, $. "& ,"- . - r' -: - ras.-'. p-"- i ft"-.. r-&fwy it& ' - ;.---: v;'-VOI.10,NO42:: ;j--lt f- w&iC-rt ESTABLISHED IN 1886, M &; - "Ti-'v- PRICE FIVE CBNTSsn -A ' '. ' i.'- '4, ''S&t'V uSm - ' "r-c 35' 5? fcwA LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, OGTOBER 12 1895. ENTERED IX THE POST OFFICE AT LIXCOLy AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO. Offlce 217 North Elerenth St. Telephone 384 W. MORTON SMITH SARAH B. HRRIS WILLA GATHER Editor anil Manager Associate Editor Associate Editor Subscription Rates In Advance. Perannum 82.00 Six months 1-00 Three months 50 Onemontb 20 Single copies 5 )OQ 000000000000000000009 OBSERVATIONS The people cf Nebraska have a dreadful disease. It ha been coming on since the spring of 1893. It has been fought with medicine and faith. But its progress has not been retarded. Indeed, it has taken on an accelerated movement. Of late it has become epi demic. It has taken hold of every com munity and fastened itself to individ uals. It has become a nightmare, threatening, ominous. For years our people have been gormandizing. Pros perity held the cornucopia or plenty at our doors, and its varied fruits accus tomed us to luxurious dissipation. We have stuffed and waxed ruddy-faced and round-bellied. And now, forsooth, comes a change. The cornucopia is turned bottom upwards. The fruits that came in a golden shower are no longer visible, and the gormandizing is estopped. The rich food; for the mo ment, is gone, and the sudden, forced dieting has given a shock to cur consti tutions arid brought on disease. We have indigestion, and the indigestion has gone to our heads, and the result is much depression, melancholia. With out a doubt Adam and Eve, upon being cast from the garden of luxury and in dolence, into a cold and barren world, were seized with indigestion. Too much fruit is apt to bring on this condition. But the first man and the first woman went to work, and the indigestion was soon gone, 'I ho Lord said unto Adam "In the sweat of thy face sbalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground." And therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground. Nebraska, up to 1893, was a veritable Eden. And we revelled and dissipated in the luxuries. Tho people plucked the fruit with scarcely uu effjrt. There were no Sex England stone-ridden tields; no old country barrenness; no necessity for such labor as the husband men of other parts have to perform. And wealth came easily. Then Ihu change came. Over the garden came the blighting cloud. The ultra-favurable conditions gave place to conditions such as the people of other countries have had to face. It is no longer possible to set the table and have the good things come to us. We have got to get up and work like other people until the tide of fortutin brings another period of pros perity. The prospects, together with the rude shock to our stomachs, is what is making us sick. There is really noth ing to occasion alarm. Adam went out and sweat a little and got along pretty well. He tilled the ground and over came the thorns and thistles. He ate the herbs of the field. Here in Ne braska we have a decided advantage over the lot of Adatu. We can stay right in the garden, and do our tilling in the richest ground the Lord ever made. And the prospect ought to in spire us with hope and faith. w As a matter of fact, we in Nebraska have enjoyed exceptional prosperity. Of the thousand and ' one tales with which the beautiful and tactful Sclte herazadc beguiled the Sultan Schahriar there is none more wonderful than the story of the transformation of the un broken Nebraska prairie into a popu lous and magnificent domain in tho space of half a man's life; the advance of the locomotive and the retreat of the antelope and the Indian; the entry of caravans and the settlement of great cities; the coming of poverty-stricken pioneers and the evolution into sturdy millionaires; the erection of a great and enduring prosperity out of the fruits of tho field. Nowhere have people come to a new country with so little and, in a little more than a quarter of a century, amassed so much. There is no more wonderful story, and Schahriar, to have heard it would willingly have given the vizier's daughter one whole week of life. In the great prosperity which this state has enjoyed there have been but two misfortunes, the grasshopper plague, which may visit any country any time, and the lightness of crops of the last two or three years. These are purely accidents. Through all these 3 ears the wealth of the people has piled up, and the word Nebraska has been synonymous with prosperity. And now, after all that has been accomplished, is a little tribulation going to discourage us an1 are we going to succumb to tho epidemic of depression? Are we going to forget past benefits and deride the state? What Nebraska has done in the past it will do again. Even in the last two years, with dry weather and hot winds, Nebraska has been preferable to and more productive than many of the New England states. This state will con tinue to be a great corn producing coun try. It will, under irrigation and im proved farming, im-reaso its general productiveness very miterially. To corn will be added sugar beets, hemp and many other substantial crops that cin be raised at a large profit. Ne brabka has seen prosperous times, but the state is ealiy in her infancy, bo far as agricultural and commercial de velopment is concerned. All that is needed is adjustment to tho conditions that obtain here. Were the farmers of Nebraska to reduce the size of their farms to something like the size of east ern farms, and apply themselves to the task of getting the greatest possible re turn from the earth, with half the en ergy and patience of the Pennsylvania or New England farmer, tho state would soon be running over with wealth, even with the dry weather wo have been having. Commercially, Nebraska is passing through the experience which every new stato has passed through. Iowa and Kansas had the disease years ago and got over it. Nebraska will get over it. St. Joe, one of the most substan tial cities in tho west, had just such a depression as Lincoln is having now, and emerged triumphant. It is only a few years ago, less than six, I believe, when the report was circulated that Kansas City was on its last legs. The people had lost their money and were moving away by thousands. Half of the town was for rent. That was the 6tory Today Kansas City is cited everywhere as an example of solid, substantial pros perity. The times are hard, and there will be failures in this city among deal ers who are heavy borrowers; but tho trouble will be passed, just as it has been passed in all other communities, in communities where the natural re sources were not comparable with those of Lincoln and Nebraska. Hold on and keep up courage. Star.d up for Lin coln. Stand up for Nebraska. Re member that the people who 6tayed through the grasshopper plague and went to work in earnest made money, and lots of it. History repeats itself. Just now they are digging for gold in Saline county and in Seward county. This suggests the old story of the dying farmer who told his sons of tho great treasure buried on the farm. They turned over every foot and found, not a pile of stamped gold and silver, but equal riches in the fertility of the earth, tho great crops produced. There is more money in the soil of Nebraska than in ail the gold mines of the world. It is going to be found, not by sinking shafts and washing dirt, but by a per sistent turning over of the earth, as the old farmer's sons turned it over. General John M. Thayer has an arti cle on "General Grant at Pilot Knob" in JfcClure's Magazine for October. He says that "The population of the terri tory of Nebraska, as shown by tho na tional census of 1SC0 was a trifle over twenty-eight thousand," From this population General Thayer raised a regiment of one thousand men, was appointed its colonel, and reported to General Grant at Pilot Knob, eighty miles from St. Louis. General Grant soon received his summary recall from the district of southeast Missouri and was sent into the region about Jefferson City, which was comparatively quiet. "Foreseeing that tho great events of the war must inevitably take placo east of the Mississippi and west of tho Alle ghanies and Blue Ridge, Grant knew if ho went further into Missouri he might be sidetracked in that state for eix months. If he should remain there three months or so he would lose the important opportunity of his life He would be taken away from the great theatre of the war." So Grant's spirit was troubled. He went to St. Louis, taking General Thayer with him. As they were walking up and down beforo the Planters House General Grint said he believed ho would ask General Fre mont to give him Ieavo of absence to go to Galena and General Thayer advised him to ask it. He supposed Grant wished to aec his family. Grant ob tained the leave, went to Galena, saw Representative Washburn, and outlined his plan of campaign to him. Mr. Washburn laid the plan before Lincoln and later at a cabinet meeting Presi dent Lincoln asked for a communica tion from a man "by the nameof Grant" laying out a plan of u campaign down tho Mississippi. After he read it the president said: "Mr. Secretary, send an order to General Fremont to put Grant in command of the district of southeast Missouri." "The desire of Grant's heart was now accomplished. Ho was in tho position to commence that series ofc mpaigns, which, as they were un folded, attracted the attention and ad miration of the military critics of the civilized world, and meant Cairo, Pa duca h. Fort Henry, Fort Donaldson Na-hville, Memphis and Vicksburg." General Thayer's account is short, only five pages. The story of his inter course with the silent man is well told. General lhayer was a good fighter, a brave soldier and ho turns out to be a good story-teller. The article contains two illustrations, ono of GenenI Thayer, taken fifteen jears ago, and one of Gen eral Grant, the familiar one where he leans against a small walnut tree in front of his tent. I hope this is only one of the first of the general's stories. Tell us another please. A Seward correspondent- of The Cockier did not altogethar approve of the views in our symposium on tho not very sensible query propounded by "Bible Student," of Kearney, and he proceeds to answer the inquiry to his