THE COURIER. HIS FIRST BRIEF. "Mr. Scrimplo,' said the magnate to the rising young lawyer, "I want to make ubo of your valuable Ecrvices." "Very well, Bir," said Scnmple, as he gasped as the joyous prospect of a first brief. "What can I do for you? "A firm which competes with my house," replied the magnato firmly, "is about to bring an action for damages against me, and I want you to get them to engage you as their attorney." mg&i FOOLISH BEE. IAM "How doth the Httlo busy beo Improve each shining hour. And gather honey all the day From every opening flower." And when tlio season's work is done. The frugal farmer man Grabs all the honey gathered in And damps it in his can. And hence it seems to one who views How things do come to pass. That, in a modern business light. The busy bee's an ass. BICYCIB THE GENERAL AGENT m for Shoes, Pants, MUNYONS REMEDIES. tap Sweaters V x$ IS -AT- PA Art A V L T L? uu v xa IW TAJt" Druggist, FUNKE OPERA HOUSE. Kg innibix 'gS '.& i w : 2 OOOOOOOOOOO"' H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Wliltlnjs'i Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. OOOOOOOOOOO DISCRIMINATION. "It's rank injustice, so it is,' said Nero, mournfully. "What's the matter?" inquired Fido. "I've been thinking of the way the public makes us wear tags." "They're afraid that if we go around having ourown way we'll kill somebody.' "That's just where the unfairness comes in. Why don't they make the trolley cars wear tags?" SODA-"IiIU10US" 2 Is what they say of our J gOrotice T toop lioteS Our soda is all fine. Crushed 5; fruits served with ice cream soda. ni$oiTs pharmacy TENTH & o. SSftSi ( 'i1 '?' 9 "-''' $ v THE DISAGREEABLE MAN. Hark, an infant wailed! The Princess awoke. She spoke: "What is wrong with His Heirship?" His Royal Highness laughed. "Airship! Ha! Ha! Why, squalls, of course!" They took turn about walking the floor with the little Prince, but their Lord and Lady ships did not speak as they passed in the night. oooooo OPERA HOUSE BUFFET. 115 So. Twelfth St. .... Under Funko Oicra Houso. Only the finest liquid refresh ments served. CHAS BENSON - GHAS. NEWBRANDI Proprietors. ooooooooooc LOGICAL. Petersbe moralizing Do you know, if you didn't smoke you would save about $G00 every 10 years? Smithington (thoughtfully You do not smoke? Peterebe-iCertainly not! I haven't for 20 years. Smithington Then I suppose you have got 81.200 to show for it? The particular moral or joke of this modern fable is that Petersbe was forced to admit that he hadn't saved a cent. HE KNEW ALL RIGHT. Teacher Do you know what pedigree means, Bobby? Bobby Yes, sir. It means your father, your grandfather, great grand father, greatgreat-grendfather, your mother, your grandmother, great-grandmother, great great-grandmother, your cousin, your first cousin, second cousin, third cousin Teacher That's enough, Bobby; I guess you know all right. Best Teeth $5.00 Teeth Extracted Without Pain. All work guaranteed! I. T. IIIUMY, ....1214 0 Street. IN 1 HE WRONG PEW. "I want to take out some life insur ance," he said. "Certainly," exclaimed the active young man, as ho hastily gathered an application; "what occupaton, please?" "Baseball umpire.' "You'll find an accident company just across the hall," coldly came the active young man's voice, as he slowly laid his pen aside. 1 PRESCRIPTIONS ' and SODA WATER I I The mosb reliable pharmacy 1 1029 O Street IMcGALId & BURGH. I I I3"r0ur I Ice cream soda is the best on earth. . . . AT BOOMSDAY. "Ta-ran-ta-ra, Ta ran-ta-ra!" For the third time Gabriel laid aside his trumpet and listened. "There is that strange sound coming from the earth again,' he exclaimed im patiently. "Let them alone for a few minutes," suggested St. Peter. "You have waked a great many women, and they must have time for the last word." Placing his trumpet beside him, Gabriel sat down, but it was plain to be seen that he was annoved. THE RESTAURANT AT BURLINGTON BEACH At Lincoln Salt Lako is this sea son under the management of an experienced caterer, and your patronago will be appreciated. All kinds of meals, lunches and re freshments always on hand. ILL Concessionaire.! A full KmBm IN THE SPRING, TRA LA Tho gentle wind blew among the flowers. Miss Daisy spoke: "That Miss Sunflower leaves to-morrow." "Yes" Miss Rose was talking "And I am glad of it, tho horrid thing! She wears bloomers" Miss Daisy interrupted her. "Of late she has become positively seedy!" Then they stalked away logemer. ooooooooooo ooooooo oooooo? i ROY'S DIG IRE j 1014 P STREET. Removal Sale : Special prices on all sun- " ; dries, including Base Ball : : goods, Hammocks, Fishing " i Rods and Tackle, &c. Sta- tionery, &c, &c, for the ; next two weeks ; ; Corner Tenth and P. Nissley's old stand. I NISSLEY'S OLD STAND. " oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooo WOULD SPOIL HIS TRADE "Come go with mo," the great ih)sician said Unto the man who stood and begged with sightless eye. I'll point you out a way of light instead. And mirror on your brain that deep-blue bending sky; I'll open to j ou the beauteous tilings of earth. And azure deeps of yon tempestuous sea" "Oh stow ycr guff" then chuckling in his mirth "I'm workin'disjero graft and on do strict q.t." P. J. WOHLENBUKG-, -manufacturer of XMIVIS CIGARS and dealer in all leading cigars, pipes, snuff and smoking tobaccos; also canes 128 South Eleventh Street. THE STRIKE OFF. "Order! ordor! Yourcommittee reports ladies that wo shall have to declare the strike off." (Confused cries of "Betrayed!" and "The mean things!" and hisses.) "Order! order! The men have cornered all the pins. Not a black-headed pin nor a safety nor even an ordinary, just plain pin can be had for love or money. It is useless to continue the struggle any longer. The strike is broken." Then 5,000,000 desolate homes through out this broad land were gladdened bv the return of their mistresses. AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAI BANK LINCOLN, NEB. I. M. RAYMOND, President. S. H. BUENHAM. Cashier. A.J.SAWYER Vice President. D. fi. WING, Assistant Cashier. CAPITAL, $25,000 SURPLUS $15,000 Directors -I. M.Raymond, S. H. Burnbatn. C. O. Dawes. A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory, X. Z. Snell, G. M. Lambertson, D. G. Wing, S. W. Burnham. CLARKS0N LAUNDRY LU. 330-33J-334-33G-33S South Eleventh Street. --.Telephone 270. A QUESTION OF AGE. "You wheelmen will have to pay a city tax on your bicycles now," said one Pittsburger to another. "indeed?" "Yes; the new ordinance says that all owners of bicycles and tricycles over the age of 14 years, using tho public high wajs. shall pay 50 cents for each machine." "That doesn't include me." "What's the reason it doesn't, I'd like to know?" "My bicycle isn't 14 years old. I bought it last spring." ooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOO CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OFGROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS The Photographer. 129 South Eleventh Street 8 oooooo ooooooooooo SHE HAD HIM. Mrs. Xewed How are the biscuits. George? Xewed A trifle heavy, dearest. Mrs. X. And the soup? N. Too much seasoning in it. Mrs. X. And the duck? X. Done a little too much. Mrs. X. I'm so sorry, dear, that your dinner does not suit you. Your mother prepared it. KK $3.00 Commutation tickets for 52.75. Good Meals 5 cents and up. SHAFFER'S 'ANNEX RESTAURANT. Parlor and furnished rooms in connection 133 South Twelfth street. Lincoln, Xeb. F. SHAFFER, Proprietor. ii--pss THE MODEL MAN. He never stays out lato at night ; He doesn't smoke or drink; Ho never flies into a rage; In dress he's fashion's pink. He is, in fact, a model man Deny it if you can He stands before a clothing store A papier mache man. taww TTTtfTTiri