The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 05, 1895, Image 7

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to many not to hear tho foreign speakers.
"A prophet in his own country" etc.
The Bpeakers that made the afternoon's
program were brilliant, clear-headed
women, and nobody missed Mrs. Hen
rotin or Mrs. Spottiswoodo while they
were speaking. Mrs, Elia V. Peattie
presided with exquisite graco and tact.
'Ihe pleasantest duty that has fallen
to me during a year's work in our City
Federation of Women's Clubs is the
welcome which my office allows me to
extend to you today. Some of you have
already been received into some of the
hospitable homes of Lincoln and have
been given a cordial welcome from your
hostess. The City Federation is near
ing the close of a prosperous year and
this state convention of federated clubs
seems a most appropriate finish to our
first year's work. Wo have seventeen
clubs in our city federation with a mem
bership of over 400, and each and all of
them have taken a personal interest and
pride in your convention. Our city
federation haB been a source of fo much
pleasure and profit to us that we cannot
afford to mi6s so good an opportunity of
commending this plan to others who
may be hesitating what course to take.
It tends to bring out the beet that is in
each club for the benelit of all. It en
larges the views, softens the prejudices,
and lifts out of the rut the woman who
joins it. At each of the three open
meetings we have held two papers havo
been read by Indies chosen from their
respective clubs; ther3 has been music,
two-minute reports from two or three
clubs and light refreshments served at
the close. Although the papers pre
sented have been most entertaining,
not a little of the pleasure of these
meetings has centered about the social
hour. It is most gratifying to us to
round out these meetings of the ear
with this splendid convention of feder
ated clubs of Nebraska. So you are
very welcome to our house. It must
appear in other ways than words, there
fore I scant this breathing courtesy."
The reception given by Mrs. A. J.
Sawyer to the delegates of the federa
tion of woman's clubs was in every re
spect a most brilliant affair. Mrs. Saw
yer's beautiful residence was crowded
to the uttermost. The short musical
program commanded breathless atten
tion. It was the first opportunity Lin
coln people have had to hear the won
derful little Dovey girls, who sang "I
Know a Bank" and "Hear Me, Norma."
Ices were in great demand and it took
both valor and persistence on the part
of the gentleman to get through the
crowd that surrounded the punch
I'rt-xlileiitn of Club.
Harriet C. Towne, Omaha Woman's;
Francis A. Nichols, Beatrice Woman's;
Louise A. Fuller, Crete Round Table;
Belle M. Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth
Woman's; M. R. McConnell, Lincoln
Lotus; Mrs. L. L. Ricketts, Lincoln
Fortnightly; Phoebe L. Elliott, Lin
coln Woman's; Mrs. Frank Johnson,
'Crete Sorosis; Mrs. J. B. Foss, Crete
Mutual Improvement; Mrs. George E.
MacLean, Lincoln University Faculty;
Mrs. W. H. McCreery, Lincoln Century;
Mrs. D. A. Campbell. Lincoln Matinee
Musicale; Margaret E. Thompson. Crete
Social and Literary; Katharine P. Dun
ham, Weeping Water Zeletic; Mrs. D.
C. Mann, Wayne Monday: Mrs. H. E.
Corblt, Wayne Acme; Mrs. M. D. Carey,
Seward Nineteenth Century; Mrs. Oli
ver Rodgers, Lincoln Book; Mrs. E. L.
King, Osceola Literary; Mrs. R. O.
Fellows, Auburn Mental Culture; Mrs.
Augusta E. Ehrhardt, Stanton Sorosis;
Mary B. Bryan, Lincoln Sorosis; Min
nie D. Melsner, Lincoln Junior Sorosis;
Mrs. Jean Shuman, Aurora Nineteenth
Century; Mrs. E. M. Cobb, York Ladles'
History; Mrs. S. C. Langworthy. Sew
ard; Mrs. John A. MacMurphy, Be
atrice Woman's.
Club Delegate.
. Mrs. Amelia B. Clark. Lincoln Lotus;
Mrs. F. A. Welton, Auburn. Woman's;
Mrs. May Greene, Criswell. Johnson
Woman's; Miss Edna Naylor, Johnson
Woman's: Mrs. J. L. Rose, Nineteenth
Century. Aurora; Mrs. Lottie Hungate,
AVeeplngWater. Zeletic: Mrs. John Cat
tle and Mrs. D. C. McKlllup, Seward
History of L. Art: Mrs. Nettie Mc
Lennan and Mrs. H. D. Travis, Platts
mouth Woman's: Mrs. A. I. Swan.
Seward Nineteenth Century; Mrs. L.
A. Gonzales. Crete Columbian Circle:
Mrs. Sarah Renting, and Mrs. A. B.
Plrle, Wymore; Mrs. Jennie Servlss.
York: Mrs. R. L. Rehlaeniler, Lincoln
Woman's: Mrs. Jennie E. Keysor, Oma
ha Woman's: Mrs. N. W. Norrls, Crete
Mutual Improvement: Mrs. M. E.
Wing. Lincoln Lotus: M. Camilla Har
rison, Grand Island Progressive: Mrs.
Belle G. Stemley, Humboldt Harmoni
ous Con-pa; Mrs. E. H. Barbour, Lin
coln Sorosis: Mrs. L. W. Pomerene. Lin
coln Woman's: Mrs. J. M. Llndsey. Au
burn Mental Culture: Mrs. W. II. Brad
ford. Wayne Acme: Mrs. A. A. Welch.
Wayne Monday: Miss Mamie Stock
well. Shelton Nineteenth Century: Min
nie C. Jay, University Place Woman's;
Mrs. W. F. Kepner, Osceola Round Ta
ble: Mrs. W. E. JUlson, Crete Social and
Literary; Mrs. James W. Adams, Lin
coln University Faculty;
VKIting Club Member.
Mrs. Draper Smith, Omaha; Mrs. S.
M. Chapman. Mrs. Elizabeth Strelght
and Mrs. S. H. Atwood. Plattsmouth;
Mrs. D. B. Perry. Crete; Mrs. C. E.
Wesoott. Plattsmouth: Mrs. J. II. Blair
and Mrs, W. H. Gnrratt. Omaha; Mrs.
Ida P. Ingersoll. Weeping Water: Mrs.
I I. Tl.lball and Mrs. Mary B. Fuller.
Crete: Mrs. Ross Anderson. Seward;
Mrs. Cleveland Hoyt. Beatrice; Mrs. Dr.
Stevens, Lincoln; Mrs. Dr. Marsh. Sew
ard; Mrs. F. W. Brown, Lincoln: Mrs.
C. F. Burkett, Schuyler: Mrs. D. D. Pot
ter. Mrs. A. F. Anderson. Mrs. J. C.
Mulflnger and Mrs. Joel Tlshne, Sew
ard: Mrs. W. B. Fisher. Auburn; Mrs.
J. Chase, Weeping Water; Mrs. B. F.
Weaver. Omaha: Mrs. A. Allee. Be
atrice: Mrs. Wm. Morris and Mrs. F.
II. Connor, Crete: Mrs. A. W. Wellman,
York: Mrs. A. A. Reed, Crete.
Among the visitors is Miss Mary Fair
brother, formerly of this city, who Is
now editor of the well-known Woman's
Journal published at Omaha.
C. V. Smith has returned from Maine.
Ira D. Higby's family are visiting in
John Willoughby and wife are in
Rutland, III.
L. E. Nicholson has gone to Chicago
where he will work at telegraphy while
he ia studying law.
Miss Anna Barr was married to Mr.
Sol. Berkson at her home, 1218 Q street.
Thursday evening. Missee Sophie and
Tillie Berkson acted as bridesmaids.
Miss Stella Rice will resume her
position as organist at Holy Trinity
church Sunday morning, Oct. G, and
Mr. Seamark will again become choir
Or Charles E. Walker and wife, of
Denver, were the guests of Dr. W. L.
Dayton Thursday. They are en route
for New York and from there will go to
Italy, where they will spend the winter.
The ladies of Holy Trinity will give
an entertainment next Friday night in
Representative Hall, It will be in the
nature of a Library Socinble. The
ladies, seventy-five in number, of the
society and church ladies of Lincoln,
will represent in costume seventy-five
popular books. They will be masked
forono hour, doing the grand inarch
and a few dances to give the audience
an opportunity to guess their "titles."
At the close of the march the gentlemen
will take the books out to dance, obtain
ing them from the librarian. At the
end of that hour the "books" will un
mask and the dancing continue, while
the auditors are guessing the titles.
The Courier's correspondent in
Omaha sends the following:
Mrs. R. H. Ringwalt and Miss Ring
wait are expected home tomorrow.
Miss Dcane returned home Tuesday
after a very delightful summer spent
visiting her cousin. Miss Thrawl, at
Gros Isle.
Mr. and Mrt. William Tupper Wyman
and Miss Dewey are in from the country
and have taken rooms at the Paxton for
the winter.
Miss Fritza Barnard returned home
last week after spending tho summer in
and about New York and Boston.
Miss Emily Wakeley went east on
Sunday to meet her sister and Miss
Dundy, who are expected to land to
morrow. Sho will be the guest of Col
onel and Mrs. Worth on Governor's
Olottx Cape
Clotli Jc&olceta
!. Capes
Is full of choice styles and Good values. You
are given a special invitation to visit our cloak
IVJ22EIE' opera H22IS
Tlie Orrlcisli JEttxtrt
The cleanest comedy on the road
New and amusing specialties
Will accept engagements forhlgh grade
music for entertainments and dances.
Any number and variety of instruments
furnished. Terms reasonable. Apply to
Orders may also be left
at Zehrung's drug store.
University Conservatory of Music
11th and R Streets.
Island for several monihs.
Mrs. L. M. Bennett entertained the
six-handed euchre club Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Belden Lyman,
who were married at New Haven, Conn.,
on Wednesday, are expected in Omaha
today. They will be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Lyman for the coming
The engagement is announced of Miss
Kountzo to Mr. Meredith Nicholson of
Indianopolis. Miss Kountze, who has
been spending the summer t York
Harbor, is not expected home until the
middle of December, and I hear tho
wedding is to take place shortly after
Miss Free and Dr. McMulten wore
married at high noon on Wednesday.
Major N. II. Comegjs has left the
club and taken his old rooms at the
Bachelors Quarters for the winter.
Mr. Netherton Hall spent the latter
part of the week in Lincoln.
Corporal O. G. Osborne was the fortu
nate winner on Monday night of the
individual gold medal now held in com
petition by the Omaha guards.
Miss Montgomery, of Council Bluffs,
and her guest. Miss Homau, of New
York, went east on Monday afternoon.
Miss Adelaide Nash returned to school
Miss McKenna and Miss Rodman left
Tuesday afternoon for Governor's Isl
and, New York harlor, wherp they will
be the guests of Capt. and Mrs. Ayres
for the next three months.
Miss Curtiss gave a very enjoyablo
tea yesterday afternoon to about thirty
young women.
Mrs. Clement Chase and children left
for California on Wednesday where they
will remain for several months.
Lieut. George C. Barnhardt, of Fort
Leavenworth, spent the early part of
the week in Omaha, returning to his
post on Wednesday.
133S O Street. Telephone 237
i n voice
culture or
T01 and 502 Brace building
HOURS 9 A. A. 10 2:30 P. I AND BY
New picture mouldings at Crancer's
11310 street.
I.ecal urorkMjIicited. Depositions
a specialty. All kinds of tjpe
writinc tlnne.
Lincoln, Neb.
Woempner sells window glass, 139 S.10
Woempner for paints and oils, 139 S.10
Go to Woempner's for drugs, 139 S. 10
Canon City coal at the WbUebreast
Coal and Lime Co.