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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1895)
yi? "vttrsS -r . ..vr-'w;5. iJc. THE COURIER. ON THE WHEEL I 9 weather is warm the coolest kind of a shirt waist is permissable. THE CYCLE CONTEST. George A. Crancer has returned from a visit to Chicago, and other eastern points. While absent Mr. Crancer suc ceeded in making arrangements for the extensive manufacturing of the adjustBble handle bar recently patented by him, one firm undertaking the man ufacture on a royalty of 50,000 of them. The parade of cyclists on Merchant's Day developed the presence in the city of a goodly number of "chic" bloomer costumes. E. R. Guthrie has just disposed of an other Rambler tandum, making five in the last six weeks. Capt. Frank Hoagland and Lieutenant Henry Peters have returned from a long and successful wheeling trip through Nebraska; Colorado and Wyoming. The boys rode more than two thousand miles while away and visited Denver, Colorado Springs, Cheyenne and Lodge Pole, returning via the northern route. They report having had a superb time. Alva Halley and Frank McCain were among the tourists who returned from a trip awheel last week. They made a trip down through southern Nebraska, Eastern Kansas and Missouri arriving home in time for the races on Merchants' day. They say it is the only way to 6pend a vacation. Several touring parties are projected among the wheelmen and wheelwomen of the city during September and Oc tober. The Journal of Thursday morning said: "Frank Hoagland and Henry Peters returned yesterday from a cycling trip to Denver. They claim to have ridden 2S0 miles in the last two days." Is the Journal not aware that these distances are not claimed but are re corded by the cyclometers on the wheels? A two dars rido of 230 miles, while aqove the average, is not a phen ominal one. On the return from the L. A. W. meet at Kearney last month several of the boys rode from that city to Liucoln in one day a distance of 158 miles; and a member of the 4 C's rode 74 miles lest Wednesday between 2 and G:50 P. M. The Journal "Personal" editor should keep better post JL Tne greater part of Lincoln's Class A men are expecting to put in the next week at the Hastings Reunion. There are four days races. Six events each day with a total prize list of 815,00. If the boys succeed in ridmg with the vim they exhibited on the home track on Merchatt's day they will probably bring home a number of the prizes. Joe Sullivan and "Bill" Benson are developing into a phenomenal tandem team. Their half mile in less than one minute and halt a second on Merchants day, while pacing Frederickson of Omaha, was a splendid performance. While not officially informed of the fact The Courier understands they have since ridden a trial half in a fraction less than the minute. They will do the pac ing at the next Fremont meet wnich ybcurs early in next month. C M. Hurd and wife and their little yne between them on their tandem are a familiar sight on South 17th sereet nowadays. The Wanderers are rapidly developing their permanent organization as a cycl ing club. New members are being add ed meeting and quite a deal of enthus iasm is being worked up. "Our" Barnett is again on the Nat ional circuit and Lincoln wheelmen are closely watching for his first record breaking performance; Every lady should have a jacket cor responding to her suit. While the FOR THE LAIY S WHEEL Miss Nettie M. Snyder Miss Maude McCain Miss Lena Brockelmeyer Miss Ida Uerpolsheimer 2900 1900 1100 800 FOR THE GENTLEMAN S WHEEL Ray Edmiston 900 Jule Benson 900 W. L. Crandle 750 Harry Harley 500 Harry Sullivan 400 Ray Lease 400 Geo. McArthur 350 THE ALLIANCE STORE. 1003 P St. Sells Minneapolis best Superlative Flour at CO cents a sack, the best ever sold for the price. Fine potatoes 40 conts per bushel. Wild Plums 50 cents per bushel. Sugar 28 pounds for 81.00. Best granulated sugar 20 pounds for 81.00. Four pounds apricots for 25 cents. Three pounds California pears for 25 cents. Four cans best blackberries 25 cents. Three cans best raspberries 25 cents. Two cans tine peaches 25 centB. Mason's fruit jars. A full line cheap. 1008 P St. J. W. Mussetter. BASE BALL v LINCOLN AT HOME. With Jax Lincoln 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 1-12 Jacksonville 0 0010000 0-1 Batteries: Gragg and Speer; Sonier and Johnson. Lincoln 0 100311107 Jacksonville 3 10010 3 0 8 Batteries: Kimerer and Speer; Cron ley and Johnson, Lincoln 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 1 311 Jacksonville 0 0 0 10 110 03 Batteries: Barnes and Speer; Sch wartz, Dillon and Belt. Lincoln 1 00102011 G Springfield 0 0000000 0-0 Batteries: Gragg and Speer; Sonier and Belt. With Rockford Lincoln 0 0411110 08 Roctford 0 1001000 02 Batteries: Gragg and Speer; Thorn ton and Snyder. Lincoln 0 0 2 4 2 3 0 0 011 Rockford 2 10 3 2 0 0 3 1-12 Batteries: Kimerer, Barnes and Speer; Underwood and Snyder. Lincoln 0 10 0 0 0 11 14 Rockford 1 0 0 4 0 10 0 G Batteries: Gragg and Speer; Horton and Snyder. When the ice man comes be sure LINCOLN ICE CO'S name is on the wagon. 1040O street They have no pond ice. BICYCLE RIDERS SHOUD USE RIGG'S CALENDULA for sprains, bruises, sore muscles after RIDES, etc. In 25 and 50 cent sizes, Instantaneous in its results. THE LINCOLN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE FOUN DED FOR THE PROMOTION OF PEDAGOGY, LETTERS, SCIENCE, AND THE FINE INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC ARTS School year begins September 3. oou know of an? otljcr institution like it in tbc midland and JyortlHocstcrn states? Address Wm E. CHANCELLOR, A. M. President of Faculty. I BURblNGTON BEAGH 1 SUNDAY, JULY 25th. I ROW ROAT 10 TENTS M. V T T 1 ' V A & A S A S V XZJ I 1 c SGHOOLL OF ELOCUTION Prof. George C. Williams has just just returned f rm New York and is busy preparing for the opening term of the school of elocution and college of oratory. which begins Sept. 5. This schcol has a competent corps of instructors and a large atten dance is assured. run inc BALAiuit ur int otnuun, mu. unimnu If floating Dathiuff, etc. Besrnurant and Cafo in Connection. Take n rido on yVi The biff steamer. 7f hE T. J Thorpe & Co., GENERAL BICYCLE REPAIRERS in a branches. - Repairing done as Neat and Complete as from tho Factories at hard time prices All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITJI ST. Machinist and General Repair Work. L C tf 21 ) L T . Ride a. It is the Swiftest, Lightest, Easiest running, Most Beaotiful. Alimuinum finish. Strongest in the world. Built of the best of steel. H. E. SIDLES SELLS THEM. 112 N Thirteenth St. LINCOLN THE COURIER this week inaugurates another of its popular contests. This time it is two valu able high grade bicycles. THE PEIZES GENT'S '95 MODEL) VICTOR WHEEL, Value $100. LADY'S '95 MODEb SYRACUSE WHEEL, Value $100 These wheels are positively High Grade and worth all the efiort it will cost to get them. . , Tlie Contestants must be members of some cycling organization in this city. The Conditions are as follows: Every yearly subscription to THE COURIER turned in by a contestant will count as one hundred votes, six months fifty votes, three months wenty five votes. Xo coupon will be counted unless accompanied by an amount to cover at least three months subscription. And to the lady and gentlemen receiving the highest number of votes up to 6 p. m., September 14th, the wheels will be awarded. WHO WILL BE THE WINNERS? Go to work a once.