-' i v , ' - -l thi coram? c -" - -; -e vz HfcT . j, Ajui ni t tw-W" I.1 m k h &-- I? I fe te - iw !; - fcv 5- 5rc 1, IS t. rt. v1 ter hk &- i 3 ad Lew are making frank pea .eta" vaas among the people of the county. They have nothing to conceal, bo apolo gies to wake. Their records apeak for themselvef . Youra truly, The Editor. Again cosies the report that the late Mr. Majcrs being asked if he was a can didate for governor again, said "I am not a candidate; but I have always been ready to answer any call from ray coun try, and I am ready now," That k well, If Mr. Majors will just continue to wait until he is called it will be all right. The danger is that he will come without calling. He has done that many times before, and he hss got in the habit of it The chances of Mr. Majors ever having any call for bim to be a candi date for governor again are so remote that they are not worth considering. In the Irkt place nobody will call, and then it (here should be any sound Mr. Majors could not bear it. The tesatTfc. which he now reposec in damp and sor rowful oblivion is far removed from the busy walks of the living. No ordinary sounds penetrate its solid, tangible gloom. The quiet is unbroken and will be unbroken, No invitation to take up the battle again will ever come to this shipwrecked mariner. He is beyond call. Poor Mr Rosewater! Of late his lines hare not fallen in pleasant places. He hss sowed the seeds of abuse and k reaping a harvest of misery. Troubles are coming upon him, and he k being weighed down by grkvious vexations. It k not the auit for 850,000 damages which G. If. Hitchcock, alias the World Publishing Company, recently commenced. That is a balm to the running sore. The Bee of late has not been holding its own, and there k much personal humiliation in this. Then in tin great game of politics in which the querulous editor has been wont to try hk skill too often his opponents hare bees able to crack their heels together and cry "Checkmate!" Things have been going badly. The refusal of the suprese court of Nebraska to receive the decoration known as the Rosewater cellar the cruel disappointment in the matter of the Omaha fire and police commission this was a serious blow to the man who but recently was called "an after dark production on the cross roads between Bohemia and Judea." No wonder this defeat gave rise to a report that "Mr. Rosewater will shortly retire from the management of the Bee. But another blow was in store for the man who has been punching some body all hk life. It came in the triumphant re-nom-iaatkn of Judge Cunningham R. Scott. Scott k generally credited as being a somewhat erratic and very much un balanced judge; an honest man, but irascible, lacking altogether in the traditional judicial temperament. In the ordinary course f affairs the people of Doaglas county would have certainly retired him from the bench with celerity. But Rosewater's persecution has made a martyr of him. and his re nomination was nothing more nor less than a rebuke to the malicious editor. In his 0MPwfrftdijCiCiCsCsCsXsCj 1 FOR eitended course of abuse of Tom Majors aad other public men Mr. Rose water has exhibited a certain pktur etque mendacity, but he has in no other single persecution reached the acme of devUish evil attained in hk pursuit of Judge Scott. Whatever may be the shortcomings of the judge there could' be no justification for the malicious, mendacious aad devilish warfare of Mr. Rosewater, aad even those persons who know Judge Scott's wsaknesses cannot but rejoice at hk victory in overcoming, inthk first battle, the vnom of the Bee's reptilian editor. I MAN AND WOMAN GUODGOU GOTO 0FF1GE 1KX) 0 Street Basement Richards 9lock PHONES 343 and 488 :- YARDS 14th and Y iMMMMM000SiMfrH To The Editor of The Courier. Having been taught from my earliest that the Bible was God's man, l would naturally De pained by te very easy and perhaps I may say jocose manner in which the editors of Tar Courier treat "Bible Student's' inquiry. It k true that Paul in speaking of marriage, 1 Cor. 7 chap., admitted that he was not speak ing by commandment, but by permis sion, as one who had obtained mercy of the Lord, to be faithful; but in no pas sage in which he treats of the subor dination of woman to man does he inti matt, that he k not speaking by inspir ation, and to assume otherwise may be a "dangerous presumption" unless we are prepared to abandon the inspiration of the Scriptures and admit them to be man's work. I will quote a few pas sages from the Bible that we may understand what it teaches on thk subject. 1st Cor. 11 Chap.: "But I would have you know that the head of every man k Chrkt, and the head of every woman k the man, for the man k not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Neither was man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. 14 Chap.: "Let your women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience, and if they will learn anything let them ask of their husbands at home, for it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church.' Eph. 5 Chap.: "Wires submit to your own husbands as unto the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ k the head of the church. Therefore as the chuich is subject to Christ, so let the wife be to her own husband in everything.'' 1st Pet. 3rd Chap.: "Likewise ye wires be in subjection to jour own hus bands and ye husband giving honor unto the wife as the weaker vessel." 1st Timt 2nd Chap.: 'iLet the women learu with silence with all subjection, but 1 suffer not a woman to teach or usurp authority orer the man, but to be in silence, for Adam was nst formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deccired was in the transgression." The above are four Bible utterances on the question nnder discussion, and while the Apostle Paul has been largely quoted, it is because of Lis clear cut teaching?, as k evidenced by the fact g A full Ap99HnnBnBnn Best fll'BSSSSSSSSSBBBBBr Teeth JUUKM' $5.00 Teeth. Extracted Without Pain. All work guaranteed! I. T. UlttfiT. ....1214 O Street. that h ksaera' generally quotad by preacher aad teachers, than any other Bible writer. Thit the 'teachings of Paul are la accordance with the other Bible authorities k easily ascertained by comparison. The old testament from beginning to end teacbea that woman was created for, aad taught to consider herself subordinate to man, and ,by God's direct command. In Gen., 2 it k de creed that a wo nan giving birth to a maid child should be uncleanly, and punkhed twice as long as had her child been of the other sex. Again look at the different standards of morality, recognized by the Bible in regard to men and women; by the direct command of God when he was leading hk people through the wilder ness to the promised land, and tell me candidly, was not Paul, and every man and woman who would follow Paul's foot steps and the Bible teachings justified in believing, that woman was created to be subordinate to man; and so k it not a "dangerous presumption" on her part to claim to be man's equal? That she does thk is an open secnt, and while it does not yet appear what she may do, who will doubt that the "new woman' may soon claim to be God's equal? That this Bible teaching k not pop ular, with woman, w evident. Noah's preaching of the flood was not popular but th flood came just the same. The good book teaches that Scripture k given by inspiration of God, and k profitable for correction and instruction. "Search the Scriptures," and be in structed and corrected, and learn ye that the head of the woman k the man, and that the man was not made for the woman, but the woman for the man. Seward Oct 9 G. Basso. $100 dollars reward 1 100 The readers of thk paper will be pleased to learn that there k at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that k catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatement. Hall's Catarrh Cure k taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disea se, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors hare so much faith in its-curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monals. Address, F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo OLio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. Genuine Coal Creek Canyon City Hot Springs coal at the Whitebreast Coal Co. Go to Clary's "Apex" Cigar Store for your cigars and tobacco, 111 No. 11th st. Genuine Coal Creek Canyon City Hot Springs coal at the Whitebreast Coal Co. 115 So. Twelfth St. , . Usder Parte Opera Hoese. ii' mhrfHRF- meats served. ML Only the fiBest liquid refresh' ii turn qui mUHT Proprietors. 00000 oooooc CLARKS0N LAUNDBY CO. ... -' 330332-334436-338 South Eleventh Street. -Telephone 270. ooocooooooo H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Waitnfl:as Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. OOOOOOOOOOO o o PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OFGROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS ooooooooooi X CYCLE I g ATHLETIC yQuTijnt The Photographer. 129 South Eleventh Street oooooo ooooo o oooooooooooooooooooooo r i You'll never realize what "real good "bread" is until you have made it' of Shogo" flour LINCOLN PMIS COMPANY T1'W U)CATION Full stock woolens. Latest styles GENERAL TAILORING Nothing but firat class workmen employed. We can therefore guarantee perfect satisfaction I20S0I2TIST. - C.I. aWHM Mgr. . ROY'S M STORE IOI4 STREET Removal Sale Special prices on all sun dries, including Base Ball goods, Hammocks, Fishing Rods and Tackle, tc. Sta tionery, &c, tc, for the next two weeks Corner Tenth and P. KUsley's old stand, MSSLEt'S OLD STAND. OOOO COO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO J. E. FERRIS GENERAL STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Legal worksulicited. Depositions a specialty. All kinds of tj-pe-rritinK done. ROOM 104, BURR BLOCK, Lincoln, Neb. mra mum. ram bank LINCOLN, NEB. I.M.RAYMOND, President. S. H. BURNHAM. Cashier. A. J. SAWYER Vice President. D. G. WING, Assistant Cashier. CAPITAL, $250,000 SURPLUS $25,000 Directors -I. M. Raymond, S. H. Bnrnhaei, C. G. Dave. A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory, N. Z. Snell, G. M . Larabertsoo. D. G. Win S. W. Bonhaa. ;-3 -jfl J 1 - z r-i V , - " " .' V . - x,-; -- $ .M - --a :j - "t"'. . ti - i i ,--i !fl t. -H 1 - -TM i ) -I. s .sw. n -"v J '! St r i 1 C. -. i A -. i -v " .i fl - " f vV & , -r-v. p.vy-jrff'ar MKt.Cr.Jn.1. 'llifcilWH'i""i