- VWi THE COURIER. The Courier's correspondent in riattf mouth sends the following. An approaching wedding is that of Mies Mary Newell and Mr. Joseph Roberts of Litchfield, Neb. Mies Mary Fairbrother, editor of Wotnans Weekly, was in the city Thur sday, the guest of Mrs. StoutenboroHgh. The fourth and final lady's day re ception was held at Mrs 0. C.Parmalee's on Ihursday afternoon. Louise White and Edith Patterson departed yesterday for their school in Evanston. Mrs. J. W.Wise entertained a few lady friends Saturday afternoon from three o'clock until five at a Kensington tea. The guests were Mrs. R. R. Livingstone, G. P. Houseworth, F. E. White, J. G. Richey, H. Herald, S. H. Atwood. T. H. Pollok. Fred Latham, P. E. Ruffner and R. B. Windham. Mrs. G. S. Dawson and little grand daughters, Alice and Ethel Dovey, went to Lincoln Monday for a visit with Mrs. D. A. Campbell. Dr. John Block is seriously ill. Miss Verna Leonard has returned from DeWitt, Nebraska. The Courier's correspondent in Grand Island sends the following: Mr. and Mrs. Thummel spent Satur day in Omaha. Mr. F. W. Ashton has returned from his eastern trip. Mr. Bert Wheeler, of Omaha, was in the city Friday on business. Mrs. J. E. White, of Lincoln, is visit ing her sister Mrs. M. J. Gahan. Miss Grace Bell has returned after a two weeks visit in the east. The musicale given at the Presbyter ian church last Wednesday evening was thoroughly enjoyed, especially the selec tions of Miss Haywood and Miss Bigelow. Miss Lulu Hetzel and Miss Guinevere Wiseman will spend fair week with Mrs. Eastman of Omaha. Miss Bigelow, who has been visiting her father the past six weeks, will leave for her home in Washington next Monday. TJiss Howard entertained Thursday evening. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Horst, Mr. and Mrs. Pardonner; Misses War wick, Bigelow, of Washington, Was mer; Messrs. Ryan, Gawley, Baker and Glazier. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gedd3 have re turned from Boston. Mr. H. H. Glover and son George are home after a months visit in Boston. Mayor Thompson returned from Lin coln last evening. Judge Piatt spent Thursday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs.C.H. Morrill have return ed from lake Osakis, Minn. Mrs. A. II. Davis has returned from Minnesota. Miss Hardy has returned from Cali fornia. Misses Bess Kneuton, of Mankato Minn, Miss Mary Clark, of Council Bluffs and Miss Stella Payne, of Has tings were guests of Miss Lau this week, Miss Mae Burr has gone to Shey boygan.Wis. Miss Burr will be brides maid at the wedding of Miss Ann Crocker, who is pleasantly remembered as a visitor in thi6 city last year. Miss Furguson who gave dancing lessons at Lansing Hill last winter, will return Oct 1st, to resume her classes. w The Cocbieb's Omaha correspond ence sends the following: Miss Rodman arrived in Omaha on Tuesday and will be Miss McKenna's guest for the balance of the month. Mr. Netherton Hall returned from the east Wednesday. FREE FOR THE ASKING. Present or mail this ad to us and you will receive a copy of this month's u FASHIONS" It OF Mrs, Samuel Burns and Miss Burns returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Montgomery and children arrived in Omaha Sunday after spending the summer abroad. Miss Dickinson went to Pueblo Mon day and will return early next week bringing Miss Anderson with her. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Davis arrived homo Wednesday, Mr. and Mr6. Joseph Lehmer gave a musical Tuesday evening. Mr. Crofoot, who has besn spending his vacation at his old home, Pontiac, Mich., returned to Omaha Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green are home from Narragansett. Mrs. W. B. Meikle and her sister Miss Balcombe. went to Chicago on Wednesday. Miss Balcombe returned today, while Mrs. Meikle went to Gros Isle and from there accompanied by Miss Mabel Balcombe to Montreal, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Burt started for Port- ZZZ!82'EnS2i OUR EXPECTATIONS FULLY REALIZED Mrs. Henry W, Yates went to St. Joseph on Monday. Mrs. A. B. Hudson returned this week from a summer spent in Ohio. Ihe magazino is essentially a woman's paper and is an acknowledged authority on Hygiene, Household science and correct and artistic dress and latest fashions. (sippet and Fapei department Miss Fuestono is the guest of her 6ister, Mrs. Herbert Martin. 'Ihe following is a list of the maids of honor and JadieB in waiting to the Queen of the Carnival and the ladies of the Court that have been chosen by the committee of the Knights of AkSar Ben for the grand ball next Thursday evening. Maids of Honor: Misses Nash, Doane, Cady, Hoagland, Bartlett, Burns, Drake, Woolworth, Uimebaugb, Baum, Colpetzer, Curtis, McKenna, Lindsey and Hamilton. Ladies in wait ing: " Mrs. Henry Estabrook, Victor Caldwell, Chas. W. Hull, " Clement Chase, " Elmer E. Bryson, " Jas. E. Baum, G. M. Hitchcock, ' J. E. Wilbur, " Harry Cartan, Lyle Dickey. W. S. Poppleton, - " Warren Rogers. Thos. A. Fry, " Wm. A. Redick, " Walter Jardine. Ladies of the Court: Mrs. C. F. Manderson, " Guy C. Barton, " Jas". M. Woolworth, L. J. Drake, J. M. Metcalf, J. E. Utt, C. E.Yost, .- G. W, Doane, . E. M. Bartlett, - " W.R. Bennett, H. J. Penrold, B. B. Wood, H. M. Caldwell, Jas. McKenna, L. M. Rheem. There is much guessing as to who will be Queen, but I venture to predict that it will bo Miss Woolworth. Mr. Clement Chase 1 hear is to be Rex. Miss Adeline Nash, who has been Miss Baldwin's guest at Council Bluffs, returned home Tuesday. In honor of Miss Homans of Engle wood, N. J. and Miss Montgomery, of Council Bluffs. Miss Hall gave a charm ing progressive tei Thursday evaning. f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington have taken rooms at the Murray for the winter. The latter part of the month Mrs. Clement Chase and children will leave for California to be gone some time. Mies Fredrica Wessells and Miss Moorn are expected in Omaha early next week, Mrs. Wessells will return later in the month. I am very glad to notice that the social relations between Omaha and Council Bluffs are becoming more and more pleasant and closer each year. On Sunday evening last Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wheeler, Jr., Misa Marshall, Miss Cnrtiss. Miss Emily Wakeley, Mr. Doane, Mr. Genon and Major Crowder were Miss Stuart's guests at tea, Mon day at the Assembly I saw Miss Adeline Nash, Mr. Fred NaBh, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Howell, Mr. Will Rogers and Mr. Joe Barker, und last night a German given at the boat house at Manawa was led by Mr. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whitmore return ed home on Sunday. v' v V,- Leaders in low prices, a complete new stock, desirable and attractive pntterns and an entirely new system, prompt attention and courteous treatment enables us to attract the critical buyer and the seeker for bargains. For- instance, we do not ash tou 8L23 for Moquettes, bnt only 85c 1.35 for body brussels, but only 81.10 1.10 for body brussels, but'only 95 1.00 for velvets, but only 75 90 for ten wire tapestry, but only 80 75 for next grade, CO 85 for best three ply, but only 70 70 for best two ply, bat only 55 With this for a few prices to induce others to come in and see our nice new goods and bargains and allow us to convince you that we are your friend and can save you an extra dollar or two on a 810 purchase. Please consnlt our display window for styles and prices also. HW?0USWtVW &00 HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! "We maJ:e Incites Wetrim liatst "We sell liats We say nothing about prices, you know they will be 11 right at 12-1 JS. 122 tlx St. Lincoln Neb. Satisfaction guaranteed in .'"' " Every particular. M less . A. BETTS THE T AgggEIggO THEATRE ED. A. CHURCH, Mgr. THURSDAY SEPT 19 GRAND SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION DOWN 0N1HTO WOT 50 People 45 Go ' ored comedians Singing and dancing Magnificent scenery Regular prices . FRIDAY, SEPT 20 A. H. SPINK'S GREAT POPULAR DRAMA "I DERBY WINNER" New sensational Features. Exciting horse races '' New specialties Regular prices MRS. DBMOREST. -HAIR DREoSIIIG-massage Hair XVortc IHE SANITARIUM 14th and M LINCOLN .NEBRASKA HAIR GOODS MANICURING PRICES REASONABLE IRK PER Yi ', . 7t: -