the commit ? I? nvntn of TTawtVinrnn and Arected the BS' colWe building at the approximate cost ss , - - of 180,000. In all about 91W.0UU was pent. Then a contract was entered into with Croan by which he was to be given the buildings outright at the end bihb at tbk uxcolx FMTomci as 0f five years, provided he maintained tacoxiwxAM mattze. the j,, during tnj8 time. The principal movers in the Hawthorne . pdbushed ever satcbdat bt company were J. H. McMurtry, A. D. TMf Hmmim Mini IUHlMl aniiniMW Ricketts, J. W. Dewese and C. D. llwwwWIJllTOollIll These gentlemen were called OFFICE 217 Korth Eleventh St. uPn to mak hea,T investments, much larger than they originally intended to Telephone 88-S. make becauBef in the fir8t piaCe, the company was unable to secure a loan on w. MORTON SMITH, Editor. the building, and Mr. Croan's manage- FRED T. DEAN, Bet ncxM Maxagbb. ment of the school was such that the boom at Hawthorne quickly subsided subscription Rate In Adraaes. and then there was no sale for lots. Mr. bmIIV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'."!!.!!!"!"! Croan was to put in the furnishings, Three month. n and he did purchase something like single copiei.V.V.V.V.VFiVto.""" $10,000 worth of goods on credit, a large . portion of which remains unpaid for to For tale at all news stands in this city a4 this date. Omaha and on all train. A limited number of advertisements will aw aserted. Bates made known on application. :. HOW THE Mr. Croan is nothing if SCHOOL not a boomer. Coming to WAS RUN Lincoln, he proceeded at once to advertise himself and hie college in the most extravagant manner. In bis advertising there is no principle of truth or propriety which Croan respects. Likcolx, Neb June 1, 1895. CROAN AND The history of W. THE M. Croats man- WESTERN NORMAL agement of the Western Normal college at Hawthorne, In the work of his advertising bureau this city, is an instructive lesson in the were blatant falsehoods and ridiculous ways and means of fakirs. The exper- promises. He claimed many things he ieace has been a costly one to Lincoln, did not have, and pledged to do many It hac damaged the reputation of the things he never attempted to perform. city as a center of genuine education, AH of his newspaper notices were exag and it has caused the serious financial gerations. The first year he claimed esabarassment of a number of worthy 1700 students. At one time there were citiseas. The Croan fiasco should be a nearly 400 students in attendance, and warning for all future time. It should that was as high as it ever got. He stake the people of this town wary of started in with a few fairly good teach adventurers and slow to fall in with the era, most of whom are today looking to schemes of irresponsible promoters. As Croan for their pay. He was a smooth few people are conversant with the facts hand at dodging a pay roll. Instructors a consideration of some of the details were induced to work for a promised per Baay be interesting at this time as show- centage of the business done in their do ing the mountebank tactics 'of the man partments, or were given uncollectable Croan, and the general costliness of the accounts against students in lieu of corn Western Normal college enterprise to pensation. The second year most of the the people of Lincoln . .. A WORD Mr. Croan came to ABOUT CROAN Lincoln with a bad record. The college building at Shenan doah had burned down under circum stances that give rise to certain ugly suspicions; and his relations with the instructors were dropped, the teaching being done to a considerable extent, by students. Now there are only two or three regular teachers employed; students being employed to teach other students. The course of study is now and has been from the first a farce. The scientific and literary courses which are students at Shenandoah, financial and extensively advertised are a mockery of otherwise, were not such as to commend him to public favor. But the man has esTrontery enough to combat any obstacle. He was not embarassed by tae OBKavor wun wnicn ne was gene' their names. Students have become dissatisfied with the instruction and re turned to their homes or entered some other school. The Western Normal college was not, properly speaking, a rally regarded. The fact that his school legitimate scnooi.ana it nas orougnt BMthods had always failed to command discredit upon the independent normal respect, and that his business opera- school system. It has disgusted people tioBs had made his integrity question- with Croan, with his school, with Lin abte, did sot deter him from embarking with Nebraska. And, according is the enterprise in this city; and in to the Pple who have worked for him, spite of the record which preceded or he has juggled accounts and taken every accompanied him he was successful in sdvantage of both teachers and studenta lie has not omitted to play the role of Squeers. At the beginning of the term the boarding house attachment of the concern was, for a very limited space, run on liberal lines. Students were in duced, whenever possible, to pay for tuition and board in advance. Then the quality of the provender began to o f purpote, and its effect has been pre judicial to the town. It was a discredit in more ways than one. The Western Normal scheme is a practical exemplifi cation of the fact that a "college" can be run, for a time, on wind. It also shows that collapse is sure to follow such inflation. SO Gents a Doacen.. Finest Grade. IN LOVE. his assault upon the credulity of our people. Croan as an educator is the veriest tyro. His methods are the meth ods of charlatanry. He is not a proper school man, and the public interests demand that he be restrained from this sort of work. There's no denying that he has a certain kind of talent. As the advance man of a flamboyant circus he rapidly deteriorate. Students were com would be a conspicuous success; and we are ready to admit that he would make aaoBey exploiting a patent medicine. He understands the art of advertising. He is the P. T. Barnum of the school business. It may be added that he faUs to impress people with his sincerity er truth. HOW THE Mr. Croan, by clever SCHOOL maBipulatioB, succeed- WAS STARTED ed in effecting the etgaaixatioB of the Hawthorne im- a-reves-aest associauee. tbm company pelled to come into town at stated inter vals, to get a good, square, sustaining meal. At the present time a large num ber of students, allured by extra induce ments, have paid in advance for several week's board and tuition. What they will get for this remains to be seen. From the first the "school has steadily and rapidly deteriorated. PUFFED UP This is only a glimpse at THEN the Western Normal col- COLLAPSED lege scheme. There is a wealth of detail to be had for the mere Good night, A sigh from lips that touch my own, Good night, And I am alone. I wander out in the night I see the stars above me light The wide expanse of sky; I ponder and I sigh, Good night. Go where I will They haunt me still Her passionate eyes. I see her white, white tace, Her red-gold hair that flies As flames of fire, the lace As snow upon her breast The half withered rose by her breath caressed. I pass on in the night I ponder and I Bigh, Good night. I turn and see her light Shine from her window, bright, The light goes out 'tis dark A moment I listen hark, The clock in the tower chimes Through the heavy air twelve times. I stretched myself upon the grass, The winds cool my brow as they slowly pass, The hours fly, the clock tolls one and two, And three, and my face is wet with falling dew. Again four, then five, and day's begun. I sigh and say Good morrow to the sun. I bend a wreath of flowers and grass And hang it at her gate. As I 6HAPIN BRO'S Greenhouse 16th &D Street. TELEPHONE 364. Cemetery and Decoration Day Work a Specialty. A good dinner will be the reward for any person proving that they get a better meal for the money than I give. The Diamond is. Standard. Anything you get is sure to be first-class. b 11 kinds of Fish, Oysters nd Game a specialty .... JCUrAvAJlC DIAMOND RESTAURANT. 138 South Eleventh Street. Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR PAXTON, HULETT DAVENPORT, Proprietors. flnrial attention In state trade, nest a4 sesamercial trarelera. Farnam street electric its pass the door to ana irom an panaoxiu ity. BUS fir. The morning breeze curtain and I see Her white shoulders clad only in her floating hair, She kneels before the Virgin deep in prayer, I wildly hope she prays for me. Wilijam Reed Duimox. Ice cream and ices for parties at Sis- blows wide her ler's, 133 South Twelfth street. Tele phone 630. When the ice man comes be sure the name LINCOLN ICE is on the wagon, they have no pond ice. 1945 O Street. For St. Louis take the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O street. bADIES PREFER NOVELTIES-- I lit "Reliable" Gas Stoves "Reliable" Gasoline Stoves "Siberia" Refrigerators "Continental" Lawn Mowers 'White Mountain" Ice Cream Freezers BUT THEY ARE THE PERFECT ARTICLE AS WELL FRANK lAHR lias them and takes pleasure in exhibiting their peculiar adaptability U UGE Nni IK LINCOLN. NEB. I.M. RAYMOND. President. S. H. BURNHAM, Cashier. CAPITAL, $250,000 E. THOMPSON, Vice President. D. Q. WING, Assistant Cashier. SURPLUS, $15,000 secured doaatioBS of laad from property asking. It at all times lacked honesty Directors I. M. Raymond, 8. H. Bnrnham. D. E. Thompson, C. O. Dawes, A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gremrr, N. Z. Saell. G. M. Lambert son, D. G.WU, S. W.Barahaai.