THE COURIBK. ! NOTES AND QUERIES I, o ! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In last week's Coubiek it was inti mated that "The Personal Recolections of Juan of Arc now appearing in liar per'a Monthly was written by Mark Twain. On what authority was such a statement made? A. R. I. "Mark Twain's" humor is peculiar, unique. No other writer has the way of making his characters make fun of themselves. They make faces and con tort thoir mental bodies into grotesque They are in literature what gargoyles, and such like exaggerations of the human and animal form are in architecture. We could get along without them, but they are interesting survivals of the Gothic. That is why I respect Mark Twain. lie is an interest ing Gothic survival. That is a great compliment to him and he does not de serve it. lie lacks the intensity that the Gothic had even in its gambols. It had a never-deviating purpoce. It was never trivial. Mark Twain is nearly alwiys purposeless and insincere. Prad-din-head Wilson's calendar has the Bhrewdness and crystalized world knowledge of the book of Proverbs. I know of nothing else like it. It may live when its author is forgotten. It is from internal evidence alone that the author of the statement in last week's Courier decided that Mark Twain is the author of "The Personal Fecolec tions.' The style is his. the two buf foons are his, the lack of conscientious study of historical detail is his. Yet on the other hand there may be another who possesses these characteristics and the critic be mistaken. When one enters an audience room of any kind and is obliged to reach an inner seat by passing other people is it correct to face the audience or the stage? J. A. M. It is correct to face those who must rise to let you pass. It is unfortunate it you have an inside seat not to be early enough to get to it either from one aisle or another without disturbing anyone, If you are late so that the occupants of the Beats nearer the aisle are forced to rise the least you can do is to face them as you pass. This rule is frequently disregarded because people do not like to face an audience. Shy ness is no excuse for turning your back on the people circumstances oblige you to show. When a lady meets me on the street whom I do not know and bows to me should I return the bow? John La Farge. By all means. The lady thinks she knows you or she would not bow. She may be right and you may be wrong. In any case it is priggish not to return the bow. If she have made a mistake she will probably discover it and be suffi ciently mortified without you ignoring her. When a gentleman is introduced to a ldy is it customary to shake hands with her? Barney Olmsted. Handshaking is going out of style. In some places it has departed entirely from tee body called society. In New York city, for instance, nobody except ing politicians and ministers shake hands. Of course members of the same family, friends and lovers will continue to shake hands and to hold hands till the years of eternity roll. Burlington's Personally Conducted Excursions to Utah and California. A Pullman tourist sleeping car will leave Lincoln every Thursday at 12:15 p. m. for Denver, Salt Lake, Ogdei., San Francisco and Lot Angeles. Only $5 for a double berth Lincoln to Los An geles in one of these cars. Kemember there is no change of cars. For full in formation and tickets apply at Burling ton & Missouri depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O streets. G. W. Boskell, C. P. 4 T. A . THEWHEEL cccccccc Through the efforts of the Capital City Cycling club Lincoln lovers of bicycle races will have a treat in the shape of a National meet, to be held here October 14th. The question has been agitating the club for some time, for it is quite an undertaking, and means that the boys will have to do a great deal of individual "hustling" to get up a good prize list and carry the meet through to final success. Secretary Yulo has already been ad vised that some twenty ridrrs of na tional reputation wiil be here to compete in the events, including such men as Zeigler, Bliss, Cooper, Titus, Cabanne, Rigby and our own Barnett, otherwise known as the "Nebraska Cyclone." A prize list aggregating about $1,000 in value, including diamonds, high grade wheels, etc, is being arranged for, and rates have been secured ou the railroads for that day. There is to bo five class B and two claos A events. The former will of course excite the most interest, engag ing, as it does, some of the fastest riders in the country. The track at Lincoln Park, where the races are to be held, will bo put in good shape by that time, and as it is one of the fastest tracks in the west there will be some new western records estab lished beyond a doubt. It is to be hoped that the people of Lincoln will encourage the local wheel men in making this meet a success both by their presence at the meeting and otherwise. Mile. Marie Marconot. Perhaps the most important and ar tistic acquisition lately made to Lincoln, and one in which the ladies of this city and state have an especial interest is Mile. Marie Marconot, the art dress maker from Paris, who is to bo found at the beautiful dry goods store just opened by Mr. Sharp at Winger's old stand on O street, known as the New York 6tore. Mile. Marconot has almost a national reputation, and the ladies will find in her a most useful person. The New York store, by the way, is a place you ought to visit, and right away, The goods exhibited there are finer than anything to be seen in Omaha and there is nothing better to be seen in Chicago. Mr. Sharp is an old dry goods man and has the reputation of conductiug only a first class store. He came from Louis ville, Ky., where his store was the finest in the city. Great bargains in pianos slightly used. Must be sold. Crancer's Art & Music Co., 1131 0 street. Mandolins at lowest prices ever of fered. New goods. Crancer's Art & Music Co., 1134 O street. First publication Oct. 12. SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of two executions issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, one in an action wherein National Life Insurance com pany k plaintiff and Theodore Kaar is defendant, and one in an action wherein Western Glass & Paint company is plaintiff and Theodore Karr and Mrs, Sarah Karr are defendants I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.f on the 12th day of No vember, A. D. 1895, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate to wit: The north halt of the southeast quar ter of section thirty-three 33 township nine 19 north, range six 6 east of the 6th P. M., in Lancaster county, Ne braska. Given under my hand this 11th day oj October A. D. 1895. Fred A. Miller, Nov. 12 Sheriff. Mandolins at lowest prices every of fered. New goods. Crancer's Art & Music Co., 1134 O street. New pictures at Crancer's, 1134 O street. g Ttae BiTew Man if I f? HAS f iHiiiiA ffYk THE NEW MAN GOOD HORSE SENSE The new man has quit buying shoddy; pure wool, fresh from the sheep, woven by the best looms of England and America is within his reach. We are showing a magnificent line of men's fine wrol Buits in black ami colors at $10.00 a small price but the suits will surprise you. Fit and workmanship remarkably good. With about 500 men's and boy's suits we will give reliable time keeping watches. This splendid offer is only good until Nov. 1 riraniji3 io"ioo:rciotii. t THE) HSRMERS GROCERY 226 to 234 IV. lO St. 1 sack 50 lbs flour 50c 1 sack extra strength grade flour 75 1 sack high grade patent flour 90 Why don't you buy your flour of us? ft i -5 ! 2 loaves fresh bread 2 loaves fresh bread 2 loaves fresh bread o 5 5 SPECIAL COMBINATION 1 lb Royal or Price baking powder 2i 8 bars White Russian Boap 2 3 boxes gloss or corn starch 1 large package matches 1 box tooth picks 3 packages stove polish 3 packages rolled oats 25 20 5 25 5 All the above for $1.50 thb farmers grocery 226 to 234 :2V. lOtlx (St. A Large and Complete bine of In all Departments. We invite our friends to call and see our fall display HT. R. Nissley St Co. 4 3f i l'iWM i'i mi' r MssteBSjHgesas 7T