I THE COURIER. THE THEATRES. Ed. Church is consorting with the managers in Now York. W. W. Cole remains in Lincoln making dates for Griflith tmMcuhisto, Jtichard and Shy-lock. CARNATIONS I m We are the largest growers of carnations in the west. . . . -All the latest fads.- Lust season some of the best class of attractions refused to go farther west than Chicago. And in the latter part of tho season particularly many companies that had booked to appear in this sec lion cance'led their dates. Just now an interesting question is, What will be the attitude of the companies toward the west, or tho far west tho coming season? not fasten on her as a model. But the present contention is particularly amus ing in view of the fact that Duse was a failure with the best public when she acted first in London, and aroused no great critical enthusiasm. Now the de light that she has caused such laughable observers as Bernard Shaw is to bo compared only to tho delight which some French actors gave him when they played last winter at tho Opera Comique in London. They were a survival of the Theatre Libre of Antoine.and were led by Luguo Poe. They acted in tho plays by Ibsen and Matterlinck, and flip cnanprv trne an ehnliliv 4fiit thn Ibsenites were overwhelmed with the fcLfcr HONE 364 realism of tho performance. When are the coming tlower. Seo what tho New York papers say. GHAPIN BRO'S Greenhouse lGth &D Street. There -is a pretty satisfactory answer to this query on the books of tho Lan sing and Funke. When such attract ions as the Charles Frohman companies, Dave Henderson's extravaganza company Nat Goodwin, Delia Fox, Paulino Hall, Hermann, Roland Reed, tho Bostonians, and Eddie Foy manifest their determin ation to come to the west and to Lin coln, it can be depended upon that the rest will follow. Probably never before have so ninny strong attractions been booked for the local theatres so early as is the case this year. Beerbohm Tree played in New ork in "An Enemy of the People" there was a great rent in tho canvass of one of tho scenes, but it was not admit ted that the shabbiness of the scenery was strikingly natural and appropriate. When wanting a clean, easy shave or an artistic hair-cut, try THE Fir 1101 Bl O AND TENTH STREETS. Capital, $400,000 Surplus, 9100,000 OKFICKKS i N. S. Hakwood, President. CnAS. A. Hanna, Vico President F. M. Cook, f'nshier. C. S. Liiti. tt, AniiUnt Casliiur. H. . FitKittAK, AiiUUnt Cashier. 8.F. mm ID A DEAD LEAF As a matter of fact it paid nearly all of tho deserving companies to come to Lincoln in the season of 91-93. Up to the middle of April or the tirst of May the attendance at both houses was very good. After the adjournment of the legislature business fell oh" considerably and tho end of tho season was bad. A rather good average was maintained, however. With possibly one or two ex ceptions both houses made money on every good company. The losses wero on attractions that in most instances ought to have been sidetracked to some town like Wahoo or Omaha I saw it loo its tiny hold UjKn the faded stem And downward to the garden mould It fluttered at my hem. So painlessly it seemed to part And so content to lie, 1 laid tho letson to my heart That it wero thus to din. Without regret to sinV to rest Down at the Father's feet. Whene'er to Him it seemeth best In resignation sweet. Isahel Riciiev. THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST, who has an elegant barbershop with oak chairs, etc, called "The Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth street, south of Lansing theatre. HE HAS ALSO VERY MEAT BATH ROOMS. "Castle Hall" near BURLINGTON BEACH. A SOCIAL ATHLETIC RESORT. Wheelmen, Athletes and Pleasure Parties cordially invited to caM. DO YOU KNOW THAT THE PANSIES Purple for shadows, gold for sunshine White for tho clouds on high. lirounforthe earth that gavo them birth And blue for the azure fky. Pansies for thoughts, s-otuo gay and glad And Mime that are sweetly, softly, sad. Life's joys and sorrows tjpifiod By pansies ihat camo from Sunnyside. Willi im Klxd Dcxkot. . An old anecedote of Edwin Forrest is thus recalled There was one occas 6ion when Mr. Forrest received from one of the supernumeraries of a theatre an answer which seemed to satisfy him. It was the mau's duty to say simply, "Tho enemy is upon us,"' which ho ut tered at rehersal in a poor, whining way, "Can't you say it better than that" shouted Forest. "Repeat it as I do.' and ho gavo the words with all the force and richness of Lis magnificent voice. "If 1 could say it like that," replied tho man I wouldn't bo working for fifteen shillings a week." "Is that all you get?" "Yes." "Well, then, 6ay it as you please." Critical opinion in London, according to one authority, is divided with amus ing acrimony on the subject of Bern hardt and Duse, who have both been playing Sundermann's "Heimath" in that city. The daily newspapers pro nounced Bernhardt's performance a much more striking and successful one, but tho weeklies have called the French actress in tho part exaggerated and stilt ed, while they find Duse natural and finely effective. Jf the critics of the dailies had admired Duse, the weeklies would undoubtedly have held up Bern hardt in the piece. So the present result is quite as satisfactory as any could have been. At all events, Duse has extended her engagement, and Bernhardt, too, has been immensely successful. The utter failure of "Gis monda" in London, along with Beer b dim Tree's unsuccessful attempts to revive interest in "Fedora" caused the advocates of "naturalism" to chuckle with glee, and Sarah came in for her share of their condemnation. The al ways comic Bernard Shaw gravely warns Mrs. Patrick Campbell that Bern hardt and actresses of her school have seen their day, and that she had better S100 DOLLARS REWARD 3100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatenient. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disea se, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monals. Address, F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents Era i VIEW Li REFRESHMENTS and MEALS served in first-class style at popular prices. FEED UHLMAN, Manager. AGENTS WANTED. Zither Sex. By the Banker's Alliance of Califor nia. Combined life and accident insur ance in tho same policy or separate. Insures either sex. S. J. DENNIS, Room 4, 115 North Eleventh street IS THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE SOOTH? GorMe ncl See Us II. C Townsexd, F. M. Cornell. G. P. T. Agt. C. P. & T. Agt. St Louis, Mo. 1201 O St EH n IS IT INSURED? iUfel IMs H KJft m. fXi SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE Cor. Fourteenth and M Streets. HOT SALT BATHS COLD SALT BATHS CABINET BATHS TURKISH BATHS RUSSIAN BATHS NOTICE OF PETITION FOR LETTERS (First Publication June 8.) In the county court of Lancaster county, Nebraska. In re Estate of George Blodgett, de ceased. The state of Nebraska to Rosa M. Blodgett, Ray N. Blodgett, Lura J. Blodgett, Nellie R. Blodgett and to any other persons interested in said matter. Take notice that a petition signed by Susan E. Blodgett praying said court to grant Letters of Administration of said Estate to Susan E. Blodgett has been tiled in said Court; that the same is set for hearing on the 23th day of June 1895, at 9 o'clock a. m. and that if you do njt then appearand contest, said Court may grant administration of said estate to Susan E. Blodgett. Notice of this proceeding shall be published three weeks succassively in The Courier prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the Court this 7th day of June A. D. 1895. I. W. Lansing, County Judge. Genuine Coal Creek Canyon and Rock Springs coal at the Whitebreast. For St. Louis take the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O street. - Tl?e (rjat plunge The Salt Sea Waves at your very door DRS. . H. 8 J. 0. EVERETT, Physicians. Why should vou eat at the CAPITAL CAFE? Because it is the only first class restau rant and because it is the cleanest and coolest place in the city. 121 N Eleventh St. CI I. Proprietor DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOURS IS GONE Butinvest $S. in the AMERICAN WHEEbMAN'S Protective Association of Chicago, Ills. Drop me a postal for particulars. F. ' . DEAN, Agent. Perfumery and Toilet Articles at Risrgs' Pharmacy, A .II. Con Ticelfth and O Sts. GUIDE TO HEAbTH FREE. Ask for particulars. 1 SHORT LI -TO- Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Sioux City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Black Hills Towns. O O For tickets apply " A. S. FIELDING, City Ticket Agt., 117 South 10th Street Depot Cor. S and 8th Sts. S. A. MOSHER. General Agt Ex ursi.i a, H t Sp-mgt, S. 0. On July 3d and 19th. August 2nd and 23d the Great Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs at one fare for the round trip good 30 days. For full information arnlo at R. & M. depot or city ticket office corner 10th and O. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. T. A. pF . -. - A ,J . - - H L ..