The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 04, 1895, Page 9, Image 9

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The Lansing theatre has been closed
all week, and the Funke was only open
ed once for the Philharmomic concert
Tuesday evening. Some strong attract
ions are coming in the next couple of
Tuesday night the last of the orches
tral concerts given by the Philharmonic
society was given to an appreciative
audience at the Funke. The program
was as follows:
Overture, "Mrry Wives of Windsor"
Introduction and prayer from "Rienzi"
Serenade Schubert
Ladies Telyn Quartet
Intermezzo from "Naila" Dehbes
Overture, "Freischuetz" Weber
Concerto in C minor Beethoven
Allegro con brio, cadenza by Reinscke
Miss Susie Scofield
Serenade from horn and flute Titl
Messrs. G. Abbott, Harry Knight
March Hongrois from "Damnation
of Faust,. Cerlioz
(a) "In the Shade" ? p,i;,
(ty."Dance in the Olden Style" J uer,0lz
String Orchestra
Waltz, "Jolly Girls' Vollstedt
Reserved seats will be sold for 50 cents
The stage will be set in approved mili
tary style, with tents, gunp, etc., and
there will be military drills. These
arrangements will be under the charge
of Lieutenant Pershing and Captain
Campbell. Lieutenant Townley will
look after the decorations. There will
be a chorus of 100 voices, under the
direction of Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond
The songs will include all of the popular
American patriotic airs and war songs.
Miss Clara Anderson and other soloists
will be heard.
Emily Bancker will come to the Lan
sing May 14, when she wi!l present
"Our Flat." Miss Bancker is one of
the cleverest actresses of the day, and
in this play she has achieved signal
"Sidetracked" is the next attraction
at the Lansing. This play, as its title
indicates, is a sensational production. It
is said to be a very stirring attraction,
embracing fine scenery and taking
specialties. It is due May 10.
Col. Lew Ginger's engagement at the
Funko has been cancelled.
Lincoln has not yet had an opportun
ity to witness a presentation of genuino
living pictures such as aro seen in Now
York. When Tisso comes to thiB city
May with his troupe of foreign per
formers, most of whom are Parisians
such an opportunity will bo presented.
Tisso's exhibition includes, besides, an
array of vaudeville features. The com
pany comes to this country direct from
the Folio Bergeres Paris and the
Alhamha theatre, London, and in it aro
some of the cleverest specialists of the
old world. This attraction is booked
for May 18, at the Funke opera house.
Lillian Lillian is coming to Lincoln
again. Nobody who was in this city the
' week of the opening of the Lansing
theatre has forgotten Lillian Lewis.
- There were plenty of people who did.not
like this actress, but it isja fact that
'.. since she played here she has filled
several engagements in New York with
much apparent success. Her plays are
, of the modern sensational type that are
";" much tho vogue just now. Ever since
35; Miss Lewis gave the memorable opening
tf "4j--- performances at the Lansing she haB
VS?- . been desirous of coming back, and now
arrangements have been made for her
return to this house Saturday, May 11,
when she will present her latest and
most ambitious production, "Cleopatra."
Edouard Remenyi, the Hungarian
violinist, who will be heard at the Funke
Wednesday, May 15, has been in Lincoln
many times, and has many friends here.
As far back as fifteen years ago Remenyi
took in Lincoln on his concert tours and
of late years he has made annual ap
pearances here. Remenyi's music ap
peals strongly to the popular taste. He
is supported this year by a competent
pianist and vocalist.
The war concert to be given May 8 at
the Funke promises to be a particularly
interesting event. The entertainment
will be similar to that recently given in
Chicago, and will be for the benefit of
the Woman's Christian association.
Captain Weideman is mentioned as
a strong candidate for tho office of chief
of the fire department.
W. S. Hamilton having been appointed
deputy city attorney, will not push his
candidacy for county judge.
E. B. Stephenson may be a candidate
for clerk of tho district court.
W. F. Kelley has been spoken ot as a
candidate for county judge.
Chairman Gideon, in his weekly L. A.
W. racing bulletin, says: "The quarter
mile, half-mile and two mile champion
ships have been assigned to the Asbury
Park wheelmen, July 11, 12, 13. Charles
A. Deinan, Cedar Rapids, la., is sus
pended pending investigation. Among
the sanctions granted was the Wapello
cycling club, Ottumwa, la., July 4.
( Written for Thk Couuex.
When across the rote-strewn path that
we had hoped to tread
Some rude unlooked for barrier lifts its
From out our heavy grief we are wont
to weave
For tho whole wido world, a sable paJl.
When on our brow tho thorns of disap
pointment press
And circumstances drive us in a stony
Wo rail against the world and scoff at
And blame high heaven in our fretful
But though the disappointments come,
and smarting thorns,
And all our hopes Ho as a broken
Yet must we learn that in the sorrow of
this world
One heart'6 sorrow is but a tiny Heck.
For there has been since first tho human
Began to beat its own soft muffied
Great sorrows that havo reached to
heaven itself,
And down to the very gates of hopeless
But only one amidst the multitude has
Because his sorrow broke his human
And he it was who on the blood stained
Tore death's black veil of fearful gloom
And so when sorrow lays a heavy hand
upon your head
And circumstances lash you with a
scourge of pain,
Know that your lot is but the common
lot of man
A part of tho world's great solemn
alto strain.
William Reed Dumsoy.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disea
se, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi
monals. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
.138 South Eleventh Street.
Short order meals at all hours.
All the delicacies of the season
.... always on hand
- - - Proprietor.
Men's neckwear at Browning King &
Try Tangoretta the New Drink at
Riggs' Pharmacy, 12th and O street.
Canon City coal at the Wbitebreaat
Coal and Lime Co.
Genuine Coal Creek Canyon and Rock
SpringB coal at tho Whitebreost.
Home Stekt.'s Excursion, May 21.
Only one faro for tho round trip via
The BunusoTON. Tickets good for
twenty days o Arkansas, Colorado,
Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Indian
and Oklahoma Territories, Texas, South
Dakota, Missouri, New Mexico and
Utah. For full information apply at B.
t M. depot or at city office, corner 10th
and O streets.
Geo. W.Bon.nell, C. P. it T. A.
Notice is hereby given that all out
standing school warrants of tho city of
Lincoln not registered by number and
of a date prior to September 1, 189-1, are
called for payment this day, interest
ceasing on same May 1, 1895.
M. I. Aitken, City Treasurer.
Lincoln, Neb., April 20, 1895.
First publication May 4.
In county court within and for Lan
caster county, Nebraska. May term 1895
in tho matter of tho estate of Robert
Roggenkamp deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
i'ou are hereby notified, that I will
Bit at the county court room in Lincoln
in said county, on tho 3oth day of
September 1895, and nguin on the 31st
day of December 1895 to recoivo and
examine all claims against said estate,
with u view to their adjustment and
allowance. Tho time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estae is six months from the 15th day of
June A. D. 1895, and the time limited
for the payment of debts is one year
from said 15th day of June 1S95.
Notico of this proceeding is ordered
publish) d fourconsecutive weeks in The
Coukiek a weekly newspaper published
in this state.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
county court, this 1st day of May 1895.
I. W. Lansing
sealI County Judge.
May 25
The annual exhibit of the society of
electrical engineres of the University of
Nebraska will be held this evening
in the engineering building.
"What is this?" exclaimed the prima
donna, as she crumpled the printed
sheet, threw it upon thefioorand stamp
ed upon it.
"What is tho matter, my dear J" asked
her husband.
"A new brand of piano has been placed
on the market without my knowledge.and
I have not written a testimonial saying
it is the finest instrument I have ever
used. This is the first time such a thing
has happened and it is an insult."
Bach Would you consider May an
unlucky month to be married in.
Miss Passe They say it is, but I'm
willing to waive the popular supersti
tton in your case, thank you so much.
Knox celebrated ladies' sailor hats at
the Famous, 1029 O street.
Every flavor of soda and all the miner
al waters at Harley's new fountain.
Knox's latesc style sailor hats for
ladies at the Famous.
Crushed fruits and other sodas at
Harley's new fountain.
Summer's heat turned to cool content
at Harley's soda fountain.
Harley's drug store has the finest
fountain in the city.
First publication May 4.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
district court of the third judicial
district of Ntibrabka within and for
Lancaster county Nebraska in an
action wherein Winnebago National
bank is plaintiff, and L. C. Humphrey et
al are defendants, I will at 2 o'clock
P. M. on the 4th day of June A. D. 1895
at the east door of the court house, in
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,
Nebraska, otfer for sale at public
auction the following described real
estate to-wit.
Lots one (1) two (2) and three (3) in
block or section "Q in Grand view
residence park in Lancaster county,
Given under my hand this 1st day of
May A. D. 1895.
Fred A. Miller.
June 1.
First publicaiion May4
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk
of the district court of the third judicial
district ot Nebraska within and for
Lancaster county, in an action wherein
the Union Savings bank of Lincoln
Nebraska is plaintiff and Major G.
Bohanan et al are defendants, I will at
2 o'clock P. M., on the 4th day of Juno
A. D. 1895, at the east door of the court
house in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraskaotfer for sale at public
auction the following described real
"Lot," E of block forty-one (41) of
Lincoln, lot.three (3) in block fifteen (15)
of south Lincoln addition to Lincoln
and lots five (5) and six (G) of block
eleven (11) of Lincoln, all in Lancaster
county Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 2dn day o
Mav A. D. 1895. f
Fred A. Miller
June 1.