. i. e., office, that havo surprised and dumfounded tho most experienced political roustabouts in this county. Theso two gentlemen have taught a les son in practical politics that will long be remembered. Tho result of it all is awaited with the keenest interest. A conservative estimato gives Mr. Low the election by from 1,000 to 1,500 votes. It is thought that Mr. Trompen may fall below this figure, but few re publicans are willing to admit that his plurality will fall below 800. It is figured that conceding most of the claims of the opposition, Mr. Trompen will conio to the city of Lincoln evenly matched with the demo-pop candidate. That being the case his election is em phatically assured. It is only a ques tion of how large his plurality will be. The First ward will probably go to Mil Ier. There are good reasons to be lieve that the Second ward wilt give a small plurality to Trompen. This ward can also be given to tho demo-pops for the sake of argument. Trompen will carry every other ward in the city, and in three out of the five remaining ho will have a very largo plurality. Many sanguine republicans believe that Low and Trompen will be elected by plural ities ranging from ono to two thousand and this is not improbable. It can be said to the credit of the re publican candidates that not one of them has in this campaign made a hypocrite or a demagogue of himself. Each man has stood squarely on the record of the republican party and has not claimed to be anything but a republican. There have been no appeals to populist or an archistic prejuuice, no straddling of parties or sentiment. The candidates are without exception broad-minded, liberal men, and they have not found it necessary to vary their conduct or change their convictions from time to time as the occasion and surroundings changed. They have strengthened the republican cause by making the cam paign simply as republican candidates. They have not been compelled to an swer any charges against their integrity as men. It is conceded that all the can didates are good republicans and good citizens, and this fact is depended upon to insure their triumphant election. Trilby headache tablets is the best for sick or nervous headaches. At Rigg's Pharmacy, cor 12th and O st. SOMETHING VERY NEW IN A BICYCLE SHOE. A GREAT COM BINATION OF WALKING, SNOW. MUDDY-WEATHER AND LADIES' muiiiLirj dilute fun tsALik uaIji AT MAYER BROS. Woempner for paints and oils, 139 S.10 Mandolins at lowest prices ever of fered. New eoods. Crancer's Art & Music Co., 1134 O street. EX UICYCLl! U1SPAIH13KM 208 SO I I TH. Acuto mid chronic cnaos treated with iMHiimnro of miiccosm. Languid tire restored to health mill viirur. Tires blown up without pain. Wiml fruo. Wo understand tlio iiiiatomy, phjsioloity mill hjideno of wheels nnil uivi" liomii'o patliicorallopatliictreatmiMit at individual case rriiiire. Surocuro Kuaranteod. Testimonial: My wheel linit tlirvo rib fractured and you cured it In ono treatment. "Sly tires won? HiilTeriuir with a case of acuto uneiirUm which hail Ix'eii pro nouiicoil fatal by other bicycle iloctors, but you cured tho disorder nml 1 iliil not loso a day of my tour." I wim troubled w ith varicoM? tires. iiiToIvititf frejuetn ruptures anil incontlnenco of wiml. ou cured me." "Thousand ol testimonials liko llionbotn sent on application." BIGXGLES FOR REflT. THE BOYS WHO LIKE GOOD EATING ALL GO TO BROS. MB 0 Tge something To eat Fop ip jftonei?. OPEN ALL NIGHT. HMHRTERS FOR WHEEL1EM. COOPER'S ICE WAGONS are the only ico wagons handliag GENUINE BLUE RIVER Id j Telephones 583 aad 1M BLUE KIYER ICE can only be had from tho wagons of P. H. Cooper. WHOLESALE and RETAIL 1338 O Street. Telephone 237 LINCOLN, NEB AGENTS WANTED. Either Sex. By the Banker's Alliance of Oalitat aia. Combined life and accident iaaatv ance in the same policy or separata lnauree either aex. 8. J. DENNIS, Roeai i. 116 North Eleventh street. Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTOIT, HULETT DAYZKFOKT. Proprietors. Special attention to state trade, (nest aasl merciai travelers, t arnam street eiacnss pass the door to and from all parts of the MMpif-S3C'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi' " -MsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl BsHKWvlBSslsSSsVwlrBBSSSBSBl K. S t 8 II