The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 13, 1895, Image 14

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Last Monday, of course, was tho"Iudies day."
And to the ball grounds they all went.
Thinking thnt by putting their washing oil
Their time could bo just as well spent
In watching our favorites do up their foes
Those lads from tho town Omaha
And keep still in tho lead where they always
should be
Making Omaha wish they'd stayed homo with
their ma.
Tho weather perfection, everyone in good trim.
All seemed to bo favoring our boys
The ladies looked lovely as they alwajs do
And tho children knew well that they should
make no noise.
Then tho game soon began, and tho plnjers did
And in inning sixth tho score stood six to seven
When the Omaha bojs guessed they'd make a
few runs
And beforo they got through I thought they'd
run to heaven.
Just to think they mado ten scores in only one
Oar bo) s could only look on
And make a fow errors, and surely beginners
To play the worst ball, they'vo put upon the
Tho hours rolled by, tho gamn was not o'er
To our suppers wc knew we'd l late
When the Omaha cranks thought they'd mako
just two mora
Ahd call the score eighteen to oight.
But the ladies to this good conclusion have
That when Omaha kickers como again to our
They'll not put off washing or anjthiug else
On "any con-dish-on."
The game Friday last was a one Bided
affair. The Omalias were hero bent on
revenge and they got it. Egan did the
pitching for them and Kimerer for Lin
coln up to the fifth inning when, owing
toKimerers' being hit hard, Leitman
was put in but it availed nothing.
Omaha shut the Lincoln boys out by a
score of 12 to 0.
Saturday's game was altogether differ
ent and made the Lincoln fans feel bet
ter. Kimerer pitched for Lincoln and
Baltz for tho Omahas, up to the eighth
inning when Egan was put in. It was
a snappy game and every one of the
boys played ball. Score 5 to 2 in favor
of Lincoln.
The game played in Omaha Sunday
was scheduled for September 13 but
Buck obliged the Omaha management
by playing Sunday instead. They need
ed the money and were aware of tho
fact that the Lincoln team draws well
henco it was a good thing for the Oma
has financially.
The game so called played Monday
afternoon resulted in a victory for tho
Omahas by a score of IS to 8. What a
game! It reminded tho fans of the
game between the reporters and lawyers
July 4th. Freddy Barnes pitched for
Lincoln and, as usual, would have won
tho game had ho been given at least a
parody on good support. Baltz and
Egan did the twirling for the Omahas.
The game could properly be called "a
comedy of errors."
It was a great game Tuesday, great in
brilliant playing and exasperating errors.
Kimerer and Slagle pitched high class
ball and the latter received the better
support. At critical stages Slagie's
pitching and support was perfect, and
Kim's support is what lost him the
game. Speer's muff of a thrown ball
from Chimmie and Holly's unfortunate
wild throw in the twelfth lost the Bucks
one of tho best games of the Eeason.
- Score 5 tol in favorof St Joe.
Wednesday the Bucks had a nice,
little seance with the Gussies. "Slivers,"
the attenuated St Joe twirler, yclept
Parvin, who was in the box for tho
visitors, was touched rather freely, and
coupled with ragged support, made it
very pleasant indeed for the bleachers.
Gragg was in his old time form and his
aupiort was something to gladden the
heart of tho crustiest fan. It camo our
way rather easily by G to 2.
. t-t
Tho locals took the last game from
tho St. Joes by a score of 10 to 7. Under
Gussie Albert's management the Saints
are a decided improvement. In fact
they are putting up about us fast ball
as any of the teams in the association
and they may bo depended upon to
keep their opponents guessing. With it
all, oo, they are quiet and gentlemanly,
there being none or the wrangling and
rag-chewing that is noticeable in pome
of the other teams.
Buck is a great favorite in Omaha.
Pitcher Scott Stratton has been re
leased by Chicago.
Even Kid Speer dropped a little fly
Monday afternoon.
Ollio Beard, the shortstop, has signed
a Milwaukee contract.
Cleveland has signed Iniiclder Fabeau
of the defunct Lowell team.
Omaha is still in the swim, and if the
attendance increases will no doubt fin
ish the season.
CoIburn,a left handed pitcher, signed
last week by St Joe is a dandy.
What is tho matter with McCarthy
is he a wee bit stuck on himself?
Seisler, Peoria's right fielder, has been
sent home as he is not in condition to
The Saints wind up the season on the
home grounds September 2Tith with Lin
coln. St Joe Herald.
Ollie Beard has quit Evansville in
disgust. He madea great mistake when
he jumped Kansas City.
Yesterday the Bucks opened with Des
Moines. This will be the last series on
the homo grounds this month.
Chris Von der Ahe this week refuted
an offer of 825,000 mado by Pittsburg
for Bre itenstein, Peitz and Ely.
Winfred Mener, the crack pitcher of
the Washington team last season, may
bo sold or exchanged to Cincinnati.
The game played at Omaha Sunday
between Omaha ami Dave Rowo's pets,
has been declared an exhibition gamo
Quincy is negotiating for another new
pitcher from Indianapolis. Tho new
pitcher McDougal, lately signed, report
ed Wednesday.
Jesse Burkett. the Cleveland out
fielder, wears a cap with a very broad
peak lined with isinglass to protect his
ejes from tho sun.
There is no team in the association
that gh'es its pitchers encouragement
like tho Quincy team. This isespecial
ly truo when McGreevy is in the box.
Slagle of St Joe keeps the hard hit
ters guessing, and Slagle of Omaha
does the same act for the crackerjack
pitchers. The Slagles are right in line.
Leitman, the pitcher who was released
by Peoria and signed by Lincoln, has
been released. He was not swift enough
and Buck did' not have lime to train
him properly.
Hollingsworth makes some of the
most difficult and brilliant plays imagin
able, but he is strikingly unfortunate in
making errors at the most critica
stages of the game.
Invitations for the marriage of Pitch
er J. E. McGreovey and Miss Julia
Unverzagt have been issued. The wed
ding will take place at the homo of tho
bride, 502 York street, July 29. -Quincy
President Ost returned from St. Louis
on the early train this morning. He
secured Pitcher McDougal, and he will
join the team at Kockford Wednesday,
pitching his first game there that day.
Quincy Whig.
Did you notice tho change in tho St.
Joo team? The other time they were
here not one of them could stop a cul
tivatorwith one or two exceptions,
but they are now started fair and square.
Look out for them!
Burt Abbey, who was released by
Chicago and shortly afterwards signeil
by Brooklyn, will not pitch for tho city
of churches for some time. Ho is hav
ing trouble with his arm and has gone
home to seo if a rest will effect tho des
ired result.
I respectfully apologize Not for my
self especially, hut for tho Lincoln team,
in not winning fifteen games out of tho
twenty one played on tho home grounds.
"To err is human, to forgive divine." If
Kbright anu his bucklets will stay with
in holloaing distance of tho top all will
bo forgiven.
O'Brien, the crackerjack first baseman
recently released by Omaha, has been
signed by Manager Ebright. Cole,
centerfielder, has been released on
account of sicKness. Snapper Kennedy
will play center and Jimmy Sullivan
wili play rightfield. There will bo other
changes in tho team at an early date
which I am not at liberty to disclose at
Ebright's bucklets won tho gamo at
Omaha Sunday beforo an audience of
1500 spectators. Gragg pitched for
Lincoln and held the packers down to
four hits. Darby did what little pitch
ing was done for the Omahas. It was a
good game and Mr. Gragg stated beforo
he went into tho box that it was his
game and subsequent eventB proved
that it was so. Score 8 to 2.
Last year Omaha had the largest at
tendance of any town in tho association
with Omaha a close second, and wero it
not for the fact that Omaha had Sun
day games Lincoln would have been in
the lead on that point, This season
Lincoln's attendance is way abovo the
average in fact it is larger than any
other town in the association, and we
don't have Sunday ball either.
Some girls in this city are not posted
to any great extent on base ball, espec
ially one young lady that I have in mind.
The young man was reading the average
of the two leading clubs in the asso
ciation. "Peoria won 34 and lost 19.
Lincoln won 33 and lost 20." The
young lady asked the following question
with sublime innocence peculiar to her
sex, "And is that how many times they
hit the ball?"
Rudy's Pile Suppository
is guaranteed to euro Piles and Con
stipation, or money refunded. 50 cents
per box. Send two stamps for circular
and Free Sample to Martin Rudy,
Registered Pharmacist. Lancaster, Pa.
No postals answered. For sale by all
first class druggisst everywhere. II.
T. Clarke Co., wholesale gents.
Cecil Spooner will close her engage
ment at tho Funko opora house this
evening. She will give a matinee this
afternoon at 2, presenting the popular
comedy, "Mab," and tonight tho closing
bill will bo "Hidden Hand." Miss
Spooner is supported by a particularly
competent company, and those numer
ous persons who admired her as u lead
ing member of tho Spooner Comedy
company are strong in their approbation
of tho clover young soubretto now that
sho has become aa star under indepen
dent management. Miss Spooner is
giving much attention to specialties,
und her $10,000 kaleidoscope dance is
recoived 'vith great applause. She also
has some now dances. Mits Spooner is
ably supported, and the company gives
a well rounded performance. Popular
Manager Hickey has Achillo Phillion
and his wonderful spiral tower, and Sio
Hassen Ben All's Arab troupe of jung
lers and acrobats at Burlington Beach
this week and next. Phillion is unques
tionably an expert in his lino. His ex
hibition of balanricg on the spiral tower
is remarkable and has attracted great
attention everywhere. Phillion is re
inforced by ono of tho ablest troupo of
acrobats and junglcrs to bo seen any
where. Tho entertainment at tho
Beach is of a high class order, and des
erving of cordial appreciation on tho
part of tho public. Tho summer season
is now fully on ut the Beach, bathing,
swimming, boating, etc., aro daily en
joyed. Performances every afternoon
and evening; dancing nightly after the
Tho peoplo who aro compelled by var
ious reasons to stay at homo this sum
mer can find no pleasantor place for
picnic parties than Lincoln Park. Under
Mr. Hhlt's management now attrartions
are presented weekly, and the park is a
most popular resort. You can go boat
ing or coasting at tho park or dance or
find suitable refreshments. Thero is
amusement for everybody. Beginning
with yesterday Mr. Holt inaugurated a
series of weekly racing matinees. Thero
are grand band concerts every Sunday
afternoon and evening.
.rx S-.1 - J Lr ---iwt 1
Is our Sleeping Car Rato on thePhillipf Rock
Island Tourist Excursions from Council Blnffa
Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angeles or Han Fran
cisco via the Scenic Route and Ogden. Car
leaves Det Moines every Friday, and sleeping
car rate from there is $5.50.
Yon hive through sleeper, and tho Phillip
mangement has a special agent accompany the
excursion each week, ami yon will save money
and have excellent accomodation, at the ear
have upholstered spring seats, aro PnllwiB
build, and appointments perfect.
Address for full particulars,
JM0. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A. Chicago
CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Pass. A.
1045 O St Cor. 11th, Lincoln, Neb
Delivered ftjjjft JflYEK JQJ
AT $1.00 PER DOZEN can only be had from tho wagons of
P. H. Cooper.
Telephones 583 and 531
iv yNY pajtt of the Guy.
PHONE 137. I 1 7 N. 9TH STREET.
When the ice man comes be sure the
name is on tho wagon. 1040 O stre et
They have no pond ice.
Ala "
cm stay
I No inconvenience. Simple, i
sure. ASCSL8TXL? 71X1 1
from any injurious subttance.
LA23X AB53HI33 2X2333.
We 6UMMTEE a CURE or refund rwr money.
Price S3.00 per bottle. Send 4c far treatiM.
THEXOXT MEDICA1- CO., Boeton, Maea,
Watch for the name
They have no pond ice. 1040 O street
- v ' ;
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