The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 12, 1895, Image 11

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cbuBty campaign?" And "it it makes
ay difference if I vote for one or two
populist candidates? Yjur questions
are easy.
You should vote the republican ticket
at the approaching election of county
officers because the ticket nominated by
the republican party ia the cleanest,
strongest ticket over named by the party
in this county, and the party has usually
presented as good a ticket or better,
than any other party haa named. This
year the republican ticket is the best
ticket in the Held and this isnosnecLI
disparagement of other ticketB either.
You should vote the republican ticket
because being a republican, as I take it
you are, you are interested in repub
lican success, and republican success,
republican supremacy, depend in no
small measure on the election of the
whole republican ticket.
The republican county convention was
composed very largely of young men
and it was dominated by the best sen
timent of the party. Its work was well
done and the ticket placed before the
voters of the county needs no apology in
any instance. All of the 'candidates
ars active ard aggressive members of
the party. They each and every one
have an untarnished record for integrity
and each is entirely ablo to fulfill all the
duties of the office to which he aspires.
The younger element of the party is
represented as well as the veterans, and
no wing of the party has reason to com
plain of lack of representation. The
young may is battling side by side with
the old soldier.
You should vote for the whole repub
lican ticket because there is not a man
on that ticket who is not honestly and
fairly entitled to your vote as a repub
lican. Because the ticket represents
the best work of the best republican
convention ever held in Lancaster
county. Because it is a clean ticket
and one that you can vote for con
scientiously. Two of the best offices
in Lancaster county are now held by
the enemy, and the populist party in
this county fcas drawn the sinews of
war from these two offices. It is impor
tant therefore, if you desire to see the
republican organization kept intact and
republican supremacy maintained, that
these two offices be reclaimed at the
coming election. It does make a
difference if you scratch one single
candidate on the republican ticket.
This is a republican county by a large
majority, and next year when represen
' taties shall be elected to the state
convention and to the national con
vention it will be a matter of some im
portance that Lancaster county shall
have the credit of polling a heavy re
publican vote, a solid vote.
There is nn reason why you should
vote for any candidate oh any other
ticket in preference to the republican
candidates, and there is every reason
from a partisan standpoint, as well as
from the standpoint of good clean gover
nment, why you should vote the whole
republican ticket.
- The populists are making a fight for
the election of two of their candidates
Fred Miller for the office of sheriff, and
Elias Baker for the office of clerk of
the district court. It is not necessary
to attack these men, or to say anything
derogatory of them. But their course in
politics has not been such sb to com
mand the highest respect and many
good citizens are inclined to resent their
pandering policy. The republican can
didates for these two offices, John
Trompen and Sam E. Low, are probably
the best selections that the republican
county convention could have made, and
these two men are entitled to the full
vote of the pirty. Years ago when
there was not very much of Nebraska,
when there wasn't much of a republican
party, John Trompen was a Nebraskan
and a republican. He was among the
early settlers and he is a pioneer repub
lican.. For S3 years he haa gone up
aad down the county and the state
state doing what he could for the cause
of republicanism and for tho upbuild
ing offebraska. He has been a public
spirited man, and he is known from one
end of the state to the other. He baa
taken part in many public movements
and always with credit to himself and
the state. He has served on the re
publican state central commitee and
has held for years a high place in the
councils of the party. This man has
never held an office. He has helped
others to be nominated and elected.
He has worked for the republican ticket
and for the republican cause, but he
himself has not until this campaign
been a nominee for any office. Mr.
Trompen enjoys the cordial respect and
good will of thh people of this county.
He has an unblemished record for in
tegrity. And as to his ability there is
and can be no question. As a candi
didate Tor the office of sheriff ho is a
man to be proud of, and a man who
can not only draw the full republican
vote but many votes from outside of
the party, the votes of men who recog
nize in Mr. Trompen a substantial,
worthy, deserving candidate. He has
not, like bis opponent, jumped from
one party to another. He has always
remained true to bis convictions and is
making the battle now as a straight
out-and-out republican.
His colleague Mr. Low, is a young
man, quite a joung man. In fact, there
has been a disposition on the part of
the opposition to make a handle of his
youth and oppose him on that account
Mr. Low has not yet reached the age
of 30, but many republicans of 50 would
be proud of his record of political
achiement. It isnt always the number
of years that measures a man's per
formances. For eight years there has
been no more active, energetic, enthus
iastic able advocate of republicanism
in this part of the state than Sam E.
Low. In every campaign this young
man who has in him much of the tire
that animated the old time leaders of
the party, has gone out and taken the
stump and by his eloquence and ability
contributed in a large measure to repub
lican success. He has supported every
republican candidate, on every republi
can tie'eet since his residence in Ne
braska, and his loyally is beyond dis
pute. Mr. Low has back of him not
only the enthusiastic devotion of the
younger element of hip party, but the
cordial support of good citizens gener
ally. He is looked upon as a most esti
mable young man, entirely honest and
safe to trust in the important office "of
clerk of the district court. Mr. Low is,
as has been charged, a poor man, in
which respect he does not differ from
many of the other republican candi
dates; but this can hardly be an ele
ment of weaknesf. He is honest and
clean and able, and after all that is the
main thing. These two men, Trompen
First publication Aug. 21.
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
third judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county. In
an action wherein Martin Schleslnger
is plaintiff, and Frank P. Lawrence et
al, are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock
p. m., on the 22nd day of October, A.
D. 1895, at the east door of the court
house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auctiqn the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Lot -number six (6) In block number
one hundred eighty-nine (189) in the
city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne
braska, according to the recorded plat
of said city.
Given under my hand this 20th day
of September, A. D. 1895.
First publication Oct 5.
court, within and for Lancaster county
Nebraska. September 30,1905 in tke
matter of the estate of Henry A. Guild,
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the county court room in Lin
coln, in said county on the 31st day of
January 1896, and again on the 30th day
of April, '80G, to examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to their
abjustment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six months, from
the 29th clay of October, A. D. 1805, and
the time limited for payment of debts ia
one year from said 20th day of October,
Notice of this proceeding is ordered
published four consecutivo weeks in tho
Courier, a weekly newspaper published
in this state.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
county court, this 30th day of Septem
ber. 1805.
Oct. 26. I. W. Lansiso,
seal County Judge
First Publication Oct. 5.
In the County Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska, to Audrey
Lowry, W. W.Lowry, E. E. Lowry and
to any others interestee in said matter:
You are hereby notified that an instru
ment purporting to be the last will and
testament of John O. Lowry, deceased,
is on file in said court.and also a petition
praying for the prnbute of said instru
ment, and for the appointment of Ellen
Lowyr as executrix. That on the 25th
dayof October, 1805, at 0 o'clock a. m.,
eai( petition and the proof of the execu
tion of said instrument will be heard,
and that if you do not then appear and
contest, said court may probate and
record the same, and grant administra
tion of the estate to Ellen Lowry.
This notice shall be published for
three weeks successively in the Courier
prior to said hearing.
Witness my band and official seal this
30th day of Sept., 1805.
Oct. 10. I. W. Lansijjo.
seal County Judge
(First publication Sept. 28. 1895.)
by virtue of an order of sale issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county. In an
action wherein Frederick S. Stein Is
plaintiff, and Thomas Sewell et al are
defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m..
on the 29th day of October, A. D., 1895,
at the east door of the court house. In
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc
tion the following described real state,
to-wit: Lot sventeen (17) in Eldredge's
addition to Lincoln, In Lancastr county,
Nebraska, according to the survey and
recorded plat thereof
Given under my hand this 26th day
of September, A. D., 1895.
FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff.
the conty court of Lancaster county,
First published Sept. 28, 1895.
The state of Nebaska, to Mrs. W. C.
Prltchard. W. C. Pritchard, and to any
others Interested in said matter: You
are hereby notified that an Instrument
perporting to be the last will and tes
tament of R. P. Lawton, deceased, is
on file in said court, and also 'a petition
praying for the probate of said in
strument, and for the appointment of
C. A as executor; that on the
19th day of October, 1895, at 3 o'clock p,
m., said petition and the proof of the
execution of said Instrument will be
heard, and that If you do not then ap
pear and contest, said court may pro
bate and record the same, and grant
administration of the estate to C. A.
This notice shall be published for
three weeks successively in the Courier
prior to said hearing.
Witness my hand and official seal this
26th day of September, 1895.
J. "U Lansing, County Judge.
J. W. Lansing,
County Judge.
First publication Sept 21.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
district court of tho third judicial
district of Nebraska within and for
Lancaster county Nebraska in an
action wherein Alexander Lederer and
Moses Strauss, partners as Lederer and
Strauss are plaintiffs and John H. C
Meyer et al are defendants,
I will at 2 o'clock P. M. on the 22nd
day of October. A. D. 1895 at
the east door of the court house, in
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster couaty,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public
auction the following described real
estate to-wit.
Lot twenty-one (21) in block one (If
of Knob Hill, an addition to ;ho city o.
Lincoln, Lancaster county; Nebraska.
Given under my band this 20th day of
September A. D. 1805.
Fred A. Miller.
Oct. 10. Sheriff
First publication Sept 2d.
caster county. Nebraska.
Concordia Loan and Trust Company
vb The Safo Deposit and Trust Company
The Safo Deposit and Trust Co, will
take notice that on tho 25th day of
September, 1805, Concordia Loan and
Trust Company, plaintiff herein, filed
its petition in the diitrict court of Lan
caster county, Nebraska, against said
defendant, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain tax
lien held and owned by the plaintiff
under and by v'rtue of two treasurer's
certificates of tax sale, dated Novem
ber 21, 1800, and issued by the 'county
Treasurer of Lancaster county, Ne
braska, on said date upon lots thirty
130 and thirtyono 31 in Boggs &
Holmes' sub-division, being a part of
the North half of Southeast quarter
section number twenty-five 25, town
ship number ten 101 range number six
6 East of the sixth principal merid
ian, in Lancaster county, Nebraska.
That there is now due and payable on
each of said certificates of tax salo the
sum of 8180.03, and plaintiff prays that
said real estate may be subjected to the
payment of the plaintiff's lien thereon
for all taxes, interest and coets paid at
and under said tax sale, together with
interest and cost allowed thereon to the
plaintiff as by law provided; also to ob
tain a decree in said cause providing
for the salo of said real estate to satisfy
the plaintiffs said lien, and the costt of
this action, and for general relief.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before tho 11th day of No
vember, 1805.
Concordia Loan & Trust Co.
by A.B. COFFROTH its attorney
First publication Sep 23
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of 6ale issued by the clerk of
the districtt-ourt of the third judicial
district of Nebraska, within and for
Larcaster county, in an action wherein
Benjamin Lombard, jr. is plaintiff, and
Mary J. Smell et al are defendants. I
will, at 2 o'clock p. m. on tho 20th day
of October A. D. 1895, at the eat
door of the court house in the city of
Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate to-wit:
Lot number eight (8) in block
number one (1) in North Lincoln, in
Lancaster county Nebraska.
Given under mv band this 26th day of
September A. D. 1805.
Fred A.Miller,
with every purchase of
Munyon'a Remedies
at RIGGS' pharmacy.