row rnnaivn. THE COURIER. 1 I w k iff k ' GO TO T California $ ,-i d lai uTourlMtHleepei It is tho RIGHT way. Pay more and you aro extravagant. P.iy less and 0.i arc uncomfort able. Tho newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest riding Tourist sleepers are used for our Personally conducted excursions to California which leave Lincoln every Thursday at 12:15 p. m., reaching San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los An geles Monday noon. AscG.W.Bmnell city ticket agent, cor 10th and O Sts., Lincoln Neb. For full information or write to f J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. KXKIiMltXtl 9jSSS)Si&s)SS'Sf MUSICAb THOUGHTS () 5) IS IK ONLY MKKl ROUTE 10 THE SOW? Come and See !! H. O. Towhskxd, F. D. Cornell, G. P. A T. Agt. C. P. 4 T. Art. St Louie. Mo. 1201 O St When the ice man comes be sure LINCOLN ICE CO'S name is on the wagon. 1040O stree They have no pond ice. - - - 1 - -I i in smi mi mPHO-SALlNE BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM COR 14 AND M. All forms of baths, Turkish, Russian Roman and Electric WITH SPECIAL AnENTION To the application of natural and salt water baths for the cure Rheu matism and Skin) Blood and Nervous diseases. A special department for surgical cases and diseases peculiar to women. DRS- M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT Managing Physicians. MR. 6. BRUCE SMITH Instructor i n voice culture or SINGING 501 and 502 Brace building 9 A. I. TO 2:50 P. I. AID BY APPOINTMENT Under this head a writer In The Cour ier spoke recently of the high character of the music which marks the services rendered In Holy Trinity church. He contrasted the strong simplicity and consistent tone of the semi-choral of the old masters in use there with the sen sational, secular, excitement- raising "Gospel Hymn" music used elsewhere. It Is disappointing to people whose taste has been educated to enjoy the highest class of music In secular circles, when they come to engage in the loftiest of all life's duties the public worship of God to find the modes of expression of that worship weak. Inferior, inconsist ent and unequal to the demands of the soul-feeling. Music Is Inherent in theorganic life of the'ehurch because the church has a human membership formed of redeemed humanity, while music is the most per fect of human expressions. Students in the philosophy of art tell us that, while other fine arts, .like painting and sculpture, are only imitative and rep resent only the effects of certain pas sions, music being an utterance of man out of himself personally.carrles with It the quality of the human personality, is Inseparable from the sacred human soul, and hence is a profounder thing, embodying In itself what the painter and carver and architect have only copied and wrought by what was out side of them. This being so, church music Is an original and special trust from God which compels a care that cuts out frivolity, lrreverance and the secular spirit. In precomposed set foms of worship as in the Episcopal church, such sim ple and dignified language is employed as comports with the thoughts and feelings to be expressed. If to this lan guage were set music lacking the same strong, dignified simplicity, the sym metry and harmony of the functions of worship would be destroyed and the desired effect would be lost. Perhaps the weakness and insipidity of most of the so-called 'Gospel Hymns' Is due to the fact that they were writ ten expresly to be set to light, popular, secular music In this case it is plain that the poular taste for light music has had an Influence in lowering the dignity of the language used, and there fore of the thought and feeling which seek expression. Some think music such an important aid to worship as to call for the employ ment of the highest musical talent. And under certain limitations this is true. Occasions may lequire an inter pretation of some portion of scripture which only an artist can bring out. A soloist or a quartet is then required to give the soul-feeling wrapt up In the words, and which could not be brought out In any other way. , But mere professionalism in the church choir Is generally the death of sincerity In worship The Interest of the wor shippers becomes centered on the per foxmance of the singer more than upon what Is sung. Thus all feelings of worship are dis sipated, and what was intended to be an aid to worship degenerates into an operatic performance to please an au dience and not to benefit a congrega tion of worshipers. This may explain whj we now-a-days hear our church congregations called "audiences" and .their forms of worship "exercises." The people go to hear the preacher, or the choir, or both, rather than to wor ship. Hence they become "audiences." For this reason. In part, the music In the Episcopal church is by law plac ed under the immediate and sole con trol of the pastors, most of whom (and the pastor of Holy Trinity Is a conspic uous example) discourage the employ ment of profess'onal soloists. This Is perhaps a sufficient reason. But to it may be added another which is that in Lincoln, as no doubt elsewhere, there seems to exist a spirit of rivalry among the churches as to which can secure the best soloists, and so offer the greatest attraction in the way of musical programs, to say nothing of the scramble by professionals for the best paying places. Conspicuously In the Episcopal church the music Is principally of the school type in order to give all worshipers op portunity to Join in the common praise which the book of common prayer pro vides for. And no music is allowed to be used which has not first been ap proved by experts In sacred music who also thoroughly understand the prin ciples of divine worship. Sincerity in worship rs the fruit of a definite,' well-founded faith. It is therefore not only all-Important that the words and tunes used In worship should agree in sentiment, but that they should neither of them express what Is not In keeping with the faith professed by the persons using them. Yet for the sake of the tunes to which they are set hymns are sometimes sung whose teaching Is at variance with the tenets of the denominations In whose assemblies they are sung. At music sen-ices in the Unlversallst church here masses used In the Roman Catholic church have been rendered by Hage now's orchestra, portions of which. are intended to express and to interpret doctrines concerning the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, which, if put into words, would scare out of their wits some of the staunch protestants who listened to them as If they understood them. How the orthodox Unitarian Unlversallsts received them Is a conun drum. If church music be regarded as a spe cial trust from God, how Is the church singer, the choir master, the choir boy, to throw off this responsibility? How can he be frivolous, irreverent or pro fane without a terrible wrong against himself as well as a desecration be fore God? His voice Is to be as sacred a thing as the prayer book In his hand. How shall he use it? How shall he guard It? How shall he carry that treasure entrusted to him as he goes on the tempted way of his life from on Easter to another towards the choir meeting around the throne? X. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER C11A V TEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel murtgage dated on the 9th day of April, 1895, and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Lancaster county, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of September. 1895, and executed by L. P. Gould to M. L. Thomas to secure the payment of the sum of 827.70 and upon which there is now due the sum of 827 70. Default having been made in the pay ment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding at law having been insti tuted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell the proper ty therein described to-wit: One heavy ash book case, twenty-four law text books, one black walnut office desk, one cloth covered table, five cane bottomed high backed chairs, one brass banging lamp, five iron cuspidors, at public auction at 1127 O street in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne braska, on the 8th day of November, 1895, at 2 o'clockH m. of said day. M. L. T omas. Mortgagee. By C. S. Raixboldt, His Attorney. NOTICE. In the district court of Lancaster coun ty. Nebraska. Ella C. Conger, plaintiff, s. Moses James, et al.. defendants: Moses James, Amelia James, John L. Clark, Rosa A. Clark, Hattie ll. Barnes, Barnes her husband, first name unknown, and the Western Investment company, defendants in the above en titled action, will take notice that on June 15th, 1895, the said plaintiff filed her pe'itipn in the above entitled action against said defendants, the object and praer of which was to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed by said defend ants Moses, Amelia James, John L. Clark and Rosa A. Clark to the Mead Bond Trust company upon lot 2, block 3 of Pleasant Hill subdivision of lots 3, 4, 5 and G in the northeast quar ter ofsection thirty-six (36), in township ten (10), range six (6) east, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of a promissory note for the sum of 82.20000 together with ten coupon notes thereto attached for the Bum of 877.00 each, dated May 1st, 1890, said principal note being payable May 1st, 1895, and one of said coupon notes be ing due atd payable every six months from the date thereof. That said note and mortgage were before their matur ity duly sold, assigned and trans'eired by the Mead Bond & Trust company to the plaintiff in this action, who is now the owner thereof. That there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of 277.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 1st day of May, 1895, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that de fendants be required to pay the same, to that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer this peti tion on or before the 9th day of Decem ber, 1895. Ella C. I'onoer, By Stewart & Munger, her Attorneys, Dated, October 12th, 1895. Much of the ordi- 2 nary black ink used by jirinters m is turned to artis- J tie and profitable account. Perhaps m the larger portion 2 is tcasted in dull and inconsequent tial jobs and daubs. There is a little publication m devoted to the 2 needs of those tcho 2 use jirinter's ink for advertising J purjwses. It tells how to use the me- m dia of ink and m type to the best advantage. Jt is an interesting pub- 9 lication and costs $2.00 jter year if you subscribe now you can have it for as many years as you pay for, for $2.00. After Dec. 31, 1805 it icill be $5.00 per year. Address USE AND ABUSE OF PRINTER'S INK FRUITERS HK No 10 Spruce St. New York, N. Y. I S WHAT! The Great Enquirer ONLY 50 CTS. A YEAR? YES! And any one sending two yearly subscribers at 50 cts. each, gets a Free Copy One Year. An 8-page paper and 9 long col umns to a page, makes it the Largest in Size ! Cheapest in Price ! Always Most Reliable for Facts, Truth and Markets. THE BEST Family Newspaper in United States for News, Intelligence, Fashions, Household, General Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Stories, etc. PAY TO AGENTS Double that of other papers. An excellent opportunity for those out of employment to make money. Try it Samples free. Address, ENQUIRER COMPANY, CINCINNATI, O. 5 $K