-"-" "THE COURIER. mmmmmmmmmk. rihl a 5 ; ooooooo ocococcoccooccccoo HAIRDRESSING, MANICURING ami MASSAGF PARLORS. Mrs. J.C.Bell, 1 14 N 14th St. A full lino of Switches, Kane, Vnps, Theatrical, Masquerade anil street Wiir. lieards. Moustaches, etc. All the best hair brushes ami tonics made. ------ ooococoocoocooocoooo cccoo IN SOCIETY. Otis Weeks left Tuwdiy for Boston. L. C. Dav spent Sundav in Nebraska City. Mrs. F. A. Graham Las gone to Her kimer, N. Y. Mrs. E. A. Jones has returned from Nebraska City. Ross Curtice v.ent to South Bend this week awhee!. Miss Florenco Farwell left this week for Madilla, N. Y. Fred Reimere has been contined to the house by illness. Mrs. J. T. Mastin and child left Sun day for Lanark, III. Miss Willa Cather has gone to her homo in Red Cloud. Miss Jessie R. Hunter left yesterday for Corsicana, Texas. Miss Helen Sundean left Tuesday for New York. She wjll sail for Liverpool on the Campania on tho 20th. Misses Grace and Florenco O'Malley returned this week from Falls City, where they mado a few weeks visit. Mrs F. M. Phelps of Alliance, and her niece. Miss Kuby Furnas, of Brown villo are guests of Mrs. H. W. Axtell. Chancellor Cantield too" leave of Lincoln Tuesday. He departed sudden ly, and there was no formal leave taking. Tho Junior Endeavorers of tho First Congregational church entertained their friends Tuesday evening on the church lawn. Miss Bianca Weber, of Edgewater. III., is visiting her grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. I. K. Cooke, on East Holdrego street. Major Fechet and Adjntant General Barry wero in Beatrice this week an' made the annual inspection of Company C, N. N. G. Sam D. Cox writes his friends in this city that his experiment in agriculture in Scott s Blutf county bids fair to be a gratifying success. Tho Ravola club gavo tho largest party of the season at Burlington Beach Friday evening. Over seventy-fivo coupes were present. Miss Katherino Gray of Kansas City who has been for some months the has 66 9 FLOUR FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Absolutely guaranteed by Ii S. Jofrrtsson. Xs Co. S. M. MILLS 229 S. Ninth Street. Manager. LINCOLN. NOT "CHEAP" MEALS CHEAP BUT GOOD MEALS CHEAP. Is the Motto of the 138 South Eleventh Street. ALL KINDS OF FISH OYSTERS AND GAIE A SPECIALTY. The Diamond is standard, anything and everything served being only of the best quality. .... GEO. b. REEDER, Proprietor. Mrs. Clinton R. Leo left Tuesday for guest of Miss Merrill Stevenson, Davenport and Chicago. returned to her home. MISS PHEOBE EL-LIOTT. Miss Helen Nance has returned from St. Mary's school, Knoxville, 1'enn. Mrs. W. II. Meyers, of Sioux City, is the guett of her brother, F. M. Blish. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. GitTen and Mrs. Ed Pyle were in Des Moines this week. Miss Jessie Lansing has returned from a ten dajs' visit with friends in Omaha. Miss Vessio Hubbard and Earl Hub bard are visiting their grandparents in Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rodgers are at Middle Bass Island, Lake Erie, Ohio, for the summer. Rev. Charles A. Mastin of Kearney, was in town Monday, the guest of his brother J. T. Mastin. Dr. White, of tho state university, left for the east Tuesday. He will re main awav all summer. F. W. Collins and Elmer Stephenson were in Cleveland this week in attend ance ujon the national convention of the league of republican clubs. Frank M. Cook and party have re turned from Yellowstone Park. Mr. Cook had his book of Hies with him and hooked a trout weighing 1,907 lbs. It was too big for him to bring home. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dorgan went to Duluth after leaving Chicago. They will visit Niagara Falls. New l'ork and Boston before their return which will probably not be until after July I. The Morrill geological expedition of the state university left for the "bad lands" of the Dakotas Monday evening. The party consists of Prof. H. E. Bar bour, Prof. T. II. Marsland. Harry Everett, Jesse P. Rowe, Fred Hall, Gil bert Hall, U. G. Cornell and George R. Welland. The expedition will not return till September. ELEGANT LINE OF POCKET BOOKS-CARD CASES and LEATHER NOVELTIES. , . . for summer tourists and others. Repairing a Specialty. Old Trunks in Exohange for New Ones. 1ING0N TRUNK FACTORY. 121! OH CJ. Preparations are being made for a picnic at South Bend on tho Fourth of July by tho joung people- of society. Frank S. Burr m looking after the ar ranuements. It is the intention to spend tho day at South Bend, a place admirably suited for a picnic, the pro gram for the day including an incidental visit to the state tish hatchery which is located there. Mr. and Mrs. Perrin entertained a numbor of little folks Monday afternoon at the college farm in recognition of the ninth birthday anniversity of their son. Dale. Tho children greatly enjoyed themselves in various juvenile games and wero afterwards served with an ex cellent lunch to which they all did ample justice. Those present were Stella Harrison. Maude and Willie Roath, Bianca Weber, John Harrison, Aaron Sullivan, Philip Baker, Frank and Maggie Lenburger and Charlie, Dale, Edna and Hazel Perrin. Tho semi-annual meeting of the Epworth Ieaguo was held Tuesday evening. The following ollicers wero elected: Phil A. Summerlad, president; J. T. Mastin, first vice-president and chairman of tho committee on spiritual work; Myrtle Mann, second vice-pres-ident-and chairman of the committee on mercy and help; A. J. Anderson, third vice president and chairman of the literary committee; Bert C. Clough, fourth vice president and chairman of the school committee; Benjamin Pierce, secretary; John Miller, treasurer; T. D. Mapes, chairman of tho committee on college work. The students' twenty fourth (juarterly concert was given at the NebrasKa conservatory of music Monday night. "On. the Brook's Green Bank" was sung by a quartet consisting of Misses Elliot, Saunders, Brady and Crawford. There wero piano solos by Misses Ruth Robertson, Agnes Brady. Maud Flem ing, and Elvira Everhart. Miss Irene Baker gave a selection from Batiste on the pipo oigan. Then followed a sere nade song by Mrs. Cotter, and two vocal selections byMissSallio Berkson. Miss Hattie Bomgardner gave a violin colo. "Maybells and Flowers' was sung by the following young ladies: Misses Emma Crawford, Jennie Elliot. Hattie Saunders. Francis Johnson. Leila Bet zer, Ella Crawford, Agness Brady, and Melinda Schnase. The foliowing program was rendered at St. Paul's church, Sunday evening when Dr. C. C. Lasby delivered the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates and students of tho Nebraska Conser vatory of Music: Organ, "Grand Offertoire deSt. Cecilia" Batiste Miss Irene Baker. Chorus, "Tho Lord He is Our Strength" Mendlessohn chorus. Solo "O'Salutaris" Mrs. LatimerGray. Organ offertory in A Miss Hollowbush Cello solo "Nocturne" Rov Howell. Solo "Oh God have Mercy" Clemens Movius. Chorus "Praise Ve Now the Lord" Organ '"Fanfare" Mis3 tlollowbush. Mrs. Clinton R. Lee gave a delight ful tea Friday evening in honor of the birthday of her sister. Miss Emerald Jones, at her residence at Twentieth and E streets. There were souvenirs, artis- $5 TO CALIFOKNIA Is our Sleeping Car Kato on thoI'hlllipa-Roek l'lunil Tourist Excursions from Council Bluffs Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angelas or San Fran-ci-co Tin tho Scenic Itout and Option. Cat leares Do Moines erery Friday, and sleeping car rato from there- is $5 M You hnro through sleeiwr. and ths Phillip' mangement has n special agent accompany th excursion each week, ami you will taTO money and ham excellent accomodation, a thecal hare upholstered sprint; seats, are Pullmu build, and npixiintments perfect. Address for full particulars, JNO. SEBASTIAN, C. P. A. Chicago. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Pass. A. C. A. RUTHERFORD. C. P. A T. A. 1043 O St. Cor. 11th, Lincoln, Neb NOTICE OF PETITION FOR LETTERS. (First Publication June 8.) In the county court of Lancaster county, Nebraska In re Estate of George Blodgett, de ceased . The state of Nebraska to Rosa M. Blodgett, Ray N Blodgett. Lura J. Blodgett, Nellie R Blodgett and to any other persons interested in said matter. Take notice that a petition signed by Susan E Blodgett praying said court to grant Letters of Administration of said Estate to Susan E Blodgett has been tiled in said Court; that the same is set for hearing on the 23th day of Juno 1S95, at 9 o'clock a in and that if you do n -t then appearand contest, said Court may grant administration of said estate to Susan E Blodgett Notice of this proceeding shall be published three weeks succassively in The Coukikii prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of tho Court this th day or June A. D. ISO.!. I. W. Lansing, Countv Judge. ED. M. ALLEN. Attoisnkv-At-Law. SHERIFF SALE. First Publication June S. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Mary E Swayne is plaintitf, and John Werts et al, are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 9th day of July A. D. 1S9.", at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln Lancaster county, Nebraska, oirer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to wit: Lot number eight iS) in block four (1) in McMurtry's addition to Lincoln, caster county. Nebraska. Given under mv hand this Cth dav of June A. D. 1S9T. Fred A. Miller Julj 6 Sheriff 1 ?