The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 26, 1895, Image 6

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    BHY Sk-
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Mr. Tucker eaog at the Univerealist
church last Sunday. Mr. Tucker has,
one may say with safety, the most sym
pathetic male voice in the city. Mr.
Randolph's shows excellent training,
but cannot more; it lacks thrill and
resonance. It does not warm. Mr.
Movius has a voice that is deep, reson
ant. His use of it is eminently artistic
but it, too, delights, rather than rouses.
Mr. Tucker has the sympathetic qual
ity. This does not meai. that be has it
wonderfully, or even greatly. He has
it. Consequently, one is glad to hear
him sing. His stage manner is un
pleasant. His singing, while it pleases
the ear, offends the eye. To enjoy it,
one has to look the other way. This is
a pity, especially when a little diligent
practice might remedy it.
Schubert's "Grand March Heroique"
seemed to lack the grand and tho
heroic It lacked the power that such
a work seems to demand. The most
satisfying music on the program were
the "Romanza" and "Scherzo" of Schu
bert, and the "Sarabanda" of Bach.
Mr. Hagenow's solo playing is too well
known to need particular commont. Its
merit is in force and interpretation, its
lack in smoothness and even Eweetn:ss
of tone.
The Courier's Flattsmouth corres
pondent sends the following:
Frank J. Morgan is in Omaha.
Captain Palmer was in town today.
C. S. Polk went to Greenwood this
Miss Laura Twiss went to Omaha to
visit friends.
Miss Sue Matthews is very ill with
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Britt were Omaha
visitors today.
0. A. Rawls has returned from a busi
ness trip to Murray, la.
D. F. Foster has removed with his
family to Lincoln.
James jLaughridge and Miss Luella
will be married tomorrow.
Miss Ida Renland was the victim of a
surprise party last evening.
J. G. Richey expects soon to return to
his mining interests in Idaho.
Mr. and Mrt. Logan Brown and Mrs.
Vivian, are visiting in Lincoln.
Local talent will give a concert Thurs
day for the benefit of Miss Lillian
Kauble, the violinist.
The M. W. and W., a social club, has
reorganized for the season with Mrs.
Byron Clark for president, Mrs. H. X.
Dovey, secretary, and Mrs. H. D. Travis,
The Courier's Nebraska City corres
pondent sends the following.
Mrs. Stoddard leaves Wednesday for
her home in New York.
Mrs. Charles E. Silsbee, of Omaha, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. D. P. Rolfe.
Thursday evening the young people
are anticipating a nance at Stevenson's
The young people gave a very pleas
ant informal dance at Memorial hall
last week.
Monday evening Mrs. Sousley, Mrs.
Frank Stoddard and Miss Martha
Sousley gave a charming musical e at
Memorial hall.
Invitations have been issued by Mrs.
Claude Watson, Mrs. J. H. Price and
Mrs. Richard Miller for an "At Home''
to be given at the homo of Mrs. Watson
Thursday afternoon.
On Friday last at the home of Mrs. D.
P. Rolfe, the ladies of St. Mary's Epis
copal church extended a farewell recep
tion to Mrs. Emmons Rolfe, Mrs. Dit
man and Mrs. Warner.
It is now about sixteen years Brce an
actor lay ill of rheumatism in Pittsburg.
He had no money, he had been too gen
erouB, too sympathetic for the distress
of others to have been able to accumu
late any money, and what was worse,
the disease he was Buffering from
threatened to incapacitate him for any
future work in his profession. A man
must be agile and nimble to be of much
use on the stage. He knew, however,
that it would not mend matters to
worry, bo he turned his thoughts on
pleasanter things. The tortured actor
let his thoughts take him to that far
away New Hampshire homestead, where
four generations of his ancestors had
lived, and where he had seen so many
happy days as a boy. He brought to
his bed of pain, tho shaded lunen, the
dusty rodds, tho billy pastures, J ho
peaked roof school house, the meeting
house and the familiar faces at Swan
zey, and in spite of his pain, he lived
again amid the scenes of boyhood. He
thought so much of the little New
Hampshire village and of th home
stead where his father and mother still
lived, and when he became well again,
he could not drive them from his mind,
and tho impulse grew strong within
him to weave into a story the incidents
of a sweet country life, which bad be
guiled him as he lay on his bed, wrapped
in pain.
i he actor was Denman Thompson and
the play was "The Old Homestead."
This afternoon and evening "The Old
Homestead" will Le presented by an ex
cellent company at the Lansing.
Manager Church will present to his
patrons ono of tho most successful and
gorgeous productions, the famous spec
tacle "Tho Black Crook." Wednesday
and Thursday evenings of next week,
October .'50 and 31. Tho popular favor
accorded spectacles 'in this country has
resulted in placing this grand bid play
before the public in such a noteworthy
and costly manner, surpassing all tho
most famous European productions;
this may justly be claimed by "The
Black Crook.' which was revived at tho
New York Academy or Music two years
ago; and throughout the principal cities
last year and up to the present time it
has been most successful, owing to the
lavish manner in which tho promoters
have mounted tho spectacle. It Bur
passes anything in its line ever seen at a
popular price theatre in this country,
and is now, for the first time in this
city, and at popular prices. The com
pany which will appear at the Lansing
next week is exceptionally strong, num
bering 200 people. Among the principal
European novelties may be mentioned
Rexo and Meno, the contortion marvels;
Oporto, the great, in his Aladdin
changes; tho Brothers Rixford. the cel
ebrated Russian acrobats; Mile. Leon
tine, Mile. Craske and Sarocco, three of
the most celebrated premieres ever
brought to this country, an army of
beautiful and lithesome coryphees, will
be seen bedecked with exquisite cos
tumes of the rarest and most expensive
fabrics; gorgeous oriental ballets, elab
orate scenery, and bright and catchy
music. This production will positively
eclipse any previous attempts to place
before tho public a perfect show.
Theatre-goers are preparing to laugh
at "Old Hoss" William Hoey, who will
be seen in his new comic play, "The
Globe Trotter," at the Lansing on Mon
day and Tuesday nights, October 23-29.
"Old Hoss," like wine, improves with
each successive year; we look at him
and laugh, hear him and roar, then
wonder what we were laughing at, and
while we are wondering we go off again.
There is something so solemnly unctu
ous about Hoey, so indefinably amus
ing, that it disarms criticism and defies
analysis. Hoey's new play gives him a
much wider range of opportunity than
he has ever had before. Of course we
are to have him as "Old Hoss." What
play with Hoey in it would be complete
without the character he has made so
popular? But in addition to thta Hoey
masquarades as a woman, a deaf and)
dumb woman, bewigged, powdered and,
gowned in the most approved fashion.
Hoey's ardent admirers can hardly im
agine what kind of a woman he wil
make. That she will be funny, we ar5
assured. For forty minutes it is said hj.
does not say a word, but his newl'
acquired ability as a pantomimist pro
duces even more laughter and enjoj
ment than ever before. Hoey wears
$1,000 Worth costume in which he de
murely tumbles down a flight of stair
with the utmost composure and withou
disturbing tho pipe-organ folds of hi
godet skirt. In the third act of "Tb
Globe Trotter" Hoey gives us a ne'
English swell, new in make-up, bi
with the same old Bwagger, don't yo
know, and singing the same old favo.
ite, "The Man Who Broke the Bank at
Monte Carlo." Hoey also sings a new
song called, "I Went to Paris With
Papa." which bids fair to become equally
gipular with the old favorite. Mr.
oey's company includes Frederic Bry
ton. M. A. Kennedy, Lonis DeLange,
Olotlx Capes
Clotl Jackets
ltix Capes
Is full of choice styles and Good values. You
are given a special invitation to vlsit.our cloak
Special loW prices orv
yrd Dress Qoods
Look up our prices on wide sheetings. We quote somo here and
believe that some are below all competition.
50 pieces special job of Mottled
Flannels at Gc a yard, worth 10c.
10 dozen all wool ladies Flannel
shirts, worth 9.100, at GOc each.
1 case 10-4 Blankets, worth 90c, at
69c for this sale only.
10 pieces fast black Sateen, worth
I2c, at 9c a yard.
1 bale yard wide heavy Muslin at
5c a yard, worth 7c.
12 pieces novelty plaids in Dress
Goods, worth 58c, at 37c.
Special price list on wide sheet
ings. 3-4 Unbleached, 12c a yard.
8-4 Bleached, 14c a yard.
9-4 Unbleached, 14c a yard.
9-4 Bleached, 16c a yard.
10 pieces Covert Cloth, 36 inches,
at 25c, worth 40c.
36 inch all-wool Flannel? 25c.
100 dozen men's ribbed underwear,
worth 75c, at 50c each.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention
? O St. Between 10th and 11th. Norh Side. J
Burton Collver, R. D. Abboy, Mrs. Dion
Boucicault (Louise Thorndyke), Miss
Gerome Edwards, Ada Alexandria, all
artists of more than ordinary merit,
whose capabilities should enhance the
inters -"" I:
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on the 9th
day of April, 1895, and duly filed in the
office of the county clerk of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of
September, 1895, and executed by L. P.
Gould to M. L. 1 nomas to secure the
payment of the sum of 927.70 and upon
which there is now due the sum of 827 70.
Default having been made in the pay
ment of said sum and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been insti
tuted to recover said debt or any part
thereof, therefore I will sell the proper
ty therein described to-wit:
One heavy ash book case, twenty-four
law text books, one black walnut office
desk, one cloth covered table, five cane J
twfti-fcrAjl kink. nr.1 -L 2. --
MiXvivK & pai:tci
Another case of 40-inch wide nov
elty Dress Goods at 18c a yard.
Fancy Mohair Brilliantinc, 38 in
ches wide, worth GOc, at 49c a
Choice new Black Goods at 25c,
37c, 50c and 69c.
Full line of Priestley's Novelties
and Silk Wraps.
A largo stock of ladies', men's and
children's Underwear.
1 case oft French Boned Corsets,
worth 75c, at 47c; all sizes.
Our Domestic Prices.
30 pieces yard wide Muslin at 4c a
Heavy round thread Muslin, 4-4, at
5c a yard.
Extra heavy round thread Muslin
GJc a yard.
4-4 Heavy Bleached Muslin atGJc
and 7c.
Extra fine Muslins. 4-4, bleached,
at 8c, worth 10c and 12Jc.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement. Hall's
(Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
'acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disea
3e, and giving the patient strength
oy building up tho constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi
imonals. Address, F.J. Ciiesey & Co., Toledo Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
DRESS SUITS Call and examine
our fine dress suits for $25 and $35.
Equal to anything you can get from the
tailor for $65 or $75. Ewiso Cloth
ixo Company.