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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1895)
THE C0UX1BK. 5i . , - SOCIAL GOSSIP. Friends of C. Y. Smith may find prooi of his susceptibility in the follow ing interesting letter from Maine: "Rockland, Maine, Aug. 11, 1895. The sun shines not; a gentle rain is falling, and the guests of Bay Point Hotel walk along the long veranda and wish aloud for some signs of clearing off. I am contented as it is, with pen in hand, writing idly; for at my sido she sits, writing too, to whom I know not; but we both use ink from tho same bottle. I might put aside my pen and allow her the sole use of the bottle of ink, but somehow I can't. I hope her letter will be a lorg one. I am sure I can write for sometime yet, though it be of nothing. I would give a cookey to know whether she is writing to a lady or a gentleman, but she has covered up the address of her letter so I can't see it. It's awfully provoking and I am very anxious to know. After all it may be to her brother and I wouldn't care if it was. I really hope it is. I would feel so much easier in mind if I knew it was. She looks so pleasant and agreeable I nave half a mind to ask her, but I wouldn't offend her for the world. I don't wish to appear egotisti cal, but every now and then as she dips her pen in the ink she takes side glance3 at me. Guess she would laugh if she knew what 1 was writing. If it should bo my good fortune to meet her, I believe I will tell her. It savors a little of romanticism, does it not? My pen trembles a little, but I must keep on for she has started a new page. She has written six pages and I have just finish ed two. Usually I am a very fast writer, but something is wrong today. She writes a very nice hand, sort of half backhanded, but very regular. If I know anything about graphology, she is a very clever girl. Very honest in all she does, nothing flighty about her, a girl of beautiful character. Not exactly a beauty but very far from homely. Just that kind you know, that one could look upon every morning, noon and night across the table and feel that there was something in this world to live for." Ed Bignell and family have been in Des Moines visiting Mrs. Bignell's brother J. C. Ritchey. The Saturday Review of Des Moines contains an ac count of a large picnic given in honor of the Lincoln visitors. A feature of the carnivals in New Orleans and St. Louis, after which the prospective Ak-Sar-Ben festival in Omaha is patterned, is the grand ball. Usually there are restrictions, as to the issuance of invitations, and an attempt is made to prevent undesirable persons from attending. The attempt is not always successful. In the cities named a portion of society recognizes and at tends these balls, while another portion gnores them as entirely too "mired." Those who have in charge the Court Ball of the Knights of Ak-SarBen, which has been arranged for Thursday evening September 10, are determined to exercise such control in the matter of attendance as will insure the presence of the most desirable people, and make the ball a social event of real impor tance. It remains to be seen whether theii efforts will be successful. No tickets will be sold, it is said, to persons who have not received invitations. The following concerning the ball is from the Omaha Excelsior: "The social season in Omaha this fall will be inaug urated with unusual eclat by the Court Ball of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben on Thursday ovening, September 19. On this occasion tho Second Infantry and First Regiment bands will furnish the dance and promenade music, alter nating in their selections. Extensive preparations are going on at tho Col iseum, which the Knights have leasod for five years. The. floor is being relaid inside the bicycle track. The north and south euds of this oval will be carpeted and supplied with easy chairs, leaving an immenEO space, 150x120, which will be covered with canvas for (lancing. On the west will rise tho boxes for the king and maids of honor, and on tho east sido seats will be reserved for spectators. Only those in full dress will be admitted to tho dancing floor, and an entrance wilt be provided for tho dancers on ho south side of tho build ing. Largo and commodious dressing and toilet rooms have been provided for the accommodation of tho dancers. Tho interior of tho building will be painted in brilliant white, decorated with 6,000 yards of red, green and yellow bunting, the colors of Ak-Sar-Ben. Tho build ing will be illuminated by arc lights of the colors of the king. Invitations to the ball are being engraved, and will be Issued to the number of 4,000 about September 1. Tickets, admitting a gen tleman and two ladies will bo furnished to invited guests for $10; single tickets, admitting either gentleman or lady, 85." J. II. Dobson left Monday for Utica, N. Y., where he will assist J. K. Doane, formerly of this city in Y. M. C. A. work. Mr. Dobson has for some years past been employed in the office of the North Printing Company. Ho was a member of the board of directors of the Y. M. C. A. The Patriarchs have arranged their usual series of hops for the coming season. Six years of healthy growth have strengthened the vitality of this club until it occupies a unique position in the social life of Lincoln. At the last business meeting in the spring the club adopted a new consti tution md early in October they will meet and eh ct flicers for tho winter. The life of the Empire club has been threatened by the organization of the new club, but I have no doubt when its members reflect on the fact that no new organization, whatever its merits, can replace what it displaces, they will rally round their old standard and have a better time than ever. The Pleasant Hour, the Ravola. the Empire and the Patriarchs have appar ently included the dancing people of the city. The formation of the Lincoln club, however, seems to indicate their inadequacy. 8100 DOLLARS REWARD $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatement. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disea se, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for anycase that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monals. Address, F. J. Cheney it Co., Toled o Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. Hunter Printing COMPANY . . OENERAL PRINTERS South half .... CALL UUILUINO Having secured from the Courier Publishing; Co. all copper plates here tofore controlled by them, we shall be pleased to fill orders for Engraved Cards and Wedding Stationery on short notice and in a satisfactory man ner. 100 CARDS AND PLATE $1.30 100 CARDS WITHOUT PLATE 1.30 Litest 5tylcs Elegant Work ForCalifornia take theMissouri Pacific route, via southern route. HUNTER PRINTING CO., 223 No. nth Street. SHEKIFF SALE. First publication Aug 3 Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of tho district courtof the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Albert W. Jansen is plaintiff, and Herman Goldsmith defendant. I will, at two o'clock p. in. on tho 3rd the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to-wit: Lot A of Spencer's subdivision of lot seven 7J of block three 3jaud seven 7 of blockfour 4 in Spencer's addition to Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 27th day of July A. D. 1805. Freu A. Miller Aug. 31 Sheriff. COUNTY COURT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. First Publication Aug 3. In the county court within and for Lancaster, county, Nebraska, August 2nd, 1S95, in the matter of the esUte of August Hilderbrand deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notitied, that I will sit at the county court room in Lincoln, in said county, "on the 20 day of December, 1S95, and again on the 20 day of March, 1896, to examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance, 'the time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 19th day of September A.D.lS95,and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 19th day cf September 1895. Notice of this proceeding is ordered published four consecutive weeks in The Courier, a weekly newspaper pub lished in this state. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court",this2ndday of August 1S95 I. V. LANblSG Jo-tEl'll W'URZBERC; Aug 24 County Judge. C. C. Flansburg Att'y at law Browne!! Block SHERIFF SALE. First publication Aug 10. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska within anil for Lancaster county Nebraska in an action wherein The Pitcher and Bald win Company is plaiiitiff, and Sophia Sonnedecker, et al are defendants, I will at 2 o clock P. M. on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1S95 at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to-wit. Lot number two (2), in block number twenty eight 23), Pitcher and Baldwin s second addition to University Place, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under mv hand this 5th dav of August A. D. 1S95. Fred A. Miller. Sept. 7. Sheriff Cora C. C. Flansburg. Atty at Law. Brownell Blk. (First publication July 27. K. Pitcher, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Haskin, Charles A. Atkinson and John Doe, Defendants. Mary Haskin defendant will tako notice that on tho 22nd day of July, 1895, Cora K. Pitcher the plaintiff hero in, tiled her petition in tho district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, uguinst said defendants, tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose two certain mortgages, one executed by said Mary Haskin to tho Pitcher & Baldwin Com pany, and by said Pitcher & Baldwin Company duly assigned to T. P. Ken nard, administrator, and by said T. P. Kennard, administrator, duly assigned to plaintiff, upon lots seven (7) and eight (8) in block ninety-seven (97), University Place, to secure tho payment of threo certain promissory notes with interest coupons attached, two of which are still due and unpaid each dated May 8th, 1S90, for tho sum of 212.00 due and pavable as follows, one on May 8th, 1892 atid one on May 8th, 1893; and one certain other mortgage executed by said Mary Haskin to the Pitcher A; Baldwin Company, and by said Pitcher fc Baldwin Company duly assigned to T. P. Kennard, administrator, and by said T. P. Kennard, administrator, duly assigned and delivered to plaintiff, upon lots five (5) and six (6) in block one hun dnil eleven (111) University Place, Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure tho payment of three certain promissory notes with interest couions attached said notes dated June 3rd, 1890 for tho sum of 8165 00, 8160.00, and 8160.00 10 spectively duo and pa able as follows: on tho third day of June 1891, 1892, and 1893 respectively; said mortgages pro vided that in case any of said notes or coupons are not paid when due, or with in thirty days thereafter, the whole sum secured thereby may bo declared to bo duo and payable; there is now due on said notes, coupons and mortgages the sum of $911.25 for which Bum with interest on $590.11 from May 8, 1895, and on 8321.14 from Juno 3rd. Is91 at 10 per cent per annum, plaintiff prayB'fora decree that defendants be required to Cay the same, or that said premises may e sold to satisty tho amount found due. You are required to answer BJiid petition on or before Monday, tho 2nd day of September, 1895. C. C Flansburg. Atty for Plaintiff BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA FCaltamrr's .:!& Dl.j.c.l !traa. ENNYR0YAL PILLS rr-. IMftnl uJ aly Vraalae. A atJMvaW TmlaVV NtMI M kt f w A If 9il. Mwmj. r-iniwr. wit. MAtWn. i--tf i IIIM tatU" ttmms J lMf vtimnm. II lK?cxla,r4-th. ia l&sf fcc prrfeUaa -KUcr tin- UJIM.-MW Vail. 1 . imiMua CllrknlHl bkmllii'k4 .;, raiiaaa . rav U fci kj Uc&: tmaut. SFXEDT LASTTHQ RESULTS VFATPEOPLEC 11 .I1U IIT tM . frotnairvinian'intfubitance. BaV M urn iisnoas xuia. Wa GUARANTEE a CURE or rafuad yiw moan. Pric SS.OO per bottla. Scad 4c far traabsa. VtKMOXT MEDICAL CO., Boaton, 5ta I