The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 26, 1895, Image 14

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li u TourlMt Mleeper
It is tho RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are
extravagant. Pay less
and j ou are uncomfort
able. The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest
riding Tourist sleepers
aroused for our
Personally conducted
excursions to
which leave Lincoln
every Thursday at
12:15 p. ni., reaching
San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los An
geles Monday noon.
Geo. W. Bonnell city
ticket agent, cor 10th
and O Sts., Lincoln
Ask for full information
or write to
J. Fkancis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb.
i- . :T .. ,t Ti
All forms of baths, Turkish, Russian
Roman and Electric.
To the application of natural and
salt water baths for the cure Rlieu
matlsm and Skln9
Blood and Nervous diseases. A special
department for surgical cases and
diseases peculiar to women.
Managing Physicians.
with every purchase of
Munyon'a Remedies
at RIGGS' pharmacy,
When wanting a clean, easy ahar
r an artistic hair-cut, try
who has an elegant barber ahoy
with oak chairs, etc., called -Th
Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth
treat, south of Lansing theatre.
Under new management
fpeeial attention to tata trade, geat aai
iiiiiinlil trarelera. Farnam itreet lMtrla
an pass the door to and from all partaeftM
It has generally been supposed that
the populists and socialists wcro pretty
near together. Tho circuiar just issued
by tho socialists of Lincoln is interest
ing as disavowing all connection or sym
pathy with tho populists, and also for
the showing it makes of the operation
of populism: "If you aro still in doubt
let us look at the question from a prac
tical standpoint. During tho past four
years several avowed populists havo
held lucrative positions in Lincoln and
Lancaster county, and they were
elected to theso positions mainly
by t'io proletarian vote. Can you call
to mind an instance, where any of theso
men have shown disposition to sac
rifice their individual interests for tho
laboring men of this city? Have thoy
not, whilo holding theso ollices, dono
everything in their iower to feather
their own nest, or, in other words, mako
hay while tho sun shines? Are tho
present populist sheriff and district
clerk paying any better salaries to their
subordinates than did tho men wto
preceded them in theso positions?
Although one of theso ollices is said to
pay a yearly protit of ten or fifteen
thousand dollars, you will tind on
inquiry that the present incumbent pur
chases the labor of his clerks in his
office on tho cheapest market. When
ever and wherever this party has had
a chanco to demonstrate and carry out
its pledges to tho laboring people, in
vestigation will show that all its acts
havo consisted of words, words, words
nothing but words. The late populist
mayor of this city never lost an
opportunity to declaro publicly his
loyalty to the tax-payer's interest,
meaning, o course, by tho tax-payers
the ones who owned property. No one
acquainted with his record doubt his
word for a moment, and yet it was the
proletarians of this city who first
brought him into prominence. In
boasting of his fealty to the tax-payer's
he forgot to mention that, in standing
true to them, he, at the same time,
betrayed or ignored, tho interests of you
our brothers, of tho propertyless class.
Never loose sight of tho idea that the
interest of tho robber can never coin
cide with the ono whom he robs. Hence
in looking after the interests of the
men who, through interest, rent, and
profit, steal tho major part of tho
products of your toil, he, or necessity,
betrayed your interest. Remember those
with middle-class, or plutocratic, in
stincts, always despisd the claim of tho
When the ice man comes be sure
name is on the wagon. l(M0O stree
They have no pond ice.
(Continued from page 2)
Frequent contact with one kindly,
gracious man or woman of the world
would hare changed all this. Not a
"dig,' nor "yet a hustling" man of busi
ness, but a sincere and polished gentle
man. Several evenings in a gentle
woman's parlors would wear the corners
off these angular gentlemen from the
rural districts, and they would do their
hostess credit and become manly fel
lows, good to call on in time of need.
And the work would not stop there,
those boys would carry tha influence of
it back to the provinces and the good
would go back to the state where it be
longs. I hope that the ladies of the faculty
will do this thing, and while their hus
bands are looking after the youthful
mind they themselves will discreetly
and indirectly look after the youthful
manners, which really need attention
very much.
It appears to be useless for The
Cockier to continue its coarse of in
struction and correction of tho Journal .
Despito all efforts to bring that paper
into tho path of moral and grammatical
rectitude, it goes on in its headlong
career of reckless and dangerous ignor
r.nco and unreliability. But there may
bo a brighter day coming, and I will
not wholly abandon my chock headed
pupil. The issue of tho Journal of
last Saturday was a fair specimen of that
paper's capacity for error and wrong
doing. Somebody on tho paper surely
it was not tho facilo Mason tried to
describo in elegant language tho re
ception given to Chancellor and Mrs.
MucLcan by tho Lincoln club. Tho
Journal said: "Two bands, ono in tho
rotunda and ono in tho dining room,
furnished tminic whenever desired."
Tho tlno discrimination of tho Journal
can seo no distinction between an or
chistra and a band. I wonder how Mr.
Hagenow likes it. In tho sumo article
it was said that Captain Guilfoylo acted
as tho master of ceremonies. That is
not tho truth. In another place
First publication Aug. 21.
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county. In
an action wherein Martin Schleslnger
Is plaintiff, and Frank P. Lawrence et
al, are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock
p. m.. on the 22nd day of October, A.
D. 1893, at the east door of the court
house. In the city of Lincoln. Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auction the following described
real estate, to-wlt:
Lot number six (6) In block number
one hundred eighty-nine (189) In the
city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne
braska, according to the recorded plat
of said city.
Given under my hand this 20th day
of September. A. D. 1893.
(First publication Sept. 28. 1893.)
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein Frederick S. Stein Is
plaintiff, and Thomas Sewell et al are
defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m..
on the 29th day of October, A. D.. 1S93.
at the east door of the court house. In
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc
tion the following described real state,
to-wlt: Lot sventeen (17) In Eldredge's
addition to Lincoln, In Lancastr county.
Nebraska, according to the survey and
recorded plat thereof
Given under my hand this 26th day
of September, A. D.. 1893.
FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff.
the conty court of Lancaster county.
First published Sept. 28, 1893.
The state of Nebaska, to Mrs. W. C.
Pritchard, W. C. Pritchard. and to any
others interested in said matter: You
are hereby notified that an instrument
perporting to be the last will and tes
tament of R. P. Law ton, deceased, is
on file in said court, and also a petition
praying- for the probate of said In
strument, and for the appointment of
C. A Lyman as executor; that on the
19th day of October, 1893, at 3 o'clock p,
m., said petition and the proof of the
execution of said instrument will be
heard, and that If you do not then ap
pear and contest, said court may pro
bate and record the same, and grant
administration of the estate to C. A.
This notice shall be published for
three weeks successively in the Courier
prior to said hearing.
Witness my hand and official seal this
26th day of September, 1893.
J. W. Lansing, County Judge.
J. W. Lansing,
County Judge.
In the district court of Lancoster
county, Nebraska. Isaac Lang, plaintiff,
vs. John Smith, et al.. defendants.
To John Smith and Nellie Smith his
wife. Mary L. Smith and Eliza H.
Brown, defendants, you and each of you
will take notice that on the day of
September. 1893. Isaac Lang, plaintiff,
herein filed his petition In the district
court of Lancaster county, Nebraska,
close a certain mortgage executed by
the defendants, John Smith and Nellie
Smith, his wife, to the defendant, the
Clark & Leonard Investment Company,
which mortgage was nfterwards ami on
tho Cth day of March. 1891. sold and as
signed to this plaintiff, and which mort
gage was given Umh lot No. nine (9),
block two hundred .uxl three (203). In the
city of Lincoln, said county and state,
and was to secure the payment of ono
certain promissory note or ImiiuI. dated
at Lincoln. Nebraska. January 13th, 1891.
for the sum of $300. and due mid payable
on the llrst day of January, ISM, default
having Ix'cti made In payment of Inter
est and taxes and various and other
covenants and conditions In said mort
gage having been broken by Maid de
fendants, John Smith and Nellie Smith,
the plaintiff has, as provided by tin;
object and prayer of which are to fore
against said defendants and others, tho
terms and conditions of said mortgage,
elected to and has declared the principal
sum secured thereby due nnd payable
and that by reason thereof there is now
due upon said note or bond ami mort
gage the sum of $300, together with In
terest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent, per annum from the llrst day of
January, 1893, for which sum. together
with the sum of $9.33, taxes paid by the
plaintiff, with Interest from this date
plaintiff prays for a decree that the de
fendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may bo sold to sat
isfy the amount found due nnd that the
receiver may be appointed to take
charge of said property and for general
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 18th day or Novem
ber. 1893. BURR &. BURR.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the district court of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, Isaac Long, plaintiff,
vs. Thomas J. Marshall, et al defend
ants. To Thomas J. Marshall nnd Emma
Marshall, Louis S. Marshall and Mrs.
Marshall, his wife, whote llrst
real name Is unknown, nnd the People's
Savings bank, a corporation, defend
ant. You nnd eoch of you will take notice
that on the Cth day of September, 1895,
Isaac Lang, plaintiff, herein tiled his
petition in the District Court of Lan
caster County. Nebraska, against said
defendants nnd others, the object nnd
prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgnge executed by the defend
ants. Thomas J. Marshall and Emma
Marshall, to the Clark & Leonard In
vestment Company, nnd which mort
gage was afterwards and on the 11th
day of November. 1890. assigned to this
plaintiff and which mortgage Is upon
lot ten (10). In block five (3). Rldgeway
an addition to the City of Lincoln, said
county and state, and was given to se
cure the payment of one certain prom
issory note or bond dated Lincoln, Ne
braska. August 29th. 1890. for the sum
of $1,000, and due and payable on the
1st day of September, 1893.
That there is now due upon said note
or bond and mortgage the sum of $1,000,
together with interest thereon nt the
rate of ten per cent per annum from
the first day of March. 1893.
P'alntlfT prays for a decree that the
defendants be required to pay the same
and that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due and that
a receiver be appointed to take charge
of the property and for general relief.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 18th day of No
vember, 1893. BURR & BURR.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of two executions issued by the clerk
of the district court of the third judicial
district of Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster county, one in an action
wherein National Life Insurance com
pany is plaintiff and Theodore Kaar is
defendant, and one in an action wherein
Western Glass & Paint company is
plaintiff and Theodore Karr and Mrs.
Sarah Karr arc defendants I will, at 2
o'clock p. m., on the 12th day of No
vember, A. D. 1S95, at the east door of
the court house, in the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, oiler
for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate to wit:
The north half of the southeast quar
ter of section thirty-three (.'31 township
nino 9 north, range six C 'east of the
Cth V. M., in Lancaster county, Ne
braska .
Given under my hand this 11th day of
October A. D. 1P05.
Fred A. Miller,
Nov. 12 Sheriff.