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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1895)
'" ' -xy" "' THWTQOVKlMXr ' ' " ! I guest of Matteon Baldwin this week. gj p Miss Carrie Adams has typhoid fever. fe jQ - 0wh T. B. Piper of Omaha has been visit- xi. 1 J mf Qw 77 0 r sSPb. carried and set up with all the ceremony that the tribes used in their wander ings. Great pains have been taken. Mr. Trester has made a careful histor ical study of Jewish tabernacle man ners that the verisimilitude may be perfect. Miss Jennie Morrison, who has for years been stenographer for the B. & M. supply house, and who has for some time past been preparing herself for the missionary field will leave in September for the Punjab district in northern India On Friday evening the members of the Y. W. C. A. tendered Miss Morrison a reception at their rooms 141 South Twelth street. The rooms were pro fusely decorated with golden rod and cut flowers. Tho program consisted of a vocal solo by Miss Mary Fox, a reci tatian by Mies Mary Hanes, instrument al music by Misses Rose Clark and Lillian Dobbs and a very interesting talk by Miss Morrison on her future work. The members of the Empire Auto Harp club furnished music during the entire evening and added greatly to the pleasure of all present. Miss Mor rison has been secretary for the asso ciation since its organization and it is with sincere regret that the members bid her farewell and realize that they will sadly miss her services in their work for young women. 2OOCO3OCO0OOO O OOOOOOOi PERSONAL toooooooo Hudson Imhoff is in New York. Eb. Mockett has gone to Pueblo. Gen. Amasa Cobb has gone to Boston Miss Flora Bullock is visiting in Roca. Judge Broady was in St. Paul last week. Nora Mc Conniff is ill with typhoid fever. Captain Billingsley has returned from Colorado. E. M. Low has gone to Stuttgart, Arkansas. Judge E. P. Holmes is in Excelsior Springs, Mo. A. B. Stephens, State University '89 is in the city. Miss Cora Outcalt has returned from her vacation. Mrs. A. D. Burr has gone to Chicago to visit friends. Commissioner H. C. Russell went to Wabash Friday. Clinton R. Lee has returned from a trip to Davenport. Rev. O. A. Williams, formerly of Lin coln, is in the city. Miss Cora Outcalt returned Thursday from Lancaster, O. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Risdon have bean visiting in St. Louis. Police Judge Frank Waters and wife have gone to Colorado. Prof, Geo. Williams returned Wed nesday from New York. Miss Addie Thomas of Aurora is visit ing Miss Fannie Rector. Frank Hadley of Cedar Rapids, Neb., was in the city this week. Miss Harriet Ingereoll has returned from a week's visit in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wheeler have returned from Lake Okoboji, la. Mrs. J. L. Teeters is home again from a visit with relatives in Iowa, J. H. Mallalieu and Bert Wheeler returned Thursday from Colorado. Mrs. O. T. Bills and daughter are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Keefer. Dr. H. S. Brevoort.of Omaha, was the ing his brother the Secretary of State. W. A. Selleck and wife have gono to Maine to visit with Mr. Selleck's friends and folks. Frank lloagland and Henry Peters have returned from their cycling tour to Denver. R. C. McKinney of tho United States Geological survey was a Monday guest of the Lincoln. Miss Margaret Baird has gone to Minnehaha Falls, Colorado, for a three weeks Eojourn. R. L. Motcalf of the World-Herald with Mrs. Metcalf and child spont Sun day in Lincoln. John E. Simmons, jr., Charles Saun ders and L. W. Drake of Omaha spent Sunday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick's guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Elby have returned to Bloomington, Illinois. Mr. N. S. Harwood, Miss Harwood and Miss Dorrat.ce have gono to Palmer's Lake, Colorado, to get cool. Dr. Benjamin Bailey has gone east for his vacation. Dr. Dorris has his patients during his absence. Mrs. T. B. Meyer and Mrs. Laura W. Pease, her grandmother, have gone to Ohio and New York for the winter. Professor Owens who has been travel ing in Scotland sails on the Furncssia for New York on the Fifth of Septem ber. Lieutenant T. W. Griffith arrived from Texas Wednesday and will remain in tho city with Mrs. Griffith for some weekB. Wm. Axling, of the state university, is in the city. He has spent his vacation preaching. He resumes his studies at the university this fall. Mr. Seneca G. Dorr is stopping at tho Lindell on his way to the Atlantic coast. Mr. Dorr has grown stout and brown in the Puget Sound country. Miss Mary Fechet is one of a gay Black Hills party under the guidance of Mr. A.B.Smith. The party are traveling about in one of the officer's private cars. Mr. T. H.Marsland left on Wednesday to resume his position as teacher of science at Belmoct school Mrs. Mars land is much better but not able to travel. W.F.Kelley went to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, this week, where Mrs. Kelley is spending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley will return about the middle of September. Misses Elizabeth and Katharine Weston, of Beatrice, were in the city Thursday en route to the Yellowstone park, where they will join their father, J. B. Weston. Wesleyan University has Becured an other teacher from the Northwestern university. He has studied in Leipsic seminary and comes to Lincoln with high hopes of success. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond has gone to Chicago for a vacation. Mrs. Jones will take her place at the firt con gregational church. Mr. Bruce Smith will sing the solos tomorrow. Mrs. A. N. Wycoff and daughter Pear), and Misses Mabel Ricketts, Josie Hoyt, Olive Graham, Grace Franks, Messrs. Albert Randolph, Charles Hoyt, Normal Wycoff, Clifton Smith and Bert Ricketts are camping at Crete. irAKEIiS OF DELICIOUS CANDIES AND ICE CREAM. -S SPECIAL PRICE ON ICE CREW 10 PARTIES OR SOCIABLES i- f Catering in all its branches J i:l SOUTH 11 Street. feTR ? 681 THERE'S NO USE SWELTERING Over a hot stove cooking picnic lunches. Deviled and other canned ham." Canned salmon, German and American cheese, domestic or Imported sardines. Bottled pickles, a few lemons, some sugar, two or three loaves of bread, butter, and there you are, all ready to go. We keep them and put them up tor parties better than you can put them up your self. Every thing we keep is first class too. No "cheap" stuff and yet we sell it chenp. VEITH Xs RKSS, Grocers, 909 O STREET. g!& &&$!M&!&gM2 ww wwww w wwwwwwwy .-. B. . A.... &....& .... M. M. . .J-ll t nicy ddmuld'y iiiiiycv lyihiui uuu i Is tro BEST. MI $2 PER CKL - EXPORT $2.50 PER ffi.f W m 3PHONE452 m "tfl! o e r oTDcrT n u -3 .Hi n. . Mail orders promptly nttpnilcl to. l Delivered free to any part of the city. JOHN BAUER. m m 3 I'mcbvc Kiuom tilirrMKrr uitiio uumocn hiu vjvjku vv. Wholesale and Retail. jjlmber fc (spal Also Isime, Cement, Plaster, etc. )tS 125 10 149 80.. Piree! A glass of cream soda "with EVERY 50 CENT PURCHASE yj&i ?ww ;Ere! !tasasKagSaSn ;lf ttj$ Free! & A glass of Ice Cream Soda with every ONE DOfoLAR PURCHASE. .... m PMCY, 1146 0 STREET. &Sk. w Yon want the best The best is always the cheapest GOLDEN THISTLE and LITTLE HATCHET FLOUR are always the best WILBUR ROLLING MILLS MANUFACTURERS You'll never realize what "real good bread" is until you have made it of "Shogo" flour. MM PER YEAR