THE COURIER. :w ' ocooocoooooooooooooocoooo HAIRDRESSING, MANICURING ami MASSAGF PARLORS. Mrs. J. C. Bell, !i4N 14th St. A full lino or Switches. Banes, Wave. Theatrical, Masquerade nml street Wigs, Beards, Moustaches, etc. All the best hair brushes and tonics made. ------ ooocooooccocooooooooccooo IN SOCIETY. Roscoe Pound was in Chicago this week. H. II. Fish returned Tuesday rrom Chicago. Miss Florence Fanvell has gone east for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Hathaway have returned from Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Whitmore left Monday for Dayton, Ohio. W. H. Tyler and daughter are visiting Will Tyler, jr . in Kansas City. Mrs. F. Till Woods ami daughter are visiting friends in Eltnira, X. Y. Miss Fay Thompson is visiting her friend. Miss Nisbet of this city. F. W. Smith, ex mayor of Alliance, was in town a few days this week. Prof. II. K. Wolfe, of the state uni versity, has gone to New York city. Prof. T. L. Lyon, of the state univer sity, has gone to New York. He will spend his vacatioi. at a point near Lake Cayuga. Mrs. Joseph Zajieck, of West Point, is the guest of Mrs. E. T. Roberts. She came on to attend tho Smyser-IIawIey wedding. Mrs. L. M. G. Harnett, Mrs. Fred Barnett Miss Eunice Barnett and Mas ter E. F. Barnett, of Des Moines, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Fisk, have returned home. C. Y. Smith expects to leave Lincoln todav. It is his intention to add some tone to Boston and contiguous country before ho revels in the beauties of Peno boscot Hay on the coast of Maine. Frank Lorenz will soon Join tho "Eight Bolls"' company in New York as musical director. Beforo leaving Lin coln he will be given a benetit concert and ball by tho members of the Lansing orchestra and state band. Mr. C. M. Keeler returned this week from Lincoln, Neb., where ho sang the bass solos in the oratorio of the "Cre ation,' under the auspices of tho State University Conservator of Music. Des Moines Mail and Times. Prof. William Leonard Gray and Mrs. Mary Latimer Gray, of the Nebraska conservatory of music, left for Boston in the early part of the weok, whero they will spend the summer vacation. In the fall they will Join the faculty of ways-- - ni MISS ARNOLD. Director of Mnsic in the Omaha Public Schools. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. French and son left Wednesday for Rhinelander, Wis. Mrs. M. W. Ensign and children will spend the summer in Anaconda, Mont. Mrs. Dan Wheeler. Jr., of Omaha, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. S. E. Marshall. Rev. F. S. Stein left Monday for St. Paul. He will spend the summer on the lakes. Miss Kato Hartington of Hastings, was he guest of Miss Birdie House worth of this city. Miss Louise Pound returned Sat urady from Coiumbus, where she has been visiting Miss Gerard. Miss Jeanette Palmer of Blue Hill spent the early part of the week with her sister, Mrs. James Tyler. Miss Maude Hammond has returned from the Yale annex, where she has been taking a special course. the Denver conservatory of music. The younger element of society will celebrate the Fourth of July by picnic ing, one large party going to South Bend and another to the Baldwin farm. At the latter place Mattson Baldwin has made extensive preparations to receive his guests. A club house is now in course of construction." Beginning Wednesday, July 17, tho Rose Cottage Circlo will hold weekly meetings until September. Some of the subjects to be brought up at these meetings are: "Sacrifice in all Religions, "Sympathy of Religions." "Sacred Bibles," "Humanity to Animals in all Religions.' "Idea of God in all Religions," "Ethics in all Religions," "Praver and Worship in all Religions," "The" Future State." The Courier is publishing a series of portraits of women prominent in social and educational circles in Lincoln and NebrasKa. Last week the portrait f RVlflKS, MfrxSES B-EGANT LINE OF POCKET BOOKS-CARD CASES .. .,mm, tn.1r;.t. n fhi, . Repairing a Specialty. Old Trunks in Exohange for New Ones. innnnY. 1211 ostreet. una imp 66 9 LI s. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Absolutely guaranteed by 1. S. Jolmson s Co,' M. MILLS 229 S. Ninth Street. Manager. LINCOLN. NOT "CHEAP" MEALS CHEAP BUT GOOD MEALS CHEAP. Is the Motto of the DIAMOND RSAURiVN'.T, 138 South Eleventh Street. AIL KINDS OF FISH OYSTERS AND GAME A SPECIALTY. The Diauond is standard, anything and everything Borved being only of tho best quality. .... GEO. Id. REEDER, Proprietor. was that of Miss Phoebe Elliott, or Rose Cottage, this city. Miss Elliott is spec ially prominent in the women's clubs, and is one of tho foremost women or Lincoln. This week tho portrait of Miss Arnold is given. Miss Arnold is musical director in tho Omaha public schools, and was recently roelected after bitter opposition, tho basis of opposition being that she is a Cathoiic. Xho members of tho Lancaster county teacher's association were enter tained Tuesday eveningat the Chamber lin Commercial Colleiro rooms in tho Lansing theatre building. The pro gram was as follows: Piano solo Miss Newbranch Address of Welcome. .Prof. Chamberlin Piano solo Miss Clark Vocai solo Miss Ljons Recitation Miss Watson Violin solo Miss Fletcher Vocal duet Misses Brom well, Franks Recitataion Keeno Abbott Piano duet. .Misses Triplott. Anderson The Excelsior considers it a honor to be permitted to announce tho engage nient of Miss Fredricka Barnard of this citv and Mr. William A. Howland of New York City. The engagement was made public this week at "The Pines," Sheffield, Mass . where both Miss Barnard and Mr. Howland aro members of a house party in the midst of tho Berkshire hills. Mr. Howland is a well known singer who has been heard here with the Bostonians, and altogether a capital fellow. He retired from the stage about two years ago, and is now singing in Oratorio, having taken part this ear at the Worcester festival. Omaha Excelsior. There was a reception and lawn fete at the Commercial Club Wednesday evening. A large number of guests were present. The entertainm -nt was under tho direction of the following: Reception committee: Messrs. and Mes damesEd. R. Sizer, J. J. Butler, C. J. Daubach, A. D. Wilkinson, John P. Maule, R. E. Moore, John B. Wright, C. II. Gere. G. M. Lambertson. A. Her man, II. B. Grainger. Geo. J. Woods. Simon D. Mayer, D. N. Goldberg, J. W. McDonald, Richard O'Neill, C. I. Jones, A- W. Scott. H. T. Cobbins, W. L. Day ton, O. W.Webster, W. C. Mills. II. It. Nisslev. T. J. O'Connell. J. H. Wescott, J. D." Woods. A. S. Raymond, F. E. Lahr, L. L. II. Austin. R K. Giffen. Committee of arrangements: Messrs and Mesdames N. S. Harwood. I . M. Ray mond, J. C. Harpham, M. J. Waujjh, A. E. Hargreaves, Barr Parker, W. J. Cooper, W. D. Fitzgerald. Entertain ment committee: Messrs. an' Mesdames C. II. Rudge. Sam E.Low. F. C. Patton, C. R. Tefft, J. G. Sherman. C. II. Hardy, B.F.McNeal, J. II. Mallalieu, W. E. Clark, Chas. F. Broad, W. E. Clark, Chas. A. Broad. A. II. Buckstaff. F. E. Gage. Fritz Westermann, II. S. Hotch kiss, Mark M. Woods. BURMNGTON PLAYING CARDS Those elegant cards of the very best quality, only 15 cents per deck. For sale at B. tfc M. depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O streets. For California take theMissouri Pacific route, via southern route. Canon City coal at the Wbitebreaat Coal and Lime Co. $5 TO CALIEOKNIA It our Sleeping Car Rato on thoPMlllpt-Rock Islam! Tourist Excursions from Council Bluffs Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angeles or Han Fraa-ci-coTia tho Scenic Routo and Ogden. Car lenres Dot Moines erery Friday, and sleep! car rato from there is $3.S0, You h.iTo through sleeper, and the Ph lllipir mangement has a special agent accompany tn excursion each week, and you will taTe money and have excellent accomodation, as the caw haTO upholstered spring seats, ars Pnllmn build, and appointments perfect. Address for full particular!, JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A. Chicago. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gon. W. Pas. A. O. A. RUTHERFORD. 0. P.4T.A. 1015 O St. Cor. 11th, Lincoln, Nab SHERIFF SALE. First publication June 1. Notice iB hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of district court of tho third judicial district of Nebraska within and for Lancaster county Nebraska in an action wherein Mary M. Reading is plaititilf, and James L. Silvernail et al aro defendants. I will at 2 o'clock P. M. on tho 2nd day of July A. D. 1895 at the east door of the court house, in tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to-wit. Lot number nine (9), in block number three (.') Summerdale Addition to the City of Lincoln, in Lancaster county Nebraska accordieg to the recorded plot thereof. Given under my hand this 31st day of May A. D. 1895. Fred A. Miller. June 29. Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE (First Publigatiort June 1) Notice is he-eby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county in an action wherein Alexander Lederer and Moses Strauss partners doing busBiness under the firm name and style of Lederer and Strauss, are plaintiffs, and Charles M. Hovey et al are defendants. I will at two o'clock P. M .on the 2nd day of July, A. D. 1895, at the East door of the court house in tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to wit: Lot number two (2) in block number four (1) in Cottago Grove addition to the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county Nebraska. Given under my hand this 31st day of May A. D.1S95. Fred A. Miller June 29. Sheriff. i II 4