The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 27, 1895, Image 9

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    THE COUltlSK.
' ..rf.JP k.
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Hero's a motto, just jour fit
Always make a good base hit
When you'ro behind a littlo bit
Thon crack cut a good base bit.
Look the pitcher in the face
Scorn the coacher's rudo grimace
Ten to one you'll got a base
If jou have the nerve and grit
Just to hit a little bit.
Rockford is trying to sign a national
league team.
Fred Pfeffer will soon be wearing a
New York uniform.
Rockford will hare a handsome new
base ball park soon.
Quincy wants Cantillion to play sec
ond and captain the team.
Jax has signed a new third baseman,
BuBchman, of Chatanooga, Tenn.
The umpire's salary in this association
is 8100 a month and railroad fare.
Colburn of St. Joe held the Bucks
down to five hits in Wednesday's game.
O'Brien's home run in Wednesday's
gave saved the Bucks from another shut
Billy Moran, with Omaha last year,
will not play with Chicago again this
Manager Connie Mack of the Pitts-
burgs, thfnks Pitcher Thomas is
Jimmy Ryan, tho greatest right-fielder
in the biz. is booked for a release by
Matrin Hogan, Indianapolis' center-
fielder, recently ran 100 yards in 9 it
The rate between Lincoln and Denver
for tho ball players is less than one cent while St. Joe secured 23 oil Lincoln, length of time. Money received od re
per mile. Curously enough the four teams each l?! tbJ cu
The St. Joes are liable, very liable, to
fool some of the eastern clubs on their
present trip.
- tjui... n u, : wo,.j ..
lease oy jax unless ne anu tne team
take a decided brace.
Roger Conner has been released by
os """" " " j
i -r . i . .. -i .
Itthiff lttZ!naa2
He made his great reputation and pile
with the giants.
.. . ,,..,.
Baltimore cranks are howling for Mo
Mahon, the Oriole's crack pitcher last
season, whose arm gave out completely.
It looks hue a case of crockery.
The Sporting Xcics thinks Peoria has
the pennant won in this tight little lea-
gue, but there are two or three teams
that still they are very much in the
Des Moines downed Indianapolis
Thursday in an exhibition game at the
Iowa capital. The leadeis of the west-
era league were rather easy for the
. ... ,.
Anson was seriously injured in a game
last week, being hit just over the heart
by a swiftly pitched ball. Jt will be
sometime before he will be seen in uni
form again.
Taylor, of the Jax team has jumped
his contract and gone to Pennylvania.
He left about 875 in unpaid bills behind
him. He was tried here in Lincoln in
the spring but was found to lazy and
was given the run.
The Omaha team has been transferred
to Denver and will play in that city
after the present eastern trip is com
pleted. Just why the Denver team is
not higher up in the race is not appar
ent unless the management is at fault.
They are individually all right and
should be hanging around first place.
Archie Cole, the cleverest outfielder
in the Association was released by Lin
coln this week. Cole has been in poor
health this summer, which seemed to
interfere with his batting. His fielding
is the same swift and accurate work
that made his reputation. He is trying
for a position as umpire in this associa
tion. There is a little trouble oa the inside
of the team, and it ought to bo stopped
before it does any further damage to"
the team work. So far as we can see,
Manager Brackett isjto blame. Laroque
is captain of the club, and ought to
have complete control on the Held, but
it appears Manager Brackett has on
several occasions sat on the bench and
countermanded the captain's orders as
to field work. Laroque wants to resign
the captaincy, but Brackett will not let
him. There are three men in the club
who will not obey Laroque's orders dur
ing the game. They ought to be taught
different, for without obedience to the
captain's orders team work is impossi
ble. The captain should have full
swing on the field, and no one else
should interfere with him. Quincy
In the recent St. Joe series Lincoln
dropped two games and captured one.
It is interesting to note that in the
three games Lincoln secured 1G base
hits to the Saints 28 and each team
scored 12 runs. The number of errors
was a tie also, 1) each. The St. Joe
pitchers did better work than their op
ponents, being credited with 9 strike
outs to Lincoln's 8, and giving only 1
bases on balls, while our pitchers were
rather generous and gave 15. An inter
esting comparison is the Peoria-Rock-
foru series just closed, in tins 6enes
p . ,. .- , . Unni.fnrirR 12
.. ., n . t :
"w 7" ,. i,r v in
I l..,eo hlta ill KrwUTliriVa l!l
The base hit column tells the story,
Peoria secured .10 base hits from Rock-
fnrrl whilo Lincoln could onlv nick out
1G. and Rockford secured 19 off Peoria
mauu crrora.
Last .Saturday's game at Ouincy with
Peoria ended in a riot, with the umpire
dointr the martvra act. SDeakinir of tho
affQii (ha I lmnnv Htnrnlii cava "Ao
" "- . .,-. ..
soon as the last Quincy man struck out, a
gang of several hundred infuriated boys
, , t.i.iu. .!
umpire. The leader was a long,
..,.,,, , ,,
sl,m duSr ,nehor.t beeves called Cold-
snow. He was swinging a demoralized
1 urabrdIa, and before the officers
nterfer(J brought u down
with a cfash 0Q tho unipira.B head. By
this time the diamond was a seething
howling mob of mad men. Cushions
flew through the air from the grand
stand, accompanied with yells of "Kill
himr "Paste him in the nose!" "Lynch
the robber!" and several other little
pleasantries. A cordon of police, head-
ed by Chief Ahern, by this time sur-
rounded and was backing him toward
the fence. Gradually the mob was
cleared and finally it was deemed safe
to escort him to the car.
8100 dollars reward 8100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disea
se, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi
nionals. Address, F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo
Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
H. O. Hohlt, Manager.
Open at all times for Picnics and Excursions. Finest
Picnic grounds in the State.
SUNDAY, JULY 27Tfl, 1895.
Concert from 1 to 10:30 P. M. Balloon Ascension at 530 P. M Boating Bathin
Field sports, Races, Menagerie, Floral Garden, etc.
Come out and bring tho children.
Following this article will be found
t.vo coupons with which the voting will
be carried on. No one in any way con
nected with The Cockier will bo al
lowed to become a contestant.
Remember, this is not merely a voting
contest, but a contest in which tho con
testant must prove his or her popularity
by the number of bona tide pud sub
scriptions he or she can succeed in plac
ing on the books of Thf.Courier byG p.
m. Sept. 14th, 1S95. Also remember
that each contestant must be a member
of some bicycle organization in this
Each coupon sent must be accompan
ied by something that has cost moro
labor than the mere clipping it out with
a pair of scissors. Each coupon sent in
must be accompanied by at least three
onAu 8 subscription to ttiE Courier
V . rfW1 S- . thm
tnat'int In n iTwlit rF i vntoa A sir
month's subscription and 81.00 will give
jjg te8.:. One jeart subscription and
...:n t. .i 4i..
comnanied bv a subscription for soma
ii wutaiK; tuu uiiivaiaiik iu uuu iittiL
tne number of votes credited for a new
Now you have the conditions. The
prizes: a icior gems wneei nnu a
Svrnnntn Inrlv'a tvTiooI lire nnnnnnnnd
-v j u uw. ux iuivv..i,v
elsewhere and will, a little later be
prominently put on exhibition. Goto
work. Win .the wheels and The Cour-
iv.n will ln thf rpsK Ailrlrosa nil nnm
".unications to
Manager Cvcle Contest
he courier, uox louo
courier Cycle Content.
Prize-Syracuse '05 Lady's Wheel.
The Courier Box 150G.
Enclosed find Dollars
, """V i'- ,
and'" CCDt8' fr whlch
T"f Courjer to
No Street
For months
And credit votes
. ,.
as the most popular lady cyclist in the
" '
cowrie. cyoie contest,
Prize Victor 95 Gent's Wheel.
The Courier Box 1506.
Enclosed find Dollars
and cents, for which send
The Courier to
No street
For months
andcredit votes
tor ; ; ;. "
fn the dry. "
for sprains, bruises, sore muscles after
RIDES, etc.
In 25 and 50 cent sizes,
Instantaneous in its results.
"Castle Hall"
Wheelmen, Athletes and
Pleasure Partiee
cordially invited to
served in first-class style
at popular prices.
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St Louis, Mo. 1201 O St.
T H F ( J I I "1
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TITAni l FTH "
WIlK I )" H H r )
II VUU1 liiilll. L.1
Edited by Ex-ConarcsHinn
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Is the greatest newspaper west
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Ifc advocates FREE SILVER
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Its news service is the best to
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Daily, $6 00 per year: SOcents
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Subscriptions for the
received at this office
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nhe. A
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umd Bnn.1 la Kd ! CUd a
net. mll with Mae rtbboa.
.. tfh.n. Au. tLtnaertmi ra&flu.
rtMu and imilatwu. AiDrofxiii.raraS4e.
la iua for prt1clar. tttfioumUl tal
"Keller for Ls4lM. in utter, by rrtarr
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