tsb spjws. v k IP I WOODEN MEN'S TAfoK. Faak DaTeiHoigot to caver up -the Bad Dade ibeae cold oighta, and ibe Dude's nose was nipped 4)j the icoat Ae a soBBoqueBce be baa bees ia a aullen atoodforaeme days. Things are sot going to suit him, and he hasn't hes itated to giro over to his ,peaflimiflm. t-t "Don't yer t'ink it ud .be ther right t'ing to call time on die 'Trilby bus iMas?" he said yesterday. "It wuen't so bad wen all de Trilbies wuz in de beaks; but aow.dey.haz got loose, an dare is -a Trilby every .where. Some Trilbies is did up in inter neckties -and shoes, an some is on der stage. De woretof all ia right .here jnliincoln. Say, does yer know dat a drugstore on. die street advertises -Trilby punch'? Wonder it dey calls it dat because de u daakaait jwith Jus jMdala? Jjo deadtireduvDu More-e-er. He's jes about aacheanutty as der valentines wat Gibson puts in de magizinas, .doae tahVatuok up girls in 'cjrdwn skirts .an' balloon sieves. Wot we want is -some-thin' .new. Xlfe is too short ter monkey wad ok xumbara. Wet are waai is aomethin fresh from der ipraas, wid paper labels an' uncut edges -so -ter apaak. .An we don't want it John Keadriak Barjgaey, n' .dat .fellow Richard Harding Davis, he"a flayed out He never ought ter hev played in. .poqanDoyle, der'a a "fellow ,wid de peeper atroke. Sonny, if, yer going in ter litewitaor jes tie ter -Doyle. He's de.man fer jrer money. Nothin' triflin' -an' Damby-jpamby:bout him. He jes strikes Mti out .an has fun all .over de ,fiel. Wen yer readin one uv his books yer have ter read fast ter keep up with '-him,, he's so swift But, say, wot's de use talking literatoor in a town ,w'ere de people .don't read .nothin .but the base ball score? t-t !Anart, it's jes the same way. Some people see dose yaller signs de .State Journal is puttin up all over de -town and imagine dey is art Dey call 'em improasioDist.picturts. Dey impress me in aoch er way dat I her ter take Hood's every time I aee one ur .'em. Dere are people wot buy de .Sunday Chicago papers fer de art supplement alone. Dey gaxe on dose pictures wot look like do fleer ur a paint shop, an' talk out Millais aBd Chase and Corotan'all dose fellers. 'Dey jiatternize art by stickin dose.pictures up on de wall. Dat's de idea some people .her uv art. Dey. don't know de difference between a circus poster and a landscape by Corot; but dey iaiks art jes the same. "De udder day some feller ast me ef rt'oughf Lincoln would win de pennant. Say, some people ain't .got jk, seneo at all. jit's jes .as foolish .to talk .erbout de pennant in de middle uv May es it is ter' bet at de top uv de season dat de home.team will finish first at de bottom end.. Jes let ole Buck alone. I've always noticed dat w'en de 'fellers in -a town begiastertalk erbout de team ;pullin' de.Eag.it ginerally .follows ..dat aome other. team jfits it De ony way .a team tmrjgtt&efitvteueuzlhy wiBBin.gaaaes Aat'"I Bay jes let Buak alone. "He ain't tatin.BOireateitfe;;Borfhi6 :bmo in't either.Sfdey can.geta holt -oato de ragman any-put bit down in yer jbook oatdey'llauakc de grab. ?But don't , get excited rabout de pennant -now. Tleaty ar.tian'.tercdat Our -.boys iez showed dateyeaa do.somethin 'beside -wear grey.clo's and looktpurty; -jui'we ain't gat Btbm,.to kJckon-sa.far.Bee? t-t It aaakes aacsad ter a ther way taajB e '. cHera tQhanetllor OBwteldjtBiHiB' de town, and deareawn a' ter weTbtooaaeiB.ani.de ?aaen goin ter -prjae JgMa. JfiBies isn't as deyusterwu. ,WprejettH' too finn de aeckle wd PMr fcutiarfiy poppets 'an RabSoyaecktiea. Die towo is gittin eportyan so mistake. -Sou't Omaha isn't in it wid us. .Congressman Bryan is waarip' daaun8, an' Guy llurlburt, he has his pants creased tree times a day. D m wat comes uv lettin t'ings rup .wide open." THE COURIER KEASON.TPI.LY AND BEAUTY. Some Steal it. More 'Borrow Jt. Many -Buy It. Two Thousand Subscribe for It All. these make many Headers who.arealsp jjurchasers. L Reason and if olly.and beauty, they say, Went on a party of pleasure one day, Folly play'd Around the maid, Thfcibells j)f hie cap rung .merrily ,out; While 'Reason took 'To bis eerrnop-book Oh! which was the pleaaanter no .one aeed .doubt Which was the pleaaanter no one need douht. Beauty, who -likes 'to be thought very sage, Turn'd for a (WQWentto Reason's dull page, Till Folly said, "Look'here, sweet maid:" The sight of ihiscap brought - her back to herself.; While Reason read His leaves of Jead, WHh-oo one 4o mind hitn, poor sensible elf! No! nojone to puod him, poor sensible -eH! Then 'Reason -grew jealous of Folly's .gay cap; Had he .that pn, he ,her Jieart mjght eatrap -There it is," Quoth 'Folly, "Old .Quiz:" (Folly was always good-natured, 'tis said.) ''Under .the sun "There's no such tun. "A Reason with my cap and bells his head, "Reason ,with my cap and bells on head." But Reason the head-dress so akwardly wore, That'Beauty now liked 'him ie68 -than before; r" While Folly took - " Old-reason's book, Best Soda Water Fountain And'twtated the leaves in a cap of such ton, ' That Beauty vow d (Though not aloud) She liked him still better in that than hk own. Yes, liked him still better in that than his own. Moore. and it's safe to say that IF YOUR AD WAS HERE Where, you see it and read it yourself that a fair share of these purchasers would find .their xway .to your store and by purchasing Iay You a .Handsome 'Dividend on the investment. IKS m 71 llil If ffi i Wall, it will coptipueitojmprpve in quality, .tone and .enterprise until it shallthave. become ?BE ATTyHpRITY FOR AjLL. I pfKEH&MKSteC gwTMBtif ' f ' Bjn y1 .on his Funke Opera HousjEi, 12th and O Sts. Prescriptions a Specialty Toilet Articles. FINI DRUGS. in the City. $5T0.CALIE0BMA Is our Sleeping Car Kate on thol'Jiillips-Rock laland TonrUt Ezcnrsions from Council Bluffs Omajja or Lincoln to Los Angeles or San Fran-ci-co via the Scenic Route and Ogden. Car leaves Oes,Moines evorr Friday, and Bleeping car rate from thero is $5.50. You have through sleeper, and the -Phillips' tnangement has a special agent accompany the excursion each week, and you will save money and hare excellent accomodation, as the cars have upholstered spring seats, are Pullman build, and appointments perfect. Addresser full particulars, MO. SEBASTiM, G. P. A. Chicago. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W., Pass. A. C. A.RUTHERFORD. C. P. &T. A. 1045 O St. Cor. 11th, .Lincoln, Neb M 181,11 UN f THE SANITARIUM. The approach of .summer has recalled the fact -that the plunge of the Sulpho-.Salino Bath company, offers exceptional advantages for those who desire to take swimming lessons; and for general bathing pur poses the plunge is unsurpassed any where in-the west. -At 'the sanitarium you can take a plunge, or get any kind of a bath Skilled attendants are on duty night and day. -TO- Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Sioux -"City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Black Hills Towns. -o For tickets apply to. BEST 11 DENVER IN THE NEWSPAPER OFFICE OF THE FUTURE AWD (Assistant What will. you do with this article "An Appeal for Justice. tWhydb One Half 'the Human Race -'Debarred From the Right of Suffrage?" Mrs.;Ne wage, (editorial chief of .the Weeid for Women)-jCut it down sto ;A quarter of a column aad-put it on the -Man's Page:" CALIFORNIA A. S. FIELDING, City Ticket Agt., lHSouthjlOth Street Depot Cor. S and 8th Sts. VS. A.;M0SH;ER. General Agt. Under, new management MEBCHAOTS' WMr OMAHA, IfEBR. iBAXOJf, JHdJeTT.,IATK-rOBT, ,Prpritpn. Special. attention to state trade,,guestland commercial trarolers. Farnam street electric cars pass the door to and from all parts of the city. JttJtfiHOOD WESTOWED! MMtr. sUmtas3ecdtocuAjuiiieruasdlemaeNsucUWeskMeuo0.lMsataiala Power, Hemdaclie. Wakeful neilx)itMubood;NlbtIyKmiillnsTNeiTSS- When the ice man oomes-be euretbe same 'LINCOLN 'ICE ..CO., is -on the wagon, they.have no .-pond ice. 1!M0 O Street 9af?NR 5& J MLt JL TBHBHBfWBnii orerezerUon. umvom Ten pocket. MtsTtai itkflsl ness.auaninaajMioMor.pvrinQaermUTaoriEaB oCeitaer aaxaausaB n errra, exceuiTe ue or tobacco, optua orsttav Sold eol loT?eTrk-.ja?r f wm mrrmttKt'tti Said. br u L'l? j9rJhfJTXn$L9Lff&J M ! ! .!! M.fJM"-. n?'g''ll'?,f.TWraW - -E- ,' s s -& v ' -rS4 ip ,i" a -5 -J irs ocie toUocflfj HiVWW Sf-'