THE COURIER. EX BICYCLE REPAIRER 208 SO 1 1 TH. Acute and chronic cases treated with assuranco of success. Languid tires restored to health and visor. Tires blown up without pain. Wind free. We understand the anatomy, pljjsiolosy and hjsiene of wheels and give, liomcpo pathicorallopathictreatmont as individual cases require. Sure euro guaranteed. Testimonials: My wheel had three, ribs fractured and you cured it in one treatment. "My tires were suffering with n case of acute aneurism which had been pro nounced fatal by other bicycle doctors, but you cured tho disorder and I did not lose a day of my tour." "I was troubled with varicose tires, involving frequetn ruptures and incontmenco of wind, lou cured me." "Thousands oi testimonials like the above sent on application." BIGyGLES FOR J?EJ1T. THE BOYS IHO LIKE GOOD EATING ALL GO TO 0 Tfe? & souring To eat Fop tfyrip fflone?. OPEN ALL NIGHT. lEIDQUU FOR WHEELMEN. COOPER'S ICE WAGONS are the only ice wagons handling GENUINE BLUE RIVER ICE. Telephones 583 aad BLUE RIVER ICE can only be had from the wagons of P. H. Cooper. greatness of him after the last defeat. Well does Enobarbus call Inn. an old lion dying. When they tell him that the queen is dead, all tho simple manli ness in mm comes eut. "The long day's toil, is done and wo must sleep." When the ruse is confessed he i& not angry, ho is beyond all that now. Tho key note of tho whole tragedy, the grand motif rounds once again. He does what ho has always done. Ho has always gone back to her, after every wrong, after every treacherv He has left kingdoms and principalities to go to her, thrown away half the world to seek her, and now or his old captain, he asks one last favor, that they carry him to her now that he cannot go himself anymore, and he goes for the last time. That last meeting, that awful scene in which Antony, bleeding and dying, is dragged up to the sides of the monu ment. Miss Lewis, omits. Possibly be cause it is almost impossible to repre sent it on the stage, xssHily because the play is long and something must be cut to give time to the barefoot ballet. At any rato to cut it is to divest tho play of half its greatness. For the "moral'' of tne play, if there be one, is in the last lino that Antony speaks before the mists cloud over him and he begins to wander back to the old days of empire and de light. "One word, sweet quevn. Of Caesar your honor with joursafety." That he should have lived for her and died for her, lost the world for her and yet should have had to saj that at the end! There is a tragedy for you, in its darkest melancholy. Tho tragedy or all such love and such relations, of everything on earth that hides shamo at its heart, that is without honor and absolute respect. All the hundreds of French novels that have been written upon the union iTrehavetoIdusnoth ing new about it after that. That one line has in it all the doubt and dark tragedy of the whole thing. Wo Anglo Saxons have no need of a "Sapho" or of the numerous and monotonous works of of M. Paul Bourget. That story has all been written for us once aB it never can be again, by a master whose like no one world can bear twice, whose ashes one planet can carry but once in its bosom. WHOLESALE and RETAIL 1338 O Street. Telephone 237 LINCOLN, NEB AGENTS WANTED. Either Sex. Bj the Banker's Alliance of Calif aia. Combined life and accident In tw ance to the same policy or separata. Insures either sex. S. J. DENNIS. Boom 4, 115 North Eleventh atrt Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTOir, HTJLETT DAYJWPOBT, Proprietor. pacial attention to state trade, reSI utal travelers. Famam fjreetelaetm ana paaa the door to and from all parts ox Joseph Hoffman, the young pianist, is to travel this season. Some musical critic has beautifully said of him that though the prodigy is gone the wonder is still there. Young Mr. Hoffman is to be congratulated that the wonder is still within him, but he is to be doubly con gratulated upon the demise of the prod igy. As long as he was a prodigy he could never be an artist, indeed not a musician even. There have been cer tain great men, Mozart and Paginnini chief among them, who have been able to live down the fact that they once were prodigies, but they had to be great indeed to do it. It may not really hurt a child to be a prodigy, but it hurts him very much to be told so. There is no more pitiful sight on earth than a passe prodigy whose life is outgrowing his art, who still wears yellow curls about a face that is no longer childish and tries to disguise the lengthiness of his growing limbs by stockings and knee breeches. P (D N Mm Every purchaser of SI worth of goods will receive a cou pon worth 10 cts, to apply on future purchase. 5c cou pon with 50c Kicos Pharmacy 12 &0 i3 -wsr Hut in music tho prodigy is more hopeful than on tho stage. Tho boy who is tho coming Booth at ten is gen erally property man at thirty. What becomes of them all anyway, thoso ad vanced young people who have brilliant careers from eight to twelve and then are heard of no more, Wallio Eddinger, Elsie Leslie Lyde and all tho rest of them? Nothing great, so far as 1 can learn. They go too soon into nn artifi cial atmosphere, an atmosphere where there is no time for silence and reflec tion and in which study is unknown. It kills them, that is, figuratively. For tho boy who plays the Roman populace, helps tho property man. does a som;and dance and has big dreams there is hope, but I doubt if tho tragic muse herself could make an actor out of tho infant who is starred beforo ho is in long trous ers. So long as a child does only chil dren's roles he is endurable, but when a child recites Hamlet, Lear and the much abused Richard III. it is the torture of tho Spanish Inquisition to hear him. It is simply terrible to hear a child who ought to be reading fairy tales or Bound asleep in his bed, mouthing tho most perfert poetry in tho world and cheer fully chirping with the wrong inflections words that represent the governing forces and impulses of tho world. Its sacrilege to childhood and its blasphemy to art. As Helen Von DoenhofT onto said to me: "Art does not como at six teen." No, verily, it does not, and thoso who have touched even the hem of its garment by the time they aro twenty-six are blessed by God. Why, everything that a child creates is laughable, beauti ful, only because of its naive imperfec tions. All childish creations lack any thing beyond promise and mild merit, from the school boy verses of Byron to those peaceable little sonatas of the baby Beethoven. Thank heaven Shake speare's earliest productions are not ex tant, he knew enough to burn them. Tne very things out of which an artist is made do not come to a man before he is twenty. While other boyB are crow ing to be men he grows to be a creator. An artist is a child always, but a child is not always an artist. Trilby s headache tablets. Just the thing to counteract the evil effect of over indulgejce of tobacco, alcohol or other excesses. At Riggs' Pharmacy cor 12th and O Sts. IttUttUtttttttttitttttt VOELKER is tho only manufacturer of furs in Lincoln, and his store is the. inly place where you can see a flrtt clas and complete stock of FURS There U a skilled furrier always in at tendance. Examino his coats, capes, muffs, neck scarfs, etc. The beat ma terial and finest workmanship. Fur trimmings, and all kinds of repairing. 140 S. 12TH wwttwwwwwwjw NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHAT TEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel murtgage dated on the 5th day of April, 1895, and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Lancaster county, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of September, 1895, and executed by L. P. Gould to M. L. 'Jhomas to secure the payment of the sum of 827.70 and upon which there is now due the sum of 27.70. Default having been made in the pay ment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding at law having been insti tuted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell tho proper ty therein described to-wit: One heavy ash book case, twenty-four law text bookp, one black walnut office desk, one cloth covered table, five cano bottomed high backed chairs, one brass hanging lamp, five iron cuspidors, at public auction at 1127 O street in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne braska, on the 8th day of November 1S95, at 2 o'clock m. of said day. M.L. Thomas, Mortgagee. By C. S. Raimsoldt, His Attorney. 5 J There is a large ) ARE YOU ( ( ) x with family of us, and ) US ( ( sa?9( the number is being increased rapidly. The people of Nebraska are divided into two classes, those who take THE COUWfcR and those who do not. The former constitute the family. You can get in SS ( ( by paying two T ( dollars per year. ( 9i (a ) Watch for the name LINCOLN ICE CO. 'They have no pond ice. 1010 O street i EH PREMIUM IE BEER Delivered AT $1.00 PER DOZEN IJM NY PAflT OF THE GITy. H. WICEMABE PHONE 187. I 1 7 N . OTH STREET. 1 jflfiBMiT, $5 TO CALIF0BNIA It oar Bleeping Car Rata oa thePhlUIpa-l Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angeles or Mas Frga cheoTia the Scenic Roots and Ogdea. Ca leaves Dee Moines every Friday, and sleayaas; ear rato from there is $5.30. You hare through sleeper, aad the PkuUair saangement baa a special agent aeconpaaar mm excursion each week, aad jcra will saT ssesjar and hare excellent accomodation, as IM aia have upholstered spring seats, ara PbIIsbssb boild, aad appointments perfect. Address for fall particalars, M0. SEBASTIAM. 0. P. A. Chief. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Ptm A. O. A. RUTHERFORD. O. P.4T.A. 1046 O St Cor. 11th, Liacola. K When wanting a clean, easy shT or an artistic hair-cat, try 8. F. tara THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST, who has an elegant barber shop with oak chairs, etc., called -Th Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth street, south of Lansing theatre. It MAS ALSO VERY MEAT BATH H00M. f HI m i)i ii kv i j i