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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1895)
THE COURIER. i'H- OMAHA SOCIETY. MissGreno is Mrs. Charles Keller's guest. Miss Edna Cowin is home from school for the summer. Miss Pratt left last Saturday for a ten days trip to Wyoming. Dr. and Mrs. Ludington have taken the William Wallace house, 24th and Harvey, for tho summer. Miss Rodman, after a four weeks visit to friendB in Omaha, will return to Fort Leavenworth Wednesday. Lieut. G. T. Lanuhorn, .Td U. S. Cav airy Aide to Gen Frank Wheaton, was registered at tho Omaha Club early this week. Miss Anna Millard arrived in Omaha Tuesday and is the guest of her sister. C0UR1ER1SMS The Journal omitted to mention that the prohibitionist county convention, held in this city Tuesday afternoon, ad opted a resolution endorsing the sermon for instance, to serve for, say ten years. Everything possible shoul1' bo done to separate tho judgeships from partisan iwlitics. Tho new management of the pen is uiuuii iniiuibcu. waruen ieidiirn mav WANTED THE PRICE "Mister," said Keginald do Ihimnio to tho man who looked as if ho must bo a collego professor, "have you tho prico preached by Rev. E. H. Chapin Sunday l,e ' right, but that fact has yet to bo "r have to spare?' r ut-monsiraieo. internal allairs at tho '"J wiiai uo y night, in which it was said among othe things that tho "blale Journal is un moral becauso it is not guided by any proper sense of truth or justice or ani mated by any principle of right." Councilmanic honor has trailed in the dust this week. Rev. Chapiu's ser mon is very pat just now. There are. 'lot) men now on th pay roll at the llavelock shops and this number may bo doubled if, by August 1, the corn crop is assured. It is said that plans are now making to erect in the near future, a big live story department store, at tho south pen aro about as uncertain and exciting as the atrairs or tho average South American republic. There have been numerous riots; whether there will bo a revolution remains to be vjoen. Mr. Leictigh should braco up immediately. Dr. Abbott, who got into the hospital for the insane, in this city, after a great deal or difficulty, met trouble in tho hall way of tho institution in tho person or E. C. liewick. Mr. Rewick, it is understood, takes tho position that tho steward is head man, and insists on run ning the whole outtit, including tho superintendent. ou want with a shave?" "I didn't say I wanted a shave. I said I wanted the price or a shave. The price or a shave being 10 cents, and tho price or a driiiK being 10 cents, the two phrase aro practically synonymous, ami I merely took the liberty of substituting ono Tor the other tor the sake of euphony. Seo?" HE WANTS TOO MUGH. Wo were all complaining or hard times WWm WW 5gqW WWW WW W W riin rirj-h and low wanes, and everything else on earth. WW pretty much FOR I NEXT TEN DM WE OFFER One Lot White Parsols at $1.40 Choice Line Umbrellas at 99c 3 1 .23 and 81.15. 100 dozen Fast Black Regular Made Hose at lGsac. 40 patterns Wasli Laces from 3c to 20c per yard. Best Summer Corset in the city tor 43c. New Choice Wash Goods at 12' and 15c. t?$i XT frw xx ?W W Free! Free! A glass of cream soda with Free! Ym m "U EVERY 50 CENT PURCHASE $ I. Nissley Ss Co.II riy W A glass or Ice Cream Soda with every ONE DObLAR PURCHASE. w vi& m -eflZ feflS Y. 1146 8 STREET. Mrs. Harold GitTord. Her rather un expected arrival gavo great pleasure to her many frtends here. Next week Mrs. G i fiord. Miss Millard and several others leave for a two weeks visit to Estes Park, Colo. Mrs. II. B. SarBon gave a very delight ful luncheon at Fort Omaha on Thurs day for Mrs. Wheaton and on Friday tho officers of the 2d Infantry tended to Gen. and Mrs. Wheaton a large recep tion at the hop rooms. Many are the friends who delight to welcome this very popular couple back to Omaha. The two engagements announced last week, that of Miss Fritza Barnard to Mr. Howell or New York, and Miss Nelsie Hughes to Lieut. James M. Arrasmith, 2nd. U. S. Infantry, now stationed at Fort Omaha, were the not in tho nature or surprises to many friends of the prospective brides in mi '1 VT 1 w east corner or Twelfth and N streets, opposite HerjoIsheimer"8. Should pres ent plans mature Ed Cerf will probably be manager of the store. elarry Dobbins in tho Xew.t sajs: The vigorous retort made by the Jour nal to the excoriation by Rev. Chapin is the wonder of the city, being marked with a virility and directness of utter ance totally unlookedfor. Among other things it says that the changes of gov ernment in Kngland will doubtless soothe the pain of English society over the didoes of an eccentric Asiatic visitor, jKiints out that Kansas City, Kansas, is enforcing the Sunday liquor selling law, and vehemently declares that obituaries of Gail Hamilton will have to be pigeon holed." "There are many defects in the pres ent judicial system." remarked a promi nent attorney to a Coukiei: representa- Tiie CouitiKi: is unable to tind any tody who has seen the new afternoon paper; but it is generally understood that if such a paper really exists it is the personal organ or Governor Hol comb and Warden Leidigh. Mr. Hardy and his associates in the management or the Crete Chautauqua assembly which will begin July 'M and continue to tho 13th, have endeavored to prepare a special! interesting and instructive program this year, and as they survey tho list or speakers and at tractions they feel that they have not labored in vain. The list includes: Miss Electa Gitlbrd, the brilliant soprano of Chicago; Prof. Bayard Holmes, of Chicago, socialist lecturer; Col. Edward Anderson, of Connecticut, lecturer; Rev. J. D. Stewart, of Aurora, conductor of the adult normal class; Mrs. Will Owen Jones, or Lincoln, "That reminds me," said tho returned tourist, "that 1 had occasion to hire a man down in North Carolina the other day and ho told me tho history or every man wo met. There was one a certain Bill Hen Somebody or other whom ho pointed out as the laziest man in tho country. " 'Lazy?" said he. Huh! Why. Bill Hen, he won't do a lick o" work fer less'n ."53 cents a day. He just wants the yearth." " SHERIFF SALE (First Publication June 2D) Notice is hc-eby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by tho clerk or the district court of tho third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for w sas? ;v For the next few days we continue to give 25 per cent off of our regu lar prices which are always the low est on all spring and summer clothing. M Vdls' xs i &tf$ Ll "J.-T-S'IL r-Sui Saa.., USrViW ' PIE. WflRFEL X BUD. a? PI w w SSSSS5 S SSSSSSS im Contintied until Ttly 1st t t0UR GREAT JUNE CLEARING SALE.II Manv people who have been saving 9a& ,,, r- 4-u ,ifu f, umII ;mn-f &: inuiicy ikji inc Tin ui uuiy win iiivcoi it in a suit of clothes when they see u$? m m ourp rices in thistle. Getyoursummer suit at E WING CLOTHING COMPANY w Omaha, as many rumors to this effect had leaked out before, but the congratulations were many and sincere. I hear both weddings are set for the coming winter. B. & M. EXCURSIONS. Look at the excursions via the Bur lington. The following are dates of sale. United Societies of Christian Endea vor, Boston, Mass., July 5th to 8th one fare round trip. Baptist's Young Peoples Union at Baltimore, Md., July loth and 16th, one fare for round trip. Triennial Conclave Knights Templar Boston, Aug. 10th to 21th, one fare round trip. For full information apply at B. & M. depot or city ticket office cor. 10 & O St. tivo yesterday: '-Our judges are elected when they should be appointed. They are underpaid, when they should be well paid. They serve short terms when they should remain on the bench ten years at least. Just think of it! Here are men who aspire to sit on the bench of our district court and pass judgment SSsSSISsSfsSSiSsSs SSSSSlSsSSSSSSSISS pianist; Frank II. Robcrson, of New York, lecturer on the Holy Land and the Japanese; Mme Christine Nielsson Dreier, of Chicago; contralto singer; Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond, of Lincoln, leader of chorus; Prof. Graham Taylor, of Chicago, lecturer on social themes; Rev. Wiilard Scott, of Chicairo. suner- Lancaster county in an action wherein Charies W. Oakes is plaintiff, and Joseph W. Winger et al are defendants. I will at two o'clock P. M .on the .'Wth day of July, A. D. 1805, at the East door of the court house in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the on the weightiest questions affecting life intendent and lecturer; Mrs. Benjamin, following described real estate to wit: anu properiy, lorceti oy political exig encies, to consort with the tin horn gamblers and tho degraded humanity nt the bottoms. It is not right or proper. It is not right that the men we elect to the bench should be compelled to run the gamut or ward politics. Much bet ter results could be obtained if judges were appointed by boiiio high public officer or commission, tho governor, or Michigan, director or parliamentary duties; Miss Gertrude I. Robinson, or Chicago, harp soloist; Mrs. L. S. Corey, or Lincoln, director of C. L. S. C. work, Mrs. C. M. Woodward, or Seward, director or W. C. T. U. work; Mrs. W. C. Rogers, of Springfield, conductor of Demorest contest; Miss Myrtle Childs Chandler, of Chicago, soprano. Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Lots number two (2) and seventeen (17) in Orr Sangs Sub-division or a part or tho Southeast quarter (J4) or section twenty-live (25), township ten (10). range six GJ. East or the Gth principal meridian in Lincoln, Lancaster county Nebraska. Given under my hand this 20th day of June A. D. 1805. Fred A. Miller July 27. Sheriff. 7 BVKtiH3T0l BtACH l SUJMDAX, JUW13 30tn, OPENING SOJVSON:. 1895. r.PAMH QDCriAlTV rrkAADAMVr ih Giving four shows. Concert afternoon and evening. i TVirTCHMTAM TTr trrw- -4 r n-mTm-. AUJlLlSSlUlAi U ALL 1U UElYl'S. fcfi jis iigi For the next few days we continue to give 25 per cent off of our regular prices which are always the lowest on all spring and summer clothing. PHINE. WflRFEL I BUD. s r.i p 1 ffl