THE COURIER. M k k- Bf jt ffr v Br Highest of all in Leavening Drft&tl Baking AB&OLUTELY PURE own satisfaction. His communication appears elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Babson, for that is the writer's name, is a brave man. For it takes a brave man in this duy of aggressive womanhood to proclaim, over his own signature, that woman is sultordinate to man. Mr. Babson thinks it is a "dangerous pre sumption" for woman to claim to bo man's equal and suggests that she may soon claim to be God's equal. I would not like to be in Mr. Babson's place when the women have read his article. Hn is quite likely to find that, if she is subordinate, woman can make things mighty lively when she once gets stirred up. The closing part of Mr. Babson's communication will undoubtedly bo taken to mean that God and man are on something like an equality, with woman practically the Batno distance beneath both. This may prove to be a "danger ous presumption" on Mr. Babson's part. It is surprising than Sandy Griuwold, the gentlemanly sporting editor of the Ifcc, did not make an effort tosecuio the Gorbett-Fitzsimmons fight for the Ak-Sar-Ben town. Now Omaha would be a good place for the fight. Probably if the fight wer to be held right in Omaha Mr. Griswold might win back seme of the money he lost on Sullivan when the California pugilist won the champion- ship. But it is not on this ground that I would like to see Omaha get the fight. Omaha is used to just srch exhibitions bb Messrs. Corbett and Fitzsimmons will put up. and the pugs of the coun try would find a cordial reception await ing them at the hands of the gay gen- uemenwno, oui a mue ume since, were sporting around as real Knights. The proximity of South Omaha and Mr. Roeewater and Mr. Hitchcock has done much to educate the people of Omaha to a proper appreciation of real, first- class, stcell sport such as a prizefight, The fight wouid be a fitting sequel to the great irloiy of the Feast or Mond- amin, and do much to keep the old town from stagnating. It would attract a crowd and give the Bee another or pot- tunity to express its contempt for the "country yokels." It would be a good thing for McTugue's and Maurer's and Schhtz's place, and all the groggeries in town wouiu uo a rusuing outness, it would give Mr. Crane a subject for one of bis famous pulpit editorials. It would '-advertise Omaha in the east," as it was advertised by Mr. Rosewater on the occasion of the alleged riots. It would give the people of the metropoli- something to think about and talk about. But all this cannot be. The next best thing would be to arrange a match between Mr. Rosewater snd Mr. Hitchcock. If 6uch an affair could be arranged and the public were af sired that it would be a fight to a finish, the one comicg out alive to give bonds to keep the peace thereafter, it woulJ draw from all parts of the state, and be a big thing. The idea is worth considering. 9 The delegates from the women's fed erated clubs of Nebraska were hero for two days. If any one hadibe idea that a club woman is something gaunt and ugly it was dissipated at tbe eight of them. Probably no finer looking audi ence ever assembled in Lincoln. It was impossible to pick out those from the western part of the state, for all were Power. Late U. S. Got Report Powder equally well dressed and distinguished by the air savior faire that is supposed to reside only in cities. Most of the speakers were clear and forcible. They knew what they wished to say, and when they had said it they stopped a char- acteristic of an old, and not of a new. civilization. Occasionally a sopboniori cal sentence or two, or one not quite clear would escape, but these lapses were rare. The next decade will 6ee a remarkable growth of interest in these women's meetings and I do not belong to a prophetic family either. The clubs are studying history, art, sociology und literature. The delegates showed by their purity of style und precision of thought that these subjects bad been digested, not bolted nor crammed. There is one thing that co-education in business and college and art maj do for women and may that happy con summation soon arrive, and that is, teach her to take herself less conscious ly, with less surprise at her wonderful achievements. It was tiresome at the opening of the World's fair to hear Mrs. Potter Palmer dilate upon the strides women bad taken in the last hundred years. In another building a man was congratulating the world upon the advance mankind (meaning every thine human everywhere) had made. To taIk much about woman8 fir8t BteD8 caii8 attention to the fact that shi, is beginning to walk and really does not do it very well. Let them let all that alone aud do their work or make their speeches as well as they can and let men admire or criticise or ignore as they please. The proce:sion is going to pro- ceed just the Eame How funny ;t wouid be and how tbe other men wou)d Jaugh at him if a man should grow elo- queat over tbe fact that fathers had made government and law and pointed the wav with a loving finger up moral- ity's steep path. Women ae so much in earnest that they do not see the bathos of remarks like the foregoing, ManT were vtrv g. that Mrp peat tie declined to be a candidate for presi- dent for the ensuing yecr. She made a graceful, feminine and withal effective chairman. La jwtile Madame Peattie i8amo9t fitting president of women's clubs. She is the most feminine of women, Perhaps for this very reason she never insists that she is i woman or asks any favors or demands any admira tion. The fascination of her pretty ways and sometimes apparently inconsequent words BWaved thsmietins On Friday the meeting endorsed Mrs. Peattie by a rising vote for the positi:n of regent. If the regents were entirely composed of women the men of this state would want a man on tbe board. If he had the culture and rare intelli gence of Mrs. Peattie 60 much the bet ter. But they would insist that the board was lacking in virility and would vote for their candidate firut and last because of his masculinity. On Friday afternoon the federation decided to establish a state circulating library. The plan is as follows- The clubs that have no access to libraries or to incomplete and inadequate ones are to send a list of the subjects they re quire to the 6tate federation librarian. She will purchase books treating of the designated subjects and distribute them to the variouMclubs. The next year the clubs will exchange subjects and books, Mrs. Peattie was elected librarian and a colled ion of twenty dollars was taken up. the librarian was given authority to select a committee of five to assist Ler. The presidents of the clubs were requested to ask each member To- a contribution or ten cents for the pur- chase of books. Such a library was started in New York state some years ago aud hus proved valuable. Probably it will be us much used at least as any city library. The booB will be care fully selected und read as a student reads. If the railroads will help dis tribute them the project is in a fail way to succeed. Several years ago a joung ludy from Burlington, Iowa, went to New York city to study singing. Her master was one of the best teachers in this country. After she had studied with him for a year or two he said to her, "1 can teach you no more." She asked him if sho would not better go abroad and he said, "Perhaps." The master told one of her friends what was the matter. Ho said: "That girl hus wonderful vocal organs; her chest, her throat, her mouth were made to sing anobie song, but her head aud her heart are commonplace. She can not think, she can not feel. How can she make others do either? The works of Shakspeare, of Wagner, of Verdi are just words and notes to her. If she go abroad and study with somo great artist he can only put an outside polish on, he can never affect her mind or heart." So the young lady came back to Burlincton and sometimes the organ tones that rolled out from her deep, full chest affected her audience, but not often. She herself felt there was something lacking and was disap- pointed, but she did not suffer as a great soul does when the accoir Mshment of beauty is denied it. LADIES If you wish the very latest things in fine footwear we are the people then such SIDE LACE TOKIO, NEEDLE SQUARE WELT, NEEDLE OPERA WELT, NEEDLE OPERA TOKIO, NEEDLE SQUARE TOKIO, TRILBY TOKIO. Fine French Ceil Iolisli "ZVetoertei? & Rogers 1043 O STREET RMHEViWS on't losiit Tor next Vcap RMlRSLLost a hundred F. B.GUTHRIE, Agent 1 540 O ST. 11-12 The wonderful thing about the Dovoy children is their appreciation of the beautiful and the true. They leave the cheap, unworthy music entirely alone, They sing only the best. What is more wonderful still they make a chance list- ener whose ears are stopped to all but primitive, elementary sound, hear their melodious message. It needs the pen 0f a d Maurier to describe the Hinging 0f these Bigters. When they sing "I kow a Uank where the Wild fbyrae Grows." you can see and smell the violets and cow-slips growing, and you can see the fairy prince sleeping there. Above all you see these things with the eyes of a delighted and imagin ative child and the pleasure is exquisite, if it be only reminiscent. However you explain it, still the wonder grows, How ran these children sing with such selec tion, such delicate feeling? Miss Terry, a young musician lias been with Hum for a year, has taught them how to sing and how to put a song into the heart of the dumb. She sang the other day at Mrs. Campbell's "A Su miner Night.' Clara Morris before she turned so ugly, could not awaken emotion as Miss Terry does with this 6ong. It describes. that's a poor won I; it produces, a sum mer night, a boat gently gliding, two lovers, a long kiss, and afterwards the lady's forgetting. If the reproachful lover sang his song as Miss Terry sang it the cruel lady would throw over the Czar of all the l.ussias to be in his arms again, blie, not the cruel lady, but Miss Terry, sings as easily and intelligi- bly as if she wero talking. She is a great artist with ull the fire und the flame that the Burlington girl lacked. She breathes with such economy that she has always an immense reservoir to Uraw uPn. ana wnen sneietcnes a nign note il is wi,h perfect security. The audience never feels that they are going to havo a gasping, suffering soloist on their handB in a minute. who have as Gost a kurxdred for lower prices. I jl IV - v, It yk W iww,i tiJg-fc k Pi IN a ---- -ti cjjawan.. .